The book of understanding and freedom
What every soul on earth deserves to know
What is balance, would you recognize it?
This offering is a simple way of understanding what balance truly means in your life, and how to attain it
Generally, people either want everything or nothing
As people made in God’s image, we need to develop balanced belief systems, thinking, feeling and actions, to be complete
God has given human beings the gift of free will and He will not take His gift back, even if we misuse this free will gift
The human experience is leaving God in the great fall
Returning to God and our real home in heaven
Let us make full benefit of the wonderful opportunity of life on this planet
Understand God, people and life on earth
There are answers for all of your questions
You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free
New Revelations revealed
The author, Blaine Lefebvre, spent over 30 years walking with the Holy Spirit of the living God. He never belonged to a church or any type of religious institution. He was never taught or engrained in any particular type of doctrine, teaching or religious training. Over the years Blaine has always kept himself from the influence of men and the doctrines of man. When he first became aware of the divine realm and the kingdom of God, at the age of 25, he prayed one prayer, that he never forgot and has never had to pray again, firmly believing the prayer has always been answered from the first time. That prayer was “GOD, please never allow me to ever be deceived or misled in any way, and reveal to me all truth as it really is in it’s right perspective”. He could see, back then, that there were many people, churches and many religions, with many different beliefs. They were all saying that they were the only ones that were right. But how could they be right when they were all divided, not one religion or church really accepting of the other ones, whereas this acceptance would have been the real unconditional love of God. Blaine realized that either one was right or they were all wrong and that there was a higher truth that they were all missing. If one of them were right, how would he find out which one was right. Blaine experienced many churches and religions over the years and never found the one that was right or in the right balance. Never heard the right truth or the higher truth or seen the real unconditional love of God. They talked about it all the time, but no one seemed to know how to live it. All this time, Blaine continued to find his own balance, what has been called the narrow or middle way, and he discovered that It all comes from God directly, through our inner spirits as we open up our desire and willingness to learn from God, in humility and surrender. He discovered that God wants us to know the truth, but it was all subject to our free will, our faith and our love and acceptance of all things. When we surrender to unconditional love, we begin to open the door to wisdom, with wisdom we open the door to knowledge and understanding and this in turn brings in direct revelation. Without these things we cannot possibly find the way to a balanced life. All of the treasures of God are available to all of His children without exception. What He has done for others, He will do for you. Blaine has discovered that we are all beautiful spiritual beings, we are all loved and we are all on this earth for a special purpose. We can all find out why we are here and what we all need to accomplish. God loves us all with the same unconditional love, that does not depend on who we are, what we do or where we go in life. If we truly understood this love, we would come out of the darkness, the deceptions, the bondage, the traps, the self-condemnation, guilt, and the negative side of life. We would then shine as beacon lights to the rest of the world as we would come to know the real truth that would set us really free.
The universes, galaxies, solar systems, stars, moons, planets (Earth), nature, animals and humans, are all set in an incredible divine balance, maintained by God’s kingdom, but also effected by the mass consciousness of human beings
As people in God’s image, we need to develop balanced belief systems, thinking, feeling and action in our lives
This balance is what the bible calls the narrow way, eastern religions call it the middle way, but it is the balance of life
As humans we need to be balanced to transcend ourselves into ascension and progress into eventual eternal life
Balance is a necessary key for long-term stability, evolution and permanent long-term survival for all living things
We need the creative power of the Father aspect, and the balancing effect of the Mother aspect of God together
Without balance, for a long period of time, the entire planet earth would eventually self-destruct under the pressure
God’s kingdom works to create and maintain a permanent balance in all of our lives as human beings on this planet
There are many things that we need to balance in and through us, and work out while we are here on earth
The faster we fulfill our divine purposes and plans, the less time we spend on earth before returning to our real home
Things in life are not complicated, but we sometimes get consumed with the things of life and complicate them
Things in life are simple if we view them with simplicity
This book is designed to clarify things in their simplified state and with simplistic reasoning and higher logic
We need to view God, the world, and each other in this simplified state of reasonability and understanding
Changing the way we view God, ourselves and others, changes the way we view the world and all that is in it
We need to know and understand our past, in order to know and understand our present and possible future outcomes
Who is God, who are we, and where did we all come from?
What does God want or require from us in this lifetime?
How do we deal with God, man and ourselves?
What is the purpose of our existence in this life?
What is life and what’s it for in relation to us?
Why are we here, and what do we need to accomplish?
Where do we go from here when this life is over?
Where on earth do we find balance, when all around us, we see massive imbalance and tremendous extremism?
People are, for the most part, extremists, in so many areas of their lives. They prefer having either nothing or everything, doing nothing or everything, and being everything or nothing, anything but balance
There are those that overeat, are over weight, and those who starve themselves to skin and bone and sometimes death
There are those that are addicted to excessive alcohol, and those that abstain from drinking alcohol completely
We have those who are totally religious, and those that refuse to even believe there is a God, practicing atheism
There are those who believe that the Bible is the only Word of God, and follow it literally, forgetting the living word, and those who won’t believe in it at all, and live contrary to any religious expectations
There are those who talk too much, and not allow others to speak and those who won’t hardly, talk at all.
There are those that are loud and brash, and like to be heard and those that are extremely shy and withdrawn
There are those that hate themselves, and those that think too highly of themselves, in pride and self-conceit.
There are those that work too much and are workaholics and those that don’t want to work at all
There are those that seem to have all of the money and wealth, and those that know only lack and poverty
There are those that are totally obsessed with spirituality, and those that are totally selfish living shallow lives
There are some that are takers, and some that are givers
There are those that give all they own to religion, or what they understand to be God, and those that are completely materialistic and hoard all they can acquire
There are those who believe in severe punishment, and those that don’t believe in punishment or correction at all
There are those that are extreme legalists to the letter of the law and those that are completely lawless
There are people very proud, egotistical and power hungry, and some that are in the humblest of positions in life
There are those that love and are obsessed with money and there are those that totally fear money and avoid having it
There are those who crave fame and attention, and those that never want to be noticed, but desire only obscurity
Chapter 1 - Spirit
Chapter 2 - Soul Body
Chapter 3 - Mental Body
Chapter 4 - Emotional Body
Chapter 5 - Physical Body
Chapter 6 - Ego/Conscious/Subconscious Mind
Chapter 7 - Attachments & Addictions
Chapter 8 - The Kingdom of God is Within You
Chapter 9 - Humility/Submission/Surrender
Chapter 10- Belief System
Chapter 11- Wisdom
Chapter 12- knowledge
Chapter 13- Understanding
Chapter 14- Revelation
Chapter 15- Reincarnation
Chapter 16- Guidance & Direction
Chapter 17- Prayer & Meditation
Chapter 18- Male & Female
Chapter 19- Children
Chapter 20- Trials & Tribulations
Chapter 21- Creation
Chapter 22- Miracles & Healing
Chapter 23- Religion
Chapter 24-Deliverance/Exorcism/Dark Spirits
Chapter 25- The Ego System
Chapter 26- Wealth / Money / Finance
Chapter 27- Salvation/Conversion/ Born Again
Chapter 28- Class
Chapter 29- Hope
Chapter 30- Faith
Chapter 31- Love
Chapter 32- Together as One
Chapter 33 - The new revelation for earth
The bible says that God came from Teman, which is interpreted as meaning nowhere. God coming from nowhere can seem difficult to understand, but it simply means that there is no particular place that he came from. There is no other place that has Gods like him of which he is one. God never came from somewhere or some other place, he just was and always was. God consciousness existed before any of the universes were created or before creation came into existence. God created other spirits in His own image. God and the spirits of God chose, at a particular point in time, to create the material world of 12 universes. The universes were created first, then the masters of the universes to oversee them. He then created archangels and angels to assist in the process of evolution, and to protect the universes from the influence of dark spirits who were not in agreement with the decision to create the material world, or to give human beings free will. In addition, these dark spirits led by Lucifer, did not want to serve mankind. It is God’s vision that all of His created spirits and even that Lucifer and the dark spirits will eventually see the error of their ways and return to God and be restored to their original state as beings of light.
Before creation was chosen as a viable option and before creation started, God continually duplicated himself and created facets of spheres, that became more god spirits, with their own self-awareness. They were spirit beings, fashioned after God’s likeness, in his image. These spirits would have to grow and mature to become more like God himself and to become as creative and powerful as God himself. These individual spirits took part in the design and creation of the 12 material universes that make up the present material world.
Some of these spirits, with God’s help, decided to create individual souls to descend into the material universe and experience planet Earth to grow, mature and raise planet earth back to the level of God . In doing so, God would also grow and become larger. The individual spirits, inside the human body, remained attached to the souls. Because free will is a universal law, the divine spirits could not interfere with the soul’s development unless the freewill of the soul allowed the divine spirit to intervene. This is allowed through invitation, surrender and cooperation.
Major reasons for our existence on planet earth is to grow, mature, develop, and to become stronger spirit beings through the strengthening and healing effects of love. The trials and tribulations we encounter here on earth cause us to become stronger by our ability to solve them, reshape problems into answers or to rise above the problems and overcome them. Through pain, suffering and adversity, we make giant strides towards growth, maturity and the strengthening and developing of our eternal souls. Happiness, peace and contentment, is our reward when we are able to overcome adversity.
Through pressure we find change, through suffering find humility, through adversity find patience, through tribulations find contentment, through being treated badly by others, we can learn to treat others with love and respect.
We can help one another grow through love, and become stronger well-balanced human beings. There is nothing better than true experience to bring true understanding.
We all have areas of development that we are strong in and weak in. The strong ones need little work but the weak areas need much work to perfect them.
It would be better for the stronger souls among us to assist the weaker ones, instead of trying to dominate or control them, to help them attain future development and strength. Real strength is not physical but spiritual in origin and in application. Real strength comes from the spirit. It expresses itself through the spiritual world and manifests into the physical world.
This strength is the creative power which comes from the Father aspect of God, balanced by the Mother aspect of God, which is the material world around us. This balance makes things sustainable for the future, eternally.
If we give up and cut short our development in any area of our lives, we will have to do this life again until we get it right. This is the situation, when we find ourselves going around and around in the same, never ending circles of life. We find ourselves back in situations of life, that we have been in before and are back there again. In this life situation we are not getting it, we are not making some necessary changes for growth and we will be caught in this cycle until we do. Try making better decisions and viewing the situation from a different angle or perspective, which can change the outcome or the result of these life situations, circumstances or our own attitudes. This will affect the way we see things or view God, ourselves, others, and the world.
It is very beneficial for us to pray to God, and ask for wisdom and knowledge to find out what we need to learn. We can experience and help to speed up the process of development in our lives, that would help us move on to bigger and better things, and hopefully within our divine plan for this life time which is our goal for this life.
God is very happy to show us things, when we pray and ask for His help and assistance to accomplish our goals. It is very beneficial for us to find out what our true spiritual purposes are in this life, what we need to accomplish, and to try to be of assistance in our own progress.
The highest objective for all of us to attain is to (love, forgive and accept God), (love, forgive and accept ourselves) and (love, forgive and accept others).
The major road-blocks to love, acceptance and forgiveness are fear, guilt and shame. Fear, guilt and shame are negative spirits and produce stress, hurt and pain. They are very destructive to our growth process or maturity. Fear, guilt and shame are insane, they have no place in our lives. They have no power, except what we willingly choose to give them. We need to work through and overcome these fear based negative emotions to succeed spiritually.
At any time in life, any of us can start over fresh, forgive ourselves for things that we perceive that we have done from a negative or selfish perspective. In addition we can, at any time, start over with other people and forgive them, to allow them to start fresh.
We can also forgive God, for what we perceive that he has done to us, which is only our perception, nevertheless we have to deal with it. God, of coarse hasn't done anything to us, we have done it to ourselves. We will all realize this eventually.
We are all in a human existence, we all make mistakes, and we are all here to learn and to experience life. Mistakes are the very reason for mercy, grace and forgiveness towards ourselves, and others. We need to exercise these virtues towards ourselves, just as much as we need to exercise them towards others.
The bible says that there is no partiality with God, or, what God will do for others, he will also do for you. It is very important for us as humans to understand that we are all equally important to God. He desires only the best for each one of us, but He also needs our consent and cooperation, through the act of our own free wills, in order to fulfill His divine plan for each of our lives on earth.
Let’s give ourselves, and others a break, and build on the positives of life for all our benefit. Positive energies produce positive results. Negative energies produce negative results. Positive virtues and results will be very pleasing to God, our selves and others. We will create what we think about and focus our energy towards.
The essence of God is a pure spiritual energy, vibration or power and a spirit being of magnificent power, intent, motivation and character. His consciousness was alive and functioning, long before the creation of anything, situated out in the vastness of space.
God was not created by anything or anyone; He existed before the creation of substance and time. He was not physical, as we know it. God Is and He is the creator or originator of all things that exist in the spiritual and natural realms. He is, was and always will be, the beginning of all things.
The bible says that God came from Teman, which is translated “know where”. God coming from "know where" could seem hard to understand but it just means that God energy and consciousness always was or always existed. He always was, He is now and He always will be. Before the world was, he was. He is not subject to time, He creates time and if He chooses, ends time. He is the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the alpha and the omega of all creation.
Everything in our world and even in our universe has a beginning and an end. We start something and we finish it. Our lives start and finish. We have a hard time conceiving the notion of no beginning and no ending. This is eternal divine thinking without limitations of the natural world.
This is called eternity and it is not subject to time. Time is only relevant if there is a beginning and there is an end, or if we have limits, or if there is a process, that time might have an effect on.
If we lived forever and we were totally happy and content, then time would have no power over us, and would have no real effect on us. Time would then be meaningless to us. If there were only eternal life, If everything did not die, then time would have little effect or power to interfere with the process of life.
We are born and we die. With God, time is not relevant. It is eternity, without time and without beginning or ending and without limitations of time or death. God lives forever and eternally, where time has no relevance. In eternity there is no start time, no extended time and no ending time.
We cannot limit God or limit His creation, just because we choose not to believe in all that has been revealed to us. But we can limit the effect it all has on our lives, personally, by our resistance to the divine. Our unbelief or our lack of acceptance to the divine, or lack of faith or belief in the super natural existence and power of God, only limits us, not God.
If we refuse to pray and ask God for help or to invite Him into situations or circumstances in our lives, it will have negative effects on us, and also on the people around us. But if we ask for help, God will be faithful and just to intervene and help change the outcome of events, situations or circumstances. We all have a divine plan in this life and if we ask according to that plan, we will see more and quicker results, in answer to our prayers.
God is a creator and He continually creates, whether it is here on earth or anywhere else that He chooses to create. We would be mistaken to think that we are the only creation in our Universe, or other Universes that God has made. God could never be limited and it would be useless to try and limit Him in any way. If we limit God, we limit ourselves and if we are here long enough we will understand that we do not have limits.
His capabilities and strength are indescribable and unfathomable. We cannot study or completely understand God, but we can reach Him and touch Him by Faith. Prayer is talking with or carrying on a conversation with God, even if we cannot physically see Him. God is available to all of His creation, but he must be seen in spirit and in truth, or reality.
Prayer and meditation are sometimes confused as meaning the same thing, but they are in fact very different in intent and application. Prayer is talking to God, letting him know our intent, asking for help or assistance and giving him our own perspective on things, our assessment of our own needs or the needs of others. Pray is asking God to intervene and do something with a circumstance or situation that we perceive that we can not handle ourselves. The God presence is inside of us, is fully aware of our situations and circumstances and has all of the answers that we need in life. This however will be in line with our divine plan for this life. Prayers are always answered, just not always the way we think that they should be, due to our perceived lack which will change in time.
Meditation is receiving information from God through different methods of preparation, quietness and intent. Many religions have different variations and methods of meditating but they are very similar in many ways. The basic process is to shut out the business and clutter of life and to tune into the spiritual realm, or the divine spirit within us, to receive information from God that will assist us and other people in our daily lives on planet earth. As we receive from God in this process, we evolve and expand our understanding and knowledge to grow and mature and to develop into an individual being with self awareness and consciousness.
We can spiritually see God through the eyes of our spirit and we all have spirits that are made in God’s image. It is not our physical bodies that are made in God’s image. Our spiritual eyes or our ability to imagine will enable us to communicate with God, without the interference of our conscious and subconscious minds. Whether we want to admit it or not, or whether we want to use it or not, or whether we want to use it and not recognize what it is, we still contact God through our spiritual eyes. Our spirits make contact with God continually this way, whether we want to recognize God as the source or even acknowledge God.
The bible says that God elevates his word even above his name. This means that people simply receiving God’s word is more important to Him than recognizing His name, or giving Him the glory. God is not egotistical, nor demanding of recognition and acknowledgement, like some people tend to believe. He is gracious and understanding, and more concerned that we get what we need to help us on our spiritual path to truth and reality.
Some people and some religions would lead us to believe that God is some kind of an arrogant, angry judge, ready to strike us down at every opportunity, when we fail or make mistakes in life. Other people would attempt to lead us to believe that God is dominating, controlling, unforgiving , cruel , vindictive , vengeful and begrudging.
This is as far from the truth as anyone can get. The concepts could never be substantiated by any scripture in the New Testament of the bible. In the New Testament God talks more about love and forgiveness than any other topic. Furthermore God demonstrates this in life, where his mercy and grace prevails. If God judged all the sins of the world, the way some people would have us believe, none of us would still be here on earth. The fact that we are all still here is proof of God’s unwillingness to judge us.
God is humble and gracious and He is concerned with our welfare as well as our growth and maturity. He elevates the importance of our growth and maturity even above our ability to recognize and acknowledge Him. Even if we do not recognize Him, but choose to be obedient to Him by listening to His spiritual voice, He will feed us information and power to become stronger, complete or wholly in him.
He is actually even more concerned about our growth and maturity, than He is our comfort, contentment and happiness. God is very much concerned with our happiness and comfort but not at the expense of our advancement, growth and maturity, which is the ultimate goal for our lives here on planet earth. Our ultimate goal in life is to become like Him.
In the very beginning, we were all with God, were a part of God, and came from God, even before the world existed. We are, in fact, all gods, as we are individualizations or an extension of God on earth. Even though the earth is quite young, many of our spirits are very old and have been in existence on this earth for a very long time. We have been going around the cycles of life and death on earth continuously.
All of us as spirits took part in the creation of the universe, galaxies and even helped in designing this earth, the laws, nature, plants, animals and even ourselves. We all agreed on how it would be done as well as the laws, perimeters and balances that would be in place. We took part in setting all of the natural, physical, universal and spiritual laws.
We agreed that our spirits and souls would be sent here to this world as babies, and that all knowledge of the previous world of existence would become inaccesable. We would have to live in and walk through this world, in a designated amount of time, with only our faith and prayer to contact God, to receive help and guidance. God agreed not to interfere with our lives here, unless we prayed and asked him to intervene. He will give us what we ask for, but will draw a greater response if we ask within the framework of our divine plans.
We can even choose to deny God’s existence if we want to. Just like God, we all have a free will. He will not interfere with our free will and will only help when we believe in Him and choose to call on Him for his help. When we call on God in faith, with humility, honesty and sincerity, with a fervent spirit and gentle attitude, we will invoke a quicker and larger response from God.
God knows the areas that we all need to develop in, and He leads us into things, circumstances and people in life that will accomplish this particular development within us. Every circumstance that we encounter has an effect on our personal development, growth and maturity in life. Our choices in life have a direct effect on what we will learn and how long it will take to accomplish our goals.
God leads us by our spirits through the power of His spirit, and with our cooperation. God works this progression in our lives to the degree that we are willing to submit and receive these advances throughout our lives.
God desires to make us all into beautiful and powerful beings, that are more becoming in nature with more strength and maturity. This makes us into stronger people for our eternal purposes, living in harmony with Him and with one another in eternal heavenly dwellings forever.
The spirit within us came from God and was created by God before the foundation of the world. It is the spirit being within us that gives us the power of life. It is the spiritual power and intelligence that came from God, that has the ability to keep our physical hearts pumping and sustaining physical, emotional and mental life. Our spirits within us receive a constant supply of energy from God, to keep us alive and to give us the strength that we need to live and to function in our lives.
With all of our modern technology, as humans, we still do not understand what sustains life in our bodies, and keeps our hearts pumping and keeps us alive. If we contribute this power of life to the physical realm, we are only viewing things on the surface. The physical realm does not have the power to sustain life without the power of the spirit. There must be an energy, or power source to keep our hearts beating inside of us. Just as a car cannot move or travel without fuel and a motor to power it, so a body cannot sustain itself without the fuel of God and power of life or life force given by God, to empower it.
If a baby is born without a spirit, it is born dead or only survives for a short period of time. As long as the child is connected to the mother it is alive, but when the child is separate, it cannot survive without a spirit. As long as the child is connected internally to the mother, it has life to sustain it, because of the mother’s spirit alone. Without a spirit, the child has no life force of its own to sustain it.
We have easily figured out how to kill the body, repair the body, but not how the body sustains life. This is because we cannot understand the sustaining or continuation of life in the physical realm, or from a purely physical perspective.
We have to venture into the spiritual realm and understand these things by faith, as we are not able to physically see the spirit or the power of the spirit that sustains this life within us. We cannot detect or connect with the spirit by using our physical senses, our physical minds or bodies.
We can however comprehend the power of the spirit and understand how it operates, by viewing the process and end result of the effects of the power of the spirit. Even though we cannot see the spirit, we can see the physical results of the power of the spiritual realm, in the physical world. We can see and feel our bodies being alive, living, feeling and moving. Still people seem to think that everything else in life needs a power source, but that our minds and bodies can function without a power source.
Nothing can exist or take place in this world without a power source to make it happen or allow it to happen. We seem to be able to understand this concept in the physics realm, but we cannot seem to understand it very well when we consider our own minds and bodies.
The laws of physics were created, supported and maintained by the power of the spirit realm. The real power source for life is always initiated in the spirit realm and nothing in the physical realm of existence has the power to exist on it's own. We should keep in mind, what was stated in the bible, that the things that are seen ( physical objects etc ) are energized and powered by the things that are not seen ( particles, atoms, molecules, DNA etc).
Without the spiritual life force of our spirits within us, our minds and bodies would be without life, and we would die in a short time, completely without the life giving energy or power to express or communicate in any way. Our physical minds and our physical bodies do not have a life source of their own and have to rely on our spirits to have the power to survive, function or live in this world.
This is quite evident when death occurs, and the spirit and soul are removed from the body. The body becomes virtually lifeless and the mind becomes unable to communicate. It would be impossible to find a mind and a body alive without the existence of the spirit energy within it.
Eventually when we do die, the physical mind and body (when the spirit departs) returns to the ground as dust. The body returns to the original pre-created state, that of common soil, here on Earth. The same elements that are found in dirt or soil are also found in the human body, according to science.
Our spirit is in touch with God and the spirit world at all times. Our spirit receives a consistent flow of pure energy from God, and in turn feeds this energy to our souls, our emotions, our minds and bodies. This energy provides life and ability for action in the world around us.
In receiving information, power etc., from the spirit world, or God, our spirits (projecting through our souls) gently move to influence our character, attitudes, thoughts, and our emotions or feelings. Our actions are a result of this process. As allow our spirits to influence our actions, it also influences our circumstances and the world around us. We, or our souls, either accept or reject the influence of our spirits within us. This is accomplished by the act of our free wills that we have been entrusted with, by God.
Our cooperation with this spiritual influence will determine how successful we will be in obtaining growth, maturity, a Godly life style and fulfilling our divine plan in this present plane of existence. We are directly responsible for our willingness and intent to receive, accept or incorporate this divine influence in our daily lives. The more influence we can accept and incorporate into our lives the more growth, maturity and balance we will have in our lives.
This will include all areas: our spiritual world, our mental world, our emotional world, physical world, and the material world as we know it. Our success is directly proportional to our ability and insight to fulfill our spiritual objectives on the path of life that we have previously agreed to accomplish. Our success in our response to the spirit world will keep us in direct contact with God at all times.
Success in the mental world will give us power to maintain and to co-create with god and change our environment. Responding to our spirits will give us a positive attitude with positive thinking and will make us more successful in our mental, emotional and physical world. This success is not according to worldly standards and would not be able to be appraised by world standards. Someone who is successful in following their spirits could appear to the world as a total failure, but could actually be fulfilling their divine plan from God.
Jesus appeared to be unsuccessful, in his life, according to world standards. He never owned anything in the physical world, he never had or handled money, he never sought office, religious or political power, or any type of worldly power, Jesus was in fact a beggar.
Success in the mental, emotional or feeling area of our character will bring us self control, and stability in our personal lives. This will help us to co-create with God in changing the world around us for the better. Emotions are powerful and when we put strong emotions (or energy in motion) into what we want to create in our lives, our creation abilities are unlimited or only as limited as we will allow.
Success in the physical realm will help to keep our bodies healthy and physically fit to house our spirits and our minds to continue in this life, giving us health, vitality and strength for the future. Fitness and strength comes from our inner spirits to our physical as we allow it.
The way God views success is quite different than the way most people view success. True success is not measured in wealth, finances, possessions, fame or recognition, or what we physically do or are able to accomplish in this life. True success is not based on any factors that we can measure by the standards of this material world or anything in this material world itself. True success is not measured in a higher status position or any degree of elevation above other people.
In this life one person being more valued than another, or being preferred before another does not truly exist in the realms of reality. It is only a figment of our imagination. We are all on the same level from God’s perspective. He loves us all in the same capacity and to the same degree. When we mature in life we will begin to view each other on the same level as well, without discrimination and with a healthy dose of love, acceptance and respect.
True success is fulfilling the divine plan that we came here to accomplish on earth. True success is developing spiritual growth, maturity and balance in this life. That includes the progressive ability to love, accept, and forgive ourselves as well as loving accepting and forgiving other people around us. True success is learning to live with one another in unity, peace and harmony.
This is valued far more by God and the kingdom of light, than any kind of financial wealth, fame or physical success that we, as people tend to value more highly. The true success will come in our lives as we learn to draw on our spirits and the influence of the spirit realm.
It is well known in this life that fame, wealth, power and recognition does not bring people happiness or contentment. In fact it usually causes people more stress and discomfort from trying to maintain the fame, wealth, power and recognition or contending with the threat of losing it. Financial gains and losses can and will totally consume and dominate their lives if they allow it. This leaves no room for the real important things in life, like our personal growth, spiritual attainment, and love and care for others.
Happiness could be closely related to success. If you find true happiness in this life, it will be one of the most successful things you could accomplish during your lifetime. Feeling good about yourself and becoming content with yourself is true success. This can only be accomplished by balancing our previous life karma or negative actions and learning our lessons in life.
If you can help other people to be happy in this life, find their purpose or help them to become content with themselves, to feel good, it would be even more successful in the school of learning here on earth. When you love others, you love yourself, because you are different aspects of the same spirit.
Fame, wealth, power and recognition do not play a direct role in finding true happiness in this world. True happiness comes from within us and not from without. If your happiness relies on outer circumstances then your happiness will go up and down with those circumstances. Happiness must come from the God spirit within us, who is continually happy at all times. Our life process is learning to tap into our inner spirits and the happiness that comes with it.
Physical & financial health is necessary for existence in this life. The other more important aspects of “spiritual growth & maturity” are necessary for living in peace, harmony and happiness with one another. This can be accomplished both in this life, and the next life, which is eternal.
Physical, financial or famous accomplishments will have no lasting significance in the next world we will live in, when we leave this world. It will only benefit us if these avenues of success are used, to not only help ourselves, but also to help other people spiritually, mentally, emotionally physically or financially.
The bible tells us that the greatest people among us are those that are the servants of everyone. Jesus came to this planet to demonstrate the serving of others, while being surrendered to God. Being surrendered to the God spirit within us, will guide us in the best way to help or to be of service to others. Jesus was a servant to the people, even up to His own death on the cross, when he said “ forgive them Father, for they know not what they do “.
He healed and set people free from the bondage that they were in. He was called the son of God and the son of man both. He showed us a better, more perfect way. He was called the way, the truth and the life. Jesus did not even have a place to live, transportation, money or any type of wealth. He became famous for what He gave of himself to people, including the gift of His own life, which he gave without asking for anything in return. Jesus hoped that through his death, people on earth might see the error of their ways.
The bible says that there is no greater love, than to lay down our lives for another. Jesus never even talked about wealth, except to drive out the money changers from the temple with a whip, or when he encouraged a wealthy person to give all that he had away. Money or wealth can block people from attaining spirituality.
When it came to wealth Jesus never desired it, had it or even talked about it when He was here among us. Financial wealth was not important to Him. He had the well being of people to consider, and he had no extra time for the things of this world that we sometimes hold so dear.
Jesus said that he who holds on to his life, in this world, will lose it. He also said that he who gives up his life in this world will save it. If we become attached to the things of this world we will be unable to fulfill our divine plan on earth. We can give up our attachment to things without giving up the things themselves, but it is more difficult. Few are those who accomplish it.
Life here is just a training ground for the next life (in the Spirit world) that is real, in fact more real than this physical life here on earth. The Spirit world existed first before the physical world was created. The spirit world is more real than this physical world because this physical world is only temporary. Someday the physical world will be eliminated and rebuilt into a spiritual kingdom that will stand forever.
We think that the physical world is more real, only because we are trapped in it, at this present time. We are subject to all of the physical laws and conditions of this world. We are sometimes so in tune with this physical world, that it can be hard for us to realize that the Spirit world even exists sometimes, but it is more real than this physical world. The spirit life existed before the physical life and when the physical life is completely gone, only real or spiritual life will remain.
This spirit world is unseen to the physical eye but visible to the spiritual eye. We all have spiritual eyes and can see spiritually, whether we want to admit it or not. We have all had experiences where things will come to us that change or solve a situation, but we do not always know where it came from. This comes from the spirit realm and we access it through our spiritual eyes, or through the language of our souls.
Sometimes, because it comes from the inside of us, we think that this (information or direction) just came from our own physical minds. If we are honest with ourselves, we’ll know better. We all continually contact the spirit realm, some more than others. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation at certain times, is given to us by the Spirit realm, to help us to attain things that we need in our lives and need to accomplish in our lives.
We have all experienced having previous knowledge of something or someone or even an event, that we cannot explain in the natural world. We experience what we call dejavue and we know that we have experienced that something before, in premonition Premonision is previous knowledge of a spiritual event that is about to happen. We have viewed the situation previously or we knew that something was going to happen and it did.
We can only gain this type of information from the spirit realm. In the spirit realm there is knowledge of past, present and future situations and events. If we are spiritually sensitive, we can tap into the spiritual realm occasionally and receive some of this information. With practice we all can learn to tap into the spirit realm when we need to.
Some of us have special spiritual gifts that give us better and clearer access to the spirit realm. This can and should be used as a benefit to all. With these special gifts, some people can help others by accessing the spiritual realm on their behalf and obtain important information and guidance that people need at a particular time in their lives.
Some people consistently receive messages from their spirits for themselves and for others in their lives, but they do not recognize that it is coming from God. The important thing is that they receive it.
We must remember that there are two spiritual kingdoms, called good and evil. There is God’s kingdom of light and Lucifer’s kingdom of darkness. We must test the spirits (or sense which kingdom it is coming from) to see if the messages are truly from God. The real test of spirits or the messages, is seeing the results of the message, revelation or knowledge that is given. If it produces good fruit or results it is from God, and if it produces bad fruit, then obviously it would be from Satan or darkness. God will never produce bad fruit and Satan will never produce good fruit, that you can always rely on.
It is very simple and not complicated. God is good, and is built on truth, Satan is bad and is built on lies, and very clearly they are totally opposite in nature, direction and purpose. They do not support one another’s kingdoms. Obviously they do not work against their own kingdoms because then their kingdoms would not stand. Satan or darkness does however sometimes appear as an angel of light and that is called organized religion, rather than pure undefiled religion.
The bible says that, freely we have received and we should in turn freely give. Charging money for the benefit of these gifts, such as paid psychic’s, is a good indication of some problems behind the appearance. This does not mean that the gift is not from God or that it will not work. It may mean that there are some problems with the person exercising the gift, and as a result, the gift may be tainted with some false or misleading information.
The bible says that the gifts of God are irrevocable. Even if they are used improperly they will not be taken away. A good gift in good hands is like streams of water in a desert. A free will offering is always acceptable, providing it is without any type of manipulation, coercement, scare tactics or control by the receiver of the donation or gift. That is why it is called a free will offering.
Lucifer is spirit and he was, at one time, in the Kingdom of God, one of God’s greatest creations. He was an Archangel and had a great position and great responsibility in God’s Kingdom. Then the bible tells us that pride and arrogance was found in him and he desired to even overthrow God as he now lusted for the power of God and wanted to be God. Lucifer did not agree with the concept of creation, did not agree that God should give earth people free will and refused to serve mankind as the other angels of light do. He didn’t want to serve the people of earth, he wanted the people to serve him, which was not the will of God, and especially not the will of God for his people. God desires that all of his creation love and serve one another in respect and joy.
As a result Lucifer chose to leave God, and a host of other God beings followed him, setting up their own kingdom, which has become the kingdom of darkness and negative energy. Lucifer, and his kingdom, is situated on a planet in our universe, as far as possible away from the center of God, and that is where the kingdom of darkness rules from. Lucifer attempts to influence God’s people or God people in a negative fashion in many places, planets etc., in all of the networks or creations of God. This would be possible in all of God’s many universes.
Lucifer has placed evil leaders on many of the planets that God has populated with people. Satan is representing Lucifer on planet earth and Satan’s kingdom is the one that we have to deal with here on earth. Now Satan and his fallen spirits continually battle on Earth to deceive God's people on earth. Their prime objective is too keep people on earth from discovering the truth of who they really are and their real capabilities.
However truthfully God does not have any opposition, it is only an illusion in the carnal or lower minds of men and dark spirits. These dark spirits try to interfere with God’s plans for His people by tempting us and subtlety enticing and deceiving us into ignoring God’s universal laws for the sustaining of all life in the universe. Satan attempts to bring us down with the same temptations that originally brought Lucifer down.
We, by the act of our own wills, are enticed to experience these temptations to manipulate and control, to be prideful, egotistical, arrogant, boastful, greedy and lustful, and to gain power over others. Our victories to see above these things are victories for us and God’s Kingdom. Gods desire for us, is to rise above evil influences in our lives and to become free and be more, like God himself.
We overcome these temptations by learning to function in the attributes of God, like humility, graciousness, gentleness, love, acceptance, forgiveness, restoration and a giving heart. God will assist us more when we begin to move in His self-sustaining directions and respond more fully to His spiritual influence in our lives. This is all accomplished spiritually through his kingdom of light. God desires us to seek him and his kingdom out of love and desire for more.
We cannot physically see God or the Spirit of God but He has designed us to see in the physical with our physical eyes and into the spiritual world with our spiritual eyes. Our spiritual eyes are much more valuable in this life, than our physical eyes. Our physical eyes can lead us physically and our spiritual eyes will lead us spiritually. Our success in following our spiritual eyes will determine our success in maturity, growth and finding balance in our lives on this planet.
In this physical world, according to science, to see a physical object in a particular color, that physical object must reject that particular color wave and thus it would become visible to the physical eye in that particular color. An object that appears red in color, rejects the red color wave and thus shows up red in color to our physical eyes. This is the principle scientific understanding of seeing colors in this world of form.
The spiritual kingdom of God does not reject anything, therefore, is not visible to the physical eye. Colors do not appear visually unless colors are rejected. God completely receives all of his creation, thus remains undetectable by the physical eye or any of our physical senses.
God encourages people to come to him spiritually in love, believing that He is God, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. There is no other way to Him, but through belief or faith.
The spirit world exists in another dimension from our physical world. The spirit world is literally undetectable in a physical manner. There are many different dimensions that exist in many different universes in the network of God's vast kingdom. This material universe of ours is simply the latest extension of God’s kingdom. We are all designed to overcome the deceptions of this world, and find out who we really are. Our universe and ourselves need to ascend back to God’s spiritual kingdom, our true home. Our world cannot enter Gods kingdom of heaven while it is still in this low state of density. The physical world and us must ascend to the level of the spiritual dimension to enter.
There are many people existing on many different planets, in different universes, and in different stages of development in God's kingdom. Earth is the lowest end of the developmental stages; it is all upward from here. Planet earth is the furthest creation of God from the actual centre of God therefore has more influence by the powers of darkness that function better in their deception further away from the centre of God.
God desires that we develop real faith, which is eternal and will take us into the next world when we leave this one. We must have faith to become like God or to operate like Him in the future world he has created for us. The bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. God is pleased when we use our faith to contact Him and He will always respond, although it may not be in the way we understand or in our expected time frame.
He is pleased when we use our faith to accomplish good things in life, to help others that are struggling and to give to others from a pure heart. This life is all about love, kindness and gentleness and giving to others and simply supporting one another. When we give to others, we give to ourselves and whatever we do to others, we do to ourselves and God, whether it be positive or negative. It would be wise to make it positive.
Some people can and do exercise faith in God and His kingdom and this spills over into helping others. These people may not realize that it is God and His kingdom that they are cooperating with. However it is just as fully recognized, by God, as someone who knows what is happening spiritually.
When we pray to God, He will not respond necessarily in our time but in His time. It will always be for our good and the good of others around us and also in line with our divine plan. We may not understand the process at the time but we usually understand later as all things work together for good in the kingdom of God and in our lives.
As the saints of old did, we too have to touch God by faith. Faith enables us to contact God and enter into His spiritual kingdom. Faith and Love are eternal and if we are to (some day) abide with God eternally in heavenly realms, we need to learn how to touch him through Faith and Love, which are eternal in nature and in power. Even better than faith is true knowing. When we know absolutely, we do not need faith any more.
Flesh and blood, or the material universe, will pass away, but knowing and Love are eternal. They therefore have no beginning or end, but in fact always existed. God desires that we take part in his kingdom without necessarily the visual or physical awareness. Our five senses or physical awareness will keep us attached to the earth, the invisible will raise us to God.
God however can and will sometimes manifest portions of the spiritual kingdom into the physical realm from time to time for His own or divine purposes and plans. This seems to be increasing in frequency as the world progresses. Generally He wants us to contact him directly from this physical plane that we live in. God is very kind and gracious and will not override our wills. He will be very gentle in His dealings with us and He will never force himself upon us, but always give us the freedom to choose.
God will gently encourage us to make contact with the spiritual realm as he desires to have a relationship with us directly as individuals. He takes great joy in any desire we might have to get to know Him and talk with Him and attempt to understand Him and His present and future kingdoms. The bible says that when we seek Him, we will find Him if we search for Him with all of our hearts. God wants us to get to know Him and to have a relationship with Him.
He wants us to come to know His spiritual laws as well as knowing His physical laws that we tend to be more familiar with. He desires that we come to experience and understand His love for us, and to learn to walk in this love and learn to display his love to others and to unite us, and His kingdom forever.
To accomplish this we must be willing to operate within His spiritual laws, whether we understand them as spiritual laws or not. People very often listen to God’s Spirit speaking within them and perform the suggestions being made from within them, thereby walking in His spiritual laws, not necessarily consciously aware of what is actually happening to them.
This is captured in the bible, when Jesus told the parable of the two sons that were commissioned by their father to work in the field. The one son was very cooperative and said he would work but later didn’t go. The other son said that he would not go but later changed his mind and did go to work. Jesus asked the religious leaders: ”which son would be pleasing to the father?” and they said: “ the one that actually did the work”. and Jesus said :” you answered correctly, now go and do likewise“. It is not the ones who talk about doing things God’s way (religious leaders) that are pleasing to Him, but the ones that actually cooperate with His spiritual kingdom, knowingly or not knowingly.
It is recognized by God, whether we do it on purpose, or whether we walk in his universal laws accidentally. Whether or not we are consciously aware of God’s direction in our lives, does not make it any more effective or any less effective. The spirit of God will move among people and move through people that are responding to Him whether they are consciously aware of it or not.
God is not proud or arrogant, but He is loving, gentle, forgiving and humble. He does not penalize us if we do not recognize Him personally, or give Him credit for what He does. God is complete, whole and does not have need of anything. God is just happy when we are willing to change and follow Him. He wants us to improve the condition of our souls, and mature to become more whole (holiness) and balanced, like Himself.
Even though the spirit world is not visible to the physical eye, it is quite evident in the physical world. The effects of these invisible spiritual forces can be seen quite clearly in this physical world. You do not need to see something specifically, if you can see what it produces or creates in front of your eyes, within the framework of your life.
You cannot ever see love in this world, but you can see the effects or the result of love and you can feel and experience love in this life. You would never deny love’s existence even though you cannot see it physically with your eyes or it does not appear in the physical world or is detectable by any of our physical senses. We can feel love in our emotions and love causes people to do things that they would not otherwise do, say what they would not normally or naturally say, or to be what they would not normally or naturally be.
It is very unrealistic to think that things can just happen in this world without an energy force or power to perform it. Nothing “just happens” without some force or energy to make it happen. We have been raised to accept all of these forces, in this world, without a real base for this acceptance; it‘s just always been there. We could classify these spiritual laws or forces as external and internal forces that have direct influence or impact on our lives, on a {moment by moment} basis.
There is a kingdom of light and a kingdom of darkness, and as a result, these spiritual forces can be either negative or positive influences in our lives, depending on what we respond to or choose to surrender to in life. We are always consistently responding to and cooperating with one kingdom or the other, whether we like it or not.
When good thoughts or suggestions come to us and we act on them, we see good results in our lives, and that is how we determine whether they are actually good thoughts from God. The bible says that” by their fruits you will know them“, whether it be attitudes, thoughts, feelings and actions that people display in their lives.
God gave us the gift of free will and will not take it back, even if we misuse the gift. The bible says that the gifts of God are irrevocable. God has given us free will to choose or to make decisions on all of our beliefs. This also makes us responsible for all of our own attitudes, thoughts, feelings, actions and directions in life. We have no one to hold responsible but ourselves when we make profitable decisions in our lives, or unprofitable decisions in our lives.
However, we should not get down on ourselves for making unprofitable decisions but just come to the point of making a better decision. This is acceptable to God and all past negative decisions will be erased and nothing will be held against us. That allows us new beginnings at any time in our lives, and that’s real freedom.
If we respond to evil thoughts or suggestions, and they eventually become actions, we are in obedience to the kingdom of darkness. Negative results will occur or negative fruit will be seen, as a result.
The dark spirits are very cunning and deceptive in nature. Their success is in enticing us to believe in their lies and ego-based deceptions. If we become the product of these lies and live these lies and deceptions we are working on the side of darkness usually out of ignorance or not knowing.
We will thereby have difficulty in discovering who we really are in God, and that we are in fact very capable of taking dominion over ourselves and our planet. In the garden of Eden, God asked us to be fruitful and multiply and to take dominion over the earth. Taking dominion over ourselves is simply self control provided by our inner God spirits. Taking dominion over the planet is co-creating the kingdom of God on earth by understanding energy and how to work it or make it work for us in this life. Let thy will, oh God, be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Goodness and darkness have very simple distinctions and they are totally separate, leading in two very distinct directions. Keep it simple and do not complicate the process. God is good, there is no bad in Him. Satan is bad, there is no good in Him. The good will be revealed by the good fruit that results from it. The bad will be revealed by the bad fruit that results from it. Simple OK, no room for complexity.
Remember however that God’s viewing point on success and good fruit is quite different from ours. Good fruit can be faked and we can get very good at acting the part, just as actors are good at their trade. We can act like the people that we would like to be, but when the pressure is on, or we are tested, the real fruit will reveal itself.
Religious leaders and church oriented people can be very good at this sort of acting. Then, when the real fruit emerges under pressure, people get disappointed in their leaders who are displaying negative fruit or a dark side. They are very disappointed and angry to find out that their spiritual leaders are not perfected and make the same common mistakes.
The world’s concept of success is very different to God’s concept of success. The world’s concept of success is physical and financial and usually involves some sort of fame or recognition. God’s concept of success involves growth, maturity, expansion and the ability to love and be loved. We need the ability to cooperate and to get along with other people, like the basics that we all learned in kinder garden when we were kids, to do unto other's as you would have them do unto you.
This thing called life is a testing ground for our benefit. We are tested, sometimes to the very extreme, and encouraged to make appropriate decisions in life for our advancement, growth, maturity and the benefit of ourselves and others. This testing in life is meant to make us stronger, not to bring us down, but to strengthen us to ride above the testing.
If we make the wrong decisions, the kingdom of heaven and God‘s messengers will very gently, over time, bring us back to the same situation until we make the right decision for us, and then they can move us on to more advanced things. Life on earth is a school of learning for our benefit.
God’s messengers or angels never get discouraged and never give up. They very consistently and tirelessly work with us to bring us to the place of balance and maturity. We experience this in our lives when we see things happen around us and realize that we have been there some years earlier. The heavenly forces are trying to move us on, but need our cooperation to make changes, and to help us succeed in all aspects of life.
If we only play it safe and are unwilling to take risks, our growth and maturity will be a slow but hopefully steady process. If we are willing to venture out and take risks and to be free and fully trust in God, it can be very painful learning, but we can obtain much faster growth and maturity, and a more exciting life in the process.
For example, in the area of finances, it is usually easier to trust in a company, a boss, or a set wage than it is to fully trust in God and His ability to supply our every need. A company, boss and wages are physical and tangible to our senses and we tend to trust in the physical because it seems more real and tangible to us than the spiritual realm does.
The truth is that God and the spirit are more tangible than these temporal things when we choose to view it from faith in the spiritual realm. The company could go under and these things can happen over night sometimes. We could be laid off, or fired from our jobs suddenly or our wages could be reduced, or we could be injured or die and be unable to collect. We have no guarantees in life, only our faith in God, to sustain us. Things can let us down, but if we trust in God, he will never let us down.
These physical things are all temporary, and cannot be relied upon, as they are all subject to other factors in life or any sudden change. God is the only tangible entity that can be fully trusted and relied on, regardless of the circumstances and changes in life. He will always be there, He will always be faithful and He can be always trusted to look out for our best interest and give us the support that we need, when we need it, if we are willing to trust him.
Some examples of external unseen spiritual forces would be the spiritual power of magnetism, electricity or gravity. If I told you that I was an unbeliever and I didn’t believe in gravity, it would not change the existence or effects of gravity upon me or anything else around me. This unseen force appears to be very real as it holds all things onto the planet.
Our believing in it or not believing in it will not change it, because it is a spiritual law operating in predetermined boundaries set in place by God a long time ago. Even though we cannot physically see it, we don’t question its existence, because we experience the effects of the power of gravity electricity or magnetism. Even though we cannot see these forces, we do not doubt their existence, as we do see the full results of these forces effect in the physical world.
If we trip, we might fall and possibly hurt ourselves and experience a negative effect of gravity. We could be also be hurt by it, if we fall from a tall building and are killed by the effects of gravity. It would be very hard to deny the existence of gravity at this point, even though it is invisible. We can also ride in a roller coaster and experience a positive or fun effect of gravity. In this situation you would not want to deny the existence of gravity, but enjoy it. As a result, we have developed an understanding and respect for the perimeters for the spiritual power of gravity in this world.
We have come to totally rely on an unseen spiritual force that we can experience but not tangibly see, hear, smell or touch. In order for us to rely on this unseen force, we must exercise our faith in the spiritual realm derived from the physical effects of gravity that we can see. We rely on an unseen force because we can see the power that it has, by the results of the effects and not by our physical ability to see it or experience it with our senses in the physical realm.
The spiritual force of gravity is sustained by God’s universal laws; it must be consistent and reliable for us to depend on and trust in its ability to function, to keep us safe or to work for us in various circumstances. As humans went deeper into separation from God, the planet became denser and gravity became stronger.
All spiritual forces are consistent and reliable and are subject to stability and balance. Spiritual forces are always stable, consistent and can always be relied upon to work in their designed capacity or place in the universe. Spiritual laws are stable, just as the kingdom of God is stable. As long as the kingdom of God is present in this world, and as long as there are people to believe and express faith, so will the spiritual laws be present and functioning as designed and in balance. But as people get out of balance in their lives, so does the planet follow and become unbalanced, which is the cause of natural disasters.
Thrust, motion and air pressure working together to counter balance gravity, hold up an airplane in flight. We cannot see the gravity or wind, but we can measure the effects of them and so we believe in their existence. We believe in their power to hold us up and we believe and have confidence in their consistency. We rely on these spiritual laws enough to put our very physical lives at risk when we choose to fly in an airplane. Now that is real faith. If one or both of these laws ever failed to operate for even a few minutes, our airplanes would crash and we would likely be killed. The truth is that accidents are caused by human failure and not by the failure of spiritual laws and forces.
We believe in these laws, we trust in these laws, we rely on these laws to the point that we don’t even give them a second thought. These laws are not tangible, we cannot touch these laws, we cannot smell these laws, we cannot taste these laws, we cannot hear these laws, we cannot feel these laws and we cannot see these laws or spiritual powers, but we accept them fully without question. We have come to accept and trust in these spiritual powers and laws from experiencing them, over time.
Some of God’s other spiritual laws or forces operate in our lives daily. We experience them, we use them, and we live in them and draw comfort from them. Spiritual forces, like the power of love, the power of joy, the power of peace, the power of patience and the power of forgiveness, we move in and experience quite regularly in our lives.
We cannot physically see these energy powers, but we accept them. We don’t necessarily understand them or how they work, but we have come to accept them and operate in them on a regular basis. As we exercise these spiritual powers regularly in our lives, they become stronger and more of an influence on us, and others in our lives. God desires that we continually grow in these spiritual powers that He has made available to us. In addition we can strengthen these fruits in our lives and we can mature in these spiritual powers for our benefit and the benefit of others in our lives.
Magnetism is another unseen force. Magnets run electric motors, but would not be much use unless they were consistent and could be relied upon. If the motor in a building elevator, worked sometimes, and not others, it would not be very useful for us to operate. It would be very scary to use. We believe in the benefits of magnetism and consistently rely upon it and use it, yet we cannot see this spiritual power of magnetism or detect it with any of our natural senses We certainly believe in the effects of it, and use it in our daily lives.
If the motor in our furnace at home did not work on command, but operated on it’s own time, we would not be able to trust it or use it. We need these laws to be consistent in order for us to rely on them for our continual use and comfort. We cannot see or touch these unseen forces with our senses, yet we not only believe in them, but we trust and rely on them consistently and daily.
If it were not for the incredible balance of the earth’s gravity and magnetic fields we would not exist on this planet. The earth is an actual live entity created by God just as we were, only it is bigger and has been around longer. The longer life exists, the larger it becomes in size.
Gravity and magnetism are only a very small part of the incredible miracles and balances that hold this world together. Our galaxy and universe are in an incredible balance to support and sustain life on a much larger scale.
Scientists say that if the ozone layer over our planet, lowers it’s protection by a small amount, all life would suffer the negative effects. Everything that we need for life on this planet is on an incredible balance and if one of these things were to change by a small degree, physical life would be over for us on Earth.
We have also learned to rely on the consistency of the spiritual force of gravity. If it worked sometimes and not other times we would be in big trouble. We could not even keep our feet on the ground. You could imagine what would happen to everything on earth if gravity stopped, even for a moment. The earth itself would come apart and all things would drift into space totally out of control.
Balance is the essence of control, and our balance as a human being, in our lives is likewise our self-control in life. Our balance and our overall and specific viewpoints in life will help us to deal properly, enable us to handle and balance events, situations and people.
The Spirit or spirit power within us is consistent, reliable and very stable. Even though we cannot see it, the Spirit is ever present to obey the laws of the Universe, to gently lead us in the proper directions. We as individuals need the Spirit or spirit power particularly to develop, achieve, as well as to grow and mature in this organized sequence of events called life.
These events may seem, at times, to be very unorganized, but in actual fact they are very organized and very detailed and under control. Nothing ever happens to us as individuals in this life unless it is either directly or indirectly performed by God’s kingdom, or directly and purposefully allowed by God’s kingdom. Some things are allowed in life due to karma created in other lifetimes or they are part of our divine plans for this lifetime.
We cannot see or touch the spirit power or energy of love, but we believe in it, because we can see the results of what love can do and the power it has between people. We personally feel love for others, express love for others in the way that we feel about them and the way we treat them.
When we are moving in love, we respect others and want only the best for them and we are directly affected by others, the way that they feel or the way that they think, or the way they express themselves to us or the way they treat us in gentleness and kindness. The spirit power of love, when expressed in people, is caring and nurturing and unselfish, willing to share and willing to uplift and support others.
Love can and does change people’s directions, alter their lives and set them on new courses in life. Love can and will effect and change circumstances, events and lives. Love is creative energy that builds and creates living things as well as sustaining living things everywhere.
Love can make a proud man cry, an angry one laugh, a sad one happy and a lonely one content and secure. Love will fill a woman full of energy, excitement and expectation and fill a child full of energy, security and comfort. Love will transform lives. We are perfected by love or stunted by lack of love.
Love is a peacemaker and can prevent or end fights and wars. Love can heal a broken heart and raise people from despair and hopelessness. It can bring a mighty and even violent man to his knees, and it can heal spiritually, mentally and physically. Love is and always will be the most powerful spiritual power or energy force that exists. It was unconditional love that created us and the material universe.
We cannot prove the existence of love with our physical senses, but we seem to all believe in the power or energy of love in our world. I have not heard of anyone denying the existence of love and yet who has actually seen it or touched it. Yet we have all very experienced love, felt it and moved in it.
We cannot see or touch joy, excitement or well being, but we believe or have faith in them, because we can see the effects of their influence in our lives. They are unseen spiritual forces, but play major and very powerful roles in our lives. We cannot touch or see them but they impact our lives on a continual basis. They raise us up from the grips of sadness, despair or depression, which are also spiritual powers, but are negative ones.
These negative powers only exist in the absence of the positive ones. We either create positive powers or negative powers, the choice is up to us and our free will.
When we have negative experiences it helps to better appreciate the positive ones. When we experience hatred or rejection, it helps to better appreciate love or acceptance. When we experience sadness or loneliness it helps to better appreciate joy or happiness. When we experience aggression or violence it helps to better appreciate gentleness and peace. When we have experienced negative speaking or words it then helps to better appreciate positive speaking or words. We all unfortunately experience Satan’s kingdom of darkness and as a result we better appreciate God’s kingdom, and we use the experience to grow, mature and expand our gifts and capabilities.
We cannot physically see or touch God’s spiritual influence in our lives, but we can see the effects and results of the influence of the heavenly kingdom, and then we live the experience of it in our lives. We cannot see Satan’s kingdom but we can sure experience the result of the negative influence and impact of it in our lives.
Lucifer and his collaborating and rebellious followers chose to leave heaven and to inhabit their own territory. Lucifer gave Satan his authority over planet Earth. The bible tells us that Satan has been given a certain amount of power here on Earth and he is in fact called the prince of the power of the air. This is the power of the lower nature or the physical realm as we know it.
Satan is however limited in brandishing his power and influence here on Earth, and in the Earth’s atmosphere. He and his lower kingdom are very deceptive and very much a power to be reckoned with. However Satan only has power over us to the very same degree that we cooperate or submit ourselves to him, his ideas, his lies, plans or deceptions.
In the areas of our lives that we reject or refuse evil and it’s influence, to that same degree and area is his power ineffective against us. The bible says that if we resist Satan, that he will flee or move away from us. The only power Satan has is the power that we voluntarily give him , and that is by our directions, choices and decisions. Darkness has no power, but what we are willing to give to it.
To the degree that we follow the leading of our inner Spirits, to the same degree will we attain all that God desires us to attain in this life for the growth and maturity of our Soul's. Our Spirits will show us how to become more like our Creator God, and as a result, we actually become more like Him in love and power.
Evil will resist any movement towards God, and can only succeed to the degree of our own cooperation with it. We can choose to reject evil influences, and God will assist and support us in this direction at all times. Our inner God spirit will give us the power that we need to resist evil in our lives.
To become like God, there is no greater or higher objective than this to attain. However, God is very gentle and does not abuse the power that He has. God’s spirit and our spirits are very gentle with us, wooing and coaxing us to be wise and do the right things, say the right things and be the person God would like us to be, or be the person that we would like to be. Our spirit, through the influence of God’s Spirit, moves us in the best direction for our own good and the good of others around us.
Another external force is the spiritual power of motion, or centrifugal force, which is interestingly called a force or power. Motion develops into a force or energy of its own. An airplane relies on gravity, motion and wind to function properly, and if any of these forces were not totally consistent, the plane would crash. We accept all of these external forces because of their effects on things and on us, and not on our ability to see or in some cases even feel or touch them in the physical realm. We can certainly see the effects of these spiritual powers in action when we fly planes.
We accept that it would be very unusual to actually see any of these spirit forces with our physical eyes or even to touch them. We can however sense and feel the effects of these forces, but we accept them without seeing. Seeing is actually not believing, but in fact believing is seeing. You must believe in something spiritual or a spiritual force before you will be able to see it manifest in the physical realm. We can see the effects of these powers or become part of it to become a reality in our lives. Even if you see miracles take place in front of you, if you do not believe in them you will find other suitable explanations to satisfy your unbelief.
If you did not believe in the ability for airplanes to fly, or in the people that design them to operate, you would not fly in one. Planes rely on these spiritual powers, forces or laws, and we accept them as absolute. We put our faith entirely in the hands of the designers, manufactures and operators, and believe in them to the point of being willing put our lives on the line.
The world discovered the spiritual forces of electricity, magnetism and gravity. Then it took a visionary to look and believe beyond anything that the world knew or was aware of. They had to search for something that was hidden from the world through lack of knowledge. They could not use any of their common senses, and moved into more spiritual understanding of the basic building blocks of our world, light and energy. They would have to do this by faith or believe apart from what their natural senses told them.
If you believe you could be a doctor of medicine, you will gain the training that you need and you will indeed become a doctor. But you have to believe it first, you have to send your faith into the future, create a vision, set it in motion and grasp it, help it to materialize, before it becomes a reality in your life.
Further to the external spiritual power or force, is electricity. We did not invent power or electricity; we discovered it as it was already here on planet earth. We just discovered how to harness it by working within its perimeters or laws, and use it for the benefit of mankind. We can control power or electricity according to it’s own laws (that we also discovered) We can use it for our own purposes. We cannot hear it, see it, or feel it, but we can certainly see or feel the effects of the power of electricity. Because we do not see it or maybe not even believe in it, does not make it any more or any less present. If we do not believe in electricity, we will not try to use it, and it will not help us in our daily lives. We will not change electricity by not believing in it. It remains the same, but it will not be of any value to us if we do not believe in it or what it is capable of.
In order to originally discover electricity, it took a pioneer who was able to believe in and have faith that electricity did exist. Without these pioneers of all the major discoveries, mankind would still be without the benefits of these spiritual forces or powers that are governed by the spiritual laws of our universe.
The most powerful forces in the world are all unseen, including the atom bomb and nuclear bomb, which could blow up our planet but are totally unseen with the naked eye. Unseen powers are the most powerful energy forces in our world, yet we accept them totally as being fact, on the words of others, and of course by the results that we see. The existence of individual spirit powers or forces in our world should always be determined by the resultant effect or apparent result that can be experienced or seen.
The bible says that things that are seen are made from things that are unseen. In truth, there is nothing physical, that we can see, in this world of ours. All that we see in the physical world is an optical and physical illusion, it doesn’t really exist. Everything in our physical world is a created hologram. Everything visible is made from things invisible. The tangible is made from the intangible. That which we don’t see creates what we can see. The incredible mystery of life and creation is how the physical universe appears solid, but according to our scientists, is made of energy that is not solid but that is actually invisible. The mystery to our scientists of today is the process of unseen energy appearing to be solid or physical and yet constantly moving in orbits and not solid at all.
All physical matter in this world was originally created from light, by supernatural power and design and light is energy. It is all made from the light energy of God and it only appears to be physical in nature. If you put a physical object under a powerful microscope, you will see electrons orbiting around a nucleus and it is most definitely unseen spiritual power or energy. These microscopic things are not physical, yet they appear to be physical; they are just illusions. The atomic structure of a physical object is 99% space. If the spiritual energy that sustains this object was turned off, the physical object would disappear or vanish from physical sight.
Our physical bodies are actually made of 1% atoms, molecules, electrons etc, but the majority (99%) is made up of space. That concept is also true concerning our entire physical world as we know it, including all physical objects. The electrons are moving in orbits, similar to our planets and moons, in the various solar systems of our universe. Objects that appear solid, in actuality are not solid at all, but are in continuous motion and only appear to be solid to our physical senses.
If you did not believe in electricity you obviously would not use it and would not benefit by it. If we were shocked by electricity, we certainly would believe it. So it is with the spirit. The fact that we believe it or not, does not make the spirit any more or less present. You may not believe in it but that will not change the existence of it, or the effects of the spirit on us, and on our lives. We are loved, appreciated and cared for by supernatural powers whether we choose to recognize it or not or weather we are aware of it or not.
Anyone can have unbelief in guardian angels, spirit guides or messenger angels working in their lives. They can disbelieve that these supernatural powers are protecting them from harm, or bringing them valuable information if they choose. This will not effect or change their mission or purpose to accomplish these tasks in our lives. They are motivated by God, a higher order of supernatural power and are motivated by our individual divine plans that we set in motion for this lifetime. Angels are never discouraged and are never offended, they just consistently work tirelessly to help us fulfill our purpose for this life.
Internal spiritual powers or forces are very similar to external forces in that we accept them because of their effects on us and not because we can physically see them with our eyes, or feel and touch them. The spiritual force of love for example gives us the fuzzy feeling for something or someone that makes us feel warm and good inside and causes us to do many things that we would otherwise not have done.
Similar to gravity, love is just as much a spiritual force of power from God that is very powerful and consistently drawing people together, to have compassion, to accept, respect and care for one another. Love is just as powerful as Gravity but instead of holding the earth together, love holds people together and keeps them from destroying one another. Love is patient and kind and seeks another person’s well being, rather than it’s own. Love just operates inside of us instead of outside of us.
The spiritual power of compassion, for instance, is a spiritual force that stimulates us to show love and not just feel it. Compassion is an expression of love. Compassion however, like other attributes, must be acted upon to become useful or enter our world. Unexpressed compassion in someone is like a car without motion. It is a car all right, but it will not go anywhere or become useful unless we set it in motion. Compassion needs to be set in motion to be useful in this life.
In addition we would not deny the existence of joy or happiness and the obvious effects of these spiritual forces or power in our lives. We like joy or fun and we deliberately seek it out and find it. We find joy through association and interaction with others directly, or through reading or electronic expressions of human interaction or association. We also find it with other forms of life like animals or in certain situations or circumstances. There is only humor when there is the power of life and interaction with life.
We try to avoid sad, depressed and lonely feelings that oppose joy in our lives, buy they are only caused by the absence of God or love in our lives. We would be in an awful state without Joy. Joy and happiness allow, and in fact reinforces the strength in our lives, to overcome adversity and to have a positive outlook for ourselves and to positively affect the lives of others. We experience depression or sadness, and we understand the value of joy and happiness. Joy helps keep us alive, happy and content in this world that appears to by adversity to us at times in our lives.
The bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength; weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. Joy and happiness have healing qualities for our minds, emotions and bodies. Our bodies release tiny healing agents into our bloodstream when we laugh or are happy and joyful. The bible says that a merry heart does us good like a medicine or is healing to us. It also says, a broken spirit (depression or feeling down) dries up our bones, which obviously opens the doors for sickness and disease in our lives, in our souls, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Peace is another internal force that allows us tranquility and times of rest and restoration. This enables us to regenerate from stress and other negative opposing energies and forces. We need peace at times to survive the storms that come to us at other times. The bible says that there is a time for everything under the sun. When we experience stress, confusion and disorder in our lives it helps us to appreciate peace and how valuable peace is in our lives.
God desires for us to walk in love, peace and harmony, but not at the expense of the growth and maturity of our souls. The growth or maturity of our souls is one of the major reasons for us experiencing this revolving door of life and death on planet earth. Even though it is God’s desire for us to walk in love, joy and peace, He does want us to overcome and rise above the negative or dark side of life. We need to overcome the darkness and choose to walk in the light, goodness and finer attributes of God himself.
These internal forces are not as consistent as external forces as they depend more on our willingness to accept, believe and to receive them into our lives and circumstances, or our willingness to accept, believe or receive negative or dark forces in our lives. We individually have the God power inside of us that gives us the ability to accept or reject positive forces in our lives. If we accept them, to the degree we accept them, they have and demonstrate spiritual power in our lives, which affects us, and others around us.
In the case of negative forces, we can reject them and keep them out of our lives. We have direct influence on the internal forces as to how strong they become, how long they last in our lives as well as the strengthening and building process that takes place as a result.
The negative forces of hate, fear and depression, for example, interfere with our ability to receive and operate in the positive spiritual influences of love, courage and joy. The one that we respond to the most will have the most power and influence in our lives and the lives of others around us. We can learn to respond positively to the positive influences in our lives. We can learn to identify and reject the negative influences, which are a result of negative spiritual forces.
As we learn to respond more to our inner divine spirits and the positive forces or influences, we gradually become more like our Creator, and attain a higher spiritual level of growth and maturity. This is our primary purpose for being here in this life. We help develop and assist ourselves and other people to grow spiritually and expand. We grow by the love that we give and receive from one another.
God’s spiritual powers and influences are the most powerful tools that we have in our lives and we would be wise to respond to them. We need to give them more life and acceptance into our lives to make us into better and stronger people for our own good, the good of others and future eternal purposes.
Our soul body was originally created by our own supernatural God spirits, that are within us, after the fall of man, to connect us, our consciousness, or our sense of identity to the physical world of form. The soul was created to experience this life by connecting with our physical minds, emotions, and physical bodies and the world around us.
The soul is the part of us that needs to be saved from the destroying influence of our egos, ego illusions, attachments of this world. Negative or dark spirits are present in this world attempting to keep us from realizing who we really are and attempting to destroy us from the face of the earth and lead us into eternal death. That is the essence of the will of dark forces for our lives. The dark spirits are headed for eternal death and they are attempting to take as many of us humans, with them, if they can. But they can also be brought to salvation in some cases.
Our divine spirits within us are always safe and cannot be crippled, deceived, manipulated, controlled or harmed in any way, by dark spirits. Our inner divine spirits remain unblemished, untouched and remain in perfection and purity at all times. Our God spirits, within us, are in direct connection with God and the kingdom of God at all times.
When our souls are led astray by dark forces, our inner divine spirits just wait patiently until we decide to make better decisions. When we become tired of being led astray, sick and tired, and return to the influence of our own divine spirits within us, our spirits are very happy to begin leading us again. Nothing is ever held against us, and our change of heart and direction is seen as repentance, we are always instantly forgiven, and the restoring process within our souls will begin. Our inner God spirits, always see us in the immaculate concept or with the eyes of unconditional love.
Universal spiritual laws prevent our inner God spirits from overriding our free will and therefore can only wait for us to become sick and tired of following the darkness and become willing to return to the light of our own divine spirits. Our inner spirits are very patient and kind and continually love us and never hold a grudge or anything negative against us. They view us as experiencing this world and respect our free wills.
These processes are all determined in and by our hearts, which are the very seat or base of our souls. Part of our heart and mind, contain our wills, and this is where all of the decisions are made in life. God gave us (our soul’s free will) and He will not take this free will back, even if we misuse it or miss-qualify the divine energy given to us.
Our identity or how we identify ourselves is a part of our soul. We can choose to identify ourselves with a mortal sense of identity or we can identify our selves as an immortal sense of identity. Our sense of identity is who we think we are. In truth, we are who we think we are, but that can and will change as we progress in the process of life.
We can identify ourselves as spiritual beings, living in a physical world or we can identify ourselves as physical beings living in a physical world and we will reap the results. Jesus said "if you love your life (mortal sense of identity) you will lose it, if you lose your life (mortal sense of identity) you will find it".
From our sense of identity we will develop a belief system that will determine our destiny. Are believe system will carve out our future and either establish our life or self destruct in death, the choice is always ours.
We need to identity ourselves as spiritual beings, living in a physical world, start the spiritual path of life, that leads back to God and God consciousness or wholeness. This is a process of enlightenment and will lead us to our real home in the spiritual realm.
Our souls are made up of the ego, the carnal mind and the subconscious mind. According to the bible,( in the beginning of the creation of Adam and Eve), man was given clear instructions on how to avoid the deceptions of evil and stay connected to his spiritual teacher or the kingdom of God. Until that particular time, man only knew good and had not experienced evil or identifying himself with a good and evil or sin consciousness. God was attempting to protect man from the influence of evil by teaching him to maintain his direct connection with his inner divine spirit or spiritual teacher.
But man had a great fall in the Garden of Eden and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that he had been warned about. Good meant staying connected to their God spirits within them, and evil meant to pull away from their divine spirits or from their spiritual teacher. This is what is called sin consciousness, separation from God or duality. Dualistic thinking is the consciousness of being separated from God and separated from each other.
After tempting man to disconnect from his own spirit and enter the knowledge of good and evil, (or separation from God), Satan the serpent, said to man: “ thou will not surely die if you eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil”. What he actually meant was that man would not die immediately. Satan, being fully aware that it would not be a quick physical death, but a very slow and lengthy and painful spiritual death, if man continued to follow evil or separation.
Evil then was allowed to enter the world of man and has continued to this very day and has had many years to work on the lies, deceptions and misconceptions that have led man into destruction on earth. Separation consciousness leads to death, regaining our spiritual roots brings life.
When God looked for man in the garden, he could not find him. Man told God that he had been hiding because he was naked. God said, “who told you that you were naked” or who convinced you that there was a problem being naked, or that being naked had to separate you from your God. The awareness of sin or separation began to separate the creation from the creator.
Now with the awareness of evil or separation from God, man felt fear with that separation. Now that man perceived that he was separated from God and in fear, he created the ego to take the place of God in his life. The ego that man created was simply the concept of believing that man was separate from God. This became man’s pseudo identity that existed apart from God and still does today.
Man was now in tune to the physical realm and felt separate, afraid and alone and thought that he was separated from the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm was inside of man, his own divine spirit, but man became unaware of the connection with God or the divine. He thought he was on his own. Creating the ego to lead and guide man seemed to be the safest move at the time. Of course it was all created illusion by evil, to trap man into a lower state of consciousness and thereby provide a path to his physical and eventual spiritual death.
Since that time man has been descending into a lower and lower state of consciousness or lower state of awareness. The awareness of man’s spiritual roots or origin becomes higher at times when spiritual movements upon the earth raise the consciousness of man. Man’s consciousness falls into lowers levels of awareness and understanding of spiritual things when good teaching isn’t available.
The ego became the guide for man and eventually cultivated the carnal mind to suit its purposes. There were many years of degradation, to lower man’s consciousness to the physical realm and keep him back from connecting with his spiritual roots. The continual descent into density, eventually became, what we know as the physical world.
The subconscious mind is the mind of the soul, which, like a computer, can be programmed for good or can be programmed for evil. The carnal or natural mind follows along into destruction and death. We however as individualizations of God can decide to change the degradation and choose to follow the light and be willing to change, the way we think, the way we feel, the way we are, the way we act and what we choose to do as action.
The ego, which now wanted to survive, took on it's own identity, used the carnal mind and the subconscious mind to keep man back from discovering his spiritual roots and the spiritual power that could deliver him from the trap of evil, or separate him with the energy veil or evil. Satan’s kingdom uses a veil of energy to keep man blinded to their true identities as God beings and blinded to how they work to separate.
When our souls wake up and desire a spiritual connection to God, then our spirits will lead us to our spiritual roots. Our inner God spirits give us the wisdom, knowledge, revelation and understanding that we need, to return to our spiritual connections and to ascend back to heavenly dwellings where we originally came from. To become whole or wholly is to return to our original perfection. That is the saving of our souls.
If we refuse to connect with our spiritual roots and become consumed with evil and refuse to turn around, eventually we will experience spiritual death. In the bible this is called the second death, where our soul or individual consciousness will be annihilated or completely snuffed out. We would have no more awareness of ourselves, and our energy would be returned to the energy pool; this would be done through the process of spiritual fire, not physical fire that we are familiar with. The spiritual fire of God consumes all that is unlike itself.
The evil or dark spirits will experience the same fate unless they repent and turn from their wicked ways. We are being used to wake up some of these dark spirits from their delusion, by showing them the way back to God as well as showing other humans the way back to God.
Our subconscious soul and our individual awareness and express themselves through our minds, emotions and body. Our souls get sick before our minds, emotions and bodies get sick. Disease with the mind, becomes disease with the body. In order to heal the mind, emotions or body, we need to first heal the soul of all of its many fragmentations, false beliefs and false perceptions as well as many deceptions.
As a result of traumatic experiences in life, our souls can fragment and then we end up with missing soul parts. To heal the soul, the damaged soul parts need to be enlightened to the truth of God. When we become enlightened to the truth, angels will assist in returning to us our missing soul parts, that we might become whole again. This is all done through the decisions of our free wills and our cooperation to become whole.
It is possible, at any time, for a soul to turn around, ask to be given the truth and start receiving the truth. This will allow the person to be healed and restored to spiritual health and spiritual power and begin to take dominion over their own life and the earth, as God had asked us to do in the very beginning in the Garden of Eden.
Our souls are the medium between our inner spirits and the physical world.
The soul must be restored and made whole to take dominion over itself and the world. This is the process of salvation or saving the soul.
Mental Body
Our mental body, or mind is the world of thought processing or thinking and planning capability that can process thoughts, receive ideas and commands from our spirits, souls or hearts. Our mental body or mind can help direct us, form concepts, ideas, assessments, appraisals, opinions, make plans, and sort out understanding and reasoning ability. This mind through the power of the spirit can create and is only limited by beliefs.
It is this advanced capability that takes us beyond the animal world of existence. Animals have various sized minds that are less developed than ours as humans. Their minds allow them to contact and function in this physical world of existence. The animals are just as precious and just as important to God as humans are, but on a different level. God loves all of his creation and is teaching us to do the same.
Our mind is one of the channels for our souls and hearts to contact the physical world on planet earth. Our souls have the ability to contact and express our selves in the physical world through our physical minds, then to our emotions and physical bodies, and then to the world in general. Without our minds we would be unable to make contact or interact with the mental and physical world around us.
Our minds allow our souls to project and express themselves in the mental, material or physical world that we live in. Our minds connect directly to our souls, and our souls then receive from our spirits. We then allow the spirit or God force within us contact the physical world through us. Without our minds and souls, our spirit would not be able to express itself in the physical world of existence.
Our souls have tremendous capabilities, through our minds, and by the spirit, to co-create things that do not presently exist and bring them into the world. This creative process is responsible for creating the world and all that is in it, positive and negative. Everything is made from God's energy, which is just thought in motion. Our level of consciousness will change the world around us to the same degree. Thought influences thought, we can see this in action with other people in our lives.
The real source power to co-create with God on earth comes from our spirits within us, who then in turn draw a steam of light or energy power from God to provide us with the energy we need in our daily lives, and to co-create with God on earth.
We were originally made in the image of God and, as a result, have similar capabilities to dream or envision, and then to create these visions and dreams to become reality in our lives and in the world. We take things that are intangible and make them tangible or bring them into reality. Our only limitations are the ones that we put on ourselves. Our minds and emotions play a very important role in co-creating with God on earth.
If we believe that we cannot do something, then are belief will be fulfilled or created, and we will not be able to do it. But if on the contrary we believe we can do something and hold fast to that belief, exercise faith and work towards it, then it will be possible to us. Through our beliefs and adding to our beliefs, our thoughts and emotions, nothing is impossible to us.
The term “mind over matter” is a concept to explain what the mind can do, when it is focused, but it is actually the power of the spirit that is behind or backs up the physical mind that really makes it possible or able to happen. The supernatural spirit realm and our own personal spirits are where the real power to change comes from. The real power is in the spirit, but when our minds line up with the spirit, power flows to change a person, a situation or an event in life.
These changes do not necessarily take place in our mental or physical desired time period, but in the designated spiritual time period prepared for us. These changes can sometimes happen very slowly and sometimes we do not even notice the subtle changes until later when they manifest.
These are spiritual principles and universal laws that can also be seen very clearly in real life situations. If we stay positive then the fruit of our labor will produce positive results, but if we are negative, then the results will be negative. We reap what we sew, the universe returns to us what we send out.
It is this physical mind that is part of our non-physical souls, that needs redemption by God. This is accomplished by renewing the mind, or developing the mind, to line up and operate within the spiritual laws of the Universe. These laws were set into motion and established by God to work for us and to assist us while we are here, to create balanced or self sustaining creations in life.
The answer to any problem is always only a thought or an idea away. With the right idea anything is possible. We all have spiritual creative abilities that we need to develop and strengthen to be effective manifestations of our gifts and abilities. These are in our lives to help transform us into spiritual beings of light and to help others.
One of the greatest attributes of the mind and soul, is to take part in the ability to determine and select directions in our lives. Situations circumstances and directions, we contemplate, and eventually we make a final decision. These decisions then change the course of our lives and also effect the lives of others around us. We determine directions with our free will, which is a gift to us from God that He will never take away, even if we abuse it. He will wait for us to make a better decision.
These directions are fed to us by our spirits, which attempt to enlist the cooperation of our souls and minds. When our souls and minds cooperate, then our spirits can have their way, and we will learn and experience things that we need to experience in the process of life to fulfill our divine plans.
Our spirits always lead our souls and minds to things that we need to experience while we are here on Earth. The things we need to do and experience in life are not all good or positive. We have created negative karma from previous lives, and we grow through overcoming it. We overcome this negative karma by balancing it with the victory over the weakness or the shortcoming that we have previously created in our lives. The negative experiences can be very difficult in life but produce growth and maturity in us for the future. Our overcoming of these negative attitudes brings a balance and new light to our lives.
Another important function of the mind is to make decisions that can and will change our directions, and the directions of people around us. Our decisions can and will alter circumstances or situations in life. If our mind cooperates with the directions of our spirits and souls, then we will be led into self-forgiveness, self love and charity towards other people. We came here to this earth to bring higher levels of consciousness to our world. This is what the world should be about; to unify everyone in love, acceptance and forgiveness.
Spiritual success is in the growth and expansion of our souls and minds. The soul may lead our minds into things, events or situations that will stimulate and develop growth in us. This may include the developing of humility, surrender, strength, stability, patience, positive attitude and other attributes we need in our lives for real spiritual mental and physical success.
This means that we may be led into things and directions that may not be successful in view of other people or the physical world around us, but very successful in our spirit world or in God’s world. The experience may be very uncomfortable to our minds, feelings and our flesh or body, but will be very acceptable to our spirits and the Spirit of God from an eternal perspective. We had previously, before we came here to earth, developed a desired plan to accomplish in this lifetime.
Only certain circumstances or situations in our lives are capable of producing certain desired results or changes in our lives. Certain pressures or stresses will force us to look at attitudes, and things in our lives that we would normally be unwilling to deal with or make a change in or we just simply are unaware that we have or do something that needs to be changed. When we get tired of the pressures and circles of behavior in our lives we may become willing to change or become open to change and to develop positive expansion and personal growth. This is not as the world sees it, but as God’s kingdom sees it.
Many of these necessary changes take place in our lives through events and circumstances even when we sometimes are not aware of these inner changes happening. The most important thing is that they happen and that changes are made; not necessarily that we are partly or fully aware of these changes or adjustments in our lives. Our awareness can come later. The important thing is that we continually grow. As long as we are still here in this life, we know that we are still growing or willing to grow.
God and His spiritual kingdom, with all wisdom, knowledge and intelligence, knows the things and situations that we need to experience for our growth and maturity. He leads us into these situations for our ultimate good and the good of others around us. Adversity is not intended to put us down or destroy us, but to make us rise above it, make necessary changes, take control over our lives and take dominion over our planet.
Our minds have an unlimited learning capacity, and when accompanied with humility and submission (from our souls), the mind can learn incredible things, and in turn distribute to others that need it. This world is all about giving and receiving. Our minds must learn to give to ourselves and to others. With the influence of our hearts and in humility, we should be able to receive from others as well. Everyone we meet in life has something to give us and we have something to give them. This will happen as long as we do not allow conflict and division to rob us or we are at least, willing to overcome it.
Our minds receive direction from our hearts, which are in direct touch with our souls, which are in direct contact with our spirits or God. Our bodies rely on our minds, hearts, souls and spirits, to direct in all aspects of mental, emotional and physical life. In addition, our associations with other people and events, circumstances and situations we encounter in life are all affected through the decisions of our minds.
Our physical bodies rely on our souls and our minds to keep them functioning in a proper balance, and to properly balance our individual emotions. Our minds, hearts and souls need to assess all situations and things in life. We decide through our minds how we are going to handle these situations or how we are going to respond to certain situations. This process will change along the way as we grow. When our minds, hearts, souls and spirits line up with God, the results are good for our growth and maturity in this life. This is what we need to learn while we are here on earth, or we will need to repeat this life again and as many times as necessary until we get it.
Realistically speaking, we are all at different levels of development here on Earth. To imply the concept that we are all at the same level of development would be foolishness. We are not all at the same level of development here on Earth and neither will we be in heavenly realms. Whether we’re here or in heaven, we will always be growing, expanding and becoming more of everything. We will learn to be wise, knowledgeable, balanced and stronger, and become more powerful creative individuals.
We certainly are all loved equally by our father God and his kingdom. Some of us are more or less pleasing to God in our willingness to change and grow to become more like Him. This growth will continue even after we leave this world; we will never stop learning and expanding. Eventually we will be able to create our own worlds that will be balanced and self sustaining, rather than self destructive.
Our minds can potentially create anything in our world. They are only limited by our own belief systems and the faith in our own abilities and capabilities. We create with our thoughts and emotions. That is why it is so important to be led in the right directions of creation by our souls and spirits so that our works are self-sustaining, built on the rock, rather than the shifting sands of low consciousness and self destruction.
We are, in fact, gods on earth. Our spirits contain the fullness of God, and by the act of our will, we can access and bring this divinity into our lives and the lives of those around us. Our souls, minds and emotions must cooperate with this process to bring the fullness of God into our world. The mind is a great thing if it is controlled or directed by the power of the soul and spirit, otherwise it is lower nature.
If our minds begin to control from the outside and take directions from our bodies and the outside world, then we will experience many difficulties and hardships. This is what is commonly known as shallow thinking and living, without the depth of understanding. This is ego based, very selfish, and is based on personal gain and self-satisfaction and is totally self destructive. Shallow people rarely think of others first and everything is about them and their situations, self-centered.
We need to learn to line up with our spirits, souls and hearts. These are the only real reliable power sources and guides that we have in this life, because they are connected to our spirits or God himself.
Chapter 4
Emotional Body
We have four lower bodies that are identified as soul, mental, emotional and physical. One of our four lower bodies is our emotional body. This is in fact a body, in the same basic shape as our physical body but we cannot see it with our physical eyes. This emotional body determines how we will feel about things, react to things and is a part of our decision making process. We are asked, or we ask ourselves how we feel about this person or that thing or that situation, circumstance or event in life. We respond with our feelings or how we feel about it. This decision process is a partnership between our minds and emotions.
We can, however see this emotional body with our spiritual eyes, from within us. In addition we can very clearly feel this body, and feel the effects of the expression of this body. We can hardly do anything in life without feeling the effects of the expression of our emotional body in it. Our emotions are a part of everything we are, say and do in life. Our emotions are directly connected to our inner divine spirits, that are in direct contact with God and His kingdom, at all times. Our emotions are very accurate at letting us know, what is good for us and what isn’t good for us, we just don’t always listen to the voice of our spirits through our emotions.
No one would ever realistically attempt to deny the existence of our emotional body or our emotions, as we know them to be. We have feelings, and we feel emotional about things and whether we are male or female. As human beings we all feel emotions and as a result, we react to what is happening in life. To deny that we have emotions would be foolish, since we all feel and experience the results of emotions, in ourselves and in others on a daily basis.
You cannot physically see emotions but they do exist in this world whether you believe it or not. Specifically we can see the result of what our emotions produce or what they may lead people to be, do or say concerning particular situations, matters or circumstances in life. Emotions affect our wills and the decisions we make in life.
Our emotions or feelings about something can change our minds, wills or decisions even after an event or situation takes place. Our emotions or feelings can lead us to restore a negative situation by making a better decision and apologizing for inappropriate actions or responses and restoring things back to their original condition.
Emotion is energy in motion (E-motion) and emotion is very definitely driven by energy. This energy comes from our spirits. Energy is light and light is energy; it is basically the same substance. Energy comes from God, through our spirits and into the material world. It comes from the universe into our spirits, is directed by our souls and wills, and sent out into our minds, emotions and into the material world around us.
This energy can be used to create, as we are co-creators with God in this world. We expend energy continuously through us, and this is what creates things in our world, whether it is spiritual, mental or physical. Without this continuous stream of energy from God, we would be unable to function in this world or to interact in any way as energy is motion.
It takes power to produce something; it just doesn’t happen on it’s own. Everything has to have a power source, otherwise it is dead and has no life. Life is power, life is energy, life is light, light is energy, light is life, and power is life. They are all interchangeable. Just as a battery is a power source for a flashlight, so is God the source of energy and light.
When we use our souls and desire something in life, and focus our mind on it, and then put our emotions or energy into it, it will manifest in our lives. The emotional energy will go our and work for us as well as to signal assistance from the heavenly beings that are assigned to help us. Heavenly beings, however are committed to move in line with our divine plans for this life time.
Our spirits do not assess situations or matters from the same plane or viewing point that we so often do. Our spirits assess whether certain things in life are good for us or bad for us, whether things are profitable for us or unprofitable for us. Spiritual beings in the Kingdom of God are not driven by good and bad, right and wrong, only by what would be profitable for us, good for our growth and maturity or good for our future development, our divine plans and our future in general.
It is only religion that capitalizes on good and bad in order to control and manipulate. If you can get people to feel bad about themselves, then you can manipulate and control them. They convince people that they can offer them a home in heaven, if they believe what they are told, and follow a set of regulations and rules, mixed in with many traditions and some spiritual truths. As a result they control people, their lives and their finances. Loss of our freedom is not God's intent for our lives. The truth shall make us free.
Through our thoughts and emotions we send out vibrations into the world, and these vibrations in turn draw certain things into our lives that we desire or want in our lives. Our thoughts can generate emotions and when these emotions are sent out, they create things in our lives. All of our lives on this planet were created in the very same way.
Our thoughts always create emotion energy and emotional energy co-creates things in our lives. The universe returns to us what we send out, which is universal law, and this ensures that we will eventually self correct in life. This is the salvation process. We always have saved, redeemed and healed ourselves, this is set in universal law by God. The kingdom of God is within us to do this. Not by the might of my soul, my mind, my emotions or our flesh, but by our inner God, holy spirit shall all things be accomplished.
We create negative thoughts, feelings and actions, the universe sends it back to us. We then decide weather we want this in our lives. If we decide that we do not want it anymore, then we make changes accordingly. We have natural inner consciousness awareness of this process, when we say "what did I do to deserve this".
If we create and send out positive and uplifting thoughts, feelings, vibrations and actions the universe returns that to us. We then can decide weather we like this and if we do, we will create more of it and it will multiply our talents through universal law. It is the same concept as reaping what we sew that is in the bible.
Our emotions or feelings play a very major role in sending out these vibrations to create in our life and to provide the universe with what you want to be returned to you in life. Emotion or energy in motion is responsible for sending out these vibrations that are recognized in the spirit realm.
This is why the bible says that " the ferverent prayer of a righteous man produces much". When you put a lot of emotion or feeling into prayer it produces much more in response from the spirit world.
This response by the spirit world is also monitored by the universal law of God. People presently in embodiment on planet earth are the only ones allowed to make changes here, to help ourselves and to help one another and to help raise the planet back to the level or vibration or God. Spiritual beings of light are not allowed to do this, they are only allowed to assist us in doing it.
Let us use our gifts and talents here to help raise ourselves, others and our planet back to God. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven or raise the earth to heavenly places. The meek shall inherit the earth, not evil or anything that is outside of Gods laws or kingdom. To inherit something is to receive it and make use if it as it belongs to you.
The earth belongs to all of us, let's raise it back to God. Emotions or feelings are helping us to do that.
Stop Oct 28-06
Chapter 5
Physical Body
God within us, through our desire, created physical bodies for us as a house, or temple for our spirits, souls and minds to live in while we are here on Earth. When we first came to embody on this planet they were spiritual bodies, but through the great fall of man, eventually became dense and physical.
Our body gives us a physical expression in the world around us. This expression allows us to contact the physical world we live in. It enables us to express ourselves and communicate with each other in a tangible way. Our bodies were originally made in a higher spiritual order, but have fallen into a dense physical state that we are now familiar with. As a result, they are now only temporary dwellings for our spirits, souls, minds and emotions, while we are here living on planet earth. They will eventually become spirit bodies again when we ascend to the spiritual realm.
In the beginning of Adam and Eve, their bodies were spiritual bodies and didn’t die; they just transformed to the heavenly realm, when people were ready to leave planet earth. After the fall of man, and or the deceptions of the concept of good and evil, when man chose to separate himself from his spiritual teacher and go it alone, the bodies became denser and denser until they became so heavy, they became fully physical and became stuck in the lower nature or the lower plane. Our bodies then became vulnerable and subject to hurt and pain and to being destroyed or killed. Death then became an enemy to be conquered by raising again to the higher levels of life.
The physical body is not a real important issue in the scheme of things as we do have our soul bodies to resurrect in, when we die. This physical body is only for contacting and experiencing this world while we are here. In the end of physical life our bodies become disposable, when we put on our indestructible resurrected bodies. Our physical bodies are like disposable bags; when their usefulness is ended, they are no longer needed and they are disposed of or discarded. This death process is only necessary because of the present density of our bodies.
Our physical bodies are simply temporary homes for our spirits, souls, our minds and emotions. The body is expendable in the advancement and sequence of all things. Our bodies were never supposed to become physical according to the divine plan of God. Our bodies should have stayed in a higher plane of existence and never become physical. We were meant to stay in a higher vibration or frequency and stay fully connected to God.
Because of the fall of man, due to the deceptions of evil, we all became subject to the limitations of physical bodies and life in the physical realm. When we, as human beings, return again to our spiritual teacher or God, we will again be resurrected to our original state in the spiritual kingdom. Then we will have no need for a physical body any longer. In the interim, our bodies allow our spirits, souls and our minds to express themselves in the physical world in this physical form.
Our heart is where our soul and mind meet, and this is where all of our attitudes, decisions, directions, reactions, responses and emotions come from. These decisions most definitely affect our bodies and most definitely affect the health of our bodies.
We can choose from our hearts to love or to hate depending on our genetic makeup, what we were taught, the accumulation of our experiences and the purity of our hearts established from our experience. We can choose to hold grudges or to forgive and so on. We are always choosing between positive or negative feelings and all resultant responses affect our physical bodies.
Joy, laughter, good and positive thoughts, feelings and actions will affect our bodies in a positive manner and will produce further health and wellness in our bodies. If our spirits, souls, emotions and minds are healthy then our bodies will also be generally healthy.
Hate, resentment, discouragement, depression, negative thoughts, feelings and actions (when we act upon them) will produce sickness, weakness and unhealthy body functions. Negative thoughts and feelings towards ourselves can and will attack ourselves and others around us if we allow it to go that far. We are powerful beings and we determine what we become. We can make changes at any time as long as we are still alive in this world.
Positive feelings and attitudes are pleasing to the body, healthy and bring harmony rather than strife. Attitudes like love, compassion, kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, grace, and mercy will have lasting positive effects on ourselves and others around us. This will affect our bodies in a positive and healthy manner. Our bodies will always be subject to our choices and be in obedience to our decisions. We all get what we want, and what we want needs to be very carefully assessed and determined.
Negative thoughts and feelings cause the body to become sick. This is not meant to hurt us but only to awaken us to look at what needs to be changed in our souls, our minds and our emotions, changes that are needed in our psychology and the way we see the world. Quite often people will become sick, make life changing decisions and the sickness goes into remission as it is no longer needed for change. Our spirits were just showing us that changes needed to be made. If people are still unwilling to change they may stay sick, suffer or even die.
When we are young we are told that we will get old and die and we see around us that people are dying, so we accept this idea that we will physically die. After puberty, because of our own projections about dying, our pituitary glands begin to signal all of our other glands, that we are going to die and our glands begin to produce death hormones into our system. Eventually we get what we ordered, and that is physical death.
Our scientists who study the human body, cannot determine why the physical body dies. Our bodies regenerate themselves every seven years and this means that every seven years in life, all of the cells that our bodies had seven years previously no longer exist in our bodies, they all become new.
Through negativity and abuse, when our bodies renew these cells, they were renewed with defective cells, according to the consciousness that we are going to die. If we change our mind on the subject of death and begin to believe in eternal life, our bodies will again produce life hormones and begin to inject that into our bloodstream.
We need to tell are bodies that we have new information and that we no longer believe that we have to die. We therefore lovingly request that our bodies, or our pituitary and all other glands, stop producing death hormones and begin to produce life and health hormones. If you say this every morning until it becomes an inner reality in you, you can and will reverse the death process within you.
This concept is more powerful than any pills you can take or any exercise that you can do. If your cells in your body are damaged from negativity and abuse, they cannot receive vitamins and the result will restrict us from exercise. We need to correct the inside before we correct the outside. This correction needs to be in our own belief system.
Unforgiveness is one of the most notorious of negative conditions and usually invites bitterness, resentment, and hatred which leads to violence. Unforgiveness could be towards ourselves or others and is totally opposed to love. Love wants to find a way out for people or ourselves, but unforgiveness and judgment wants to criticize, accuse and condemn. What we send out, the universe returns to us, good or bad, the universe does not discriminate or judge, it just returns karma and wonders why we choose things that hurt us and others rather than choosing the best.
There are many healing streams that God has provided for us if we do experience unhealthy attitudes and resultant unhealthy bodies and we become out of balance. The highest and most permanent healing method is adjusting our consciousness and making the necessary changes in our level of consciousness to heal our soul. As a result, our minds, emotions and bodies will receive healing as well. This is the most permanent and most desirable and painless method of healing.
Proof of this is when you see someone receiving news from a doctor that they are going to die. They suddenly look at life differently, they begin to make immediate adjustments. Things that were unimportant in their lives suddenly take on a whole new perspective and now become important. Things that were viewed as important now become unimportant. Suddenly money, things and gain don’t matter anymore, and love and relationships take on the priority role.
Our spirits and souls can use sickness to signal us that we are out of balance or alignment. When we make the required changes, then the sickness is no longer necessary, and quite often you see the sickness go into what they call remission. They call it remission when they can’t explain why the sickness is no longer there.
The second healing method is direct divine healing from the kingdom of God. It comes supernaturally and directly from God and His kingdom and is fast and painless,. We should always strive for this method if we are unable to access the first method of healing. This method of healing happens from the inside of us, and is initiated by our faith or someone else’s faith in the unseen power to believe in something or healing that we do not yet have. This faith or belief makes the miracle materialize from inside of the individual person. The power to heal us comes from the God or I am presence within us all that sustains life and leads us through life
The third healing stream of priority should be that of a natural source, or natural path, which consists of natural remedies that are found in herbs, plants and animals. God has provided all of the remedies for ailments or physical problems in the form of natural substances that can be used in healing our bodies. It has taken many years of experience and passed down knowledge to accumulate this type of knowledge in the use of healing our bodies.
The fourth and what should be our last avenue in healing streams is modern day medicine. It should be the last option for us because this method can be the most painful, most costly and, most often, obtain less results than the previous healing streams.
If we will take quiet times away from all of the fast pace and noise of life and listen to the pleasant quiet supernatural voice of our own spirits ( God presence ) within us, they will tell us what we need for our bodies, before the problems start to develop. The spiritual world will tell us how to balance ourselves, what we need to eat, when we need to exercise, the rest and relaxation that we require to maintain good metal, emotional and physical health for our minds, emotions and bodies.
The factors that determine the quality of directions in our lives, include the strength and experience of our individual souls, the development of our minds, hereditary knowledge and ways that are embedded in our bodies, in our cells, genes or DNA. In addition, the influence of our upbringing or what we have been taught by others in our life has a direct bearing on our level of consciousness, our understanding of how things work and as a result, the effects on our bodies.
Our spirits are very old and have been in existence for a long period of time. Our souls have attained certain amounts of strength and have attained experience from many years of existence, and usually many incarnations of previous physical life. We came here to Earth as a baby, to experience this life and the learning and growth that comes with it. We need this experience here on Earth for our ultimate growth, maturity and expansion of our souls.
Hereditary knowledge and experience is stored into the very cells and DNA of our bodies and have direct influence on our lives. This and other types of factors and knowledge influence the way we see things, the way we react to things, the way that we deal with things and the way we process things in life.
This is of coarse continually changing as we grow and progress. Our bodies usually cannot get out of this world alive, and as a result, are not considered as important, as the spirit and the soul which are eternal and will exist forever. The body or the flesh is expendable and it’s destruction process can produce necessary eternal qualities in the mind or soul which go on forever and has eternal value. Sickness can sometimes be a result of negative karma that we have created in other lifetimes, but we can still change any Karma by making better decisions than we made when we created this karma. This usually needs to be done from a higher consciousness.
God, with our original agreement and determined divine plans, determines what experiences are necessary for individual spirits, souls or persons in this world. This experience will produce eternal qualities within people who are directly involved in these experiences, and in others that are indirectly involved in these circumstances or situations.
Quite often people are led (in life) by the body, which was never equipped to lead us as individuals. The body, if you follow it’s leading, will lead into selfishness, lust and appetite. The body is directly opposed to love and to giving to others. The body is basically selfish and only wants to satisfy itself. It seeks it’s own gratification, and overindulgence in almost everything imaginable. The body can only be controlled by our souls and our minds and our emotions.
The body is in touch and in tune with the physical world and is moved by our egos, our carnal minds, our unconscious minds, and our five senses. It will respond to the five senses and will continually follow the leading of our egos and five senses. The body cannot do anything else; that is what it is designed to do. Our bodies need quality spiritual direction and guidance from our spirits and souls to be successful and strong in this physical plane of existence.
Our spirits were equipped to lead us in life and circumstances. There is infinite knowledge in our spirits of what life is really about, the important things and issues in life, and what our personal goals are in life to accomplish while we are here in this world. We have a divine will of God to fulfill. We can be unsuccessful or successful in fulfilling this divine plan, depending on the decisions that we make in life.
The body is led by lust, pleasure and appetite, and is always focused on itself and thus, very incapable of proper direction in our lives. The bible captures this concept when it directs us to be led by the spirit and not the flesh or the body, or by the outward appearance. The body will lead us into total destruction if it is unrestricted.
People who are led by their bodies (lust, appetites and desires) are very surface type people, selfish and do not have much depth to them. They concentrate on themselves, their own needs and rarely think of others first. All of their conversations are about themselves and they live as though no one else mattered. This is just ignorance, or a lower state of consciousness. There is no need to feel guilty about it; just begin to make better decisions. If people knew better, they would do better.
We need to love and accept these (lower nature) people, and when the opportunities arise, we can help them and others to tap into their souls and spirits, to learn more about the most important things in life like loving, sharing and giving. These are people that just do not understand what life is about; maybe no one told them or taught them otherwise.
In these cases, divine spiritual angels or influences will work very tirelessly, patiently and lovingly to help these people tap into their spirits, or the influence of God in their lives. This spiritual connection will be seen by the fruit (of the spirit) produced in their lives: love, forgiveness, goodness and kindness etc.
Our spirits lovingly encourage our souls to produce good fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control. Our souls attempt to extend this good fruit to our minds, emotions and bodies, with the cooperation of our hearts, and then we are able to receive and display these fruits in our lives.
The bible says that you will know a tree by it’s fruit, whether it be good or bad. A bad tree cannot produce good fruit and a good tree cannot produce bad fruit. A good tree or person produces good fruit. We can be very good actors and actresses in life, and sometimes the real fruit is not recognized until it is squeezed or under pressure. Then we can see the real fruit in action.
The bible talks about good soil, in the parable of seeds being planted in the ground. The soil is relating to pure, sincere hearts in people. The production of this fruit in our lives will be accomplished through circumstances of life and experiences that are either positive or negative, and will be evident in our bodies and their expressions.
Usually positive experience comes first, to attempt to gain the desired results and then negative if necessary, to bring this needed change in our lives. This change in our lives is more important than our comfort or the comfort of our bodies. If necessary, the body will be sacrificed in the process, for the ultimate gain of our souls, emotions and minds.
We contact the world through our five senses, and the sixth sense is the spirit realm. God is much more concerned about the condition of the spirit and soul, than he is concerned about the condition of our body. This of course does not mean that God is not concerned with the body because he is very much concerned with our physical health. He is however much more concerned about the health of our souls because they are eternal, but the body cannot leave this world alive anyway, so it is and will be expendable in the ascension process. The eternal qualities and balance that we develop in our spirits and souls will live forever and obtain for us various levels of resurrection in eternal dwellings.
The body is the one entity in life that seems like, it is the most significant, but in actual fact, matters the least. It is the one thing that you possess, that you cannot take with you when you die but you transform to another plane of existence. The body is like all things in this solar system,
including all of the planets, stars and sun. They are all slowly dying, and will eventually die completely and will need to be replaced by new ones or transformed into a different dimension of light.
The wonderful plan that God has is, to create new heavens and a new Earth, by raising the level of consciousness of the whole world and all the people, so they can ascend into new dimensions of light and be restored into His kingdom. We would all be complete with new bodies and all knowledge we have learned here on Earth, together with the Lord forever in eternal dwellings.
Our physical bodies will not be a part of the next world, but will be transformed after death and become resurrected bodies that will be eternal and live forever. After his death, Jesus walked around the earth in his resurrected body to show us that it could be done, and that we could do it to. Jesus said “ if you believe in me, you shall not see death but have the light of life“, and he meant it.
Chapter 6
Ego/Conscious/subconscious Mind
The ego, the carnal mind and the subconscious mind could be known as the unholy trinity. They work together consistently to keep people operating in the physical realm. They keep people occupied with natural things, the events and situations of life. They attempt to keep people focused upon themselves, their own needs, and their own wants. Selfishness is the ego’s personal goal for people. The ego likes to keep us all busy and occupied with ourselves. Giving us less time to think of higher, more spiritual things, which are a direct threat to the egos short and long term survival.
The ego runs this unholy alliance; the ego likes to win and it likes to be recognized. The ego likes to possess things, to own and control, as power is one of it’s greatest desires. Power brings with it wealth, control and recognition. The ego likes to be better than everyone else; it likes to put others down on a lower level, which of course appears to put the ego in a higher position above them. People reaching out and connecting to God is their only way out of being dominated by their own egos. Two egos will naturally fight for control.
The ego loves things, toys, ownership, this gives the ego a sense of power and control over others, which it loves. All of these things become attachments to us as humans and will all have to be released before we can enter the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of heaven. Family and friends can become attachments to us and will eventually need to be released in favor of a healthy spiritual relationship, rather than the special relationship, that excludes God and is steeped in guilt, shame and manipulation.
When people begin to connect with their source, God and the spiritual realm, they bring their egos and carnal or physical minds, under the control of their spirit. They will eventually spiritualize their natural and subconscious minds and eliminate the need for their egos, otherwise known as pseudo identities or a mortal sense of identity. These counterfeit identities took the place of God in our lives, as our original identities were our awareness of being directly connected to God our source.
To understand the ego or the pseudo identity that works within us, we need to understand how and where the ego originated, how it developed and strengthened itself from the beginning.
We are all familiar with ego’s expressing itself through us individually and through other people around us. We can see the ego operating in other people, usually better and clearer, than we can see the ego operating within ourselves. Not many people will deny the existence of the ego within the human race, as a whole.
If you do not understand the ego, where it came from, how and why it exists, the reason for it’s existence, and what it’s long term goals and objectives are, you will not truly comprehend it or how to be free of the ego. Most people realize that the ego is not a very good thing to have, that it should be under some control, but all would agree that too much ego is not very good to have in life for anyone.
The truth is that no ego is good ego. We do need self-respect, self-esteem, confidence, and faith in ourselves, which is not a part of the ego. We need assertiveness and confidence, which are also not part of the ego, but are supernatural character traits that we all need for balance in our lives.
Most often people do not know how to deal with the ego, how to get rid of the ego, or is that even possible? Can the ego be controlled or harnessed, can we be free of the ego or are we just stuck with nothing that can be done about it. Are we, as human beings just saddled with this thing called ego? Are we, as human beings destined to have this thing called ego, run our lives at it’s own will?
All of these things can be answered, but it would be best if we start right from the very beginning of Mr. Ego itself.
Man had a great fall in the Garden of Eden, after the embodiment of Adam and Eve on planet earth. Their eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a symbolic demonstration of the fact that Adam and Eve became sin conscious, or conscious of sin, which made them believe they were separated from God. They became aware that there was another way to live, other than being directly connected to their creator God.
God had given them free will, and this free will gave people the right to choose the way they wanted to live. Adam and Eve became aware of another path in life, with the assistance of dark spirits of deception that had discovered this other path long before them. Adam and Eve chose this other path.
When God came into the Garden to look for them, Adam and Eve hid from God. When Adam finally answered, he said: “ we are hiding in the bushes because we are naked.” God answered: “who told you that you were naked?” Then Adam revealed that they had taken another path and had become aware of sin, which was on the other path, not the spiritual path that God had taught them to walk in.
After the great fall of man, people began to lose touch with their source and Gods kingdom. Their memories of who they were, and where they came from began to fade away very rapidly. People then became fearful and paranoid, and feelings of inferiority began to set in. God never separated himself from the people, but the people separated themselves from God.
Thinking that they were now alone and separated from God, people created the ego to lead and guide them in their lives. This again gave them some sense of security as the ego was created to take the place of God in their lives. Since then , the Ego became a self made God within man, and in actual fact, replaced God in the guidance of human beings upon earth.
With each generation, the ego has become stronger and stronger, to the point in time we are at now, where the ego denies even the existence of God, in some cases. If that is not possible, then the ego divides us and denies God’s ability to guide us in life. The ego knows that if people connect back up with God their creator, the need for the ego to exist would be eliminated, and it would be the death of the ego. The ego will fight hard for survival within the minds, the visions and the power of human beings on planet earth.
When people first came to earth, they had spirit bodies that would live forever in perfect health. They would never get sick or tired or have any other human limitation that we see in the world today. They were perfect and flawless creations of God to inhabit the planet.
After the fall of man however, sickness, disease and the death process began to develop in human beings. The further people got away from their creator God, the further down they descended in consciousness, the more physical and dense they became and more of the limitations took over. The more degraded everything became, with the help of dark forces, that knew the path of darkness very well. They were very pleased with the descent and degradation of mankind.
The objective of dark forces is to bring the people of earth to such a low level of consciousness, that they eventually self destruct. The whole planet itself can self destruct and implode in on itself ending life on this planet. Dark spirits have destroyed planets before, and they will again, if they are allowed to. The only way they can be stopped is through human beings, this is universal law. God gave us free will, and when he did, he knew that that would allow us to choose for or against His ways, His kingdom and His laws. His own universal laws will not allow Him to interfere, unless we ask Him to do so. We as humans will decide the fate of ourselves and our planet.
This process of human degradation has continued to this day, where some souls find their way back to God their creator. They raise their level of consciousness, put their egos under subjection, and gain their spirit, or resurrected bodies back and receive eternal life. Other souls continue following their self created egos, and self created hell's, continuing the revolving doors of life and death on this planet, until the time that they reach out to God their creator and return to their real home in the spirit realm or heaven.
The ego can be brought into subjection by our connection with the spirit of God our source, by receiving God’s guidance and teaching in our lives, and by receiving the understanding of life and how to surrender ourselves to the Spirit of God. This surrender, in humility, will open the doors to our real spiritual life and help us learn who we really are and what we are really capable of. Humility will help to uncover the spiritual power that is available to all of us to set us free. The bible says that when we are weak, then are we strong. “ You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free“.
The carnal, natural physical mind, or thinking and decision making process is in a fallen or limited state. Negativity was never meant to be a part of our thinking processes. Inability, inferiority and lack, all should never have been experienced in life, but this is all a part of the process of the carnal mind. The carnal or natural mind cannot understand or discern the things of the spirit, but is focused on the natural world. Spiritual things do not make sense to the carnal mind. It appraises all things naturally and within the framework of the natural or physical world.
In the beginning of the embodiment of human beings upon earth, our minds were spiritual rather than carnal or natural. We were spiritual beings having an earthly experience, and we have now come to place of thinking that we are natural beings having the odd spiritual experience.
If we are led by our natural minds it will lead us into ego illusions, negativity and darkness. Our natural minds only respond to the natural world and the five senses of the natural world, and do not understand anything beyond this physical world. Spiritual things seem out of touch for our natural or carnal minds. The carnal mind will lead us in directions that are not good or profitable for us spiritually, or in reality. The carnal mind will lead us away from the kingdom of God.
This negativity or lower nature will continue until we as human beings, out of love, determine to look higher into the spiritual kingdom, where we came from. We will overcome the limitations of the natural world, when we search higher to the things of God, and the things of the spirit. We can only do this with our souls, by the act of our wills, and the kingdom of God will assist us. The spirit of God that is within us will take over our lives, as we give him the reigns, our wills and the reception of our hearts, which is at the seat of our souls. At this point we are walking in the spirit and we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh or our lower carnal natures and unfulfilled carnal desires. We should not want false desires to be fulfilled. We will then begin to move higher, and to progress to a higher state of consciousness or spiritual union with God our creator.
Our natural, physical or carnal mind responds to our egos as they are fixed in the same direction. They will move in directions that don’t involve the kingdom of God or spiritual things. They can make people think that they are moving with God, but in truth are only fulfilling the desires of their ego's and carnal minds. This is religion, this is the way that seems right unto a person, but actually leads to destruction and death.
The ego has an easier time controlling the carnal mind, as the carnal mind is in tune with the physical or the flesh realm. The ego and carnal mind do not want any higher power or higher kingdom of God interfering with their plans to exploit the flesh.
The ego does not mind us worshipping God, just as long as we keep God or Jesus as a self created idol, image in our minds and keep God on the outside of us. The concept that the ego does not want human beings to discover and believe, is that the kingdom of God is within us, there in lies the power to change. If we keep God on the outside of us, we don't change.
Exploiting our flesh could involve unfulfilled false desires and pleasures of money, wealth, fame, sex and many other desires in life that are not necessarily negative in essence, but with the leading of the ego and carnal mind, could be very misguided and become a downward pull of dark forces. This could eventually take a soul into self-destruction over time.
However, all of these things in balance and holy spirit guided, can be uplifting and be the beautiful things of life that we can enjoy while we are here in this life. It is not so much what we attain in life that can be a problem to us, but more about what we become attached to and controlled by that becomes a trap to our soul.
If we cannot let go of these things when we leave this world, we can become stuck in between worlds by the attachments that we cannot leave behind. This is what the ego and carnal mind will do for us if we let them. There are disembodied souls all over the planet that have died, but are still attached to this world and just hang around their attachments, until they decide to release back to the light.
The ego and physical mind do not want us to think beyond the physical world but to think that there are things in this life that we cannot live without, and that we need to desperately take from this world and not give back.; that the victory is in taking what you want, and giving nothing back. The illusions of this world are hidden in the things that we think we cannot do without. The without needs to surrender to the what is within us.
Ownership is the big push and desire of the carnal mind and ego, and it is based on limitation and lack. The fear of not having enough becomes the driving force behind greed, lust and power. There is never any real satisfaction in this, and it is a relentless quest to conquer the world, to control and manipulate for the personal benefit of the individual person, often with little regard for the welfare of others, in the process. Owning a part of this world becomes a trap of increasing or maintaining what we have, and living in the fear of losing what we have. Weather large or small, it becomes an endless race with no real winners, only miserable losers in the ego's carefully planned and organized lower games of escaping peace and further stress.
The truth is that there is a river of life from the kingdom of God, that made this world in the beginning, and is quite capable of increasing the wealth, but without ownership or any attachment that will keep us down. The freedom of receiving everything of God rather than owning part of it is the true freedom that was meant for us all. The river of life from God will ensure that we have everything that we need. We simply need to plunge ourselves into God’s river of life that is available to all of His children, excluding none.
The river of life will allow you to give to this world rather than take, and will make this world a balanced platform for soul growth that it was intended to be when the world was created. The river of life is a continuous flow of wealth from the kingdom of God. It has no end and no limitations and is given freely to all.
The ego and carnal mind will promote greed and lead people to hoard and hold up the wealth from reaching all people, and will create a world of great abundance for some and nothing or very little for others. If something does not change this type of unbalance, eventually the world could self destruct under it's own weight.
If people in this world will reach out for God, ask for help, then the kingdom of God will flood in to assist and bring balance and stability to our world. This would start people on the spiritual path, that can't be taught, only experienced personally. If you have never experienced an apple, you could be taught about an apple, you could see pictures of an apple, which would give you a good idea of an apple. But it is only when you bite into it, that you can really experience and know what an apple really is in it's fullness.
The subconscious mind is simply our soul that records everything that happens to us or that we do from all of our lifetimes on this planet until the present time. Our subconscious minds are much like a computer in that they don’t discriminate with information. The subconscious mind just simply records everything and become what we feed into it. It then gives us back what we put in. It functions on input and output without any discrimination of any sort. Information in and information out is the function, but it can store unlimited amounts of information.
You program the subconscious mind the same way you program a computer. Good in and good out, negative in and negative out, power in and power out, lack and limitation in and lack and limitation out. The beautiful thing is that the subconscious mind can also be reprogrammed at any time we choose.
We need to decide what we believe, and then send that information and belief to our subconscious minds to then mirror it back in our lives, as things unfold. Without discrimination the subconscious mind is a mirror reflecting back to us what we put in, weather it be negative or positive.
You do not have time to reprogram the subconscious mind when you need it to respond. Whatever is previously programmed will come out automatically in the process of life, in the form of vibrations that you send out. These vibrations will reflect what has been put into the computer or subconscious mind in previous times, and will reflect that belief, attitude, feeling or thinking process and we will act on it and display it on the outside.
We might desire something like money to supply a need in our life. We might really want it in our natural or physical mind, but our subconscious mind may send out negative vibrations that believe that we are not worthy or that we do not deserve this money or maybe misuse it. The kingdom of God responds to the vibrations that we put out and not to our natural or physical mind. Thus we sabotage our own desire and need for money. However we only need enough to supply that particular need at the time.
Motivational and financial teachers in this world make a lot of money teaching people how to reprogram their subconscious minds and to release the wealth that they need in their lives. This is simply reprogramming their subconscious minds and removing the psychological blocks that prevent people from obtaining what they need in life. This is done by putting in the right information that will remove old blocks that prevent us from attaining all that we need. Self help books and recordings, when read and played over and over will eventually change our vibrations, and allow our needs to be met and build wealth for the future.
If we use this wealth to help others as well as ourselves we will be on the right path. We can all receive from the river of life of God by simply asking and receiving from the subconscious level. All things that we need in life will be supplied by God’s river of life supply, by simply asking with receptive vibrations, which is a very vital part of receiving from God. If we do not receive what we need, then we did not put out the right vibrations.
We will need to reprogram our subconscious mind, and change our psychology by removing the blocks, before the abundance will flow freely. If we ask, God will show us how to reprogram our subconscious minds from within us. If we will listen to God and apply it to our lives, it will produce what we want in life. However it is our responsibility to put it in it's right perspective and balance to become whole or complete.
The people that are more financially fortunate in life, knew how to put out the vibrations to attract wealth in previous lifetimes, or were born into families that knew how to create wealth and have been taught the necessary tools of attraction, to create wealth in their lives. The kingdom of God reads the vibrations or spiritual signals and responds to it. Our faith is a major part of this process. We can fool ourselves, but we can't fool God.
Wealthy people would be wise to assist others less fortunate than themselves; to assist other people to reprogram their subconscious minds, learn the power of attraction, and how to change their psychology to receive wealth in this world. However most often, wealthy people do not know the process; they just create wealth accidentally. You cannot teach something unless you know the process.
We are all individual expressions of God. We are not separate from one another, when one hurts, we all hurt. We are all related, we are all brothers and sisters, we all have the divine spirit of God within us, we are all cut from the same cloth, we are all one. Any thinking that falls short of that is only temporary illusion, does not truly exist, and does not have any permanent stability but only exists in the minds of people. It is a figment of their imaginations that will eventually pass away like all other illusions.
The subconscious mind can be programmed to believe most anything, project most anything and manifest most anything. The unconscious mind responds to repetition. What you put in you will also get out. What you give out will be returned to you. What you put more of into the subconscious, you will get more of out. It will mirror back what you tell it. If you tell your subconscious that you are stupid, weak or broke, it will believe you and it will store that information without discrimination. If you repeat it over and over many times, your subconscious will program itself with that information and return it to you at another time, maybe when you are trying to convince yourself that you are smart, that you are strong or that you are rich.
If you pre-programmed your subconscious mind to believe that you were smart, strong and wealthy, then your subconscious will support you on these things when you need them in your life. Info in and info out is the function of the subconscious mind.
To program your subconscious mind for the good things you really want in life, use repetition of positive thoughts and spoken words to affirm these things over and over inside your subconscious mind.
Whatever you need or want in life, if you think it over and over and physically speak it over and over, or have a tape recording speaking the repetition of what you want, you will create it in your life.
Make up a statement of affirmations like “I am fabulously wealthy and incredibly rich” or I am fabulously healthy and incredibly young” or " I am fabulously happy and incredibly joyful " or I am fabulously protected and incredibly safe " and repeat these statements to yourself out loud one hundred times a day, until it all manifests. It will happen in different time frames for different people, but it will most definitely manifest in your life.
Many of our psychological blocks and lower nature thinking and processing were created in previous lifetimes, but they can be overcome with the right process, and work at any time we choose to get serious about overcoming. We will all eventually know all the truth and all of the truth will set us completely free.
Our egos, conscious minds and subconscious minds will work against our spiritual advancement, when our egos are allowed to control us. They will attempt to keep us blinded to our real spiritual self, keep us from discovering who we really are, where we really came from and what we are truly capable of in this world as a co-creator with God.
When we reconnect with our spiritual source, find out who we really are, find out where we came from and why we are here and what we need to accomplish here, we will begin to fulfill our pre-planned divine plans and fulfill our spiritual missions in this life. All of this information is within us, as Jesus said in the bible " the kingdom of God is within you ".
Our spirits will then begin to lead us into taking dominion over our souls, natural minds, emotions, physical bodies and our world. Our spirits will assist us in reprogramming our souls, minds, emotions and bodies to out-picture the perfection of God and completely transform us into heavenly beings on earth. We will truly be able to be here below, all that we are above or as the lord’s prayer says it:” thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven“.
Our spirits will literally save our souls, minds emotions and bodies from the control and destruction of the ego within us. Our conscious and subconscious minds will be reprogrammed to out-picture the perfection of God and make us successful in every way and in every part of life, but with the lovely balance that all things were meant to operate in.
This balance will help to perfect our entire being and world.
Chapter 7
Attachments & Addictions
To understand the attachments and addictions of this world we need to start in the beginning of the fall of man, in the Garden of Eden where man separated himself from God and assumed that there was no return to what he once knew in the Kingdom of God. This assumption was incorrect, however this assumption and condition is still present in man today.
As a result, man created his own ego to guide him in life and began to become attached to the things of earth, thinking that he was now stuck on earth forever. Enjoyment, happiness and fulfillment were now sought out in the things that the earth could provide and continue to this very day.
Man's five senses, given to him by God to enable him to contact the earth or the physical world, now became the priority and focus in life, as it was presumed that the spiritual was lost forever. Now everything on earth was viewed from a physical or natural perspective rather than a spiritual perspective. Starting with the forbidden fruit in the garden, the attachments latched onto much of what the world had to offer.
Man and woman were warned not to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, as they would then surely die. This was symbolized in a tree and fruit, but it meant that in the black and white thinking of the knowledge of good and evil, man would now become sin conscious and create his own world based on the concept of right and wrong. This concept would take man into a descent in consciousness that he has never recovered from.
In the Garden of Eden, after the fall, God commanded that people be kept from the tree of life, which also symbolized the fact that in this sin conscious condition, eternal life would be unthinkable and cruel punishment of the worst kind. That is why God, in an act of love, would allow death to begin, as the only possible way to eventually redeem man back to his original place of perfection with God. If man was left to descend in consciousness indefinitely, man would eventually self-destruct. God allowing death was then an act of mercy to redeem man from his own created madness.
These five senses of man now became the driving force for experience and everything was now beginning to be defined by the physical world rather than the spiritual world. Even the negative side of life, could now become an attachment. Anything and everything in the world had the potential to be worshiped and to become an object of attachment.
People became lovers of pleasure, rather than lovers of God and they began to sink deeper and deeper into more density and further away from God. The pleasures that people could experience in the physical world became more important than finding out how to return to God and the real thing. They sunk lower and lower, taking on more baggage and bondage as they descended into lower vibrations or densities.
From God's point of view, nothing had changed and they could have turned around at any time and come back to him, but from their viewpoint it seemed like there was no return and God was mad and had abandoned them. Even today people still thing that God is mad and has abandoned them.
Religions have played a strong role in this right and wrong, black and white and sin conscious thinking, in this descent into madness. Thinking God is angry and making judgments is blasphemy, instead of the religions calling anyone that does not think like they do, blasphemous. The need for control is the exaltation of ego and the height of arrogance for those who create God in their own image.
God is not subject to lower density feelings and anger, or any other negative emotion, and is not a part of the make up of God. People invented God's anger out of their own self-created fears and their own need for anger and judgment. They got angry, judged themselves and others and assumed that God would do the same. Much of the old testament of the bible was written with this type of low conscious thinking and feeling. They were at a low level of understanding and everything they did and wrote came from this position or viewing point.
Now the consciousness of people in the world is higher and people are slowly coming out of this density and realizing that God is judging no one, but that we all will judge ourselves at the end of this life as we did in other lifetimes. Jesus told us to love God and love others as we love ourselves. We need to internalize all three for balanced living and a Godly life.
After the great fall of man people gradually on earth started to become attached to erroneous thoughts, feelings, actions and experience. They gradually sunk into pleasure in all of these areas and everything became self- serving and the objective was self-fulfillment. Caring for others became caring for self, thus began the need for conflict rather than love and sharing. Conflict is people stealing energy from one another as they forgot how to receive it freely from God directly.
We now need to see the difference in outer and inner attachments. Outer attachments are all things in the external world around us, and inner attachments or sometimes referred to as addictions, are attachments to inner thoughts, feelings and inner experiences of our minds, emotions and physical bodies, that we create ourselves.
The outer attachments are experienced in actions and the experience we have around us in the outer world of life. This outer experience could come from people, places or things. It could be nature, our physical lovers, friends, and entertainment or simply, habitual behavior of self enjoyment, like the lake or the golf coarse. These are all self- created attachments in life. We have become lovers of pleasure and this world, rather than lovers of God.
There are a very large number of people who have died and are still wandering around the earth because they are attached to someone, something or things on earth that they cannot let go of and be free of at death. God will never go against their free will because he loves them so much and because of universal law that God has set in place. As a result God just waits patiently for people to eventually come to their senses and let go of their earthly attachments that they think that they need so much.
Addictions are very simply, self created actions and reactions, thoughts or feelings that are created by ourselves within us. Scientists tell us that the body produces chemicals from the brain and injects them into our bloodstream and is transported out through our blood vessels to the cells of the body. This causes certain feelings or sensations in the body that we can very easily become addicted to in life experience.
The hypothalamus gland in the back of our brain creates these chemicals, the brain injects them into our bloodstream when we are thinking, seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting or feeling certain things in life. The appropriate stimulant is then released into our bloodstream and sent out to our cells. This causes a certain feeling to be experienced by the body and experienced by our mind, emotions and as a result our soul.
If we like it a lot, we can become attached or addicted to that feeling and be driven to experience it, over and over again with no end or ultimate fulfillment. But we just keep on searching for that ultimate fulfillment indefinitely, because it never ends until we realize eventually that it is a dead end street created by the ego to keep us trapped in ego illusions of separation from God. That is how the ego survives inside each one of us.
The ego never wants us to find out the truth. The ego keeps us buried in illusions. These illusions are things that we think are true in life, but in fact are not true. These ego illusions keep people trapped in attachments of the physical world around us and this keeps us separate from God, who is the only one who can save us from our self-created attachments and the illusions, the trappings and the self created hell's of this world.
The ego desires to either keep us trapped in either pleasure or misery, it does not matter which you are trapped in, just as long as you stay trapped. It is the dark spirits that prefer that we be trapped in negativity, as this misery leads us to self-destruction. Self-destruction can lead to total annihilation if we never call out to God for help. God made us a promise that when we call for help through prayer, is the only time He will intervene on our behalf.
If we allow ourselves to go far enough into pleasure and negativity, there can come a point of no return, and that is the risk we take when we volunteer to come into life on this planet. We volunteered to help raise the planet back to the vibration or level of God. But in the density of earth, we forget our spiritual roots, and we can become trapped in the physical world through false desire. We can become attached to pleasure or suffering.
It is like the donkey chasing the carrot that is placed in front of him to make him go forward. The donkey never understands the fact that the carrot is moving with him and so he continues to chase the carrot, even though he never catches the carrot, he never gets it. And that is the same way our addictions and attachments work with people. Some never get it, in many lifetimes of attempts, but there is always tomorrow or another lifetime if we do not get it in this lifetime.
Scientists tell us that there are about 20 different chemicals that our bodies produce to be released when a certain condition is met or something familiar acts as a stimulant for our inner experience. For example when we see a situation that we decide is unsafe or volatile our bodies produce a chemical that makes our whole body feel fearful or alarmed. This can be so strong that we can actually paralyze ourselves with it.
There is a chemical for happiness and joy, for sadness, despair and depression, for sexual feeling, for pain or discomfort, for fear or anxiety, for excitement and stimulation, for anger or rage, for love and tenderness etc, etc. There is a chemical produced for every feeling and emotion that we experience. These are all self created rewards or punishment, depending on what we think we deserve at the time. This is sin consciousness.
We are actually producing this chemical ourselves and causing our own comfort or discomfort. We all do it in a way that is scientifically understandable but it is initiated and orchestrated by our subconscious mind and so we think that it is just happening to us, we are victims, and there is nothing we can do about it. We can become attached to that feeling, whether it is a negative or positive feeling and purposely create more of it.
For example, if we have self-pity and desire people to feel bad for us, we will create situations where this will be the result. Consciously we might not be aware at all. If we are dominated by ego and arrogance, we will create situations where we can display ourselves in our own self-made superior spender. If we desire people to like us, we will create the situations or circumstances to bring this about in our lives, we will be pleasers of people, rather than pleasers of God.
The truth is that we can control these feelings, but not from our conscious mind but from our subconscious mind. However we can learn with our conscious mind and with enough repetition, educate and change the reactions of our subconscious minds. Our inner heart is the base of the subconscious mind and here is generated all of our decisions and choices in life. They originate in our hearts, spring up into our natural minds, mix with our emotions and then we give it life or create it in us and in the world around us.
Our subconscious mind just acts like a computer, it does not make judgments or assessments it is just focused on input and output. What you put in, you get back out at another time. Usually our subconscious minds react or respond according to the past or past experiences. If the experiences were positive, it will respond positive, if they were negative it will react negative when initiated or ignited by others.
Our conscious self is the filter that all of this information must pass through from inside out and outside in. Our conscious selves select the information or experience that we are going to have in life. Decisions are made on a conscious level but also filtered through the previous experience of our souls or past life karma, negative and positive.
Therefore all attachments or addictions can be changed by desiring change and by understanding the truth about life. It is not just the truth itself, but understanding the truth that sets us free. If we get sick and tired of going around the same circles of life and become dissatisfied, this can set the stage for renewal. We might begin to desire more truth about life, stop and pray for God to help us, and He certainly will because He is waiting for that change in your desire and choice of your free will.
Once we realize that there is no end or true satisfaction at the end of addictions or attachments, we can then become willing to change, then God will step in and help us. At this point everything begins to change for the better. It may not seem like it as we work through our attachments and addictions, but it is all good, as all things work together for the good of the whole.
True fulfillment can only be found in the Kingdom of God and in the high vibration of spiritual attainment. Addictions are an ego based and created counter-fit to the real experience, which is spiritual and not physical. The ego has helped us all create these physical experiences, addictions etc. apart from God, to keep us from wanting to come back to God and the real thing.
The ego has developed into it's own entity and fights to survive and avoid death, which is your true enlightenment.
These ego illusions keep us busy and preoccupied so that we have no time to consider seeking after the real things. It is like being vaccinated in a clinic by injecting a very small amount of germs, so that we never get the real thing. That is a negative example of a positive thing. Once we experience the real thing, a counter-fit we never satisfy us.
The bible calls all of these physical attachments and addictions the world or the flesh and cautions us not to be attached to them but to walk by the spirit and we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh or physical. The physical is only there to keep us away from God and the real thing. Our egos and dark entities work continuously to keep us focused on the physical world so that we do not have time to even think about the spiritual world. Our egos and dark forces do not want us to wake up and smell the coffee, they want us to remain asleep until they can help us to self-destruct and be destroyed.
When you find the real thing in God, you will not trade it for any counterfeit. No counterfeit could even come close to the real thing, in feeling, joy, fulfillment and experience. When you have tasted a watermelon, you would no longer settle for just the picture of it, even though the picture may be very beautiful. When you have tasted your favorite fruit, you would no longer settle for just viewing it on the plant or tree. There is nothing like the taste of the real thing, even though it is very beautiful on the tree. You need to bite into it and actually experience it to know what the fruit is really like. When you experience it yourself, just the picture will no longer be acceptable.
When we are good and tired of lifetimes of experiencing the counterfeit, we will desire more and God will step in and give it to us. He is patiently waiting for us to want it or desire it. However He will only do this in agreement with our own wills as we surrender our own abilities to create our own lives. Receiving what God has for us in true experience, that is not created in counterfeit chemical reactions from our own abilities or ego, but created in the divine blueprint for our lives. Everything in our lives is monitored very carefully and in full detail and we are given many opportunities in one lifetime to be willing to surrender and to desire more God.
The absence of God is the creation of illusion that will not stand the test of time, but will eventually self-destruct. We have created our own illusions on this planet and we need to de-create these illusions in order to experience the truth of what God has to offer us. God won't come in and take these things away from us, we will have to be willing to surrender them, as a result of our own free will choices. Life is not about what we can get, it is about what we are willing to give up. Desire, humility and surrender is the key to receive.
People can become attached on the outside, to people, places and things of every description and kind and all of their decisions in life will be made in view of these attachments. Even when they die, if they have not yet resolved these issues, they will remain attached after death and not be able to leave the earth and go to their resting place between lives. They will wander the earth until they are ready to let go of attachments and addictions and be with God and the real true fulfillment of the ages. What a deal, being willing to trade something that is worth nothing, for something that is worth everything.
There is a saying of "let go and let God" which means, let go of your attachments and addictions and let God show you the real thing. All attachments and addictions to this world need to be released and let go before we can truly experience what God and his kingdom have for us. This path of light cannot be shown to someone, it must be experienced personally.
Jesus said in the bible, "he who saves his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake and the kingdom of God will save it". This means that we need to be willing to let go of our mortal or human sense of identity and be willing to put on the immortal or divine sense of identity to enter the Kingdom of God and eventually return to heavenly realms of existence.
Our divine or supernatural sense of identity does not include the lower attachments and addictions of this world, they all must be left behind in the divine transition to life eternal in the pure light of God. God has lots of time, how long do we want to wait, it is in our hands, what will we do!
The faster we choose to surrender and release the attachments and addictions of this world, the faster we will get to our real home, with no more crying, no more tears, no more sorrow or sickness and disease, or depression or darkness, no more fear, and no more death. God offers life eternal, in perfection, wholeness, power, perfect unconditional love, perfect peace, continuous joy and happiness, contentment and a wonderful sense of well-being. You can start the spiritual path today. Jesus called it the narrow way, and the path to life. It is as far away from you as your own free will.
We do not have to wait for heaven, Jesus said, that we could enter the Kingdom of God here on earth. We can't see it physically, but spiritually it is all around us, ever present and the only thing that is truly real. The Kingdom of God is involved in and recording every detail of what is happening on earth at all times, day and night and will continue as long as people need it and until all people and the planet are raised to the highest vibration or the perfection of God.
Keep it Real!
Chapter 8
The Kingdom of God is Within You
This is probably the most important belief, understanding, spiritual comprehension or divine revelation, that our ego and the dark forces of this world do not want us, as humans, to discover and accept into our lives. They don’t mind us playing religion or playing church, as long as we conceive God as being somewhere on the outside of us, out there, up there, in there, or anywhere, but inside of us. Our consciousness towards God should go inside of us and up, rather than outside of us and down.
The ego and dark forces of this world are very good at displaying themselves as religious or Christian leaders of religions, churches and religious organizations. Egos and dark forces working together can have a relatively easy time raising themselves above others, maintaining control over others, attaining power, and developing a financial empire in the process. They convince people that these things are signs of a good Christian man and leader. Religions and leaders attempt to put themselves between man and God. If all people understood that they can access God on their own, they wouldn’t need the religion or church, and there would be no need for the religious organization or individual leader to exist. This is how it is interpreted so it is always important to make people believe that they need the religion, church or organization to have access to God to be saved. And that the organization has some quick prayer that is the magical formula for salvation.
People who are trapped in these dark religious spirits, all have the same problem; they do not know they are trapped in it. King Saul, in the old testament of the bible, was trapped in ego illusions of the carnal or natural mind. When Saul had determined to kill King David, God's future King of Israel, he thought he was doing God a favor. This low-density thinking is the base of all religions and churches in the world. And just like King Saul, they would never believe it, even if it came through a prophet of God.
During the great crusades, people thought that they were killing other people for Christ and that God would be happy with them. When certain people drove planes into the world trade center in New York, they thought they were doing God a favor. When they die and find out the truth, they get angry towards the people who deceived them, and it can cause further problems to work out in the next life on earth.
When religious boards of directors, religious leaders and pastors kick people out of their religions and churches, or they reject someone for not measuring up to their expectations or their interpretation of the bible, they think they are doing God a favor. God is not in favor of division, separation or rejection, He is in favor of love and unity.
When they judge, accuse, condemn and attack other people, they think that they are doing God a favor. They really think that this kind of behavior, is what God is like. They think that God would attack someone that doesn’t agree with him. They think that God is some kind of proud, egotistical maniac that is out to get everyone. They still live in the lower consciousness of the old testament of the bible, while pretending to follow the new. In the old testament of the bible, the people did not understand who God really was or what His true character was like. They saw God judgmental, like themselves, rather than seeing Him, as He really is, as unconditional love.
If this concept of religion was true, we would have all been dead a long time ago. God has had more than enough justification to kill us all, if that is who He really is or what His true character is really like. Is He a loving and forgiving God who does not judge anyone, but only attempts to keep us from killing each other or self destructing ourselves? If we all had unconditional love, like God, towards ourselves and others, earth would be a paradise.
The truth is that these religious people are trapped in ego illusions, and think it is God leading them, but in fact it is their own egos and dark entities. Egos and dark spirits are very good at pretending to be humble, putting on a good act, while secretly enjoying and basking in the worship and admiration of other people. Praying in front of others for the approval and recognition.
People generally find it easier to worship something tangible rather than something they classify as intangible, like God. Jesus said “ you will know these blind leaders by their fruit. Or it could be said, you will know them by their fruit when you catch them in a natural setting when they aren’t acting. Some religious leaders are better actors and actresses than some of the known ones in Hollywood. Usually their true nature surfaces when they perceived that someone crosses them or offends them in some way. Satan comes to us as an angel of light. What better way to lead us off track than religion. The most effective warfare is infiltration, or disguising yourself as a friend or brother and then setting you up for destruction.
If we, as humans, come to this realization of the kingdom of God within us, during this lifetime, it will absolutely destroy the ego’s power over us, as well as greatly diminish and gradually eliminate the control that our ego's and dark entities have over our lives. However this concept must be internalized within us and not just exist as knowledge. This one revelation of truth will lead us back to God our source and wake us up, as to who we really are and what we are capable of in this world and what we really came here to be and to do in this life. Like Jesus, we will then be able to say " when you have seen me, you have seen the Father" or " I only do what the Father tells me ". "Not by might or by power, but by my spirit says the Lord" will all things be accomplished.
This knowledge, understanding and comprehension will change the way we view God, view ourselves, view others and view the world. If you change the way you look at things, you will change the way things look. Our viewing point is one of the most important factors in our lives that will effect our whole life and existence.
Our belief system will completely change within us. With the knowledge of God inside of us, and our willingness to change, we will change ourselves and the way we look at the world. When we change the way we see things then we change our lives, the way we respond to things differently and not react, but rather assess and respond in control and peace, which ultimately changes our lives.
This comprehension of the kingdom of God being within us is absolutely vital in our spiritual path. If God is outside of us, then we will perceive ourselves as being lower and not good enough. We will worship Jesus as an icon and keep ourselves on a lower level. This will keep us from finding out who we really are. Jesus said that we are all gods. Our fear and our low self esteem will keep us from becoming like Jesus, if we allow it.
The lord’s prayer says it, “ Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. As my kingdom and will is done in heaven, so bring it to earth, to be done here. Who is going to bring it to earth, but people like us, in embodiment here. It also indicates that we were once in heaven, familiar with the will of God, and now we have an opportunity to bring it to earth and raise the earth to the level of God. How would we bring it to earth without the divine power within us to make it happen on earth? We can change the planet one person at a time. Who is willing to wake up and discover who they really are and what they can really do?
When the concept of God is viewed somewhere outside of us, we create an idol in our minds of what we think God looks like and we worship that idol, rather than God himself which is within us. If we worship the God within us, we are making a decision for our outer self, to surrender to the great spirit within and we will see the good results of that choice in our lives. God will not move within us, with out our will or consent to His dominion within. Free will was given by God and will not be over ridden in our lives, it is a precious freedom and will always be respected by the kingdom of light.
I think we have been around this earth long enough to realize that God’s universal laws will not allow higher spiritual beings, in higher dimensions to change the people and the earth and bring them to a higher level of spiritual consciousness. Universal law only allows the beings in embodiment, to bring in the higher level of spiritual truth. This means that the only way the people and this planet will ascend to higher spiritual consciousness or realms will be through the people on this planet. Higher spiritual beings will assist, but only when invited and then only according to universal laws, our wills and our own individual divine plans for this lifetime.
To bring heaven to earth or actually bring earth to a heavenly state, will take human beings with the revelation of the spirit of God being within them. Like Jesus, we can say, “ My father works hitherto and I work”. Jesus is the one who said that the kingdom of God was in us, and that we were, in fact, all gods on earth. We just have forgotten our previous state of being and our spiritual roots. As we awaken from this dream called life, we will begin to discover who we really are as spiritual beings and not human beings.
When we are awakened to being here below, all that we are above, or the divine power itself, we will begin to raise this planet and it’s people back to their original state of heavenly being. This comprehension will not do much good if it originates or is only understood by, or from our carnal or natural minds. The natural mind cannot understand or comprehend the things of the spirit. Coming from the carnal mind, this revelation will have no spiritual power. If it comes from the natural mind, the ego and dark forces can and will get involved.
This revelation of the kingdom of God within us, must live in, and come from our inner hearts and minds, or our inner souls. Our inner spirits are God spirits, or sometimes called our I Am presence. These God spirits of ours have direct communication with God, and are in fact a spirit spark of God. Our spirits are completely divine. They are unaffected by the negativity in our lives and remain completely whole and free of all of the entanglements of this world. Our inner spirits always remain in God perfection, not ever tainted by the negativity or darkness of this world.
Our souls however, are our individual selves and this is the part that needs to be saved from this world. Our souls, by tapping into our God spirits, can draw, through the act of our wills, everything that we have need of in this life. Our souls are what our spirits made to contact and interact with the physical world. Our souls are meant to grow and mature into whole and complete spiritual beings and raised to the spiritual level of consciousness, as our spirits are now. This process is called ascension or salvation.
If our souls have become damaged from previous life time experiences, we will need healing and restoration for our souls to become whole and balanced. We can learn to correctly distribute the pure energy or light of God that comes from our spirits, directed though the filter of our souls, and out to our minds, emotions, bodies and the world around us. In other words, we have been given the free will privilege of either qualifying or miss-qualifying the pure energy-light of God coming through us to the world. This always takes place within us and then to the outside, rather than outside to inside.
The revelation of God being inside of us will awaken the consciousness of Jesus within us. He is there as our older brother, showing us a better way, and showing us how to tap into our own individual holy Christ self and our own God consciousness. This will change us and change people and the world around us forever. Our wills can make this possible or allow it within us.
We will then realize that we have unlimited unconditional love within us, unlimited power within us, and unlimited abilities within us that we have never tapped into. We will then understand that Jesus did not want to be worshiped as an icon or idol, but he wanted to be followed like an older brother. He came to show us how to connect with our inner divine spirits, release the pure light or energy of God through our souls, to ourselves and to the world. He came to show us that it was possible, and that we could do it too.
When a critical mass of human beings do attain this Christ consciousness, the whole earth and people would be raised to a heavenly state of being. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as well as heaven. Heaven is not a place, but a state of being. Attaining heaven is attaining spirituality. The earth and all nature growns to be raised to a heavenly state. The attainment of self conscious spiritual beings in embodiment on earth is the only possible way for this to happen. The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof.
Jesus was aware that if we worshipped him as an icon or hero of sorts, and raised him up on a pedestal as a superstar, it would keep us on a lower level; we would feel inferior and unworthy, we would feel that we could never reach that level and so we would not even try. Well Jesus was right, and it has prevented people from reaching that level and doing the things that he had done. Jesus said " greater things shall you do " when I go to the Father.
The Holy Spirit was already inside of people, they were just not responding to the spirit, because of their low conscious level of existence. Jesus never sent the Holy Spirit to us, but He awaked us to the fact, that the Holy Spirit was within us and we could access the spirit on sincere request, by the act of our wills. This concept was new to human's then and unfortunately still is new to most people. The Holy Spirit is there within us at all times to give us what we need and what we ask for within Universal law. Everybody gets what they want, they just need to decide clearly what they want.
Religious leaders and churches use this icon image of Jesus to call us sinners, to make us feel bad, to make us feel guilty, to shame us and to control us. That control is what keeps religions and churches in business, keeps them in control, maintains their power over the people and builds their financial kingdoms of darkness. The bible says that Satan comes to us as an angel of light, or in religious disguise, appearing to have a form of godliness but denying the real power thereof, which is discovering who we really are or discovering the Kingdom of God within us.
The truth is that Jesus would meet the same reception today, as he did 2000 years ago, with the religious community of that time. If Jesus appeared on the world scene, now in body or physical form, his opposition to the religious arena would be no different than it was previously. The truth is, Jesus does appear to religions and churches today, in the form of Christed human beings. But the religions and churches reject them, mock them, ridicule them, excommunicate them from their institutions and attempt to discredit them and make sure that at least the majority of people do not listen to them or believe what they have to say. That is exactly what they did to Jesus in his time of embodiment on earth.
So these Christed beings wander around, do as much as they can for people, go where they are accepted and do as much as they can to raise the human race to a higher level of spirituality. They become used to opposition, character assassination and despicable treatment from religiously engrained people, who, just like King Saul, mean well but are the blind leaders leading the blind, and they will both fall into the ditch. This opposition can come in the form of family, friends or institutions, attempts to belittle and control.
If Jesus was here now in physical embodiment, he would face the same rejection, ridicule and abandonment from religion and churches. The world has become more civilized since Jesus was here last, so they wouldn’t be able to kill him in most country's, but they would certainly try to kill his ministry or kill any effect he might have on other people or the world. The churches and religions think that they would recognize Jesus, but He would not come in a religious fashion, but in freedom and truth. He would be labeled as a false Christ and discredited, just like miracles are discredited if the church, religion or organization doesn't have a part in it.
This is the treatment of the world for people who become aware of the kingdom of God within them, become Christed beings in this world and like Jesus, walk after the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Religion, power, manipulation and control is the lust of the flesh.
This can be for many people, like Jesus, a lonely walk in a very cold and cruel world of darkness, but he who endures to the end will receive the crown of life. The opposition and hardship is not worthy to be compared with the glory that is revealed in the process of working out our salvation..
The truth is that the second coming of Christ is through human beings that are willing, who attain Christhood and do the works that he did in this world. Many churches and religions, as well as Christian believers have faith in a rapture of saints from this world of being physically removed from the world, with the world left to the wicked. This concept was adopted from a vision someone had, but has no true base in scripture. The scripture in the bible that pertains to people being taken up, actually refers to the unrighteous and says that they will be taken to where the vultures gather. Is that where anyone would really want to go? God's spiritual beings and light will inherit the earth, not the darkness.
There will be a rapture, not of the saints, but of the dark, that refuse to be transformed by the light. They will be taken from the earth, provided there are enough Christed beings in embodiment on the planet to cause it to happen. Only then will it take place. Jesus said that the righteous shall inherit the earth, not the unrighteous.
If there are not enough Christed beings to bring this about, then evil or darkness, with the cooperation of human beings, will cause the implosion of the earth and it will self-destruct. What most people don’t know is that the dark entities on this planet, came from another planet that they assisted to self destruct and came here to earth to repeat the process. We as human beings on this planet will all make the final decision on the destiny of planet earth. We are God's and we have been given the power and right to decide for ourselves.
If even 10% of the people on this planet became Christed or ascended beings, and interceded for the world, the evil elements would be removed and the planet would ascend to it’s rightful spiritual place in God. That is not possible right now, but can become possible, with God all things are possible.
There is presently on the planet 10,000 people who have attained full Christhood, and there is another million people who can attain Christhood if they stay on their present path of growth and maturity. There are many millions more that are starting the path to Christhood. We have a ways to go but if we all, with the knowledge of the kingdom of God within us, will take the narrow path, middle way or the path of balance to Christhood, we can raise our brothers and sisters and this planet to spiritual ascension forever, to be with the lord.
This is all only possible through the inner revelation of the Kingdom of God being within us and then, by the act of our wills we surrender and follow the leading of God from within us. In this process and only through this process will all truth be revealed to the world. It is really very simple, not complicated. Original innocence will prevail.
Chapter 9
Submission or surrender is a very vital and essential part of any interaction with God or any type of pursuit of spiritual life. The submission and surrender however needs to be voluntary on our part. Surrender to spiritual things or the kingdom of God, involves humility and begins with a sincere desire to come to know God, his kingdom and his ways. Surrender means to give up, yield to or cease to resist. We need to cease to resist God and his kingdom in our lives. Sometimes when we think we are serving God, we are not yet fully surrendered to him, which causes us to wear down our faith and think that God is ignoring us or angry with us. This is far from the truth of God loving us all unconditionally, without discrimination, restrictions or any type of prejudice.
Submission and surrender is necessary for a continual state of walking the spiritual path and is a continual process of submitting or surrendering all of our negativity, fears and attachments to the things of this world. We as humans, cannot love both God and this material world at the same time, we will hate one and love the other. Loving God will diminish the importance or value we put on the material world. Loving this material world will diminish our love for God and our desire to connect with him and his kingdom.
God will not allow us to stay trapped in a lower state of consciousness for ever. The unfortunate part of this is that we usually allow negativity or some sort of trauma or disaster to happen in our lives before we are willing to find humility and become willing to surrender. God is always waiting patiently for us to come to the end of our ego illusions and attachments, as well as fears and reach out for him and his kingdom.
Our egos usually prevail in leading us, as long as things are going relatively good in our lives, or what we presently perceive as being good or attaining success in our lives from a natural perspective. We could think that living, what we perceive as good lives in this world, as carnal, physical or natural success, as well as seeing financial gain or fame as success. World success is not Godly success.
This is in fact an ego illusion and we will usually hang on to it until one of these disasters wake us up to the fact that we are not making spiritual progress in our lives. At this point we will usually allow humility to come in and then lead us to surrender and better decisions.
Without humility, submission and surrender, it would be impossible to reach God or attract the attention of the kingdom of God, as ego illusions do not register in the minds of truly spiritual beings. Angels of God do not register negativity, ego illusions or fear or lack of any sort. Angels always see the best in people, and work to help make us even better, by recognizing what is illusion and what is reality and leading us into reality or truth..
Humility and submission is the only way to open us up to new ideas, new truths, or to changes that we need to make in our lives. We can get along in life for a very long time, without making necessary changes, but it will eventually catch up, and then something will happen in our lives to wake us up.
Ego based pride and arrogance will convince us that we do not need anything, or anyone, including God, and that we are self-sufficient and that we are separate and we are an island unto ourselves. Ego based illusions of pride and arrogance will convince us that that we have all that we need of wisdom, knowledge and understanding and that we basically know it all, and do not have need of anyone to teach us, but that we are the teachers of all things ourselves and we have everything that we perceive that we need.
Ego is our own created pseudo identity, created to eliminate the need for God in our lives, and basically, our egos become our gods in our lives. The ego is based on us being separate from God, but this is impossible, since all things that exist are created from God’s energy, and we as humans are never separate from God; this only appears to happen with ego illusions. Ego is separation and illusion, Godliness is oneness and reality and they are on an entirely different path than the ego. The ego will take us further into density; Godliness will put us on a path of light.
The only way that we as humans can escape from the ego illusions is to find humility, to be willing to submit and surrender to God and his kingdom. This submission and surrender will bring us on a continual path to God that will save us from the trappings and prison of this material world.
God desires us to be free, like Him, and to be whole and healthy and discover who we really are and what we are really capable of and where we are really going.
Chapter 10
Our belief system as human beings is the basic spiritual make-up of our souls, and our soul’s viewing point, perception, comprehension, knowledge, understanding and balance of spiritually originated views about life. This spiritual energy comes from the source of all spiritual energy or the creator of all things. The spiritual is directly responsible for the existence of physical or natural things in this world.
The belief system of our souls produce inner thoughts from our inner hearts, and this becomes thought in our natural minds. These natural thoughts become feelings, and our feelings become actions, our actions become habits, then our habits produce character, and determine the course of our lives. Who we are in life and our basic character and lifestyle, starts in our souls, as our belief system and then becomes our realty. What we believe we will create in our lives.
Our belief system will determine how we view God, ourselves, and the world. Our viewing point is a part of our belief system and pertains to the way that we view God, ourselves and other people. God has an unlimited viewing point, but we as humans, have viewing points that are presently limited and restricted. A healthy and balanced belief system will allow us to view God, ourselves, and the world in a healthy and balanced manner that will change everything in our lives for the better.
Wherever our souls and viewing points are incomplete or unbalanced, so will our lives be unbalanced or incomplete. If we change the way we see things, the things we see will change. The way we view things determines how we perceive things and how we will respond or react to them.
For example you could say to a person, “ how is your exercise program going? A healthy viewing person or belief system might respond with, “Oh great” and assume that you were making a compliment on their progress and feel good about themselves. They are obviously viewing themselves from a base of self-love and acceptance.
Another person might view the same comment as an insult, thinking, you can see that it is not going very well, and respond with “ oh it’s going not too bad, I guess it could be worse”. Their viewing point about themselves is very different and their perceptions are different. They are viewing themselves from a base of self-rejection and self-hatred.
Two people might see a homeless person on the street and one might say, Oh look at that filthy person, they are like that because they don’t want to work, they want to be that way. This is viewing from a point of disgust, intolerance and hatred of others and it will do nothing to help the situation and only helps the wealthy to feel justified in not giving.
The other person might say, Oh look at that unfortunate situation, I wonder what negative things have happened in their life to bring them to that state. I wonder, if the same things had happened to me, if I might be there in that state as well. Maybe we could do something to help. This viewing point obviously comes from a love for self and a love base for others and compassion will induce them to help in some way.
Or one person might say, that God must be mean and cruel to allow all of the suffering in this world. I can’t love a God like that, I don’t want anything to do with Him. This viewing point is quite common and based in hated and judgment of our self and as a result others.
Another person might say, God is loving and because of all of the negativity in the world, I don’t think His will is being done on earth. God gave people free will and will not take it back, even if people misuse that free will. I hope that people wake up to who God really is and the great life that He has planned for them. This viewing point is based on the belief system that God is love, loving self and based in love for other people.
Our perceptions are how we process what we see and experience in life and they are a result of our inner belief systems. How do we perceive God, ourselves, things, people, situations or circumstances in our lives. The way we perceive things to be, determines the message that we receive from these things. This determines how we will respond to all things in life. If our perceptions are unbalanced, so will our feelings and reactions or responses be unbalanced. But if our perceptions are balanced then so will our responses and actions be balanced.
Our perceptions are a part of our belief systems and this is how we perceive God, ourselves and other people. Our perceptions will determine how we will respond to God, ourselves and other people, as well as to circumstances, situations and the world in general. What we perceive in the right light, we usually understand, forgive, love and accept.
Our perceptions must be based on the truth, to be well-balanced human beings. Wherever our perceptions are unbalanced, so will our lives, responses and circumstances be unbalanced. Whatever we perceive to be true, becomes true for us, whether or not it is in fact true. Most of the things in life that we perceive as true, are in fact not true. If we had a good balance of truth, our lives would show it.
As human beings, we know truth when we here it. Truth resonates with us and in us. Our lack of confidence in our ability to recognize truth when we hear it, is usually our largest blockage when it comes to identifying real truth. We sometimes doubt our abilities to recognize truth but later in a situation, we say to ourselves, “you know I really knew from the beginning, but I didn’t trust my own abilities. We need to have faith in our own individual abilities to recognize and follow the real truth of God and how to apply it to our own lives. And make the best decisions in our lives.
Our own belief systems will determine what we are able to attain spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and socially. Our belief systems will determine where our lives are going to go, what we are going to be, what we will be able to attain in life. This will all determine what treasures and nuggets of truth we will be able to give our children, our families our friends and others in our lives. Our belief systems are the most important building blocks for our lives and are the foundation of what our lives are built on.
To have a sound belief system, it must start with one of the most basic fundamental truths about God. God is love and all of our beliefs about God need to start with and be framed around that basic foundational truth. Without this fundamental truth as a starting point, all of the rest of our belief system will reflect, either the fulfillment of it or the absence of it, which is fear.
If all of our religions and churches would keep this at the forefront of all the rest of their teaching, their teaching would be totally different today. There presently seems to be a conflict between whether God is loving us or whether God is judging us. These two concepts do not fit together. If God is loving then He would not want to judge us and if God is judging us then He would not be loving us. The truth is that God is not judging us at all, we are judging ourselves.
We judge ourselves and punish ourselves through the self-enslavement of guilt. Guilt or feeling bad is insanity and has no place within the child of God. True freedom will be found on the other side of guilt and shame. Guilt and shame only brings hurt and pain. To correct a mistake we only need to forgive ourselves, heal, love and accept ourselves, make better decisions and be free.
There is no sound evidence to support the concept that God is judging us or making judgments upon us. Because of the present condition of humanity as a whole, if God was judging us, we would all be dead. The truth is that we judge ourselves, we are responsible for our own souls, minds, emotions, and bodies.
We allow sickness into our minds, emotions and bodies by allowing ourselves to become unbalanced. We become unbalanced by making decisions that are not for our highest good and do things that we know will harm us and others around us. When we make mistakes we repent by making better decisions on the same issues. God's unconditional love for us always remains the same, unchanged by anything we can do in life. God always sees us as perfect, the way we really are without the deceptions of this world.
The second foundational truth is that we love other people. We naturally love other people deep inside if we are willing to go that deep to check it out. Things in this world get covered over by the energy-vale or E-Vil in the form of dark entities. Loving others is the second foundational truth that we need, to have a balanced and healthy belief system within us.
In truth, other people are all family to us, whether we recognize it or not, we were all made by the same God. If we hate a member of our family, we are hating ourselves, it is all connected to the same body or one body. All of our inner spirits are connected to the whole of the Kingdom of God. These are our inner spirits that are made in the image of God.
Whatever we do to others, we do to ourselves. We need to understand that, whatever negative things we do to others we will have to experience ourselves as the universe returns what we send out. The bible says it this way, "you reap what you sew" or do unto others, what you would have them do unto you. Or some people say, "what goe's around, comes around". They all mean the same thing.
The third foundational truth is similar, but it is that we love ourselves. We were made by God, we came from God and in fact we are gods on
this earth. If we love ourselves, we are loving God. If we love ourselves, we are loving others, for it is all one body. If we hate ourselves, we will be hating God and other people, as we are all connected as one.
People thinking they are separate from God, or separate from one another, is only a created illusion in the minds of people and does not really truly exist in reality. One day we will all understand the truth of being, all a part of the same one or whole. You can separate things in your mind, that are not based in truth, if you want to, that’s free will. However, it will not get you where you want to go in life.
From our belief systems our characters are developed and become our individual characters in this world. All of our belief systems are different and so are our characters different, just like fingerprints. Our belief systems and characters are a product of our individual experiences and many life experiences that becomes who we are in life. This is always changeable according to our wills and decisions in life. We can change things at any time by making new decisions, this is salvation through self correction.
Our sense of identity, for most of us is mortal and is very attached to the natural world. When we find the spiritual path and ascend, we become immortal beings, with an immortal sense of identity. When this happens we lose all attachments to this world and only relate to the spiritual world. These types of people on earth are not a part of the, what is sometimes referred to as the regular system of things in this world. These people do not relate to the large human ego system that controls and dominates people. They will protect their God given freedom at all cost.
Our belief systems and characters will then determine what kind of person we will be in life, and how far we will go in discovering who we really are, and where we really came from, and where we are going. We continually transcend into a higher awareness and eventually higher spirit beings all of our lives. Our belief systems continually expand and change into greater spirit led systems of higher nature. This is the process of life and growth.
Our belief systems are the accumulation of our basic spiritual make up, experiences that we have had in previous lives, this present life, hereditary accumulations, and all of the influences of all of our planetary experience all rolled into one. What we believe, we will be able to attain in life.
This belief, of coarse has to come from our hearts and souls to be powerful, not from our carnal or natural minds. Our natural minds however, become the conduit through which these beliefs must pass. Our carnal minds then act as a filter and usually filter out the good spiritual stuff and prefer the natural things that it is more in tune with.
Our belief systems are all short of the perfection and glory of God and need to be raised to a higher level of consciousness and understanding. This is one of the main reasons for being here on this planet, at this time. We can use this planetary experience to grow and become larger and expanded souls for the glory of God and ourselves in heavenly places.
In order to make significant changes in our lives, we need to change our belief systems which will chain react into our character, thoughts, feelings, lives, experience, as well as into the lives of others. To significantly change our belief systems, we need to find healing for our souls, which have been damaged in life’s experiences, both in this life and in previous lives.
Past life regression therapy is a great tool for soul healing from other life times and inner healing for experiences in this life time. We must revisit the life experiences that originally caused the damage and make better decisions than we had previously done. If we knew better, we would do better. It is not the negative life experiences that damaged our souls, it was our negative response or reaction to the experiences that damaged our souls.
Because someone made a bad decision and hurt us, we in turn made further bad decisions, by taking on the responsibility or taking on guilt and shame and began to attack ourselves and others, for what ever happened to us. We could have been totally innocent, but still allowed the event or situation to send us into a negative spin. We hurt ourselves by making lower nature decisions in life, when God has shown us how to restore ourselves and move on in life through forgiveness and restoration.
When we were hurt, sometimes rather than loving, forgiving and moving on in life, we harbored bad feelings, held grudges, sought revenge and opened ourselves to dark forces. We chose to hate, resentment and bitterness set in and we never got over it. We hold things against ourselves, we refuse to forgive ourselves and others, resent or hate ourselves and we can attack ourselves from the inside.
Or we refuse to forgive and love others, which attaches us to them and they keep a part of our souls, which causes us to be unbalanced. This allows others to hold on to a piece of us and causes us future problems. They made bad decisions, and we in turn made more bad decisions and the wheel of negativity gains power and keeps rolling. It has to be stopped somewhere to end the madness.
We need to forgive, love and accept ourselves and others, to balance our belief systems and help ourselves to continue to grow. From there, we can begin to balance our belief systems and to become balanced people with a healthy point of view. We then can mature from this point. We can learn how to deal with people and situations or circumstances with grace and balance, and ride above the negativity of life.
We can understand some of these situations in this life, but we have no hope of discovering these things in other lifetimes, unless we believe in reincarnation and are willing to revisit these situations and make better choices or decisions. Making a better choice means that we allowed ourselves to learn something. God is very pleased with that and that is accepted by God as repentance, and His forgiveness flows freely.
In addition, we need to allow the ripple effect of the healed soul to reprogram our conscious and subconscious minds to come in line with our inner God spirits. Our inner God spirits are flawless and cannot be damaged by the negative things that we experience in this world. If we get involved in negativity or darkness, our inner spirits just wait until we come to our senses through experience and consequences.
Our inner divine spirits do not register negativity or darkness, but our inner spirits view things, from and in, the immaculate concept. In other words, our inner divine spirits view us in Christ perfection, from an eternal perspective at all times. This means that the kingdom of heaven views us as perfect and in our perfect state of being. We need to view each other that way.
What we believe, or our belief system about God, ourselves, people and the world, determines what type of spiritual vibrations that we send out from our inner thoughts and feelings of our souls. We all get what we want in life and this vibration is sent out from our souls and the divine kingdom responds to it. This in turn attracts what we desire or want in our lives, and what we don‘t want in our lives, just simply falls off. This is a salvation process of self-correction through experience.
Our belief system, through thoughts and feelings, sends out spiritual vibrations, which have spiritual power to draw to us, the things that we truly want or desire in life. We will then create what we focus our minds on or what we concentrate on the most. This is how we co-create with God in this world. Better that these creation are positive and not negative as we can do both.
We have inner thoughts of our heart and soul. We also have natural or carnal thoughts from our physical mind, and we have our e-motions or (energy in motion). The vibrations that we send out spiritually are from our inner heart and soul. This means that our physical mind could be thinking one thing and the inner mind of our heart, can be thinking another thing. The inner mind, heart or soul will win the day as it is our true self. Our carnal mind will eventually line up with our true self through experience and consequences.
Our inner thoughts have the power to change things in our lives. Our outer thoughts from our carnal or physical minds can change things, only when they are in line with our inner thoughts and our inner thoughts are in line with our inner divine spirits. When this happens we are truly walking in the spirit and we become powerful beings for positive change.
The inner spiritual vibrations we are sending out from our inner mind or soul is what we will attract in our lives. The spiritual or vibrational or energy realm is where the power is to change things in our lives. We are all consistently co-creating with God’s divine energy, whether we know it or not. Our free wills give us the option of qualifying God’s energy or miss-qualifying the pure energy of God that comes through us and into this world.
Experientially therefore, our physical minds could be thinking that we want or desire a spouse and we want to be married and raise a family. But the inner mind of our heart and soul, might be thinking that we are not good enough or we don’t deserve to have a spouse and marry, or we are not ready to be married or we wouldn’t treat them right or we don‘t have enough money to marry, or other possible blockages from within. This will obviously cause our inner programs to conflict. As long as our programs conflict we will not be able to create much.
Our physical minds could be saying that we need more money and wealth, but our inner hearts and minds could be saying that we are not worthy, or we are not good enough, or we do not deserve it, or we have not earned it, or money will spoil us or will make us change and cause harm to our character or we will not spend it right. Any conflict in our inner and outer minds will cause delay in what we want.
It is like being tossed around by waves of the sea, from one thought to another, not being able to focus on what we want. This fragmentation of thoughts will delay what we want. To focus on certain thoughts intensely is to create it. We will always create in life, what we focus on or concentrate on the most. These vibrations then will create what we want in life, without discrimination and without limitations at all times.
We are blocked when our two minds are opposing one another. The true power or energy comes from our inner spirits, through our inner souls and into our outer minds, feelings and experience. Through our divine spirits, our inner souls or hearts generate the true vibrations that have spiritual power and this will be the dominant spiritual force that will determine what we attract in our lives.
Any conflicts then will send out vibrations or spiritual language into the world that will prevent us from attracting a mate or attracting wealth or whatever we desire in our lives. Anyone can tell what we believe inside, by what is produced as fruit on the outside. This can all be changed with the truth about life and the correct input into our conscious, subconscious minds and as a result our souls. Our souls within us will evolve into greater beings of light and love.
Our belief system is projected by our inner heart and soul, and this is the real power that will steer our life in directions that we sometimes do not want with our physical minds. Life can be very confusing if we do not understand these things. What we need to understand is that everyone gets what they want. They get what they want from their inner mind or soul, and not what they want from their carnal or physical mind.
If we understand these things, how our belief systems, mind and emotions work, then we can learn how to change our inner belief systems, and as a result, change our minds, emotions and lives. Our subconscious minds work as input and output without discrimination of the material. What we put in, we will get back out at another time.
Motivational and financial speakers and teachers understand these spiritual principles, whether they understand them as spiritual or not. They teach people that the power is within them and through self-help, books, tapes and CDs, they assist people in changing their belief systems, reprogramming their conscious and subconscious minds about themselves and their lives. This allows people to create what they really want.
Governments and educational systems, as a rule, attempt to change peoples lives from the out side in, purely with knowledge. It does work to a certain degree, but it is a very slow process. This process may help people to become mentally and physically successful, but not spiritually successful or healthy. The additional downside is that knowledge without wisdom becomes a support system for our egos and takes us further away from God as the ego or pseudo identity continues to believe that it is separate from God and must do everything alone, without the support of God.
If we establish a good spiritual foundation of healthy and true beliefs first, this will begin with love, attract wisdom, which will in turn balance the knowledge and bring us true freedom in life. The bible says that “as a person thinks in their heart, so are they”. We are all products of what we believe and think, and this becomes our belief system. Our belief systems are made up of beliefs that are based in truth and beliefs that are erroneous. The ascension process or salvation is to grow and eliminate the erroneous beliefs and refine and perfect the true beliefs.
If our lives are not going as well as we would like, and we keep doing the same things, we will get more of the same results, that we don’t want. But if we are willing to change the way we believe, then we will in turn change the way we think, feel, act and live our lives. We will then be able to stop the circles of life and move on to wholeness.
If we are willing to drop our false beliefs, we will be on the road to freedom. Real and permanent change starts in the heart or soul, then comes out through our thoughts, feelings and actions and becomes our experience. If we desire to change our experience then we need to change our belief systems. We cannot change our lives without first changing our belief systems. Changing our belief systems about God, people, ourselves and our world will result in true success.
It is not hard to change our belief system, as long as we are open to new truth, new ideas, new understanding and new revelations from God. God is always ready and willing to give us new truth and more wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation that we need in our lives. Contrary to some people’s beliefs, we are not waiting for God, He is always waiting for us, to desire, want and ask for the more, and be willing to change our beliefs. He is more than happy to give it to us. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
If we think that we know it all, or know as much as we need to know, or are unwilling to change our present belief system, or are unwilling to transform, or attempt to limit God to only certain acceptable avenues of teaching, then we will not be open to a higher order of understanding. God will simply wait until we are ready and He has lot's of time.
God is never angry with us if we choose to vegetate or grow slowly at times, he just patiently waits for us to let Him know that we want more. Our wills and what we want is very important to God and He will respectfully give us what we want. However He cannot understand why we would choose things in life that are so unhappy and unfulfilling, when all of His kingdom is available to us for free.
Our egos or pseudo identities will attempt to convince us that we do not need anything or anyone and especially do not need God, unless He appears in our predetermined doctrines or avenues of belief. Our egos want us to believe that we are a self-sufficient island of our own, in need of nothing or anyone, outside of our comfortable created boxes of doctrine and life. This is created from pride and arrogance, and will lead us in destructive directions.
If we are aware of what we believe and are unwilling to change, the fruit of it will show up in our life and lifestyles. Only life experience, trouble and dissatisfaction can then shake us out of our self-created prisons of life. If we are unwilling to change, then we become un-teachable, even for God. Willingness to change is an essential ingredient for growth and maturity.
God will never violate the free will that he has given us, so he will wait for us to make a better decision. In these cases, people think that they are waiting for God to do something, but that is never the case. It is always God waiting for us to make a better decision so that he can help us up to a higher place of awareness, understanding and comprehension.
As long as we are content to stay in these self created boxes or places in life, He will leave us there, until we ask for more and are willing to let God choose the avenues to reveal truth to us, rather than us attempting to dictate to God, the avenues that we want Him to approach us on. And of coarse we will not allow an avenue of thought that we have already ruled out in all of our wisdom. We must be truly open to receive truth, and it will most certainly be different from what you are used to, otherwise it would not be worthy of true growth and maturity.
God desires us to have all of his good things in life, not at the expense of our growth, but according to our growth. Let it be unto a man, according to his faith or his entire belief system. It is not just input and output, it is input of truth in the right balance and balanced output. Truth without balance and understanding is the same as untruth. Things can be learned but not understood and this kind of knowledge only puffs up and is an ego booster.
Jesus had this same problem with His disciples. They were always trying to put the truth that was given them, into their self-created belief systems. Jesus had to rebuke them on many occasions to shock them back into reality. They had to be willing to come up higher or they would have quit like others did. The human race did not understand what Jesus was teaching and for the most part, people still don't understand Jesus and His inner teachings.
We can change the world, one person at a time and we can change one person at a time if they are willing to change their belief systems. Our beliefs will establish character, and character will change our minds, emotions and, as a result, our lives. This process is all unseen and needs to be accepted by faith or through our belief systems. What is unseen is more powerful than what is seen, but it must be seen by faith or better yet, get to the point of knowing.
What ever we choose to belief will be true to us, whether it is based on real truth or not. It can be hard for us to know the difference, unless we truly follow the leading of our inner God spirits, who knows all things. The bible says, " not by might, but by Gods spirit, will everything be accomplished".
Everyone believes in something. If we don’t believe in God, we might believe in ourselves, we might believe in what we can do, we might believe in other people, we might believe in material things, but we all have a belief system and we all believe in something or someone. The moment we stop believing on earth, we will be dead. But transcending that belief is the key to perpetual growth and maturity.
If we work within these belief system guidelines we can be anything we want, we can do anything we want and we can have anything that we want in life and in this world as well as in the world to come. We will have it all, but in the right balance. If we can balance it then we can have it and it is safe for spiritual beings to allow it. Jesus said, " even greater things shall we do" and "all things are possible with God".
Many people are trapped in the demands and pressures of life, of work and of play. They wake up one day and they are old. They wonder where their lives went and what it was all for and maybe start to think about why they are really here on earth and what did they really need to accomplish in this life. This is just as true, when it comes to religions, churches and the leaders.
We need to wake up to what's really happening in this world, what is really going on and what we need to do to transcend it all and become. Where ever we are at in life, we are not there yet and we should never assume that we have ever arrived or that we know all that we need to know, there is always more!
In a country, when the wake up call to the awareness of an invasion, comes too late, sometimes their isn’t time to prepare, the damage will be done. The same is true within ourselves. When sickness breaks through because of imbalance we need to be ready to handle it and find the way to change and find healing through spiritual avenues. Jesus said to build our houses or our bodies on the rock, and when the floods and storms come we will be prepared and ready to handle it.
“Why didn’t you call for help earlier?…” well I was sleeping“ .
Chapter 11
The bible in the book of proverbs ( 9:1-7 ) says “ wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars. The first indication of this verse is that it is the feminine part of God that distributes wisdom from God to people. In addition this strongly indicates that the house or structure of wisdom has seven pillars or seven foundational structures supporting and actually holding up the entire house of wisdom. These foundational structures must be in place and be strong in order to have wisdom in the proper balance, in our lives.
What are the seven foundations of wisdom? We must understand the foundations in order to have a better understanding of wisdom itself. These foundations must be complete and whole for proper balance. If we have these seven foundations of wisdom in our lives, we will be in possession of wisdom in our lives and circumstances.
There are three major things that we need to understand about wisdom before we can go any further into more understanding:
(1) Exodus 28:3 shows that Wisdom is a spirit or spirit force.
Nothing happens in this word without a spiritual force to make it happen. It is not logical or even reasonable to assume that things can happen in this world on their own without an unseen spirit power or force to initiate it, carry it out and complete the process.
It would be unreasonable to believe that a baseball could be driven out to center field without a person to throw it or a bat or a physical force to propel it. It is impractical to think that a house could be built without physical planning and work. Or that someone could individually and physically climb a mountain without exerting physical strength, planning and work.
It would also be unreasonable to believe that a magnet could work without the unseen spiritual power or magnetic force behind it. And just as unreasonable to expect electricity to work without the unseen voltage to make it work and electrons to create amperage.
And equally unreasonable to believe that the power of fire could exist without the unseen force of heat or that heat could exist without the unseen power of electrons or that electrons could exist in their amazing order without unseen particle energy or spirit power to keep them alive and moving in designated patterns. Energy is light and God is the source of light or the light of the world and appears in many forms from non physical to physical.
In addition, people do not meet, fall in love and marry without some source of planning and intelligent intervention. We joke about this cupid who leads people together and in fact we are fairly accurate with that concept. Messengers of God do in fact perform these types of functions. People know in side that this process happens and they call it things like, finding a soul mate, people that have the same karma, or destiny and many different expressions to identify this divine process of matching making.
In school physic’s we learn that an action produces an equal and opposite reaction, which would be also true in reverse. An equal and opposite reaction must be produced by an action of some description. The action always initiates in the spirit realm that supplies the power for all things to take place in the physical realm. In our lives things are created by our belief's, minds and emotions.
Absolutely nothing or any change would ever happen in this physical world without a previous causing action in the spirit world by energy spirit or power of light. This can be hard to comprehend sometimes as we have become so conditioned to the physical realm that we tend to think that things can happen all on their own, without a power or action behind it, due to the fact that we can not see it in action.
Wisdom is a spirit power of intelligence, discernment, appraisal, assessment, awareness, understanding and timing for decisions and situations in our lives. This wisdom is from God and under set directions and guidelines to influence people when there is cooperation and reception by the receiving party and the conditions are favorable for wisdom to be released.
If you reject wisdom in your life you will be naive or foolish, until you then learn to receive wisdom and as a result benefit by wisdom. Being naïve, ignorant or foolish, is not a put down or to be looked down upon, it only means that wisdom has not had its way yet. Enlightenment will come in due space and time. If people knew better, they would do better.
We are all at different stages of development and one is not above another. If we put ourselves above another person, it is only fiction created in our minds, but truly does not exist. There are many things in life that we believe to be true but are not true, we have only created this belief system on our own, there is no real base for it and it will not stand the test of time. We create things, situations and conditions in our minds all of the time and just because we think a certain thing, this does not mean that it is so or actually exists in truth or reality.
We will find these things out through teaching, experience or trial and error. If we believe something strong enough we can bring it into existence. If we do this, it would be wise to ensure that it was positive and not negative as we can and will create both. God has given us the same power to create as he himself has, and this is a great privilege and we should not abuse it by responding to negative or evil, with this entrusted creative power that we all have.
But if we do abuse it, there is no need to feel bad or guilty, just make a better decision and move on along your incredible journey of life.
(2) Proverbs 2:10 - Wisdom is of our Heart
Wisdom is received in our hearts, through our souls from the Spirit of God. It is received, not as we will, but as God wills as we develop the pillars of wisdom. It is all controlled by universal law, rather than by people, apart from what many people believe. However we have power over the thoughts and reasoning’s of our heart. There is a clear difference between the thoughts of our heart and the thoughts of our mind. The thoughts of our minds are received by the thoughts of our hearts that are influenced by the Spirit of God if we are in agreement or cooperation.
If our souls were perfectly developed the thoughts of our heart should and could guide us if it was not for the influence of evil from the spiritual, mental and physical world, that entices us to follow our minds and bodies, rather than our inner God Spirits.
Temptation is the enticement that leads to action, which can lead to down fall and ruin in peoples lives. A thought is projected into our minds to do something that we probably already know is not healthy for us to do. We can do one of two things at this point. We can realize through wisdom that this is not going to be good for us to do and stop it before it happens.
Or we can give into to the thought and give it more power in our lives until it becomes strong enough to get us to do something or take action. Or if given enough power for a long enough period of time, it can actually take us over at certain times and drive us, even apart from our own will. This is what is commonly called demon, demonic or dark spirit possession or domination manipulation and control. Dark spirits do not respect our wills, like God does.
If we choose to obey our hearts, we will be much more pleased with the results and long term benefits. Our cooperation in receiving, affects the amount and quality of Wisdom that we receive from God.
Our hearts are the meeting place between our souls and our minds, where intentions are created, motivations are discerned, thoughts are processed and evaluated, directions are decided, decisions are made and feelings are assessed, processed and fed to the metal, emotional and physical realm of existence.
The purer the thoughts, the nobler the ambitions, the loftier the aspirations, the higher the eventual heavenly rank and the more beneficial the results for all parties involved. Wisdom should be a very important part of everything that we are, say, and do in this world. We need greater responses to Wisdom, rather than foolishness in this human world of existence.
(3) Proverbs 30:3 - Wisdom can be learned
Wisdom can be learned through instruction from God, his kingdom of light, people, the bible, books, audio, video or any other forms of media that we are led to at the time.
God speaks wisdom to us very gently though our spirits, to our souls and hearts which gives us this opportunity to hear and act upon this wisdom, improving the quality of our lives in this world, as well as obvious eternal benefits. Improving the quality of our lives is spiritual and not necessarily a physical experience or result.
We can receive wisdom from other people through teaching and the spoken word if we are willing to listen and to hear and to apply it to our lives. If we just listen to it but do not apply it to our lives or do not act upon it in our lives, it will remain stagnant in us and become of no use to us. The same as a limb on our bodies, if we do not use it, it will shrivel and become useless and unbeneficial to us.
The bible has the written word of God and together with direct revelation from him, or the revealed or living word, will help us in our lives. We read and receive wisdom from the many pages of the holy scriptures on how God deals with mankind and how mankind should deal with mankind and how mankind should deal with God. The bible is not all literal and is not all figurative but must be read and interpreted in balance, with spiritual eyes and not physical or natural eyes. Direct revelation of God for the now in our lives is very vital for balancing the truth.
Love of coarse is the connection or adhesive ingredient that makes it all work, but wisdom plays a significant role is this process to balance these relationships for all people to deal properly with each other. God created wisdom and as a result knows the most about it and demonstrates the very finest and pure form of wisdom that we can learn from and display ourselves within the laws of the universe.
Books of all descriptions outside of various religious scriptures can be a good source of wisdom to read, receive and apply to our lives. This area however, because there are so many different books by so many different authors with so many different backgrounds, can be great for us and can also be a problem to us as well.
Sometimes too much knowledge can be as bad as not enough knowledge, if we are not ready for it. There is of coarse light and dark influences to deal with, and proper balanced discernment in wisdom needs to be exercised. The strategy of dark forces, for a long time in the human race was to prevent knowledge from coming into the world. Now knowing that it is now impossible to withhold knowledge, the new strategy is to bombard us with so much knowledge, that we give up trying to decipher the truth and give up trying altogether to understand spiritual things.
Wisdom and knowledge must take a major role in choosing these books as weather or nor a particular book is good for us or not, at a particular point in our lives. We will be spiritually drawn to what is good for us, when we are ready. God and His kingdom play a major role in this process in our lives, in leading us to the right book that we need for the particular information at a certain time in our lives, to bring us knowledge, and to develop a certain thing or desired result in our lives.
Audio or the spoken word or from audio equipment is just as valuable as the written word and depending on our particular makeup. Sometimes audio can be even better for us if we are conditioned more for the spoken word. Some people receive better with the spoken word than they do with the written word and others prefer and respond better to the written word. This just depends on our genetics training and basic internal makeup. All of us are different and have different makeup and respond differently to various things in life and experience.
Video can be very beneficial for learning wisdom especially for some people that receive better visually than they do audibly and some people receive better audible and visual together. What we call couch potatoes, receive much better with television than they do with just audio or just the written word. However this can be destructive, given the broadcasting content these days. All things need to be regulated in wisdom and balance.
The information highway is now very vast for teaching wisdom to the masses and our wisdom and knowledge is increasing at accelerated rates in the world today, which is a sign of the times as the bible clearly says that in the last days knowledge will greatly increase. This refers to spiritual knowledge, rather than natural knowledge.
Wisdom can also be learned through experience in the natural world. The more Wisdom we can learn through instruction, the less we might have to learn from experience. Some Wisdom however can only be learned through experience and cannot be taught to someone.
Experience is one of the greatest teachers of all time and will continue to be in the future. Once we have been through something and felt the positive or in some cases the negative results of the experience, we will then never forget and continually benefit in the future from that experience. This is God ordained self-correction that helps us to evolve.
Instruction can come in different forms. One form of instruction is reading material written by other people for the purpose of educating the reader. This can come in the form of scriptures, News, magazines, books, computer programs, schools, colleges, Universities, Trade Schools and various types of educational materials on the market.
Another form of instruction is hearing. This can come in the form of home teaching, schools, colleges, universities, seminars, courses, and television, Radio, Broadcasting or plain word of mouth.
The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. This word could come, from reading, through our selves, through other people or direct revelation from God for a particular designated purpose.
Now we have a foundation to understand the seven pillars of Wisdom
#1. The first pillar holding up the house of wisdom is (fear). In Psalm 111:10 the bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. The word that is translated as fear, actually means respect or reverence. This respect or reverence for God and others, has to be present in order for Wisdom to really take root in us, flow in us or flow through us to others. This of coarse is initiated by Love.
This is only the beginning, but is very necessary in the pursuit of Wisdom. God's wisdom will not flow to people freely unless this reverence is present to activate the power of the Spirit of Wisdom. The spirit of wisdom is under these universal guidelines. Wisdom, like all other attributes of God are all under the spiritual laws of our universe, Wisdom will not flow in us without reverence. Reverence activates Wisdom like the firing pin of a gun, activates the bullet. It does not necessarily mean you will hit the target, but you will know, that the power of the bullet to leave the gun, has been initiated.
From this point it all depends on skill and training of the individual, to hit the target on the bulls-eye, or miss the target until the skills improve. This respect for God must develop before this pillar or leg of our foundation for wisdom can hold up to the winds of adversity that will attempt to break it down or keep this pillar from building in our lives. Opposition can be healthy, you need a negative and positive to produce power. The positive power will show up clearly in the midst of negative.
#2. The second pillar of Wisdom is humility, found in Proverbs 11:2 of the bible. This is relating to the condition that someone needs to be in to receive Wisdom from God. Pride, ego and arrogance will not activate wisdom, but on the contrary chokes off the spirit power of wisdom in our lives.
This condition of Humility and submission is not to activate the Spirit of Wisdom, but to enable us to receive Wisdom into our lives from God. You could potentially activate Wisdom to move in your life, with reverence, but without Humility you cannot receive Wisdom, even when it is activated towards you.
The spirit of wisdom is always continually attempting to move into our lives through our inner God spirits, when we are ready to receive. Humility will always receive from God, whether it is Wisdom that is needed, or other valuable attributes of God. Sometimes in life, it takes undesirable circumstances, to finally bring us to the point of Humility, in order to receive from God freely.
This is seen in what is called nervous breakdowns, which are only breakdowns of our own natural ability in the physical world and bring us to humility and reverence that will in turn allow God to bring needed balance and other needed things into our lives. A so-called nervous breakdown is a wonderful and a good thing, that happens to good people, with good hearts that need positive change in their lives. It is not a bad thing, as it is sometimes viewed by some proud people that view it as a weakness, when it is actually a strength and a positive improvement for the future. An individual person mentally and emotionally breaking down is being refreshed, restored and more empowered by supernatural intervention.
A nervous break-down will bring us to the end of human struggle, develop humility in us and in turn God can and will create change that is needed in our lives to progress and develop into well balanced individuals. The spiritual power of humility is a beautiful thing and we should seek after it in our lives and it is worth the pressure and stress that it takes to break our ego, pride and arrogance and bring us into the place of surrender.
Breakdowns happen more often with woman than they do with men. Women in general have less of a problem with pride, ego and arrogance and do not feel that they have to have all of the answers, but more often are willing to submit to changes that the Spirit of God is trying to develop within them. They generally have an easier time expressing emotions and allowing change.
Men in general have more of a problem with surrender, as they usually feel that they have to be strong, have all of the answers and be in control. Men, quite often think that they need to control women and life, rather than working together with them for the future.
It usually takes more pressure to bring men to their knees to receive help and make changes in their lives. Humility can suddenly become very easy to receive when we find ourselves at the end of our own struggles, human effort and abilities. Men generally find it easier to say they need help, but harder to actually do it. Woman generally find it harder to say they need help but easier to actually do. Of coarse there are exceptions to every general situation.
#3. The commandments of God make us Wise, says Psalm 119:98 in the bible. These are the commandments of God, including the ten-commandments in the old testament of the bible. Commandments also mean verbal communication to us directly through our souls. These commandments are universal laws, and in the Old Testament, they were basic simplicity of universal laws that became written laws for man. Because of the low consciousness of men in the old testament of the bible, these laws only produced more sin, guilt and self-destruction.
These are in fact Spiritual laws that govern our Universe and they are there to guide and protect us. These laws are there for our good and are meant to bless us and not to curse us. The curse upon us is our own right and wrong, black and white thinking driven by guilt and shame. Guilt and shame, bring hurt and pain and are insane.
In the New Testament, Jesus summed it all up when he made this statement, (All of the old testament Law and Prophets, hang on this one thing called “Love”). Love God, love yourself and love people. He said that we should Love God with all of our heart, soul and mind and our neighbor, as we love our self. Jesus said that the New-testament (love) was to fulfill the Old-Testament law or commandments, rather than abolish it. The Old-testament laws were given to assist people to love one another and to respect one another and to live in peace and harmony.
The new-Testament commandments of love come by direct revelation from God, through Jesus or other teachers by hearing, reading and experience. God wrote his commandments within ourselves by giving us an inner Christ presence in the new covenant of the bible. Ever baby, after Jesus came, was born with a Christ presence to help guide it through life. This changed the world forever.
To love your neighbor as yourself means that you need to love yourself first, in order to love your neighbor. Love is literally the new-testament commandments of God. If you love, you will respect God and not harm yourself or others. You will think too much of people to ever hurt them. You will want the best for other people and you will desire to live in peace and harmony with everyone. If you love, you will draw the Spirit of Wisdom more into your life. “LOVE MAKES US WISE”
#4. In Psalm 37:30 it states that the” Righteous Mouth Utters Wisdom”. Righteous comes from right, which in turn indicates that it involves correct decisions, doing the right thing at the right time or conformity with moral and spiritual laws or standards or conformity with truth, or what is right and also involves just, good and orderly. This will also include virtuous (moral or chaste) and devout (sincere or earnest).
Righteous is a state of being and the results of this state of being are witnessed in people making right choices in life by turning negative choices into positive one's. Life is a series of voluntary, demanded or forced choices that we are compelled to make consistently. This is primarily driven by circumstances or seemingly uncontrollable events in our lives. The truth is that we have created our present lives and if we want more of the same, just keep doing the same, but if we want more of the best we can have, we will have to be willing to continually change.
These choices affect our lives greatly and literally shape and mould our very being and our lives into what we are, at this day and future time in our lives. These two spirits (righteousness and wisdom) support each other in those right decisions and draw more Wisdom, and more Wisdom will help us to make more right choices and so on. The principles of God work to increase that which we have or dark spirits will assist us to decrease, even what we do not have.
#5. The scripture brings Wisdom says the bible in 2 Timothy 3:15. All scripture or inspired writing, is given by God, through people, by inspiration of god, for the benefit of all man kind. Enclosed in these scriptures are treasures that stimulate, develop and actually attract Wisdom in our lives. Unfortunately we can only receive this Wisdom in scripture to the degree of understanding that we presently have and to the degree that we have the pillars of wisdom in our lives and to the degree that we can respond to God and his Spirit within us.
This of coarse can and will be developed further as we progress and mature as a Spiritual being. As we learn to actually live the concepts of scripture that we understand, than and only then, will we receive more. We should always strive to learn and understand more of what God is teaching us. Scripture is a base for Wisdom but applying this to our present lives will bring it home and stimulate spiritual life. Life we must deal with, live and walk in, while we are here on this planet.
Scripture can also be anything that is written for our growth and maturity and to increase knowledge and to develop our personalities. Universities, colleges and libraries are filled with scripture that we can utilize and learn from for the basics of life. Gods direct revelation to us however, while we are still alive, is the best that we can receive in our lifetime.
#6. Proverbs 8:33 Leads us to here instruction and be Wise. Instruction and or teaching are avenue’s of wisdom to reach us and develop us into more mature and balanced individuals. We should always be willing to receive instruction. This might come to us in the form of a formal minister, teacher, professor, instructor, a councilor, or informal apostle, prophet, angels, mentor, friend, someone we meet in passing, animals or nature, or instruction may come from our own Spirit within us.
Instruction can come to us in many ways that we do not expect. Instruction can come from circumstances of life, situations, or through children, animals and nature. These are not what we would expect as a voice of instruction from God, but they can speak to us very clearly sometimes. In addition to receive from those in humble circumstance, it takes humility to see the signs that are given by the supernatural world around us.
We should always watch for these voices of instruction to come from the lowest to the highest and everything in between. Instruction sometimes comes by direct revelation from God by His Holy Spirit or through His messengers or angels. This instruction will keep coming to us until we receive it and apply it to our lives. If we continually reject instruction we will stay where we are in life until we submit to instruction and move on to other things in life and a higher level of existence.
#7. Proverbs 21:7 informs us that, by punishment the simple is made wise. The consequences of wrong choices, gives the Spirit of wisdom fresh ground to work in us and to help us develop through the affects of these repercussions or consequences. Punishment is the last line of choice or option for our inner self to turn us back toward wisdom in our lives. We punish ourselves when we make erroneous choices, that lead to the consequences of our actions. The universal laws also cause us to experience consequences when we break these laws. The universe returns to us what we send out.
Small examples of this would be lessons that we learn in life, like unwanted or appearing to be negative type circumstances and events. This could involve pressure situations that produce tress or strain on us, or abusive treatment from others. These situations only intend to direct us into right choices that will take us into a more peaceful, controlled and balanced existence as long as we can recognize our need for change and are willing to make that change.
There are definite reasons for us setting these things in motion in our lives, and we need to discover and understand the decisions and changes that we need to make. Unfortunately we usually do not understand the situations and circumstances mentally but we sure do understand with our inner souls or our I AM presence. This is the God spirit within us that will assist us in line with universal laws and our divine plans for this lifetime.
Our Spirit, I Am presence and our holy Christ self within us always knows what we need and what will make positive changes in our lives and works within us to bring these things to pass so that we might learn and mature and establish a balance in our lives.
Our mind usually does not understand the things of the spirit that are happening to us and in most cases would interfere with the process if it was understood. Our inner self will gently encourage us into the best directions for us, with the Help and influence of God the Creator and sustaining force of all life.
We should always attempt to receive from our inner Spirit, learn quickly to minimize our time spent in these unwanted places and uncomfortable settings and learn to go on in life. Spiritual laws have consequences when they are broken. These events cause changes in the way that we live our lives. These changes are very important to our growth and maturity.
Larger and more serious examples would be what we call accidents or larger uncontrollable and unwelcome events. Things like divisions between people, organizations dividing, separations, divorces, and partnership break ups, violence, abusive situations, substance abuse, health problems, financial problems and other such events.
These events or situations all work together for our future benefit and the benefit of others around us. The best advice is to flow with life and not to resist it. Contrary to some teaching, always take the path of least resistance, less conflict and more peace. Jesus said " that His yoke is easy and His burden is light". If it is not, than were trying to carry something that we shouldn't carry. We better look around and make better choices.
Punishment can come in the form of laws set up by Government to protect the innocent. The Bible tells us that God has inspired Government to set up and enforce laws that will protect the innocent.
However our Governments are imperfect. Protection of the innocent should never be viewed or implemented for the purpose of revenge, torcher or forced suffering, but only for the purpose of enlightenment, wisdom, instruction and rehabilitation.
All these punishments should not set up for the purpose of being mean or cruel, but are set up to bring and develop Wisdom in our lives. After the punishment we can be more humble, gentle and receptive to correction and learning. We can have the opportunity to go on in society, change some of our ways and enjoy our freedom with love and respect for others. If the lessons are not learned, the punishment will return in our lives.
If human beings don't see the destructive choices that some people make, punishment will come from the supernatural in the form of returning karma as the universe returns to us what we send out, this brings wisdom and self correction. We are aware of this concept, when we say, "what did I do to deserve this". We should follow this through to the answer and then make the required changes, and it will never happen again.
In Coll. 2:3 in the bible we see that in Jesus are hidden all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. These are not hidden from us, but are hidden for us to discover. They are hidden very carefully from wicked motives and intent, but revealed openly to the humble and the righteous through our inner God spirits.
The best wisdom you could display is to connect with Jesus himself, within you, and you will in turn find these treasures of wisdom and knowledge and they will begin to mature in your life. To connect with Jesus, it is only a simple sincere prayer away.
Our Christ consciousness is right within us. He has all knowledge and knows what you are thinking and He knows your motives and your sincerity so there is no sense in attempting to fool Him. A sincere pray will bring Jesus into your life and situations, He will work with you and help you to mature, to fulfill your divine plan and to bring balance into your life.
However, he will not interfere in our lives unless we invite Him and want Him to assist us in our lives. He is very respectful and courteous when He is dealing with us. He will not force His will on us, but will be very happy to help when we need Him and invite Him in to help us.
Chapter 12
The power of divine knowledge is a spiritual energy force that is all-knowing. The Gnosis or the higher supernatural knowledge is at a place of knowing. We as human beings use faith to deal with the supernatural world of God, but knowing something absolutely is much better than having faith in it. Faith however is acceptable until full knowledge comes to us. Once you develop full knowledge, you will have full confidence and all things are then absolute.
All knowledge of all things is retained in the spiritual real and is always accessible to God's children. People or humans in general, quite often do not have the confidence to ask and receive that knowledge, but it is always available. Knowing things is much better than just having a form of faith in it.
Receiving a word of knowledge is knowing something about the supernatural or real world and how it relates to the world around us. This word of knowledge is becoming aware of and retaining information, facts or truth about a person, about life, or a particular thing, event or a specific situation in this world. This could be useful for us in our lives as well as the lives of others and events or situations around us. This knowledge may pertain to the past, present or future. It could relate to what was, exists now or will happen or exist in the future.
Our past is how we were originally made by God and all of our journey into growing and expanding into the level of attainment and consciousness that we have today. This has been a very long process in natural terms, but very short in supernatural terms. We have spent many lifetimes on planet earth and it has been a great opportunity for soul growth.
Knowledge of our past will help us not to repeat lessons that we have learned and will help us to visit situations where we did not make the best decisions, and will allow us to make better ones, that will change our present state of consciousness. All of our pre-existence is recorded and available to us. However the majority of people never access this knowledge due to unbelief.
From the spiritual realm it is relatively easy to remember the past, change the present and thus change the out come of the future on this planet. We are co-creators with God, in this world, and we can learn from the past, change the present and thus change our future. God will help us if we do a simple thing like asking Him to assist us and to intervene in our lives and then believe that He will do it and we are able to receive it.
Future knowledge in this world is called prophesy or it is prophetic and is sometimes delivered by someone with a prophetic gift. Or some people call it channeling, becoming a channel, for the divine to work through. It is all initiated by someone in embodiment, to be available to Divine knowledge or prophecy and be willing to bring it into the earth plane of existence or the physical octave
This knowledge of information can come in the form of an awareness, pictures or words of information of future situations, events and people which is correct information or certain truths about us, others in our lives or circumstances or events in the future. This future information can be very beneficial to ourselves and in the lives of others.
Natural or human knowledge is good but sometimes can be false, incorrect, misleading and deceptive or just plain inaccurate or it could be completely false and misleading information that we believe to be true information. This misinformation about life and circumstances can cause us and others around us harm and keep us from growing and developing a balance in our lives which can only be based on truth or true knowledge to greatly benefit us and others.
Acknowledging God and receiving from God in our lives will help to release divine knowledge in our lives and this will help us to see life in the right perspective or viewing life from a spiritual or accurate viewing point. Our perspectives and viewing points in our lives, about people and life, directly effect our decisions and directions that we take in life. We would be wise to access all of the natural and divine knowledge that we can to assist us in life.
We all have variations of this type of divine information or knowledge that is available to us. The process of balance, maturity, growth and development in our lives is to sort out this divine knowledge or information in the right balance and light and therefore, based on truth. We then can see life from a true perspective and to make quality decisions based on truth rather than perceived truth and or lies and deceptions. When you have it right you will see the fruit of it in your life. The results will be easy for all to see if they are able to perceive truth or the true knowledge.
These results are given for the benefit of all as they are for the purpose of sharing and not to raise one person above another. Our ego's can use this knowledge to lead us astray if we have not dealt with the ego. In humility and surrender, knowledge can be healing and restoration for all.
With the assistance of God and the beings of light that are from God we can form knowledge into a foundation of clear, correct or truthful knowledge that will give us the ability to assess things, events and situations in our lives in a proper or appropriate manner. This will bring more balance into our lives.
Knowledge of what is really happening in life helps us to understand ourselves and others and therefore make it easier for us to love and show compassion towards ourselves and others, especially when we perceive to have failed ourselves or others have appeared to have failed us or come short of our expectations. The bible says that we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.
We can then make quality decisions and or react or respond in the right balance and from the correct viewing point, for assessing the event or situation or circumstance. We have to have correct or balanced knowledge to have a correct or balanced viewing point in life. This all takes time and experience to develop, over many years of existence.
Our emotions ( energy in motion ) play a very significant role in when, where and how we will react to our own perceived failures and the perceived failures of others. Our emotions express our passions in life and create things in our lives, and we direct these emotions towards our ability to co-create with God. When we put our emotions towards things that we desire in life, these emotions help these things to materialize in the natural world.
Past knowledge is gained by study and experience and is very important in assessing and balancing knowledge in the present. Wisdom can be obtained from proper and balanced assessment of the past, which will assist in assessing the present and planning for the future. This past knowledge however has many limitations and it is limited and should be mixed with direct divine knowledge to bring growth and balance.
Present knowledge or information is needed for continuous balanced functioning in the present realm of existence. When present knowledge is obtained from the spiritual realm it is usually known as revelation or revealed information or knowledge concerning someone or something or information needed for a present situation or event. If we look to the spiritual for assistance in present knowledge or revelation, by faith, it will be there for us to apply to our lives and the lives of others around us.
Future knowledge is usually known as spiritual predictions, prophetic or prophesy. It is a wonderful thing to know certain things about directions, events, circumstances and things about our past, present and future. However knowledge relates more to the past and present. You can have knowledge of the past and receive knowledge of the present, but future knowledge has to come by divine revelation through the access of our own individual God spirits.
Knowledge can come to us in various forms and through various mediums of delivery. Some more known sources are the Bible, books, News, television, radio, computers, schools, colleges, Universities, and various other types environments and other educational materials on the market, as well as direct and indirect circumstances and word of mouth through human sources as well as the most important of our sources, super natural or spiritual sources.
Natural knowledge will help us naturally or in the physical world, but will always be limited or carnal and will not understand the things of the spirit or the dimensions of God. Supernatural or spiritual knowledge will help us understand the things of the spirit or God and the real things about our lives and who we really are and what we are really capable of in life.
Our Spirits or I Am presence within us as well as our holy Christ selves can reveal knowledge to us or in some cases to other people, or to us from other people. Knowledge can be revealed from natural or supernatural sources. It can be revealed in the natural by the supernatural or directly supernatural by the supernatural. Supernatural knowledge comes to us all the time but we only acknowledge this information as coming from the natural. Very often we do not recognize divine knowledge. We sometimes think this knowledge is a natural process and yet we really know the truth, deep within us.
This is acceptable as beings of light are more concerned that you receive the particular knowledge than they are about you recognizing where the information or knowledge is coming from. Angels and other beings of light are never offended or discouraged, they just keep working tirelessly to assist us in our incarnation on this planet and to fulfill our divine plans.
Knowledge allows us to know things about events, situations or about things or people that we would not otherwise know. This enables us to intervene and change the outcome of events or change the outcome for other people as well as our selves. The proper knowledge at the right time in our lives is like cold water in the desert. It will refresh and strengthen you.
It is very important to have knowledge in this world. Wisdom will of course, show us what to do with knowledge when we receive it. Knowledge without wisdom is like having a car without a motor. You may well possess the car but without the motor it is quite useless to you even in its designed function. So is knowledge useless, without wisdom to make it mobile and accomplish something positive, constructive or advantageous or profitable within life.
A fool will handle knowledge in a negative, unprofitable or unbeneficial manner because they are lacking wisdom. Wisdom will instruct us on when, where and how to reveal knowledge about people, places or events. When administered with wisdom, knowledge can be uplifting, life changing and future building. Without wisdom, knowledge can cause pride, ego and arrogance and cause us to elevate ourselves above others, and that will set us back and keep us from growing and maturing in life.
We should only ask God for knowledge that we are capable of handling and is presently suitable for us to know at this time in our lives. Timing on knowledge is important or we can get ourselves and other people into big trouble, real fast, with many future ramifications for many people. Knowledge without Wisdom produces pride, ego and arrogance and will lead us towards a fall that will ultimately help to turn us around and receive humility and surrender and in turn receive wisdom again.
It is always beneficial for us to always receive knowledge through wisdom and then apply it in our lives to produce understanding which will assist us in forgiving, loving and showing compassion towards ourselves and towards others to keep ourselves walking in freedom and the balance of life.
All supernatural or divine knowledge will always lead us toward love, acceptance and forgiveness, towards God, ourselves, and others in life. The ultimate divine goal is unity and oneness for all people. However this all works within the framework of what we will allow in our lives, it is always subject to our God given free will choices.
If we continually reject the divine spiritual realm in our lives, there will eventually come a time when there is no other options. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation will be lost in the persons life, leaving no other possible direction other than self destruction and ultimate annihilation.
This is of coarse done from a love base. To leave someone in that destructive condition forever, would be cruel and unusual punishment and would not be possible in a kingdom of love. The individual would be anyhalated in the supernatural or spiritual fire of God and recycled back into a new consciousness to start over new and fresh in the kingdom of God.
Supernatural or spiritual understanding is not just an intellectual process, but it is a spiritual, mental, emotional clarity, awareness, and assessment process. When looking into a situation or on a particular matter, subject, or persons situation, it is a positive comprehension and a revealing process. It can involve unexpressed ability to comprehend people, things and situations or events in spiritual, emotional and mental magnitude and does involve the heart or seat of our souls. Understanding is formed in our souls and hearts. Our internal God spirits can help us with understanding as long as we receive in humility and surrender.
To allow understanding to work in our lives it begins with our intent to love and understand, and involves our motives to understand. Our intent must be noble and our motives must be pure for the supernatural kingdom of light to respond to us quickly and reveal the understanding that we need in our lives and the lives of others at any designated point in time.
Our wills of course are involved in this process as we must make a decision to understand ourselves, an other person or a situation. Our love, our compassion and our willingness to forgive will directly affect our ability to understand. When we line up with the attributes and character of God, divine intervention, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation will all flow freely in our lives.
Unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness or any other negative feelings towards ourselves, someone else or a situation will prevent us from receiving understanding in our lives or for others. If we desire to love, help or heal a person or situation or circumstance, we will be given the divine understanding by supernatural sources of light to succeed. This is all in line with God's perfect will.
To understand a situation is to place yourself in it and to understand someone is to place yourself in their shoes. We need to actually feel as another person would feel and envision ourselves in similar circumstances and then think and act the way that we would like others to think and act towards us. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. The universe returns to us, what we send out or what goes around also comes around.
Our knowledge and viewing point is presently limited by our belief and faith in natural or human knowledge and understanding. This is not divine and not our real heritage. This limitation will be with us until we decide to allow divine understanding into our lives. It is very important however to try and understand to the best of our ability and our knowledge and then God’s grace and mercy will do the rest and become what we need, when we need it.
Grace and mercy has to be able to take over at this point to affectively forgive. Not to forgive is to place a curse onto our selves and others and limit all of our abilities and future growth as well as the future growth of others. Forgiveness is freedom for ourselves and for others. Love, acceptance and forgiveness in our lives and the lives of others will bring understanding, freedom, balance, acceptance, good character and stability.
We need the capacity and ability to collect knowledge and receive wisdom and to properly assess this knowledge of situations, people of all kinds and backgrounds to understand in and from a balanced and healthy perspective. This view of life is based on truth and not naturally perceived truth but supernaturally perceived truth. Understanding helps us to view things in the right perspective and in the balance of life.
We need to allow love, compassion and forgiveness to balance and produce an ability to see into situations and peoples lives and relate and evaluate it, hopefully with mercy and tenderness. We need to understand and to see things clearly from the right viewing point and to know the way in, the present and the way out of any given circumstance, situation or trial of life.
We will then properly balance information and understanding with Wisdom and determine the reality of the circumstance or the situation. We can then relate to it on a spiritual and human level. Understanding a situation will enable you to change, enhance, heal and establish it for the future, on a positive plane.
Understanding enables us to bring in spiritual help to a natural situation or event and to become a part of the cure instead of a part of the problem. We can be a part of healing to others through our abilities to understand them and their situations of circumstances. Sometimes you can greatly benefit another persons life by understanding them and we can greatly benefit our own lives by understanding ourselves. Many people have an even greater difficult time in understanding themselves.
Understanding can also be used by evil intent in a negative plane and can be used to divide, hurt, confuse, inflame, intensify and ultimately destroy. This understanding comes from the natural world. You can have the knowing or understand something or someone without love and compassion and then take an evil approach to judge and condemn, which will bind you up and help to keep other people in bondage through guilt and shame, guilt and shame bring hurt and pain. Guilt and shame are negative spirits and should have no place in our lives as long as we are willing to love and forgive ourselves and others.
Understanding one another is a giant part of getting along with one another. People can be mean and lash out at others, when they have been abused or hurt by other people or situations. These situations and feelings need to be healed and if they are approached with love, understanding and forgiveness, good results will be accomplished. Forgiveness will release and assist in healing the person or situation. Real love completes a person, and keeps them on a higher plane but lack of love always distorts everything and will lower our understanding to a denser level.
God has all knowledge and understanding and has a complete and balanced and healthy viewing point on all things. We only see in part and can only understand in part and we need to know our own capabilities and operate within these capabilities and leave the rest to God or the God force within us. Our God or spirit force within us will, with the agreement of our will, deal with all people, circumstances and situations that we encounter in life, with divine understanding.
This is why the bible admonishes us not to judge other people as we do not understand what is making them act the way that they do. We do not understand what they have been through and how they have been treated or how they have gotten to where they are now. The infinite spirit of God within us understands all of these things and will pass this understanding on to us as we request it, accept it and are willing to walk in it.
We need to accept one another in mercy and grace, knowing that God and His kingdom of light, over sees it all, and the universe will balance out all things. No one gets away with anything in this world, as it is all monitored and overseen by a higher authority than that of natural man. You can fool people and their understanding temporarily, but you cannot fool God at any time. God is within us watching everything that happens and it is all recorded. The universe always returns to us what we send out.
Understanding is an important tool for good counseling, weather it is professional or amateur in origin. Without understanding there is no place to go in solving existing problems in peoples lives and circumstances. Amateur counseling is very effective between friends and families if it is mixed with love, compassion and understanding.
Love, compassion, gentleness, mercy and grace must prevail and then the understanding will come into view, but without these things, understanding will be impossible to attain. The principles of God and his laws of the universe will need to be followed to succeed on understanding. Wisdom will assist in opening the door to understanding if we will make the effort.
Motivations and intentions to accuse, condemn, belittle or judge will make understanding impossible to attain. Any negative approach to people and situations will block understanding from coming through to us freely. It will be there but we will be unwilling to receive it. Unconditional Love, unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance and kindness will help establish understanding within our lives.
Many religions, religious people, churches etc. of today cannot obtain balanced understanding because of the intent and desires to judge, criticize and condemn others. They desire to put themselves above others and this distorts supernatural understanding. They have, in most cases, been given the right instructions but have applied the process improperly, through lack of understanding. Proper understanding will help to prevent improper processing of knowledge. We need more unconditional love givers and not more sin conscious takers.
Conventional religions and churches have enough trouble understanding one another and obviously have trouble understanding people in general. Without understanding there will always be a lack of cooperation, division and judgment.
Love and forgiveness will dispel the power of sin or sin nature to pervert the truth and that, which is good and acceptable. People do not need more judgment but they do need more unconditional love and understanding in all of their matters and situations of life. The life giving force, always understands, but sin conscious death and judgment never understands.
Understanding in the right place at the right time is like streams in a desert or healing to the people. People always respond to someone who understands them and are willing to listen. If we feel that we are understood, we will feel loved, forgiven and accepted.
Supernatural or divine Understanding is a healing ointment that will sooth the soul, the mind and the emotions and bring peace to all who give it and all who receive it.
It is all a part of our heritage as God beings, but who will dare to access understanding and become a part of this supernatural understanding.
Chapter 14
Revelation is a revealing or disclosure of information that comes to us supernaturally, through our inner spirits from or by the spirit of God directly or through Angels or through other people or through human media or nature or many other mediums. Revelation is for the now or the present and is the most needed medium to solve immediate problems, needs and situations in our lives and today’s world.
This happens to all of us at one time or another. It happens to some people more frequently and others less frequently but happens definitely to all of us once in a while. We don’t always recognize this revelation and we can miss it many times, by not being attentive, but this is all a part of growth and maturity. This revelation could be of wisdom or of knowledge or of understanding to apply to a person, situation or event.
It could be about the spirit, or the mind, or the body, or of other people, of other circumstances or events about the past, present and or future, but usually the present. Revelations reveal, motivate and usually induce actions in our lives, or changes in us, and others, or it changes circumstances or events, around us for the better, but may not appear that way in the natural world.
Supernatural revelation is meant for positive use, but we can and sometimes will use it in a negative fashion and ultimately for negative results. Our ego’s can get involved, if we let it, and spoil the purity of the revelation that is given to us. We are entrusted with the information and we than can use it positive or negative, we have that free will. It would be wise for us to use it positively as this is the purpose for it. Revelation can help us to be wise or to understand certain things or events that effect peoples lives.
We need the balance of Divine wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation to properly assess a situation or circumstance. We also need love, compassion and sensitivity to properly evaluate events or circumstances to make the right decisions and choices for ourselves that can affect ourselves and others. One or two of the Godly attributes by themselves cannot properly evaluate an entire situation, to make a good assessment and decision or decide on an appropriate action or direction. All the available divine attributes must be exercised in order to make the best decision in any given situation or circumstance. God has given us this capability by giving us his own spirit within us that we can access with humility and intent.
For example, people may have a peace march to demonstrate their distaste and total disagreement of people killing or hurting one another in wars and other atrocities around the world. They may demand that governments not get involved in wars, which is a very valid and balanced perception. War is never justified. However wisdom and revelation might reveal that their must always be an exception for self defense.
This type of an approach and demonstration is very Nobel, loving and compassionate, but may not be completely wise or discerning in their short or long term choices. Other possible choices may have to be considered depending on the circumstances.
They would be right about governments starting wars for any known reason, especially for land, power, money or greed. There is no justifiable reason for any war, or the killing of people, however any country or person has the right to defend themselves from the aggression of others, that may not be moving in Godly or balanced principles.
There is only one justifiable reason for violence, and that is self-defense, personally or collectively. But that is justifiable only for the purpose of defense and when that is accomplished, there is no more justification. You are really protecting people from themselves, from making more karma for themselves.
If an aggressive country decides to take your land by force, then you have no other choice, but to defend what is yours, with only the necessary and appropriate force to prevent the invasion. In some cases the defender becomes a worse aggressor than the initial aggressor.
Governments on the other hand may sometimes be trying to satisfy, not only love and compassion, but wisdom, knowledge, understanding, revelation and responsibility to the underprivileged people around the world and to freedom and world peace. All significant factors need to be considered. Governments unfortunately, as well as individuals, do not always make the right or most profitable decisions for their countries and create more national karma.
Governments, like people need to learn how to turn the other cheek, step up to the plate, and be the first to forgive, and not retaliate or seek revenge. In fact forgive, means to for-give or be the first to give. The world would be a better place if people and governments would learn to forgive rather than retaliate. Someone has to lead the way to end strife and conflict. Someone needs to lead the way to peace. We need more peace-makers in the world.
All of these things must come through direct revelation. Of course humility and surrender will need to be present to open the door for direct revelation. Direct revelation will enable the best decision to be made in the particular circumstance or situation, weather the decision is personal or national.
Wisdom and knowledge will tell you that there is evil in the world, ready and able to take full advantage of innocent people, if it were allowed. Wisdom will say this from the present and knowledge will say this from the past and revelation will reveal this in the present, for the future. Revelation given for the future is called prophecy, but is always subject to the wills of people, that can change predictions.
It would be compassionate and loving, but not wise, for a righteous man in a self-defense situation to trust a person that is obviously out of control. It would be unwise for a police officer to face a man with evil intent with a weapon and declare, I am laying down my gun and I will expect you to do the same. It might be a loving choice but wisdom would tell you that this move would be foolish and that the righteous man, likely would be killed. He would be killed, not because he was compassionate but because he was unwise to trust in evil intent at the wrong moment in time. If he however, received direct revelation on the subject, he could then be confident and trust in the decision and conclusion.
Compassion, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation must move together to satisfy righteous intent and resultant actions. All of the attributes of God would need to be satisfied in order to make godly and righteous decisions in life. We are learning to be like God, display the character of God and to understand and walk in the balance of God. This does not take place over night, but takes time to develop in people's lives over years and sometimes lifetimes of practice or development. It comes from within us and is attainable for all who seek it, with all of their heart.
But if the righteous man is determined to protect the innocent, than this would be a noble cause and would be supported by universal laws. The righteous man, because of love and compassion, does not want to hurt or kill the evil man but he is left with no other reasonable choice. It is better the evil man to go to jail or die, than to suffer more innocent victims to be perpetrated by, out of control evil or selfish responding people. To put people in jail or to kill them is evil, but sometimes the choice comes down to the lesser of the evils. Sometimes there is no room for a right choice, only a better choice.
But to act quickly and prevent evil, in the world, would be wise and loving at the same time. The most loving thing you can do for a criminal or someone that is on a selfish path is to stop him from hurting other people and himself in the process. We can save that selfish person from making more Karma for themselves, that would eventually have to be experienced by the perpetrator and balanced at some point in the future. The universe returns to us what we send out, this is the process of self correction or self development and growth.
These attributes of God, and us when we respond, then would all have to be satisfied at the same time. You should not suspend one attribute to satisfy another. A righteous man will need to satisfy respect, love, compassion, understanding, wisdom and revelation. In this instance you would not make the decision to love without considering the wisdom to properly deal with the situation.
The United States of America as a Nation that was given great power and authority and as a result has obtained a responsibility in the World, to stop or prevent criminal activity, human rights abuses and suffering, for itself and around the world. America, at the close of the second world war, was given basic world power, and with world power comes world responsibility to conduct itself in a proper manner and to support all godly and peaceful virtues in the process.
America was not to dominate the world, but to respect their neighbors, and their freedom and to maintain world peace. This would involve intervening in affairs around the world to maintain peace, from a self-defense position, on behalf of the innocent people and to prevent general abuses of mankind against mankind, but not to control, dominate or manipulate. America was given an opportunity to be God's messenger for peace.
America fulfilled their role in refusing to dominate and control the world and people around the world, but failed miserably in taking their role as peace maker world wide, to protect the innocent from the criminal element. America would protect their own, but sit back and watch unbelievable human abuses and criminal conduct towards innocent people, and do nothing because it didn’t involve American citizens or it wasn't financially viable.
All people are God’s people, made in his image, have the spirit of God within them and one is not above the other, we are all one, all from the same source. All division or separation is only the illusions of our ego’s. All people on planet earth are brothers and sisters, we are all from the same original father, we are all made in his image and we all have the same divine spirit of God within us.
Other world government bodies were now given the mandate to maintain and bring about world peace. The United Nations have been raised up to fulfill this role of world peace, but is also falling short of the mandate. Like the USA, the United Nations wait too long to deal with human abuses, after the fact, they go into a country when there is only mass graves of people left of the abuse. They should have prevented the criminal activity in the first place, before it got worse. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, we all know that. In these cases there is no time left to stop it, there is only the cleanup left to do, and that is very gruesome and unnecessary.
The US, the United Kingdom the United Nations or any other superpower should never be the aggressor in any war, but should always respond in self defense of themselves or innocent victims in their quest to maintain world peace. If they become the aggressor, they will bring negative energy upon the world and upon themselves, that will have to be balanced at a later time.
If people and nations knew that all of their negative actions towards themselves or others, will have to be experienced and balanced by themselves at a future date, they never would do these negative things to themselves and others. The universe returns to us, what we send out.
World powers are not moving fast enough to prevent atrocities before they happen and need to move faster on these situations. It is all progressively getting better with time and experience. If we make positive changes and act faster in these disaster situations we can prevent all the negativity predicted in the bible, in the book of revelations, if we refuse to allow low conscious people to get too strong, before we do anything constructive about it.
People tend to ignore things and hope that it goes away and they won’t have to deal with it, but that never happens. Taking God given dominion over the planet was what God had asked man to do in the original creation, in the Garden of Eden. Man has not yet fulfilled this request. However the world is moving in that direction now and this will save man from the destruction of the Book of Revelations. With better decisions all things on the planet can be changed. Instead of fulfilling the book of revelations, we can all work together to bring in the golden age of Aquarius.
Previous out of control situations happened under the leadership of Napoleon, Hitler and could happen in the world again if the people of God allow it. This does not ever justify aggression but only justifies self-defense and defense of the innocent. If the world powers do not step in and help correct criminal activity or abuse situations, where ever it happens, their world power will be taken away and given to another. This has happened many times in the history of the world. If superpowers do not handle their authority properly, they will eventually lose it to another. The main reason for this is that they lose their divine protection and then another power can step in as world leader, with the support of God's kingdom. The new power then maintains power as long as they operate within the laws of God, otherwise they will also self destruct.
Direct revelation from God, prayer, affirmations, decrees, meditation and generally standing in the gap for others can help to prevent these abusive and criminal things from happening, change our balance, the balance of the earth and prevent possible future catastrophic world events. We quite often do not learn before it is too late. However time is running out for affective corrections, and balances. Of course it is never too late to make positive change within people and as result make changes in governments and countries and the world. The world changes one person at a time. As we change personally so does the world mass consciousness and as a result the world energy in general. We as people have presently, in the world today, what we created in the past, but we can also change it, by de-creating the negativity or negative energy that presently exists in the world.
The mass consciousness of planet earth or the collective consciousness of people in general will determine the direction that planet earth will go. The way that the majority of the population thinks and feels will transform into major planetary shifts in the way people live, the state of or existence of all things on the planet including nature. The mass consciousness can bring more of God’s kingdom, peace and balanced prosperity for all or it can bring more negativity, disharmony and natural disasters. People will determine the future of our planet. Our planet will either, transcend or self-destruct, it is up to us, we will determine our destiny.
Direct revelation from God and His kingdom will always play a role in the affairs of men. This revelation can be good for us if we are on the right team or bad for us if we are not. We are either, a part of the cause of negativity and the decent of man kind or we are part of the solution for man kind, it is all in our ultimate choices in life.
"Will" we bring in more light or "will" we bring in more darkness, the choice is always ours.
Bringing in light will save the world, bringing in darkness will help the world and people to self destruct.
Choose this day, whom you will serve, God or Mammon!!!
Chapter 15
Reincarnation is a subject that is very controversial and has caused many arguments among believers of all different religions and organizations. Some religions believe that we, as humans reincarnate from, or into animals, or other living creatures etc. Some religions believe that only human beings reincarnate over and over, many times, become other human beings, into many different lives over long periods of time.
Than there is the belief of most main-steam religions, Christian churches, and Christian believers, and others, that choose not to believe in reincarnation at all. They have taken it upon themselves to teach that reincarnation dose not exist and that it is only a figment of our imaginations. Christian believers and organizations need to know that in the original scriptures of the bible, there was a complete book on reincarnation, but the Christian forefathers in about the fourth century, decided to leave this book out of the bible, because of their own personal beliefs and because they thought it might confuse some people. They also would be unable to explain the book and the contents with their limited understanding of the concept of reincarnation at that time.
Powerful religions also realized that if people believed in reincarnation, then they would also believe that they would be personally responsible for attaining their own salvation from God on the inside of them and would then not need the religions for their salvation or a way to God, on the outside of them. Religions, like people to believe that their outer salvation directly hinges on following the wishes of the church and following the church doctrines and traditions. This concept promotes manipulation and control which works to bring in wealth and finance to keep the religions flourishing. In addition the religious leaders and their personal ego's, enjoy the power and worship that comes along with the package.
In addition, Jesus himself makes references to reincarnation in the original king James version of the bible. When the angel of the Lord spoke to Zechariahs about John the Baptist and who he was, he states that, “ John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah “ the prophet of old, who lived in the old testament of the bible. Jesus also said, "if you can understand this" so He knew it would be difficult with the level of consciousness at that time in the world, to understand the concept of reincarnation.
In this, it is very clear that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of the spirit of Elijah the prophet, who lived a miraculous life in the old testament of the bible. Elijah, the old-testament prophet, was again reincarnated as John the Baptist to precede and prepare for the coming and ministry of Jesus Christ. With a high enough level of consciousness this would be very easy to believe.
Why would reincarnation be something that Christian believers would have a whole lot of trouble with or trouble believing. Mostly it is due to Christian forefathers who set the parameters of what Christians should believe and should not believe. People in general rarely take the time to look into these things themselves and usually prefer to let religions dictate to them what they should believe or what their doctrines should be. This is a most dangerous approach to understanding God and His kingdom.
It is not that hard to search out but people rarely do it themselves. Religions give people the feeling that they would be incapable of finding these things on their own. And if they do find truth, they would likely be ridiculed or embarrassed into changing directions and putting themselves under the authority of the religion or church, back to where they are told what to believe. That is not what freedom is, that is bondage, by manipulation and control.
If these Christian forefathers were perfect beings, in a perfect environment, in perfect connection to our Father God, I guess that it would be possible to just get it all right and in the right place at the right time, in the right balance. And if they had it right, would the next generation get it right, and would the next and the next and so on. There is much room for error and truth should be searched out individually and if we believe and have faith in God, not allowing us to be deceived, then we can get things directly from the source. I have a revelation from God, He does want us all to know the truth and for that truth to indeed set us free from all bondage, visible or invisible, inside or out.
What if they, the Christian forefathers, were imperfect beings, living in an imperfect world and not in perfect connection to God, then there might be some room for dark forces to eliminate an important truth, to attempt to slow down any process of individual people on this planet in returning to God their source in that particular life time. Would dark forces, committed to our destruction, not try and pervert truth or attempt to keep us away from the truth of God? The mysteries of God are available to all of us but only the ones who seek it out for themselves, from a sincere heart, will ever find it.
Can Christian or religious believers be that sure of their roots and be that sure of themselves to think that they have all the facts and all the understanding necessary to positively exclude reincarnation from their belief systems. What if you were wrong, what if your belief system was incomplete or partially inaccurate, would you want to know about it, or are you content to allow others to decide these things for you. It will cost you in more ways than one, it can also cost you your salvation or your ascension.
What if part of your belief system was shaped by the dark forces of this world to keep you from understanding some spiritual things that would make a difference in your life and help complete the understanding of your belief system and as a result your life.
What if our belief system will directly effect our salvation, growth and maturity. What if, what you believe moulds your character and shapes your life. What if your salvation or ascension depends on what you believe and how you believe it. Would you want to know these things or stay in ignorance and self proclaimed illusions about yourself and life on earth.
What if educating yourself in reality, and what is in fact real and true about you and the planet, would change your life for the better, would you want it.
The bible tells us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling or in other words, do it very carefully, it is your future. Does that sound like a one shot thing, does that sound like instant salvation, does that sound like once saved, always saved, does that sound like salvation is obtained forever through a simple payer or magic bullet. Or does that sound like a personal process of obtaining eternal salvation. Instant salvation is born in hell and meant to keep people back from obtaining the true salvation. A simple prayer or confession of faith can start someone on the road to salvation, but it is never instant, it must be followed through to the very end.
These dark forces have spent a lot of time on earth, learning how to lie, manipulate and deceive and if that doesn’t work, then to mislead, or pervert as much as possible to keep people back from the fullness of understanding truth. This truth would help people to understand who they are, and where they have come from and as a result where they are going and how to get there. We can start the process to help people complete the balance of understanding that it takes to see the truth or a large picture of the truth, but we can‘t do it for them. Everyone must find their own way or path to return to their source and receive salvation.
Have you ever wondered, in the bible, why Jesus never answered Pontius Pilot, the governor, at His trial, when he asked Jesus, "what is truth". If Jesus could have told him what truth was, don't you think He would have done it. This is because you cannot tell people the truth of God, it must be pursued and experienced individually, to be realized. We must discover and pursue our individual path and divine plan for this life, by experiencing it, it cannot be taught to another, only God can make it all possible, from within us.
Our wills play the major role in this process of salvation. If someone does not choose to believe in reincarnation it will not change the truth of it or the existence of it, it would just limit their ability to understand spiritual things and to understand how to apply these spiritual things to present day life and existence. Lack of belief in reincarnation, leaves too many holes and unanswered questions in life. It leaves too many things in life that appear to be unfair, too many things unexplainable, too many loose ends and leaves everything overall clearly incomplete.
Otherwise how do people explain babies being born into life with disabilities, restrictions, limitations, handicaps and other challenges right at birth. How do we explain the situations that babies are born into, starvation, persecution, and injustices all over the world. We generally think that babies are born innocent and pure. This is not the case, or God would not be loving or fair, and we know that God is all of those things and much, much more.
How do we explain the fact that some people have certain individual problems and others don't. What one person understands, another one doesn’t. Schitsophrania hits many numbers of people all around the age of twenty one, is that a coincidence or is it balancing karma from a past life. They however are given a break in their early years to establish character first and a sense of identity before the disease strikes. Nothing is allowed in our lives, unless it is part of our divine plan for this life.
How do we explain sickness and accidents in general. Do we think that they are all random. What are all of the angels doing, that are here on earth to protect us. How come we are not all protected from disaster and in some cases and other situations we are protected. Could we create all of these things in just this one life-time. Why do things appear to be unjust in the natural world, could it be that we just don't understand what is (real-ly) going on or not understand that which is real.
Do we think that all of these things are by chance and luck of the draw. Do we think that God can create worlds, galaxies and universes but he can’t balance the earth or he can’t bring balance to peoples lives on the earth. Do we think that things in life are all random and accidental. The bible says that God knows how many hairs there are on all of our heads at any given moment in time. God and His kingdom are involved in all of our lives, in absolute incredible detail. Our wills determine how successful that involvement will be in our lives.
Is maybe everything in our lives all planned, subject to our decisions that can and will change things. Is their a divine plan for us and we will decide weather or not that plan will actually play out in our lives. Our lives will show the fruit, if we are following God's plan for us. We will be happy, content and at peace, with ourselves and others, if we are in the plan of God, unless we are fulfilling karma, and their will be times for both in our lives.
Is there a universal intelligence that returns to us what we send out and allows us to repeat the process if we do not get it right the first time, or is it one strike and your out. What kind of God would be that cruel or hard core, not a loving one that’s for sure. Or does God not operate in the realm of reasonability and understanding at a higher level. Is there more to learn or do we think that we know it all.
You would have to think that their was something wrong with God or he was a monster of some kind to simply allow wicked things to happen to a supposedly innocent new born child who is experiencing life on planet earth for the first time. This would not make any common sense would it?
On the other hand, maybe that child had something to do with the limitations that it was born with, maybe the child even agreed to start this life with certain limitations and maybe the child is balancing some karma or mistakes that was spilling over from a previous life existence on planet earth. And just maybe if you knew the whole story, like God does, you would agree with what happens in this life. Maybe you would understand why bad things happen to supposedly good people. Or is there something that we do not know about them, that God does know.
God wants us to know all of the mysteries of life but we need to seek them with all of our hearts out of love and sincerity. We also need to be open and not assume that we have the answers or that are present belief system is infallible and can not be challenged by a new truth or brought to a higher level. Quite frequently people or religions don’t receive the truth because they think that they already have it and so God himself cannot change their belief systems if people want to hold on to their past and present belief systems. If we want more, God and His kingdom will supply it.
Why would it be so bad to believe in previous lives on planet earth. There are people in this world that have remembered a previous life existence and described the life and place in detail to other people. The facts of many of these cases were later checked out and proven to be true and accurate. How would anyone be able to explain the remembering of past lives, without the existence of reincarnation on planet earth. Why do we do certain things and we react to certain things that do not make sense in this present life. Why do we all have (so called) natural abilities that we never learned in this lifetime.
Some people gravitate to music and excel, just like they had previous experience. Some people take to sports and other activities, just like a fish takes to water. Could they have developed these things in other lifetimes on the planet. While other people do not like certain types of activities because they do not do well at it, and they do not have any interest. Is there no interest because they have never developed this ability?
The only other spirits that know a lot of the truth are dark spirits and they are attempting to keep people from believing in reincarnation, other wise they would be working against themselves. It sure would not be dark spirits giving that information, they do not want people to believe in reincarnation, or the existence of the spiritual realm at all. They want us to keep believing that God is outside of us, not inside where there is the ability to change. They want us to believe that God is not interested in us and we might as well stay separate from Him, or that he is a strict judge and wants to punish us, so that we avoid God.
They do not want people to know that they lived before, otherwise there would have to be some kind of divine plan to fulfill in this life to balance what was done in other lives. It would make people think about connecting with God their source. The dark spirits would rather keep us away from this kind of thinking altogether. They would rather keep us thinking we are trapped here against our wills and we are victims, with things happening to us, beyond our control. They would try to convince us that we cannot change anything, when the truth is that we can change everything from the inside out. These dark entities would have us believe that the material world is all there is to life and so lets just party and forget about spiritual things and trying to understand them, just have fun and forget it. Wouldn't that keep us trapped in many lifetimes of negativity and maybe cause our death, physically and spiritually.
They would like us to think that it is not possible for us to understand God or spiritual things. They would like us to believe that God does not want us to know the truth, that God purposely withholds truth from us. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even the bible talks about God hiding the mysteries of life for the righteous or the spiritual seekers, not hiding them from his people. He reveals truth to those who will not pervert it to keep us from destroying ourselves with the energy or power of God.
Dark spirits would sooner have us not believe in God at all, but if that is not possible then the next best step for darkness is to help us believe in religion and false salvation that is based on some prayer or decree that will give us instant salvation. Or they would like us to believe that God is out there somewhere far away, doesn’t have time for us, doesn’t care about us much, and would sooner judge us and punish us anyway when he gets the opportunity. The objective, of course, is to keep us away from God, where we could receive help and restoration.
The revelation that dark entities do not want us to know is that the kingdom of God is within us. Gods spirit is right inside of us and we have unlimited capability and potential and unlimited capacity and we are all individualizations or expressions of God himself on earth but we are blinded by our own ego‘s. We can look inside of us and reach God in a flash and that there is nothing impossible to us and we are totally unlimited beings carrying the divinity of God within us.
In the bible Jesus gave us one of the most significant revelations that could be given to man when he said” the kingdom of God does not come with observation, but that the kingdom of God is within you“. You can be a direct part of the second coming of Christ if you fully understood that concept or spiritual teaching. The Christ consciousness or the Christ mind is within us and available to all of us, without exception.
What dark spirits want us to believe about Jesus is, that he is the only son of God and is away above us and can do things perfectly and that we could never be like him. We can only be worthy to worship him but never be like him. Jesus does not need our worship, he is complete, in need of nothing and so is God the father. What are we going to give God that he doesn’t already have in abundance. What is God short of or what is he lacking, that He needs this worship. We are all sons of God.
Oh foolish man, praise and worship is not for God or Jesus, it is for the people to be more conscious of themselves and to become more conscious of spiritual things and to incorporate it into their daily lives. It will encourage people to believe in God and to pray and to contact God continuously, but there is always a better or higher way or truth. Take the high road of truth and no longer settle for the incomplete.
Jesus said over and over in scripture in many different ways, I am your older brother showing you a better way, even greater things shall you do when I go to the Father, you are the light of the world. Jesus even showed us how to resurrect in the end and to ascend into heaven with your own body in the likeness of your earthly body. Jesus said “ he who believes in me shall not see death. Let this mind be in you, that was also in Christ Jesus. Jesus wanted to duplicate himself through us, when will we let it happen.
He is the resurrection and the life, we are the resurrection and the life, when they have seen Jesus, they have seen the father, when they have seen us, they have seen the father. Jesus said, “I and the father are one”, we and the father are one. Everything that Jesus was, we can be in this world. Jesus is the I am that I am, we are the I am that I am. Knowing that I am, is God awareness of our own existence, that we are and can be more. We are developing as self conscious beings with God awareness. God is exploring Himself through us.
The understanding of reincarnation in fact, is a stepping stone to understand other truths of God and spiritual things like karma, healing previous life problems or previous present life problems, that need to be resolved or re-solved here in this life. To understand the divine plans of God for our lives here on earth and basically why bad things happen to apparently good people or people that appear to be good in this life, we need to believe in reincarnation as a spiritual truth. This belief will, like no other, fill in the blanks and the holes in our belief systems and give us a more perfect image of reality.
If we can better understand our mistakes in other lifetimes we can better understand how to balance them in this lifetime. This may require understanding of previous life events, their effect on present life and how to find healing in this life-time. Dark spirits do not want people to know these things, they are very glad when people refuse to believe in reincarnation.
It is comforting to know that things and events do not happen randomly but are carefully Orchestrated or allowed by the universe for valid reasons that are embedded in previous lives and present lives. The personal karma that is built up over long periods of time eventually plays out in our lives in the form of disasters or traumatic experiences. This balances that karma and the process is all over or finished for that particular area of our lives and we can start over new. This may occur personally or collectively.
For example, personally someone who sexually abused someone else in a past lifetime may find themselves being abused in this lifetime to balance that Karma by experiencing the negativity that they cause in others. Or in a future lifetime they might choose to set up an organization to help abused people to help balance their karma.
Or if someone was killed in a past life from falling off a cliff, they might have to overcome the fear of heights and fear of falling. When the karma or mistakes have been balanced and overcome, there is no more need for that particular thing in our lives. The fear of anything must eventually be overcome and eliminated from our lives, no matter how long it takes, the universe has lots of time to wait for us.
Mass karma that is developed in the human masses or in the mass consciousness, over a long time, builds up and eventually becomes a natural disaster or catastrophic event and sometimes a lot of people get hurt or killed in the process. In these cases, the angels protect the innocent people, that were not directly a part of creating that particular karma and have no reason to experience it.
We sometimes think that these things are random and indiscriminate but they are very carefully calculated and monitored and the people that are effected are the ones that helped to create the negative mass consciousness that eventually caused the natural disaster. It is still a terrible thing but it helps to understand that God does not create a disaster, actually we as human beings created it. But God allows it to help us balance our created karma.
As co-creators with God, everything in this world was re-created by human beings, weather it be negative or positive. We are the creators of our world and our lives. Nothing is created on this planet unless it comes through or the result of human beings in embodiment, and everything is a result of what they did with what God gave them. We constantly create, weather we are aware of it or not or weather we like it or not. What will we create?
We have a constant stream of energy flowing into us that we send out and use to create our lives around us. We can create negative karma or we can create positive karma, creations and positive lives, the choice is ours, we have the free will and God does not take it back if we misuse the pure energy, he just waits for us to make a better decision.
Whenever people have gone down the wrong path, made the wrong decisions or done the wrong things, our souls were damaged and fragmented. Healing is a process of replacing wrong or incomplete thinking with more perfect thinking and better decisions and then having our souls parts returned to us to make us whole again. When we head in a better direction of healing and wholeness, the heavenly beings will assist us with out quest. All problems or mistakes, were all meant to be overcome and mastered.
If we are only healing things from this life time, we will wonder why it is incomplete, unless we go back to previous lifetimes, and then it all fits together and makes more perfect sense. Inner healing has to be taken back to previous lifetimes to really solve some age-old problems and limitations in peoples lives.
It would be impossible to understand the truth of God in the proper balance without believing in the concept of reincarnation and secondly attempting to understand past mistakes and determine to balance these past mistakes in this present lifetime. If we do not get it right and balance this karma, we can always come around again, it is our own choice.
However God does not wait forever and if we as human beings continually refuse to balance our karma and we keep continually producing more negative karma, there will come at time or point of no return and your soul will be snuffed out and the energy returned to the energy pool and you will be no more, as your particular identity. This is what the bible calls the second death or the lake of fire as the souls are extinguished in the spiritual lake of fire. God is love and this happens only when people have given him no other choice. To let people go on in that state of lower consciousness would be cruel and inhumane. This final death then becomes an act of love. And in addition, this second death is not hell and punishment, but anyhalation.
Reincarnation is both truth and fact, but you do not have to believe in it, it is still truth. One minute after you refused to believe in it, it is still there and it is not intimidated by our unbelief. Our choice to not believe in it, changes it not, just like our refusal to believe in God will not change God or his kingdom. If we choose to disbelieve, we are left in our choice until we make a better one, however many lifetimes we choose to take. But if we do choose to believe in these things they will benefit us, our lives and people around us.
The accomplishment you will experience from believing in reincarnation is to develop more understanding in God, in Gods kingdom and in the truth about God, about us, and about the world. Where he came from, where we came from, where we are going and everything in between we will learn. God's spiritual kingdom, the mental world we live in, the emotional world we live in, the material world we live in all makes sense and we can understand what it’s all about, if we seek it from God, out of desire, love and surrender.
Reincarnation in the Kingdom of God, and our world, will continue whether we like it or not, whether we believe it or not or whether we want it or not. If you choose not to believe it in this life, you will not benefit by it, it will bring you no comfort or clarity on truth, but you will never change it and you will believe it after you die, this is for certain.
Western people think reincarnation is an eastern belief and therefore must be a wrong belief. Are we really shallow enough to believe that God does not care about eastern people and would not have attempted to give them the truth, just like He attempts to give us the truth. The eastern religions were more receptive to reincarnation, because they had fewer restrictions on believing the truth. They had leaders that taught them reincarnation and they had no reason, not to believe it.
Westerners on the other hand, were robbed by their religions, that refused to give them the full truth, for the fear that their great religious idols of religion, might not survive in the process. Manipulation and control was the motivation for this elimination of the truth of reincarnation.
The east and the west will eventually agree, but it will take much time.
Chapter 16
Guidance & Direction
As human beings we all need guidance, direction and nurturance, from the spirit of God, in our lives to accomplish our goals, objectives and to fulfill our divine plans in this world. There are goals that we need to accomplish in this life that we agreed to perform and accomplish, even before we came to earth as a baby, while we were still in heavenly realms. With the assistance of heavenly beings we carefully planned our lives on earth, when we would be born, who we would be born to, where we would be born, our lives, the things that we would have to overcome, what we planned to accomplish in overcoming and the complete process on how to get there.
Even though we pre-planned our lives in detail, because God has given us the gift of free will, we can alter and change our lives along the way with our decisions that change the course of our lives. When we leave the Kingdom of God to come into embodiment, we forget our prior state of existence, because of the density of this physical world. It was never designed to be in this low state of existence and neither were we. When we first came to this planet, we were spiritual beings and then fell into density, which became physical or natural. This can deceive us into thinking that the natural world is all there is.
We agreed to live this life, losing our memories of previous lives on earth and previous existence in heavenly realms. We agreed to walk this path of life in freedom of choice and that God and his kingdom would not interfere unless we asked him to, in prayer. We agreed to do this with guidance and power of our own individual divine spirits within us, and guidance and direction from God through beings of light and love.
We agreed, that we would be left to find our way back to God our source, out of love and faith. Faith will carry us to the place of knowing and then we will not need faith anymore. We agreed to this individual plan, to discover who we really are, and what we really want, and this would come forth from within us and establish our sense of identity or state of being.
To be or not to be, this is the question. To be in reality or not to be in reality, this is the big question. To stay trapped in the illusions of this world or to move higher, this is the big question that must be answered.
Before we came here we were spirits, in most cases, lived many other lifetimes and were waiting for another chance to experience life again and to grow and develop from our experience in this embodiment of physical life. Reincarnation is the planning of new lives and the act of living them over and over until we get it right or eventually self-destruct in negative choices, it is always are individual choice. Even not to make a choice, and let circumstances and situations direct you, is choosing something.
As we get lower in consciousness, God's energy within us becomes less until there is no more, we become depleted, and we become like dark spirits that drain energy from people in embodiment, because they no longer have their own supply. If the pure energy of God is miss-qualified long enough, it eventually becomes virtually non-existent and eventually snuffed out like candle light, not eternal punishment, but eternal anyhalation.
We desired to eventually complete our growth process and become an ascended beings like our father God. In the bible God said that if we were faithful over a few small things that he would make us rulers over many and large things. This requires us to gain mastery over ourselves and our world or as the bible says take dominion over ourselves and planet earth.
God is very gracious and very respectful towards us and He will never force us to do anything that we do not want to do. He will gently encourage us to fulfill our spiritual goals for this life and then he will assist us in fulfilling those goals in life, if we ask.
We agreed to accomplish certain goals and objectives in life while we are here. However, because we lose our previous memory of pre-earth life existence when we are born, our wills and decisions in life determine weather or not we fulfill the divine plan for our lives in this lifetime. If we do fulfill it, we can move on, if not we will have to do it again and again until we get it right or self-destruct in the process, it is always our choice.
The guidance and directions that we will receive from heavenly beings will be in line with the objectives that we chose to accomplish in this life. If we move away from our objectives or divine plans in this life, the heavenly beings will be slower to respond or help us. When we move in the direction of our divine plans in life and they are in direct correspondence to our goals, the heavenly beings will give us full assistance to accomplish these goals and objectives.
Angels very tirelessly work to help us fulfill our divine plans. They never get discouraged when we make mistakes and take detours from our goals, they just patiently and consistently wait for us to make a better decision and to move on into our divine plan. They are so loving and that love is absolutely unconditional. No matter what we choose to do, we can never escape that unconditional love of God.
We need to always pray for guidance and direction from God to become what we need to be in this life. We all have different and very individual callings in life and we need to be in line with these callings or directions. We also have been given unique gifts to add and express to the world while we are here. These are our talents and we should always make more out of them.
There is plenty of opposition in this life, dark spirits and especially higher ones, are aware of what we need to achieve and will attempt to prevent us from achieving our goals. These dark spirits are very cunning and will look for ways to sidetrack us from our divine plans. They know that they need our cooperation and will to side track us. They are continually enticing us to like things that are not good and profitable for us and to become attached or addicted to these things. This will help them sidetrack us from what we need to accomplish, our spiritual goals.
Prayer to God will bring in guidance and direction to help us to overcome the opposition, which is obviously the kingdom of darkness or otherwise known as the Devil or the kingdom of darkness. Prayer and meditation will assist us in becoming aware of the plans of evil towards us and will help us to escape the temptations of evil to sidetrack or delay our progress. This kingdom of darkness or Devil will only be as successful as we allow him to be in our lives. We choose every day, who we will serve, we have this freedom.
If we reject temptation, the Devil and his demons, and his plans, than he will be forced, by the light, to back off from us. We have the power to choose between good and evil, Darkness and light, failure or success, from a spiritual perspective. We have the power of God within us to back us up in this process. Once we make the decision then the power will be there to fulfill it. We are supernatural beings, with unlimited power and abilities and nothing is impossible to us, if we are willing to surrender to supernatural guidance and direction.
If we receive darkness and the plans and character of darkness, we will see negative results in our lives. Darkness will attempt to block us from finding out who we really are and what we are really capable of in life. Once we find out we are unstoppable, we are invincible. Ignorance is like a prison to us in this world, what we don't know can and will hurt and eventually kill us. It is wise to know and this is available through divine Guidance and direction.
If we choose to receive God in our lives, we can become more aware of him and his whole kingdom assisting us to accomplish our objectives and goals for our lives. God and His kingdom will help us with guidance and direction all of the time and especially in times of need if we ask Him to, but we must ask for Him to intervene in our lives. He will never override our free will.
God with gentleness, through our spirits will lead us into the directions that are best for us and for the people around us to accomplish all of our goals in life, individually and collectively. If we take the time to hear him and we are willing to follow him and we are willing to build his kingdom on earth, then we will be successful in fulfilling our goals and our divine plans in this life.
God is very happy to lead us and guide us through this life but we must pray and ask him to do it, as he will not go against our wills, wishes or desires. God is very respectful towards us and will not interfere unless we ask him to assist us. God has chose to give us free will and He has established the law of free will, as a universal law, and will not violate that law and as a result, no beings in His Kingdom of light will ever violate our law of free will, as well.
Remember that success in our eyes or in the eyes of the world is not viewed the same by God and God having an all knowing and understanding viewing point, views success in this life, very differently than we do. God views our success from a spiritual viewpoint and is not moved by physical circumstances and situations like we are. The physical world is only temporary and is a temporary school of learning and development for us.
Our success to God is in accomplishing our divine goals in life and that may entail a work that would be viewed in this world as failure, but in heavenly realms viewed as our success, as it was something we had to do or experience while we were here on earth. Failure is just a stepping-stone to true success. We would thus be guided and directed by God to fulfill this designated divine plan for this life, but appear to be a loser, by the ego system and all people who are caught and trapped in established ego thinking and processing. The bible says that the natural man cannot discern the things of the spirit.
We might have planned to sacrifice our selves and our lives here on earth for the sake of others, which is an ultimate act of love. The bible says that "there is no greater love, than for one to sacrifice themselves for another“. This is the ultimate act of giving to another or loving another.
This could involve someone agreeing to come to earth as a starving child in an underprivileged situation to spark someone else to exercise compassion and assist to set up a feeding program for all of the underprivileged children. Many children may have to die an early and painful death, finally drawing attention from the world, and as a result bringing some rescue situations to manifestation in these disadvantaged places.
Some people or souls agree to perform honorable roles and some dishonorable roles depending on what needs to be balanced from past lives. The important thing is to accomplish our set goals and objectives weather they be at the top, at the bottom, or anywhere in between. They are all very specifically and carefully planned and set in motion and directed and guided by the Kingdom of God.
All roles in this life, are like Actors and actresses, only this is on the stage of life as we all chose are particular roles for this life time. Some of us fulfill our chosen roles and some of us do not. If we do fulfill our roles, we go on to bigger and better things, if we don't fulfill our roles, we will have to come back and try again until we get it right or fulfill our divine mission.
What ever our station or position in life the important thing is that we grow, expand and become stronger and better people for our glory and the glory of God. As we grow and become stronger as individuals, God grows and becomes larger and stronger as his kingdom grows. We have the opportunity in our lives here to become co-creators with God and to create our lives around us. We can choose to create negatively or positively in all situations.
We are a unique and special part of God, we came from God and therefore became a part of His growth and building for the future. We become stronger and grow by loving one another, we will have to learn this and become a part of this process sooner or later over time and maybe lifetimes to inherit eternal life. Or we can choose eternal death or anyhalation.
If we do not learn and continue to lower our consciousness we will eventually be snuffed out and our energy returned to the energy pool of God. God is patient and kind but he will not wait forever. We cannot stand still in growth, we are either getting better or getting worse over time. If we are getting worse, there is much grace, but there will come an end to it eventually.
Guidance and direction we can also learn from others, organizations and institutions to help us on our journey through this thing called life as we know it. Guidance and directions can come from people, animals, nature and things. We can receive little signs that will lead us along the way. Most often the signs come from places that we least expect, as faith is always required to receive from the Kingdom of God. We need to always be open for God to show us new things, rather than thinking that we already know. Being open for the new is humility and surrender which brings divine guidance.
Our ability to follow this direction through the guidance of our inner signs and our outer signs, but especially our ability to follow the guidance from within us, will determine our success in fulfilling our goals and objectives in this life, while we are here. If we miss the inner signs, sometimes outer signs can help get us back on track. The objective of this process is to follow our inner signs, and eventually not need the outer signs.
The kingdom of God is within us, we can have this mind which was also in Christ Jesus. Jesus said, I work hitherto and my (Father) or inner God Spirit, works to recreate a better world and raise the planet to the heavenly octave, or thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Be here below, all that we are above, it is all the same principle truth.
Together as human beings we can raise the earth to the heavenly dimension. This will take our cooperation and surrender to the higher wills within us. Eventually we will bring in the Kingdom of God in full manifestation on earth and the earth and people will raise back up to the level of the Kingdom of God and this will be eternal life. The dark beings and discarnate souls, out of embodiment, and the lower conscious beings in embodiment will be removed from the earth at that time.
Heaven isn’t going to come down lower to save us, so let us go up higher to be forever with our Lord, and there is salvation forever. We need direction and guidance to accomplish this goal, it is not too late to start right now, receiving this beautiful gift of fulfilling your divine plans for this life. Ask God, find out what they are, He wants you to know all mysteries of life.
Pray for guidance and direction, always, and by faith, receive it and you will have it. There is no greater thing that you can do for yourself and for others.
Chapter 17
Prayer and meditation
There are two very important tools that we have access to, that we have to help us while we are on this planet, in embodiment. They are prayer and meditation. These tools are (Payer) and (meditation) and they are important and vital spiritual tools and they are a very important offensive and defensive weapon for us here on earth. Guidance and direction from God will lead us to these important tools for spiritual growth.
We can use these tools, when dealing with dark spirits or the forces of darkness who are here to impede our progress. If possible, Dark spirits will take us out of this world so that we do not attain our ascension or find our way back to our spiritual roots and back to our father in heaven or have a chance to positively effect others in life.
The objective of the dark lower kingdom is to either keep us trapped in lower levels or take us out through the death process. God only desires abundant life for us. God's Kingdom is ultimate power, darkness is not allowed to have power over us, unless it is our decision and it is allowed for higher reasons and objectives, and even then only temporarily.
We can, by the act of our own wills, choose to cooperate with dark entities, but that is the self-destructive process that we need to learn to overcome. Prayer and meditation will help us rise above these situations. Knowledge is the key, when we know better, we will do better, in all things in life.
Thankfully, we are protected by the angels, especially Michael the Arch Angel and his legions of the blue flame. This protection is in line with our divine plan for this life and is always subject to our free will decisions in life. To be secure in protection from angels, use prayer and meditation, find out what you need to know about your life, and then follow it, and make the necessary changes that you need to make, without the need for pressure to change.
After the fall of man, we became trapped in this material world of form and since that time we have been in the middle of a battle for our very lives. This is a battle to maintain our God given life force. It was a real and present risk to come here to earth but we chose to come here for the opportunity to become more in God, to expand our consciousness and to become stronger and a more powerful and balanced soul in the kingdom of God.
However if we failed and if we fell into a very low state of consciousness and never came out of it but continued to descend lower and lower in consciousness we could eventually be annihilated in the second death and cease to exist as a self aware being. This is the danger of being in embodiment on earth. Through prayer and meditation we can ensure that we will be heading in the right direction for our eternal safety and survival.
God has a lot of patience, but it will not last forever, if we continue lifetime after lifetime in the same lower decline of our state of consciousness. Their will eventually come a time of “enough is enough” and Gods lake of spiritual fire will dissolve these souls back into pure energy, and they will be annihilated as a consciousness, and their energy will be returned to the energy pool.
Contrary to some beliefs, our loving God would not allow eternal punishment or punishment eternally, there is no future benefit in that. Eternal punishment just means death forever or anyhalation. The lake of fire in the bible, is Gods consuming spiritual fire, that consumes all that is unlike itself. This fire purifies everything and eliminates all darkness.
God would have to be evil to allow that sort of thing to happen. The eternal punishment is eternal death and eternal death is to be snuffed out as an existing consciousness. This is the only reasonable act for a being of love, like God is. If people's doctrines do not include the love of God, they are likely inaccurate. It is only some people, directed by dark entities, that would choose to believe in eternal punishment. That is a human thought and emotion, not a supernatural one.
Eternal death can be a scary thought. But it is very real and believe it or not God will allow this to happen, out of his love and mercy. To allow a soul to continue descending lower indefinitely, will allow that soul a steady increase of stress, pain, suffering and anguish, ending up in madness and total loss of any stability or peace and no possibility at that point, for any change to be able to turn it around. To allow a soul to continue at this point would be inhumane and cruel if you have the ability to do something about it.
But God is very loving and persistent and will allow many opportunities to save the souls of people if at all possible. God has given us free will and his universal laws will not allow this free will to be taken from us, the gifts of God are irrevocable. Universal law supports our free will to choose what we want in life, ultimately everyone gets what they want, negative or positive.
Prayer and meditation, on a consistent basis, will ensure that we are going in the right direction and will speed up our growth process and get us to where we are going, spiritually. This will ensure our progress in the light of God and give us the confidence to overcome all obstacles in our way and assist us to obtain more of God and His Kingdom.
Anywhere along life’s journey or our many lives of journeys, we can as human beings, call out to God in prayer and he will answer us. He is always patiently awaiting your call to him and he will always respond, without acception. Prayer is one of our best and most effective spiritual tools to bring change to our lives and to stop our conscious decent and place us on a path of ascension to a higher consciousness from where we are presently.
Prayer, in a state of humility and surrender will bring the kingdom of God in on the situation very quickly, but any sort of a prayer in distress, is at the very least, a beginning of humility and can lead to surrender. If the prayer is offered with emotion it will carry more power and be more effective. The bible says that the ferverent or emotional prayer of a man in the right direction, accomplishes a lot. We need to put our mind and our feelings into prayer and affirm what we want or desire. The kingdom of God will give us what we want, we need to decide what that is, and where we want to go in life and where we want to go, when this physical life is over.
We can accept or reject God’s ways, He allows that, He gives us that freedom. He does not want to force anything on us, but for us to come His way, out of love and not fear or forced submission. The desire must come from us in the state of surrender or the willingness to surrender. God doesn’t need our ability, only our surrender, and He will provide the power, to make it all happen.
If we want negative things we will get them and if we want positive things we will also get them. We need the wisdom and guidance of God to keep us on the right path to fulfill our divine plan for this lifetime. Everyone in this life gets what they want. What you want, is sent out of you spiritually or vibration ally, and the kingdom of God responds to this vibration or energy. It all works away above our natural minds. Prayer and meditation will enable us to see and understand all that we need to for spiritual success in this life.
Sometimes our mind will say that we want a certain thing, but our heart or inner vibrations are giving off another signal. The kingdom of God always responds to the spiritual vibration. We understand and recognize that we all give off, what we call vibe's or vibrations and we can feel one another’s vibrations. People can sometimes tell us one thing but they give off vibrations of another and we can feel it and we know the difference.
We will say sometimes, that we feel that someone is sincere in what their saying, or sometimes not sincere and we can tell by the vibrations. We can tell if people like us or not. We can tell if other people agree with us or not. We can tell a lot of things about other people if we tune ourselves in to their vibrations. If we learn how to tune in, we will not be fooled by the outward act or appearance, which can be very convincing sometimes.
God is always in tune with our spiritual vibrations and not necessarily with what we say or do. We can say that we want more wealth or finances but if our vibrations say that we really think we are not worth it or worthy of it, or we think we might misuse it, then the finance will not be released. Then you will say, “I pray and pray for needed finance and it does not come”, but we are really the ones that hold it back because of our mixed messages. When the outer self lines up with the inner self then the harmony will produce results.
If we are in a lower state of consciousness and believe that we are unworthy or not good enough, then our vibrations will send that out spiritually and whoever is spiritually sensitive will pick that up, weather it be spiritual entities in embodiment or spiritual entities out of embodiment. Dark entities will be drawn to erroneous beliefs and will help to maintain them and to strengthen them, if we allow it. It is all fair game to them and allowed by God, if we choose to cooperate.
The truth is that we were all created in God’s image and we are all worthy of every good thing but if we do not believe this, it will not do us much good in life. We are what we believe and we become more of what we believe about ourselves every day. When we positively change our erroneous beliefs we will also positively change our lives. If we realize this and put our intent on it, and pray for it, it is not that hard to change, since we will now get divine help.
Our beliefs about ourselves, about life and about others will affect how we pray and what we pray for in life. Our belief systems in life develop our character in life that determines, not necessarily who we are, but who we think we are in life. If our beliefs are not in line with, who we really are, than we will come shot of what we can be, and what we can do in life.
If we choose to believe what God says about us and what he chooses to believe about us, we will be on the road to a higher spiritual life. God says that we are made in his image, that we are all sons and daughters, that we are all brothers and sisters and that he wants to see us reach our true potential as spiritual beings. God's love will carry us through everything.
We are all spiritual beings, on a journey in this material world, not physical beings attempting to find a spiritual life in this world. We are returning to where we came from, our spiritual path or our spiritual home, rather than finding a new path to somewhere new. We are here to grow and mature and to become more and as we become more God’s kingdom becomes more. We are here to grow, become better larger and stronger and then to return to our source of all things as an expanded being.
Prayer will always help our progress and especially help us when we get stuck in a lower place in life, or stuck in false doctrines or stuck in false beliefs or deceptive thought and inappropriate feelings. When we pray and ask for help, God will be there for us to rescue us from all bondages in life but we need to always be open to change and never assume we have it right and there is not more to learn or in some cases unlearn. There is always more for us, if we reach out and intend to grow and to find more of God’s absolute truth which he will hold from no one, with a sincere desire and intent, to find the more.
Meditation is different from prayer in that prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening to what God has to say. Listening to what God has to say is even more important that talking to him, as listening to him will bring us divine wisdom, knowledge, revelation and understanding. This we need in life to succeed spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Some people talk too much and not listen enough when dealing with God. God will let you talk as much as you like, bit it is only when your ready to listen, that He will talk to you. Then you will see good change and development.
We would be wise to spend much time in prayer but even wiser to also spend much time in meditation. In meditation God will reveal what we need to do in life to succeed in every way. Meditation will reveal what we need to be, what we need to do and what we need to change or unlearn in life. We followed many things in life that we knew were inappropriate and destructive to us and need to receive the strength from God to overcome these things. We did them because we liked them and we liked them because we were incomplete and thought that we needed something from this world to be complete. In truth we came here to give to this world and not to take.
We are co-creators with God in this world and nothing changes in this world unless it is done through people, just like you and I. We receive a steady flow of energy from God to supply everything we need to create in this world. Things in this world do not happen unless it comes through a conscious being in embodiment. God’s kingdom responds to the consciousness of us individually and the mass consciousness collectively. God’s kingdom responds to our vibe's or vibrations and universal law does not allow things to happen any other way.
We sometimes think that all of these things in life are happening around us and we do not have any control over what is taking place. This is the duality consciousness that believes God is on the outside of us. That is what caused the great fall of man to begin with, and still to this day is trying to keep human beings down and keep us from finding out who we really are and what we are really capable of in life.
If you picture God on the outside of you, that is dualistic thinking that is encouraged by dark forces to deceive you. To do this you have to create an image in your mind, and that image will be an idol to you. Worshiping idols was forbidden in the bible, because the Kingdom of God is on the inside of you, not the outside. That is a better place to guide you from.
As long as we feel or believe that we are separate from what is happening out there, that we are separate from other people, and that we do not have any control over what is happening out there, we will be trapped by it and trapped in it. We cannot see above our belief systems, we cannot see above our self created trappings of who we are, or rather who we think we are, and we will stay trapped in them until we see above it. Prayer and meditation will help in this process.
When we realize that we are the master of our own destiny and that we have everything to do with who we are, and who we are capable of being, and what we are capable of doing, then we will see the change, the growth and the maturity that we really desire.
Pray and meditation can help us to step back and view the world in a different perspective or from a better viewing point. This will give us a more accurate point of view, about ourselves, about others, about God and about the world. Prayer and meditation can bring us higher seeing and understanding.
Everybody gets what they want, everyone is in the place that they want, everybody is doing what they want. Vibration ally, we have created our present lives and we can vibration ally change them at any time. Heaven is always waiting for us to wake up and get it, heaven is always waiting for us to make better decisions in life, but the divine is always subject to our free wills, so they have to wait for us to wake up and ask for help. Then the kingdom of God can and will intervene and help us out of the mire and help us to higher ground, it is always simple, never complicated, but how many of us as human beings do this and how often do we do this in life.
We as humans usually call on God when we are in trouble and when we are out of present trouble we tend to forget about God and carry on, with what we call normal life, but normal life is not normal at all. It is not normal for spiritual beings to think they are powerless and just move along with life, with a what ever happens attitude, and never take the dominion over this world, that God asked us to do, when he made us in his image.
Meditation will give us the tools, the awareness, the wisdom and knowledge to take dominion over this world and planet, the way in which we are capable of doing. Meditation will level the playing field, meditation will even the odds, will balance everything and send us up higher. Many people are aware of the value of prayer, but not everyone is aware of the value of meditation.
If dark forces cannot keep us from prayer, than they will try and keep us from meditation. They will attempt to fill up our lives with so many things that we do not have time for payer or meditation. This will keep us trapped in our present state of consciousness and eventually take us down to a lower state of consciousness, if we allow it. It is our choice.
Prayer will assist us and take us higher into what we are really here to do and to accomplish. Prayer will help us to call on God and to see clearly.
Meditation will give us knowledge and show us how to get to where we need to go.
Both are necessary for our spiritual survival and attainment.
Male & Female
Before creation and long before life on planet earth we were spirits made in the image of God and we possessed both male and female qualities and characteristics. We were complete, content and totally happy together with God in his kingdom. We did not look anything like we do in human form. We started out very tiny and then began to grow and this earthy embodiment is just another step in our growth process in this school of life.
At a certain time a stirring happened in the kingdom of God as a proposal went out with the intention to create. Most in the kingdom of God were agreeable with the intention to create and the opportunity for faster growth. They all could see creation as an opportunity for smaller spirits to grow on fast track in the schools of certain planets as well as our own planet earth. The plan was for the smaller spirits to ketch up to the growth and maturity of larger spirits who had been around for a longer period of time.
These life forms can exist in many different dimensions or levels. One civilization can exist over top of another, on the same planet, in a different dimension and not be aware that the other exists. On planet earth, the spirit world exists in the same space as the natural world. The spirit world is fully aware of us, but in most cases we are not fully aware of them. But we can be aware, by choosing to tune into their vibrations at that level. It is like tuning in a radio station to different channels, we can choose to tune into their particular vibrations or their vibrational level of existence.
One very large spirit in the Kingdom of God, Lucifer, did not agree with the intention to create and rebelled against it. He desired to be larger than other spirits and to stay larger and stronger. He did not want the smaller spirits to become as large as he was. He wanted to be God. God didn’t have a real problem with Lucifer wanting to be God but Lucifer’s capabilities just were not at a high enough level for the job. Lucifer, as an archangel, was called upon to serve earths evolutions and man himself. Lucifer did not want to serve man but to control man, and he refused to serve the evolutions of man.
He gathered other supporters of his political campaign to rebel against the plan of creation and eventually decided to leave the kingdom of God, with his new recruits. Lucifer sent out his followers first as none of the spirits had ever tried to leave the kingdom of God before and he didn’t know what was going to happen to them when they left. He thought they even might perish. But they left, survived and set up a kingdom far away as they could get from Gods kingdom in our universe. In their state of lower consciousness they could not stand the higher vibrations that were experienced closer to the center of God.
After Lucifer and his followers left the kingdom of God, creation was planned and the process started. The universes, the masters, the angels were all commissioned and sent out to play their respective roles in creation, to protect the creations of God from Lucifer and his followers possibly becoming an influence on the new spirits and their creations.
All of the universes were built and continued to expand and fill up the dark void and bring in the light. The suns lit up the galaxies and there was light, the light of God. There are many solar systems, galaxies and worlds and many people on many different planets growing and expanding in God. When people grow, God grows and expands his kingdom. All of the universes and all of God’s creations are continually growing and expanding in the light and energy of God.
Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be changed or co-created into something else. The plan was for that something else to be more of God's Kingdom rather than creating more darkness. The great fall of man on planet earth, caused the decline of the planet and lowered people into more density, further away from God, rather than spirituality, closer to God.
The earth was created, grew and expanded for billions of years, it was developed to sustain life and it was finally ready to support life. The balance of air, water and land as well as plant and animal life had to be ready to sustain human life. Earth had to sustain itself first and then it would be ready for humans. The balance and everything human beings would need, had to be created first.
God chose to separate the male from the female entities of His creation and some of those spirits volunteered to become the first embodiments on planet earth. The Lord chose to create and He made us, what we now call humans, Male and Female, for our good and for our benefit, and the benefit of our future and to the benefit of others, as well as for the ability to procreate and multiply. Eve was not an after thought as some believe, but on the contrary, the creation of women were very much a carefully executed plan by God equally as was the creation of man or human.
Men and woman, before human creation, were spirits that were together as one entity with God in eternal dwellings. The male and female spirits only became separated later at the beginning of creation. God placed the male on earth first and then the female later but they were both definitely planned right from the beginning to be complete as partners, be a support for one another and be co-creators with God on earth.
God took His masculine side of His character and made man after the same likeness and gave man all of His male attributes to be a complete man. Then God took His feminine side (Mother) aspect of His character and made woman after the same likeness and gave her all of the mother's feminine attributes and characteristics for her to be a complete woman. The man would be predominantly male but have some female characteristics and the female would be primarily female but have some male characteristics.
Together as one, man and woman, make up the fullness of the attributes, characteristics, attitudes, mind, emotions, stability and abilities of the nature of God. Man alone does not possess the full balance of the nature of God and woman alone does not possess the full balance of God. But together they can have the full balance, likeness in the positive characteristics that they have and hopefully will express toward themselves, one another, and towards others. Together the man and woman would strike a balance of life and become more like our creator God in his complete balanced nature.
Lucifer and his helpers managed to entice the man and woman into the great fall of man kind. The serpent (representing dark entities) enticed them to question God’s integrity when he said “you shall not die when you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil“. The serpent was right in the short term, in that they would not immediately die. But the deception was that it would be a very slow and painful death, as they would be now steeped in black and white, right and wrong thinking or what we call religion. The serpent convinced man that God was holding something back and was not giving man the full truth. Believing the lies and deceptions of the serpent is what caused the fall and then from guilt and shame, man separated himself from his creator God.
Sin or separation from God never existed before that time, but Adam and Eve and the human race on earth, now sunk into a lower state of consciousness. They felt that God had deceived them, they believed the darkness, and then, even as they do now, they felt guilt and shame. They became sin conscious and became aware of their nakedness and hid from God or their spiritual teacher. God searched for them in the garden, they said we hid because we were naked. God said, who told you that you were naked, or where did this consciousness of sin come from in you. Sin consciousness replaced reality in their lives and began to further separate themselves from God and began to fall further into density.
God was never separate from man, but man now perceived it that way, and because they had free will, chose to separate themselves from God and began to act accordingly. They then became convinced that they were completely apart from God and eventually created the ego to replace God as their leader, teacher and guide in life. The ego is just a fictitious pseuto identity, made up or created by man, and is based on separation from God. Separation from God, then allowed fear to enter the world of man. It was primarily fear then that caused man to create the ego or the pseuto identity, to guide them and to protect them in life. This was, of coarse a deception, but man would have to learn of his mistake and be willing to correct it, before he would be right with God again. This mistake was not from God's perspective, but from mans perspective. Man perceived himself as unredeemable.
God never rejected man, even when he fell into deception, He was just waiting for man to come back to Him for help, and in most cases, he is still waiting. God respected the free will that He gave to man and would not override that with force. God would just patiently wait for man to come to his senses and begin to make better decisions again, and He is still waiting today.
Free will, God established as universal law, and beings of light will not change it and man can't change it, so it is established. That means that man would have to eventually return to God, by the act of his own free will. Man must be willing to choose restoration with God, and be willing to choose the path that returns him to God.
Sadly, the ego eventually did take on an identity of it's own and began to dominate man in man's ignorance of what was really happening to him and what was really happening in the world, and what was really happening to man in general. Now the ego, which really doesn’t exist at all, fights for it's own survival, because we are the ones that give it life, it has no life of it's own. We are the ones, that are co-creators with God, on earth and we are the only ones that can change things on the planet, including our lives.
God could do no more than wait for man to make a better decision and he is still waiting for man to make better decisions on returning to Him and returning to the truth and reality. When a man or woman decides to turn back to God their creator, the kingdom of heaven will immediately assist them back to God, as far into truth, as they wish to go, but it must be a continuous decision of our own will, and that decision must be motivated in love and become an inner desire of the heart, to be recognized by the light.
God is all about unconditional love, unconditional acceptance and unconditional forgiveness. He is always there to receive us if we choose to come back to Him. However it must be our own free will choice, just as it was to separate. God will lovingly take us under His wings and gather us, just like a hen gathers her chicks, when we choose to come back to Him in love.
Now the consciousness of man has descended to such a low state on the planet, that all material things have become dense or physical in nature. Physical things in the world have become heavy or dense in nature. The earths magnetic force of gravity has increased and caused all things to become more dense. As mans consciousness descends, the planet becomes denser, turning in on itself. If this process continued, it would eventually self- destruct. Some people can even imagine that there is no God or they just have some very limited notion that there is a God out there somewhere, but not really interested in them. Or they believe that God is mad at them and wants to judge them, but this all comes from mans guilt and shame, from originally separating themselves from God.
Or now some people believe that there is no God, and creation and evolution started and took place all by itself. It even amazed God sometimes, what men chose to believe, in place of the truth. Dark entities were always there to help man descend in to lower consciousness. Dark forces want us to eventually self destruct, and they want our planet to self destruct.
People can actually imagine that this beautiful, balanced and magnificent universe just came together on it’s own, by accident. That type of reasoning is as intelligent as someone believing that an explosion in a print factory produced the first dictionary or that an explosion in an electronic warehouse produced the first satellite. If someone attempted to prove these things to you, you would probably ridicule them and you would not believe it, but the miracle of people and planet earth is more intricate and balanced than that, but some people still choose to believe that they were accidents of creation and happened on their own out of random chance.
When man gets to a low enough state of consciousness amazingly enough foolish things begin to make sense to him. Sometimes man would sooner believe that life was created by a random act and then there is no responsibility to a creator God. He can just do what ever he wants and never become accountable to anyone or anything, that’s nice, but very unrealistic and scary for the future. Man will always be accountable to himself, in that he will be his own judge, in the Kingdom of God, when he reviews his life in full color and full sound. We all have two color cameras and two microphones recording everything that happens in our lives on earth. This is all recorded from within us and is there permanently, or until it is changed.
Everything that happens is all recorded in detail and we will have to eventually review it and decide on our own future possibilities. Every single detail of our lives is recorded and kept for us at a later time. We should do things that will make our life review enjoyable, rather than a negative experience, to be balanced at a later date.
Once a person fully realizes all of this, it changes everything. But, please understand, that your present state of consciousness and as a result, your view of God, people, and the world, is not the way it really is in truth and reality. What we call truth and reality in this world, is presently, in fact, created illusion.
Dark forces work continuously, inside of us, where they have previously gained entrance through traumatic events, offences committed against us, offences we committed against others, guilt, shame, low self image and self hatred or other limitations and situations that lowered our protective spiritual shields for a time and allowed entry. This can cause soul fragmentation that eventually has to be healed to fully become whole, ascend and to return to God our source. This healing process can take as many lifetimes, as we choose to allow, before we get it right and in balance.
Dark forces can also influence from the outside of us and entice us into things that will not be good for us, in the end. However they can only do what we allow. We always get what we want in life, we just need to decide what we want. What we don't know, cannot only hurt us, it can kill us. However dark forces are not allowed to go against our wills, they must get our cooperation in their plans and schemes, to cause us any harm. The angels serving earths evaluations consistently regulate all of these things.
Separation from God, is a negative line of reasoning, and could not be any further from the truth. God loves us dearly and is thrilled when someone pays attention to him and starts their journey home. God and his intelligence made the universe, the cosmos and our earth and it is all in an incredible balance, otherwise it would self destruct and not survive the test of time. Our journey home must be discovered spiritually, within us, and then we must be willing to follow this spiritual path of balance, all the way back to our real home.
Father God is the creative force that makes all things and mother God is the balancing force or effect to sustain longevity or long-term survival. Dark spirits oppose the mother or balancing component, as they want the earth to self-destruct and prove that God was wrong by giving us all free will. Dark spirits oppose the feminine aspect of God in their attempt to destroy us, and our planet. They know if the creative force of the Father is not balance by the Mother aspect, or Mother light, it will eventually self-destruct.
The opposition of the Mother light is seen in history in the form of hatred towards woman throughout the ages. This negative approach, by dark spirits, has created the tremendous hatred towards women over the evolutions of earth. Man has traditionally treated woman on a lower level of stature, abused them and have taken away their human rights and basic freedoms. This is still true today in many cultures around the world. Man thinks that he has to subdue woman and nature, rather than working with it and balancing it.
Man was originally meant to be permanently in God's river of life and to have all things that he needs provided supernaturally. Obtaining by the sweat of our brow, was part of the consequence of the great fall of man, or the falling away from God. We all originally had very light bodies, that could walk on water and had no real limitations in this world. The world also was not dense and heavy, but light and unlimited. Limitations came with the density.
Because of the fall man, having the masculine qualities and physical strength, became the protector and provider for the woman and the family. He was given abilities to be the outside provider for the family, the farmer, the hunter or the bread-winner. He was not given this strength to lord it over woman but to respect and protect them, assist them and provide for them.
He was to be a man of strength, and deliberate co-creation with God on earth, but his wife, also a co-creator on earth, would be there to teach him humility, balance, tenderness and gentleness. The man would learn to be strong when it was needed and to be soft and tender, when it was needed. The man needed to be strong and confident and to help his family to progress and succeed as co-creators of God, in life on earth. He was to show his family how to take dominion over themselves and the earth, as God had asked man to do in the Garden of Eden.
The man was given the authority to direct the children in the way they should go. The man needed to teach his children the secrets of life and abilities to get along with others and to love one another and to become God's on earth. To teach his children strength and endurance for life on planet earth. Then the process was to send the children out into the world to become independent and take their own dominion over the earth.
When women try to take this same authority, as man, with children, it does not work as well. The women usually only have to threaten the children with the wrath of the father to get quick results. The mans authority in the family unit is unquestionable and very evident. The most important teaching the parents can give their children would be to start their return to their creator God on the spiritual path of life.
The man has to be very careful not to abuse his authority or he will eventually lose the privilege. Men that abuse their authority usually end up in separation and divorce, forced to live alone until they learn how to respect others, including woman and children. If they do not learn in this life they will have many more lifetimes to finally develop love and respect for woman and to find the balance of life.
Divorce can happen for many different reasons. It may be the result of severe abuse, it could be substance abuse, or it could be physical, mental or emotional abuse. Maybe the marriage was not supposed to happen in the first place, and the man and woman were married, to get out of another bad situation. Or maybe they were married from the fear of being alone or rebounding from another relationship. Or were married just out of plain ignorance in not finding the right partner first. Any of these situations would end in divorce as it was not meant to be.
In these cases God and heaven, assist all parties in learning their lessons and evolving. Life is full of mistakes, this is all part of the learning process of experiencing life on earth. We should not feel guilt or shame about mistakes, we are here to learn to make better decisions, with our free will. We are all here to experience life and to fulfill our individual divine plans.
Or maybe their karma, from past lives, was fulfilled and they needed other experiences on the planet before leaving. Or maybe the two partners became attached to one another, in an unhealthy special relationship, and separation was the only way to correct it. In these cases of attachment, sometimes one of the partners will die, to give the other a chance for further advancement.
The special relationship, always excludes God and glorifies the ego and the natural world and is always primarily based on looks, or the body. Anything that is based on the body or natural things is of the ego, and is always opposed to God and His kingdom. Attention on the body, or ego illusions, or natural things, always separates people from God, rather than uniting them in the spirit, which is God's plan.
What God joins together will survive the test of time. Only individuals in a marriage can determine if God truly put it together. However there are many bad marriages that were performed for the wrong reasons, stay together in total unhappiness and die that way, giving neither partner a chance for happiness or growth.
These are very sad situations and they stay together because of the kids or because of the pressures of family, friends and society, or the fear of taking action and doing something about it. Or the fear of starting over, alone, can cause the resistance to spiritual and physical freedom. In this kind of bondage, there can never be freedom. Living your life to please other people will never bring you happiness or freedom.
In addition their true partners in this life never find a lasting relationship as well, with anyone else, and they too live a very sad life existence. True freedom is worth the cost of opposition, ridicule and rejection by those who do not understand your particular journey in life. It is always best to pray, find out the truth and then act on it, regardless of what others think. To please God and fulfill your divine plan for this life, is the greatest accomplishment on earth in our lifetime. Physical things in this world are absolutely nothing compared to what God has planned for us.
Very rarely will other people around you understand or even try to respect those choices you make, but you are the one that has to live this life and you are the one that has to do it again if you do not fulfill your divine plan on this time around. Other people are great at criticizing, and making judgments in your life but they do not have to live it, you do. Make your own decisions in life, find your own way, find your freedom and then you will love to live life.
Our greatest success in life is happiness. If we are happy, we will also make others happy around us. Happiness should be one of our goals in life. We are all meant for happiness. We should desire to obtain happiness, sustain happiness and to give it away to others and lighten their load in life. Joy is strength and happiness is stability. We need to learn to overcome all negative obstacles like depression and sadness and develop joy and happiness, this is a part of all of our divine plans. This is one of our greatest objectives and it is part of the abundant life, that God wants us all to have.
Generally, since the beginning of mans journey on earth, the man was given directional abilities to lead the family and to travel and return home. The man usually can and will keep his directions clear at all times when he is traveling. At any given time if you ask a man where north, south etc, he will usually always be able to tell you. As he travels he always maintains a sense of direction to keep from getting lost. There are always exceptions to the norm, but generally these things are natural functions for men.
A woman, on the other hand, usually cannot tell you what direction north is at any given time. If you take a woman into a shopping mall and bring her out a different door, likely she will not know her directions and she may not be able to find the car very quickly. This is because it was not necessary for women to maintain directions and they never developed these abilities in the evolution of planet earth.
Generally a woman would focus on the family and the home and did not concern herself with directions, she relied on the man for those things. The woman was mostly concerned with the running of the home and the nurturing and immediate development of her family and their emotional stability and balance. The woman is more of an emotional creature and is more in touch with her emotions and usually has the humility to allow growth and she can teach these things to her husband and children.
The man relied on the woman to be alert and use her intuition to confirm things to him and to properly look after the children. The woman was given feminine qualities like compassion, kindness, gentleness and an ability to touch and express emotions with a freedom that men need to learn from. The women were given an-alertness, awareness and nurturing abilities for raising children. The woman has an easier time expressing humility and can be very instrumental in teaching this to the man.
If you ask a mother where her children are at any given time of the day or night, she will usually be able to tell you where all of them are and what they are doing and how they are getting along. If you ask the man the same question he would be fortunate if he could tell you where one of his children are or what they are doing. The woman is the supreme qualified care-giver and the man is the supreme qualified provider.
Now, in the days that we now live in, these roles can be diverse and interactive and variable. Some men and women have switched roles in full agreement and that is fine, in agreement. Nothing in life is written in stone, the important thing is our freedom to be, all that we can be. Because of our previous karma from other lives, we need to experience particular things while we are here in this life. Our lives are monitored and assisted in every possible detail, to complete our designated divine plans.
As the world is today, women, in general, are miles ahead of men in spirituality and moving into their divine paths of light. Because of this, the earth is beginning to produce more females than males, this in turn will help raise the spirituality of the whole planet. The men will eventually catch up.
The men were to strike a balance of life with the help of the woman and the woman was to strike a balance of life with the help of the man. The women, was called the helpmate and if she performed her function well, she would have helped to develop the man into a well-balanced individual. If the man performed his functions well, he would help to develop the woman into a well-balanced individual. They would balance one another for the growth and maturity of the entire family.
Men and women so often struggle with each other's differences, rather than benefiting from these differences for the benefit of all. The differences are there to bless men and women, not to curse them as some might think. We need to use the differences to bless one another and to help each other grow in life. It takes a negative and a positive to produce power and it takes a negative and a positive in men and woman to strike the balance of life.
We need to have fun with our differences, as humor is a great tool to assist love and learning. We need to lighten up and enjoy life more and find the humor in each other, situations and events. It was all meant to be enjoyed and to make us happy. True success is happiness. Our approach and responses will determine whether our future will be light and positive or heavy and negative. We can learn to be more positive in our approach and our responses and thus change our futures.
Often women try to gain things from their men by using negative tools like anger, manipulation, control or black mail to force their wills. They have certain needs and sometimes connive and scheme to get their needs met or what they perceive as meeting their needs. We do not always know, what’s best for us and that is where the divine comes in. God does know what we need at all times and we need help to tap into that knowledge.
What the women need to use, is love and humility, gentleness and use their God given qualities of attraction to help move their husbands in the proper directions and ways for the benefit of both of them. A cute wink, a smile, kind words and some humor will take a woman a lot further with a man than an angry face and unkind words and a wicked countenance. It is all so simple, we just have to learn it. When we know better, we will do better.
Women would find that they could gain almost anything they wanted from a man if they used positive methods of body language and a soft voice and a cute smile to gain whatever they have need of in life. Some women even have a unique way of getting what they want or need and making the man think it was his idea. Smart and very effective, and non confrontational is this approach.
Men generally like to give women what they want but they rebel against manipulation, force and control. Men find themselves resisting a perfectly good suggestion that they would like or like their women to have, just because of the negative and forceful approach by the woman. When a woman takes a positive and gentle approach, it frees up the man to respond favorably, to the delight of both parties. And this concept works both ways.
Men can be very macho and stubborn at times and need help to find humility and freedom. Men, quite often are raised to think that they have to be cool or macho and especially in front of women. Men's egos love to show off and to impress, but it is all folly. They find the natural tendency to impress women, but women are usually impressed more with spiritual strength, confidence and stability rather than a stuffed ego. False confidence is usually recognized and viewed as foolish to most healthy and balanced women.
Men need to learn positive approaches towards women, and will find a much smoother lifestyle if they would deal with women in a positive, humble and balanced manner, with a wise and tasteful use of humor to obtain what they need from women. Love, respect, acceptance and forgiveness must be practiced in order for a marriage to be successful. Love, support, soothing soft words, Gentleness and kindness between partners will bring delightful results for all.
When man and woman first came to earth they were spiritual beings and had very light spirit bodies. They did not leave bones behind when they left the earth, so there is no fossil evidence of this early life on earth. At that time people had light bodies, which we now know as resurrected bodies, as Jesus demonstrated after his crucifixion. We had to have been erected, at one time, before we could be resurrected or re-erected. Living on earth with their spirit or light- bodies they were not subject to sickness, pain, decay or death. Life would be eternal and abundance would be full, before the great fall.
They originally had children by creating them from their unity and spiritual intent, not physically like we see today and certainly not in pain, which is a part of the curse or consequence of the great fall or falling away from God. The children would just materialize, from the spiritual into the physical, and they would continue as families. However after the fall of man they descended into a lower state of consciousness and as they descended further and further everything became more dense, physical, and less spiritual in nature.
Eventually they lost contact with the spiritual, became entangled with dark forces, and began physical sexual intercourse and began having children in physical pain and suffering. That was not what was originally intended, but God would not violate the free will of man, no matter how low he would descend in consciousness.
The physical sexual union now would serve to help keep the union or unity between male and female and serve to multiply the population and allow more spirits to come into embodiment for the purpose of growth and maturity. The orgasm in physical sexual union, between man and woman, would serve to remind human beings of their original state of being before the great fall. We were all designed to live continually in that state of ecstasy.
It is spiritually programmed into people to always want more, this ensures continual growth and evolution of people on earth. We are programmed to always look ahead for something better and to always better ourselves. Sometimes this is channeled in the wrong direction, but we all have it, and it was meant to be channeled in an enlightened direction. God and the Universe set up this law, to ensure self transcendence of humans on earth.
In heavenly realms there is no physical sexual union, but there is spiritual, emotional and mental union between the heavenly beings, people, and angels alike. It is not in the lower nature physical realm but in the higher octave of the spiritual realm or spiritual dimension. Their children are manifested by unlimited spiritual power and they grow and mature, just like they do here on earth, but on a higher level or vibration, above the physical world.
Physical sexual union or intercourse between a man and woman, and especially orgasm helps people to remember the ecstasy of God that they once had and need to return to sometime in the future. That type of ecstasy is what we will be living in continually in heavenly realms and is what we have come from before we volunteered to become part of the earth’s evolutionary process, the revolving doors of life and death on earth.
However there is a higher order of ecstasy in the spirit, than there is in the flesh. The natural of flesh version is created by our mind and emotions. Our brain makes and sends out chemicals, through our blood stream, to our cells, that it has created to experience with in the physical. This falls far short of the real spiritual experience that we were originally designed for.
Men and woman can draw from one another, assist one another and together become the complete balance of God on earth and positively touch and change many other lives in the process. We are here to help one another, we came to earth to give, from the uniqueness of our individual heart flames, rather than take from the world. Giving increases true and genuine wealth in every area of life, and produces heavenly reward, rather than taking, which is only temporary and has no eternal value.
We, as humans need to be aware of attachments to spouses, children, family, friends or other relationships in life. An attached relationship is an unhealthy or dysfunctional relationship, and is based on ego, fashioned around fear, guilt, manipulation and control. To be attached is to be needy, to rely upon family or friends for anything we need, to need their opinions to make decisions in our lives, to rely upon their opinions. They need to want other opinions to be important for their decisions.
To be attached to someone is to receive a sense of security from them and be afraid to venture out on our own, without their approval. Attachments will not allow us freedom to be who we really are and freedom to do what we really want to do and freedom to be who we really want to be. Attachments or addictions to anyone or anything in life, will exclude God and His Kingdom. Freewill and freewill choices are universal law and we have to make them, weather we want to or not. Even not making decisions, is making a decision to allow circumstances and others to lead us in life. God desires us to rely on Him to guide us through our lives. Attachments will subvert this process.
Parents sometimes choose to be attached or tied to their children even when they become adults and should be released to their own path in life and in God. Attached people want to take part in every life decision that there kids make and continue to dominate their lives, control and manipulate their lives, even in adulthood. Attachments and unhealthy relationships are always identified by the use of guilt or shame, to manipulate and control. We need to break out of attachments into freedom.
Why haven't you called me, is a good guilt manipulating tool, based in the ego illusion of fear of loss. This implies deficiency and lack. Rather the comment, it is good to see you, is uplifting, loving and nurturing. The first comment will help tear down, the second comment will help to build up and support. When we have time to communicate, it is much better, to spend it in positive rather than negative.
Children sometimes will remain attached or tied to their parents, even in adulthood and not have their own inner confidence and sense of security from God to make their own decisions and plan their lives, in their own sense of freedom and stability in God. Parents will use manipulation and guilt in a relationship with a child, to keep that child from being free themselves, to pursue their own divine plan. Taking their own place in life, with their own relationship with God, is the only thing that will make the children, now adults, to be truly free and happy. Children will likewise control their parents in the same way. Make them feel bad, if they do not do what they want. Love, kindness and encouragement is always a better path of light.
Attachments come from fear and a sense of being needy and will slow down our growth process and our future development, but everyone is responsible for their own decisions in life, weather they realize it or not. It even takes a decision to decide, not to decide, everything in life is about decisions. We have to make decisions continually and we, as individuals, are the only ones that are responsible for these decisions and all decisions have consequences and that is how we learn and grow according to universal law.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is said to have given birth to Jesus, at about the age of thirteen, so that is when they were classified as adults in those days. Our society now is a whole lot different today, but 16 or 18 years old would be classified as adults. This is when young people should be free to make their own decisions and begin to live their own lives and make their own way into the world. If they are limited by attachments, from themselves or others, it will prevent them from beginning to fulfill their divine plans. Their growth process will be slowed down considerably by attachments.
We all need to put our faith in the God within us, find our sense of security in God, overcome all fear and doubt, live our lives in freedom to become our true divine plan for this life. The knowledge of our divine plans is only available through our God or divine spirits within us. This divine or God spirit within us will lead us through life and into all truth, for us, and others. We can always rely on our inner divine spirit to lead us in life. We only need to tune in and listen for the direction.
As people we can become attached to people, places, things, events, hobbies, sports, professions, jobs or even our mortal lives in general. Jesus said in the bible, “ Who are my mother, sister, brother or family, those who do the will of God, this is my family”. He stated this when his family wanted a special recognition or audience from Him. This is the special relationship that Jesus refused to cater to, that excludes God. He was about his fathers business, free of all attachments of this world, including attachments to His birth family.
Jesus said “ He who gains his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake will save it”. Many people do not understand these sayings of Jesus. Jesus simply meant that he who seeks to gain or keep his mortal life or mortal sense of identity in this world will become attached to it and prevent him from finding his immortal or spiritual life, which is salvation from this world. As humans, we need to be willing to give up our mortal or physical existence, for the gaining of our Holy Christ consciousness, that will take us to immortality and raise us to the level of the spiritual realm and take us out of the density of this physical world.
If we as human beings choose attachments, and our God given free choice will allow this, we will have to repeat life as many times as necessary to show us the foolishness of being attached to this world and remaining in density, rather than ascending into spiritual realms and ending the revolving doors of life and death on this planet for us.
What we call ghosts on this planet are simply souls that have passed on, but remained attached to the earth, to people, places, things, buildings, events, circumstances, situations, habits or excesses and or lack. Because of their free will, God's kingdom will not force them to release attachments or addictions, but wait until they are ready to give them up and come home to the light, by the act of their own will. It is very important to the Universe or the kingdom of God, that everyone gets what they want, they need to decide clearly what they do want and they will get it, negative or positive.
Sometimes rich people are attached to their physical wealth, and thrive on ownership, which is ego based and will lead them to nowhere, but ego attachments. It may take them many lifetimes to see through the illusion of ownership in this physical world. Poor people can become attached to poverty, in the same way, and sometimes take many lifetimes to overcome. It is in the balance that they all will find real abundant life.
We are made in the image of God, we have the spirit of God living within us. No part of the kingdom of God will interfere with our free will and what we decide that we want, even if it is contrary to the laws of the universe, and as a result, self destructive. God just patiently waits for us to make a better decision and He has plenty of time to wait for us in the revolving doors of life and death on earth.
God desires us to line up with His universal laws, and come to the level of His spiritual kingdom, drop all of our attachments, addictions, and negativity and surrender to His kingdom of light and raise ourselves to immortality. However He will respect our decisions, either way, because he loves us unconditionally forever. People have always and will always save themselves, by choices that they make, or destroy themselves by choices that they make, or refuse to make decisions, which in fact, is a decision also, for destruction. We can learn to make better choices and have better visions and better dreams, if we are open to it, and teachable.
All things work together for good, as the bible says, and this world is not about right and wrong, not about sin consciousness, not about good and bad, but just experiencing this world and raising above it into higher dimensions and returning home to God, in the highest dimension possible. The fourteenth dimension is the highest, mostly people on earth are in the third dimension, but some people can venture into the fourth and fifth dimension at times.
Even negativity and dark spirits will assist us to a better stage of development in our lives, by creating pressure in areas of our lives that need change, until we become willing to make the necessary changes or remain attached and in bondage. Dark spirits are allowed to cause us trouble in areas of our lives that are of the lower nature, until we surrender and give in to positive change, then the dark entities are no longer allowed to trouble us. This is universal self correction or working out our salvation in this world. When we make the necessary changes that we need to make in our lives, or our karma is fulfilled, these entities are made to leave us alone, by our protector angels or the guardians of the light.
The kingdom of light will only allow these low conscious disembodied souls to cause negativity in areas of our lives that require change. When we experience darkness, we should always ask what it is there for and what changes do we need to make in our lives. Of coarse the dark spirits hope that we never see the change that we need to make in our lives, and thus stay trapped and move into lower densities. But if we are willing to recognize and make that change, we can move on to higher and better things.
As God spirits, in this world, we should all become free to be, free of attachments, free of dark influence and free to become all that we have predetermined to fulfill in our divine plans for this lifetime. We can all ascend to our divine home in the light of God, eventually. The choices are always left up to us. When we make the right choices for ourselves, and our divine plans, we will be fully supported by the light.
We have chosen this life to learn and grow and we came here to overcome all challenges not to be overcome by these challenges in life. We were made in God's image so we are born winners or over-comers. We will eventually self correct into salvation and life, or deteriorate into eternal death or anyhalation, it is our choices that will determine which way that we decide to go in life. Life is a great opportunity if we choose to take full advantage of it and let ourselves grow into God and His Kingdom.
Chapter 19
Children were and are a means of bringing more God spirits and souls into the world of physical embodiment and give the souls an opportunity to grow and expand and to self transcend. They are born within the chosen family environment, but will develop into individual self-aware beings, created in the image of God, each endowed with gifts to bring to the world of form.
First dimensional life, what appears as solid objects were created first, then the second dimensional vegetation and animal kingdom life were created, and then third dimensional self aware beings called human beings, were created. We are the only part of creation that has self awareness and know that we are.
These self aware beings were all told to populate the earth and take dominion over themselves and the planet, as their parents had done or attempted to do, before them. They are here on earth, like all of us, to expand our individual identities, consciousness and awareness.
Children were given to parents, as a gift or blessing to enrich their lives and to establish in them responsibility and future vision to continue the human race to populate the earth within the balance of life. Children need to be treasured and enjoyed as a precious jewel, given by God for our expansion, our growth and for our future, as well as the benefit and future of children and the future of planet earth.
Children need to be nurtured and looked after and shaped into mature, well balanced adults by teaching, but even more important by example. You can tell a child all kinds of good things but it will ultimately be your example that they will follow. Ideally the imperfections of all humans should drop off with each generation, leading to perfection, through perpetual self-correction.
Children learn what they live or learn what they see. If children see spiritual and unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness, balance, integrity, consistency and a good example of how to live life for your own benefit and the benefit of others around them, they will in turn follow the example. But if the children only see human love, that is conditional on performance, conditional acceptance and forgiveness, they can develop weak character, attachments, inconsistency, addictions and a poor view of what life is about.
They will want to support the parents out of love and respect, but ultimately will be angered by deficiency and will either give in to lower being and go that way or purposely go with the perceived opposite extreme, or maybe some variation in between.
The giant ego system that man has built, is very deceptive. It is made from the ego, or mans desire to operate without God, or outside the will of God and survive on his own. It can be very difficult to see through it, without proper leading and teaching from the parents, however the children can eventually find their own way to truth and reality of the spiritual kingdom of light. It is all started from desire for the more of God.
Children, have spent less time separated from God and are able to teach us from simplicity, humility and a pure heart and are able to give back to adults in many fantastic ways. Children teach us all to love unconditionally and eternally without discrimination and to be unconditional givers. Children never hold a grudge and instantly forgive, this is an easy supernatural process for them. They usually learn or are taught how to judge and hold grudges. Negativity is not natural for children, they learn it from adults who are still on a lower level of development.
They instinctively and naturally accept everyone unless they are taught otherwise. Children naturally love unless they are taught otherwise and naturally give, unless they are taught otherwise. Children are originally taught by their parents and later by life experience. God is teaching us all, and our lives are all monitored in detail, in much more detail than most people realize.
Children should not be abused or provoked but should be guided with a strong and loving hand. Children should be loved and respected in all aspects and situations of life. Children are free spirits and should be allowed reasonable freedom, they are individual souls like ourselves, the adults, and should be treated by the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Children do not belong to the parents, they belong to God, therefore belong to all of us humans, since we are all God's.
Parents need to be united and consistent with the upbringing of their children. The correction and guidance should be balanced, consistent and compassionate. The children need to see and experience the love between their parents and the love towards themselves. Boundaries for children, give them a strong sense of security, and helps to develop their individual identities within a safe environment. Any child knows that they do not yet have the ability to lead in life and they are scared and insecure if they are continually allowed to have their own way.
If the guidance and correction is lacking then the children will learn to be self willed strong headed and pushy. This can lead to an unruly and uncontrollable child that the parent comes to hate, resent or despise. Children need the security of guidance and correction or they will become very insecure. Even at a young age children are aware that they do not have what they need to take on life and if parents allow them to determine directions and make the decisions for them selves too early, it will make them very insecure, until they are old enough to make all of their decisions. This insecurity may cause them to withdraw to other things in life that are not the best for them.
If we find ourselves in this situation as parents, we need to pray and ask God for help and start over fresh. Problems establish themselves over time and in turn take time to correct. It is never too late to start over. Problems need to be recognized, understood and then steps taken to correct them. Quite often parents know the problem, but they don't understand how they created it or how to de-create the problems.
Children are resilient and can come back and change under the right direction and influence. Children are, what they are taught through example. If the parents are unbalanced then so will the children be unbalanced. If the parents are dysfunctional so will the children be dysfunctional. If the parents are abusive then the children will become abusive likewise or choose the opposite, no discipline, anything but balance. If the parents are balanced, loving and kind so will the children learn to be balanced, loving and kind.
These are all general truths but are always subject to and determined by the individual character of the children. There are many exceptions to these general conditions. The basic character of the child has a very major role in this process and is a very significant factor in determining which way a child is guided in life and later which directions that they will choose in life.
Some parents can do and be the majority of right things and a child can turn out doing and being all of the unacceptable things in society. This is because this particular child has some (previous karma) or cause and effect to clear up from an earlier life and this will play itself out in this life for the child. The child will have to overcome the previous created karma, to find a balanced life. This is always possible with change and better decisions in this school of life.
In this case continue to pray for the child and ask God for mercy and grace and for the safety of the child and ask God for the new anointing (violet flame) to heal and transmute the negative karma in the child’s past lives. Like all of us, children will be drawn towards their divine plan or what they are here on earth to accomplish. Parents should go with the flow, allow the children to experience life ar their choosing, when they are of age to decide for themselves.
We can all have hope and confidence in the future, as more kinds are coming into embodiment that are strong and balanced spirits and able to help people and the planet to raise to a higher level of vibrations. The future will always be better than the past, as long as the majority of the people on the planet want it.
We will all eventually, either raise our individual consciousness back to the level of God, or choose against life, and self-destruct in the process of responding to dark forces. We are here to learn to choose life and experience it more abundantly. Abundant life is not about things, it is about internal happiness, contentment and peace.
It is always our choice, eternal life or final death! If we did not have these choices, we would not have the true sense of free will, and our freedom would be a fraud. True freedom is having the choices to decide for the will of God or against it.
Our individual consciousness will either transcend to the spiritual level or descend into density and cease to exist. The God of love, will not allow a soul to suffer forever in a stressful condition. The only humane thing at that point is annihilation or cease to exist as a living consciousness with self-awareness.
With good balanced teaching a child will have the best chance to succeed in the spiritual Kingdom of light and ascend back to God. If this is accomplished in mass, the earth will ascend as well.
Chapter 20
Life is not about right and wrongs, but about experiencing this life and balancing the effects of previous decisions that we have made in other lives or previously in our present life. We have created karma or made mistakes in past lives, that we now need to experience and balance. We will have negative circumstances and situations created in our life to help us experience and balance past life karma. We will also have positive experiences, created by positive karma from other lives on this planet. Heavenly beings will ensure that there is a good balance between negative and positive karma. This will be regulated according to our makeup, character and ability. If the negative karma becomes too much, a balance of positive will help us to work through it all.
We can revisit these previous decisions that we made in past lives and make better decisions to self-correct and balance the problems. It is not the things that happen to us, that cause us future problems, it is our response to the things that happen to us, that cause us problems in our lives. It is our willingness to forgive and restore that takes us to a higher state of consciousness. If we go back and make a better decision, or learn to make a better decision now, we will thereby change our response and as a result, change our future responses and climb higher on the spiritual path.
Our minds do not know the difference between, what happened in the past, and what is happening in the present. The physical brain responds the same, weather it is past memories or present conditions. Our past affects our present lives, just as much as the present does. In fact most people on earth are primarily living in the past, or the future, but the present is all that we actually have to make a difference.
Trials and tribulations that we experience in our present lives could be caused by decisions that we have made, that are not profitable for us in the past. They may have their roots in previous lives, or previous events in our present lives. They could be a result of previous karma in our lives, either from past lives or from our past present life. All of our karma, past life mistakes, or past errors, need to be balanced, by us experiencing the negative things that we created. Things we have done, to ourselves and others that were negative.
The universe mirrors back to us what we send out, what you sew you shall reap, what goes around comes around and so on. We will need to experience and balance, the negative thoughts, feelings and actions that we caused, either to ourselves or in others, in this life and in past lives. We also can enjoy the benefits of positive karma, that we have created in the past.
No one gets away with anything in this world. You may, at times be able to escape the retribution of the government or law or people, but you never escape the all- seeing eyes of the kingdom of God and His universal mirror that returns karma. God’s kingdom records earth's evolutions personally and collectively for every living person. We cannot escape the all-seeing eyes of God and His kingdom.
We have two very capable color cameras for eyes, recording video, and our souls are recording thoughts, intentions, motivations and feelings. We also have excellent microphones called ears, recording sound in every event and every situation we encounter in life. We are like actors and actresses on the stage of life and there will come a time for you to review your own movie of your life as you have previously done with past lives. Our previous memories of these things are, inside of us, but being in the density of this world, can be temporarily inaccessible.
We will see it all played back and we can make the personal assessments as to how we did in life, and what we need to improve through more experience, in the form of trials and tribulations. If we didn’t work out our salvation and win eternal life or ascension, we will be planning our next life and how to do it better next time around and complete our spiritual goals in the next life.
If people knew better, they would do better. Jesus said, "forgive them Father, for they know not what they do". If we understood that hurting others is hurting ourselves. That what ever we send out is returned to us. That we all must experience what we cause. That whatever inappropriate actions that caused problems for others, we will have to experience. If we understood that process, we would not do the negative things that we do in life.
If we knew that we are not all separate, but that we are all a part of the whole and when one hurts, we all hurt. If we understood that we are all one body. If we understood that the negative words and the negative actions that we send to others we will have to experience ourselves, we would treat our fellow humans with the ultimate love and respect, we would walk in love, acceptance and forgiveness. We would protect others, rather than cause them harm. We would in fact become our brothers keeper and as we do, we become our own keeper and the keeper of the Divine Kingdom.
Trials and tribulations, unfortunately, are a part of life and they reveal what we are really made of and what we are really capable of in life. We need to know these things about ourselves and trials and tribulations reveal it to us. Our weaknesses would go unchallenged if it were not for trials and tribulations. We would not know what we are short on, or what we had to strengthen or improve. Trials and tribulations show us our weaknesses, not to harm us, but to help us to rise above them all and master them. Trials and tribulations are a part of our self correction or salvation.
Dark spirits or energies attempt to influence us in negative ways, but we have the choice on what we will choose to follow. Negative decisions will create karma that will eventually have to be balanced. Positive decisions create positive karma and come back to us to bless us and reward us for our areas of attainment. We cannot blame our problems in life, on someone else, or think that we are victims. We have created all the things in our lives. What we do not want, we can and should de-create.
Trials and tribulations are not meant to put us down, degrade us or cause us trouble, hardship, stress or emotional breakdowns. They are not allowed, to cause us unnecessary grief or distress. They are allowed to balance our karma and to make us whole. Evil is allowed to challenge our weakness, but only for the purpose of making us stronger for the future.
When we make better decisions and choices, by increasing our knowledge and understanding, we can cancel the need for further negative karma to return to us. Making a better decision is repentance or changing our minds, the unconditional forgiveness of God, we allow to flow in our lives, and we become better people for the future. This is not about religion, this is simply a process that takes place, between us and God, personally.
When character or fruit within us, is squeezed by trials and tribulations, the real fruit is identified by the juice that it produces. Such it is in our lives and the situations or circumstances, they will either show us the good fruit or show us what we have to overcome or build on. The things in our lives that we will need to change or develop, as well as the growth and maturity that we need to develop in life, will strengthen as we capitalize on this opportunity to experience life. Self-correction comes in the form of trials and tribulations.
Trials and tribulations are meant to make us over comers, to make us strong, and to take us to higher levels of existence in life. They are meant to bring out our true strength and abilities to rise above adversity and claim our portion with the over comers or winners in this spiritual building, called life. You don’t have to beat someone else to win, we can all be winners in life by beating the odds against us or overcoming our created karma.
Just to be born into this world, we all had to run a marathon with fifteen million other sperm to fertilize the female egg, to just get a chance at life in the first place. That is proof that we were all born to overcome and to be winners in life. Our entire life is a race to claim the prize awaiting us at the end of the race, called life. The prize is eternal life in eternal dwellings for eternity, as over-comers, and that is certainly worth the trip and all of the obstacles and opposition along the way. This is a grand prize.
We did not come into this world to beat others, this is competition, and is ego based and should have no place in our lives. Beating others in life only supports the ego and gives the false impression, that some people are better than others, which is totally untrue. This is a figment of our imaginations, total illusion created by dark forces to trap us in these ego illusions. We are all equal, and we are all loved by God equally, and no one is more important than another. And it does not matter who we are or what we believe or where we have come from, we are all equal in value, we are all valued highly by God.
The challenge in this life-time, is to overcome our weaknesses, opposition and challenges in life and develop into strong well balanced individuals, and spiritualize our lives to win the prize of eternal life. The bible calls this, the fine pearl, that you would sell all that you have, to possess. No temptations or anything the world has to offer, can even compare with this prize of eternal life forever with the Lord.
We will have to do this thing called life again and again and again until we get it right or we completely crash and burn, one or the other, and our free will, will make the decisions that will determine where we end up in life and how far we get to fulfilling our spiritual goals and or weather we self destruct in the process or go on to attain eternal life. The choices are always ours, since we were all given the gift of free will.
Trials and tribulations produce humility and bring us closer to God. They usually induce us to begin to pray and to contact God, which we instinctively know, has the capability of doing something to change our situation. This assistance comes from the God spirit that is within us, watching and observing all things in life as we progress. Help for us, is only a breath or a word away from us, and it comes from our intent, motivation and sincerity.
Our spirits and souls store all the information about us, right back to the very beginning of our existence with God, right up to and including all past lives on this planet or any other planet. Our spirit within us knows what we need to experience, what we need to learn and what we need to develop in this particular lifetime. Our inner God spirit will assist us, at the right times, when we are ready for it and give us what we need to advance in the world of spiritual progress and further expansion in this world of form. We all agreed to come here for this purpose.
God most definitely hears all of our prayers, whether they are weak or strong, desperate or not. The prayer answers however come in divine order and in God's timing for our lives and not necessarily our time and the way we want it. We need to submit and trust these decisions to the divine spirit of God within us, or our I AM presence within us.
It is vitally important to be aware that God is inside of us and not on the outside. Knowing He is on the inside, gives us that sense of well-being. God only seems separate from us if we believe He is on the outside somewhere. We are not separate from Him, even if we think we are. Religion would have us to believe that God is on the outside, and they promote creating some kind of graven image of God, somewhere out there, separate from you. This concept cuts you off from God, it does not bring you closer to God.
We need to face all of these trials and tribulations head on and sore above them and let them bring out the strength and endurance within us. We need to let them perform their work and their ability to transform our characters and to change us into better and more advanced human beings. We need to allow the spiritual process of life to do it’s perfect work within us and around us.
When eagles are flying high and run into a storm, the strong winds take them up higher above the storm where it is calm and peaceful, and this is a good lesson for us. We are meant to fly above the storms of life and to use the storm to take us higher into knew places of attainment, knew levels of understanding and existence, new levels of maturity and spiritual life.
Trials and tribulations help us learn and to consider our choices in life and the result of those choices. Trials and tribulations help us to consider the other person and to become loving and giving, instead of selfish and abusive, to become givers instead of takers. Trials and tribulations help to develop love, sensitivity and compassion in us for ourselves, and others.
If we respond and react properly to trial and tribulations, they can produce positive results for us in our lives. If we react and respond negatively to trials and tribulations they can produce more negative results and the necessity for more trials and tribulations to bring us to the point of surrender and humility.
Our egos do not want humility, do not want surrender and they will fight to maintain what the ego sees as worldly success and this is enveloped in pride and arrogance. The ego wants to be a big shot, wants to control and manipulate, desire's to be the winner in carnal or natural things. Our ego wants to keep us away from God and spiritual things. Our ego does not want us to find out who we really are, because if we do, their would be no more need for the ego. The ego, or our self created pseudo identity will fight to survive. But rather we need to let our ego's die, rather than us.
The bible says that trials also works patience in us and even though it is a negative force, it can produce a positive result and makes us into better, stronger and more balanced people. If we respond to trials in a positive manner rather than a negative manner we will benefit by it. In trials and tribulations we need to ask ourselves what it is therefore, and what do we need to learn from it and through it. Heaven is waiting for us to ask these questions.
Responding in a positive or humbled manner will bring us out of the trial or tribulation. Responding in a negative or aggressive manner will only prolong the trial and bring more trials and tribulations around to you, again and again, until you respond correctly or self destruct in the process. When we are willing to manifest humility and surrender, we then can move on to higher levels of development in our life.
If we are continually going in circles, we are not getting it, pray and ask God for the answer to the dilemma and to show you, what you need to learn from it. Then when He tells you, then be willing to follow it and make change. This will greatly speed up your growth process.
People are born for trouble as sure as their birth. It is a part of life and it will teach us to overcome and to succeed and to endure. Trouble has become a part of our lot in life and is there to teach us and help us to find the important things in life and to find the balance of life. We just need to learn to flow with it, and learn from it, rather than to fight and prolong it.
The grace and mercy of God gives us many good times, in between our trials and tribulations, to help us to see above the problems and to keep us on the right path and to help us remember who we are and where we came from and where we are going. Life is a constant balance between working out our karma and spiritual growth. We could be working out negative karma or we can be enjoying positive karma from time to time. God is always there to monitor this balance and to help us to overcome.
When people are faced with possible death, their priorities change immediately and friends and family become more important in life. Money, things and wealth lose their value and importance, as you can only take certain things with you into the next world. You can take love, wisdom knowledge, memories, experiences, growth and maturity etc. These things that you take with you are internal. Temporary things and pleasures in the world of form you can never take with you, they are all temporary. Be willing to leave behind all attachments and addictions to this physical world. God is waiting for you to be willing to do this, and come home.
The bible says that by faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to share ill-treatment with the poor people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin in a kings palace. He considered abuse suffered for (God), greater wealth, than the treasures of Egypt, for he looked to the reward of life. He accepted poor treatment with the poor rather than give up his freedom and future for the fleeting pleasures and riches of this physical world.
We need to appreciate and be content with whatever we have and to be more concerned with the welfare of others that have less than we have, rather than more for ourselves, when we compare ourselves with those who have more. We came into this world to give to this world, not to take from it. Giving is more blessed than receiving. But there can be times for both. There is a time for everything under the sun. Be sensitive and flow with it.
In the bible Jesus said “I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." He knew that we would have to face trials and tribulations but encouraged us to maintain peace, knowing that we can overcome and have our reward that He has prepared for us. Jesus had overcome the world, or the world that is contrary to God, by sacrificing himself on the cross, becoming the greatest act and demonstration of love, the world had ever seen. The greatest love is to lay down your life for another. Jesus agreed to lay down His life, believing that it might help people to see the error of their ways, by sparking love and compassion.
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, which is much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ within you. That you might develop the Christ mind, raise your consciousness and return home.
In this world our faith is tested to the very extreme or limit through trials and tribulations of life. God views genuine faith in Him and in His kingdom as more precious than gold and it will not perish like gold. This faith that is tested, is viewed to bring future praise, honor and glory. This is internal rather than external. Jesus said “that the kingdom of God does not come with observation, but that the kingdom of God is within us“. With our cooperation, we can become the second coming of Christ. His is coming again in His people to raise the planet back to the level of God and His Kingdom.
My brethren, take the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience. The prophets of old suffered terribly for their faith in God and are an example to us. They were ignored, mocked, beaten, whipped, brutalized and murdered because they chose to follow God and to speak His heart and words to the people, who in most cases refused change. Their words would be perverted by the people and they would call evil good and good evil.
This perversion continues to happen today throughout the world. The world has advanced enough that the religions can no longer kill you for not complying, but they will try to discredit you and kill your message. They will cut you off and try to kill your self-esteem and your self worth. They will bully you and try to kill your self-respect and dignity. They cannot kill your body and take you out of embodiment, but they can try and kill your freedom, by promoting manipulation and control. Religion causes much trials and tribulations for people in their desire to control and prosper in the natural world. People merely need to wake up and smell the coffee, and claim their freedom.
If people or religions are unwilling to change or to advance, they will attack the source of anything or anyone who is advocating that change. Sometimes people need to be left to God and time to make change, which usually eventually comes through trials and tribulations. We do not seem capable of making these changes any other way sometimes. But it is always our decision. There is always easier ways for us, if we are willing to follow spiritual leading in our lives.
It takes great heat and pressure to make changes in nature and most things in life, including people. Trials and tribulations strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God." As long as there is evil in the world, this will be true, and as long as we are incomplete and lacking, this will be a necessary process of life.
The Kingdom of God is available to anyone who wishes to enter in. Trials and tribulations however is the way into the Kingdom of God, which is available to us, here on earth. It is not anything mystical or mysterious. The Kingdom of God is here on Earth, it is mentioned in the bible, it has been the topic of many discussions and it is available to open hearts. It is through our hearts that we enter in. Some do not enter in and hinder others from entering, some enter in but do not stay and some enter in and stay. Everyone must find their own way, salvation or the spiritual path of light, cannot be taught, but must be sought out and experienced personally.
The Kingdom of God is here on earth but the Kingdom of heaven is in a place of it’s own, at the beginning of our universe, closer to and surrounding the core of God. You can enter into the Kingdom of God now, by choice, but your outward body must be left behind or die physically to enter the Kingdom of heaven spiritually. The Kingdom of God and His angels will usher us into the Kingdom of Heaven when we leave this world. There are situations, like Jesus demonstrated, where people have taken their physical bodies with them. In these situations, the physical body is transformed into a spiritual body, but this is rare, but really should be the norm.
The trials and tribulations strip off the ungodly ways that we have, and release good attributes like humility, love, patience and generosity. They make us into better people who are more like our creator God. Our goal should be to attain everything that God has and to be his true representative on this earth as Jesus was two thousand years ago. To be what Jesus was, is available to all of us in embodiment. It is our choice, always.
We should not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. We do not look at the things that are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things that are seen are temporary, but the things that are not seen are eternal.
Everything we see or that is in the physical realm will eventually perish or pass away turning into and being raised up to spirituality and as a result true reality. Eventually everything that we see in the physical world will be transformed into a new spiritual dimension at the appointed time, raising us into true reality and who we really are, as individual extensions of God himself. We, the people in embodiment, are the only ones that the universe will allow, to bring in the Golden age of Aquarius. If the people and earth are to be raised back to the level of God, it must be through us, this is unchangeable universal law. We must be the ones to bring in the power of God and raise the people and the earth. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trials which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice that you take part in Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed to you, you may also be glad with great joy. Trials and tribulations are the way to salvation, the way to the light, or the way to the kingdom of God.
The first thing that comes to us when we are facing trials and tribulations is that some strange thing is happening to us. These trials and tribulations are guaranteed for earth inhabitants and that there is a purpose for all of them and they are not that strange at all. We originally created them and they are there for greater purposes and we should try and understand why they are there, what the purpose is and what is the best and most productive way out or way to healing and restoration through these tribulations.
Many of us would rather try to escape the challenge, rather than make changes that are positive in our lives and will produce a greater eternal value to our lives. If we attempt to escape, without change we will find ourselves back in the same place again. This will happen to us over and over, until we cooperate with the necessary change that we need to make, to help make us into better people or more whole people. Or we can choose to come back and do it again.
We can go a step further and encourage ourselves to, not only accept, but we also to glory in our tribulations or self created karma balancing, knowing that tribulation in our lives produces perseverance; and perseverance produces character; and character produces hope for the present and future. We should learn to love trials and tribulations, and be happy that we are given the opportunity to work these things out in this soul platform for learning, called planet earth.
The Apostle Paul said in the bible, great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my boasting on your behalf. I am filled with comfort. I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation. That in a great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty, abounded in the riches of their freedom. Trials and tribulations will make us free, if we use these valuable tools to excel.
Trials and poverty when faced with the power of joy in our lives, can and will bring us a great deal of freedom or escape from the affliction, trial or tribulation that we are facing in life. There is great strength in manifesting joy in our lives. We can always look at the positive side of things, rather than to be berried in the negative things. We will always create to most of, what we concentrate on the most. Our thoughts and feelings are energy and will create more of itself, or more energy. God created all things to produce after it's kind. We need to concentrate on what we want, not on what we don't want, as we will create more of it.
My brothers and sisters, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. We learn patience in our lives through trials and tribulations and it is a priceless virtue to have in our lives. It takes patience to build or create.
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. We should never tire when we are doing good works, and we should persevere and we will win in the end. The only absolute way of losing is to give up or quit. To win is only to continue, as it will all work itself out. Concentrate on winning spiritually, which is eternal, rather than physically, which is temporary.
We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory, which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. Even all nature and creation is waiting for us to release them to a higher order of things.
We humans are the only form of life on planet earth that has self-awareness and can develop a sense of identity. All of creation is waiting for us to raise them up to the kingdom of God. We can accomplish this, one person at a time, by raising our level of consciousness, by allowing God to work through us and raise our planet to the spiritual level of existence.
In the bible, the Apostle Paul said, that oh that I may know Him (Jesus), and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brothers, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
We need to balance our karma or past mistakes in our lives by persevering in trials and tribulations, created by us, and overcoming and learning the lessons that we need to learn in this school of life and press on to the perfection of God. God is our spirits and we need to let our souls allow this perfection to come into our souls, minds, emotions, bodies, actions, and world, and become the more in God.
Trials and tribulations are the road to wholeness and perfection in God.
The beginning
The universe
Moons and planets
The earth
Long before the beginning of creation there was the consciousness of God in a vast black space or void. The void had it's own God energy force. The consciousness of God was intangible or unseen or not in a tangible or physical form or nature, the way that we know it. The God energy started with a spark of light and became pure light, color, sound and energy. The light revealed the sound created and the energy expanded eventually into massive proportions. God consistently duplicated himself over and over until he became an enormous sphere of light and energy. Individual consciences developed within the sphere of God as individual spheres or circular energy from which we all came. We, as God spirits, were all happy, content and at peace with this existence.
After God consulted with us, and consulted with the numerous energy spheres within the sphere of God, it was decided that it would be good to use the obviously additional energy to create the material universes. The energy within God was expanding rapidly and if the energy that was expanding was not controlled or designed in particular directions or forms, it would spin off at random and create confusion and or be lost in the void.
The decision to create was made by all and the planning for creation started to develop within the sphere of God. The decision was made to create the universes and they were created by the energy of God though inevitable growth and ever expanding intelligence. Universes are a live life force and spiritual power but made from a very large spirit entity of God. Everything in the creation of God is made from God energy in different forms.
The life and energy of God divided into multitudes of separate intelligent energy forces or spiritual powers that became solar systems and galaxies. They were individuals and expanded at their chosen rate and became unique and individual designed configurations. They are all individual and unique, like fingerprints are on individual people. In freedom they are all allowed to express their individuality, as we are.
Galaxies are a spirit power and spirit life. After creation the Galaxies and solar systems generated more energy and planets, moons and stars were created within the universe and within the galaxies. They all chose their particular resting place in the cosmos. They are all living entities of spirit power, generating and producing the physical realm. They all are a part of God and came from God just as we as individuals have originated.
The earth is a spirit power and is alive and consistently maintains its own balance. The earth was created as one of the planets situated within our particular galaxy within our universe. It was chosen and was prepared for life long before people were introduced to planet earth for inhabitation. It took a long period of time to prepare the earth to sustain life, before inhabitation actually happened. This all took place over billions of years.
Plants have spirits of life, just like humans only they are more underdeveloped than humans and do not possess self-awareness. Plants were introduced to use up the energy that was produced by the planet and to prevent soil erosion and to clean the air as well as to become an energy source or food for animals and people. In addition plants were created for shelter for animals and humans.
Animals have spirits and souls, just like humans, but are of a lower development and nature and have very limited capabilities and do not have self awareness. They are however, just like us, they are a part of God, they have energy and the power of life, they came from God and will return to God when they die. Yes there is a doggy or animal heaven where they go when they die. Then they are recreated into new life forms, sometimes the same kind of animal and sometimes a different variety, depending on what they need to learn and experience.
The spirit power of life that is in animals gives them the power to exist, to sustain life, to function within their set perimeters and to interact with other life forms. They are programmed to function in a particular manner, to interact with one another and to survive within their scope of existence and the balance of nature. Just like us, their spirits return to God when they die.
We as people all took part in the concept of creation as well as creation it self, and all of the planning, even before creation itself began. We all took part in deciding what the universe, galaxies, stars, moons and planets would look like as well as the land, trees, animals and people. We helped decide what earth would be like and took part in setting the universal as well as planetary laws and perimeters for each place or entity.
People were created to inhabit some of the designated planets and to develop in to larger more stronger and balanced individuals, and as we expand, God also expands and His kingdom expands and becomes larger and more fully developed. People, as other life forms, were made from individual spirit powers removed and separated from the original energy globe of God. We then volunteered and were separated from God and made into human like forms to be born onto a designated planet and in our case earth.
After the great fall of man, when we thought that we became separate from God, we gradually lost our previous awareness and knowledge that we had, when we were a part of God directly. For the first time we felt separate and alone and experienced fear, inferiority and uncertainty.
However we did agree or volunteer to be born here and to experience the human condition and to use it to grow and expand into larger and stronger entities of God. We grow as we master life and the things of life, and learn to view the world, as it really is, rather than how we think it is. We grow by experience and we expand our abilities and exercise our gifts.
We helped to plan our own births, the time, according to astrological conditions, which would have a bearing on our characters, the place according to our own needs for growth as well as our own families and friendship bases around us. We all helped to plan all parts of creation.
We were born into a physical body, of choice, parents of choice, place of choice and time of choice, on the planet of choice. We literally signed a contact to be here and we agreed how we would live, how long we would live and even how we would die and when. We plan to over come things and to learn things as well as to develop in maturity.
Our purpose for being here, is for experience, growth and development of our spirits, souls, minds and emotions. Our bodies are only temporary and are expendable in this growth process. We made a commitment and contract to carry out and accomplish certain things while we are here on earth and God and angels and heavenly messengers will assist us to accomplish all objectives and missions. We agreed that God would not help or interfere, with our lives, in any way unless we prayed and asked him to assist us. When we pray, God and His heavenly beings will intervene in our lives and circumstances and give us assistance.
The restoration of all things and the final redemption of all things will come in time. The bible says that all of creation groans and looks forward to the coming of the final redemption of all creation by the redemption of man kind itself. All creation suffers while waiting for redemption, and this includes us as people. The suffering for all life, is due to past mistakes in the world of form, by souls who have not yet found their way back to God. Sin is nothing more than mistakes or anything that is contrary to God or His Kingdom or His established universal laws.
Our bodies were created, but originally in higher spirit form, but after the fall eventually over time became increasingly dense, until they became as dense and heavy as they are today. We can reverse this density and ascend or gain spiritual enlightenment and eventually become spirit again as we once were. We cannot stand still, we are either becoming more dense or more lighter in this world of form, depending on the way we choose.
All creation was intended to be a school of learning for all of us human beings or God sparks, and eventually the physical world will be raised to the level of God, become spiritual, and no longer exist as physical matter.
The world, as we know it will eventually become non-existent in physical form and raised to the spiritual level. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Chapter 22
MIRACLES & Healing
Miracles are nothing more than simply, something that is ahead of it's appointed time. Miracles of healing are simply restoring what was lost.
After the great fall of man in the Garden of Eden, where man fell away from God, he descended into a lower state of consciousness. As man descended into further density, he lost the memory of God and the ability to live in miracles or live in a state of miracle power. Living in miracles was a state of consciousness that would have been viewed as normal. Living lower than a state of miracle power is what is unusual and strange.
People falling into a state of separation from God and lower density energy like fear, loneliness and despair, that is what is odd and abnormal. Originally it was normal to be in a perfect state of contentment, wholeness, truth and reality. The power of being a God being was always present, and living in miracle power was the natural order of the day.
People's level of consciousness becomes lower and they lose their health and then healing is a form of restoration of what was lost. Supernatural intervention can restore damaged things, but it is always at the request of people, who are motivated by love and compassion. Love and sincerity must always be the motivation to draw in miracles.
It could be for themselves or for others, that they make request for assistance. The assistance provided will depend on the Karma of the person, weather it is fulfilled and will depend on the sincerity and intent of the individual people involved.
We classify miracles as something that takes place in what we call supernatural, or physically or naturally unexplainable circumstances, situations or events. Miracles to us are usually situations or events that are out of man's logic, scope, understanding or comprehension according to what we classify as natural conditions or natural laws. Miracles are out of mans comprehension, because man has fallen into a lower state of consciousness or awareness.
First of all there is no such thing as natural laws, only supernatural laws. What we on earth view as natural laws, are merely laws that we have become accustomed to. The laws for our planet were spiritually established, governed and spiritually maintained. The natural or physical realm does not have the power to set up, establish or maintain the laws of the universe, galaxies or planets or the creation that is on the planets.
As a result miracles are really events, situations or circumstances that are not accepted as normal or what we have become accustom to in our scope of existence on planet earth. When we see miracles in the form of stable or consistent spiritual laws, like gravity or magnetism, they become, what we classify as, natural events or a natural phenomenon. We get used to these things and the miracle status is removed and we view them as natural. But in truth they are anything but natural, they are all supernaturally made, directed and maintained or balanced at all times.
If we experienced people having a leg cut off and in a few weeks grow a new one back and it happened continuously since we were very young it would no longer be a miracle to us, but would become common and natural. Some animals in the wild have this capability. We as humans could have had this capability built in as well, then it would no longer be a miracle to us.
Back in biblical days of earth, when Jesus was here, if someone would have demonstrated the use of a hand gun or a rifle, that would have been a miracle to them, especially to the Romans because of the power that they held. To display guns would have been an absolutely astounding miracle to them, but in reality it would have just been ahead of its time. A miracle is simply something ahead of it's appointed time, for higher reasons. A miracle happens when someone or some individuals on earth, line up with the universal laws of God, this is unfortunately usually by accident. People in general, in their lower state of existence, don't understand Gods universal laws. Truthfully they all once lived in those higher universal laws.
Many years ago before the discovery of electricity, lighting up a light bulb would have been seen as a miracle to those observing. It would just have been ahead of its time. The miracle was seeing it before we are ready or prepared for it. This is all an evolutionary process that takes place on the earth over time.
The truth is, that these things like electricity, are very much a miracle, but now we accept them as a natural phenomenon, because we understand how to operate within their designated laws, under universal power.
It is actually a supernatural power, that we call physical laws within planet earth. These laws are maintained by the forces of the elements of the universe. The material universe is made up of light or energy, and everything that we see, are all variations of this spiritual or unseen energy. Atoms, electrons and particles are all spiritual energy, which is non-physical, making up our physical world, that appears to us to be solid.
The atomic structure of physical objects, is unseen and in constant motion. Yet it all appears to be solid. How could it all be solid, when it is made up of atoms that are not solid or not even stationary. It is moving energy that appears to be stationary, how is that possible? It is only possible, because it is all made from higher spiritual energy. We are living in a created illusion, a giant hologram, created and maintained by thought, Gods thoughts and our thoughts. Thoughts together with emotions move and create, or re-align energy into different forms.
So a miracle then, is a phenomenon of a higher order that we have not yet observed or understood. Once we come to understand how it works, than it is no longer a miracle to us, but a natural occurrence. Natural means that we have understood and accepted it as being common. This would then mean that miracles only need to be understood and then we can classify them as natural or common.
In school physic’s we learn that an action produces an equal and opposite reaction, which would be also true in reverse. An equal and opposite reaction must be produced by an equal and opposite action of some description or nature. We live in a world of action and re-action. Matter does not just exist without a power to firstly create it and secondly maintain it. That power comes from God and all of the self aware beings on the planet.
The action always initiates in the spirit realm, which supplies the power for all things to take place in the natural. The energy has to originate somewhere. Absolutely nothing would ever happen in this physical world without a previous causing action in the spirit world. This can be hard to comprehend sometimes as we have become so conditioned to the physical realm that we tend to think that things can happen all on their own, without a power source or action behind it. In addition people often do not realize that they are operating in a spiritual world as well as a physical world and they continually affect both worlds with their level of consciousness.
We are not victims of circumstances in this world. We have created our present state of existence in this world and we are the only ones that can uncreat it or recreate it. We all continually affect ourselves, and the world around us. We can choose to affect ourselves, and the world around us in a positive way or a negative way, and we will create what we choose to focus on. We will create the most of what we think about the most, and we create it with thought and emotion or energy in motion.
If a banquet of food is prepared by a chef, it is quite a common or acceptable experience. If a banquet of food was prepared on a table by itself, without human physical intervention, that would be classified as a tremendous miracle in the natural world. It is, what we refer to as being naturally done by a chef, but it is supernatural, if it was created from nothing and with no physical effort.
Is it a miracle that the vegetables grew from a small seed into a full-grown plant or vegetable that we could eat. The knowledge of how big the vegetable will be, weather it will grow above or underground, what it will look like, the shape, the texture, the flavor is all enclosed in the little tiny seed. In addition the seed must first die before it can bring forth life. The miracles of life and growth are absolutely staggering, but we have come to accept them all as natural phenomenon.
We usually do not consider the tremendous miracle, of meat, coming from the animal, that grew into a full-grown animal, from eating grass and in addition the animal originally came from a sperm and an egg in the beginning, to make it all possible. The process of physical growth is tremendously miraculous, but we have become accustomed to it and we now view it as a natural event or occurrence.
A baby being conceived, growing in the womb and being born is all supernatural miracles, but we accept these occurrences as natural phenomenon because we are now used to them happening. If we had not seen this before, it would be a tremendous miracle. If the baby grew to full adulthood in three years, that would be classified as a genuine miracle of God. God could have chosen any speed for growth that he desired. He chose the speed that we have become accustomed to, for obvious reasons of balance with other parts of creation and for our best opportunity for spiritual growth.
Have you ever wondered why you were here in your body, why you or your particular consciousness or awareness, why not someone else. Have you ever considered the miraculous nature of you being here in your own individual consciousness, fully aware of your own being. Being totally aware that you are a living soul and fully aware that it is you in your body and not someone else and that you can direct this self aware being in this life by making decisions or choices.
That is not an accident, you were not an accident, you were very carefully planned to be here in your particular body at this time in world history. Your spirit and your soul traveled here to planet earth to be born in your particular body and to be born into your particular family. It was all very carefully planned and executed, according to what you needed to learn and develop into, and things you needed to balance from your past lives on this planet that some identify as karma.
The truth about you being here is that you are anything but natural, you are truly and absolutely supernatural in origin, content and process. The miracle is that something that is, was created by something that is not, by the power of the unseen supernatural. The notion that this process could happen on it’s own, without an unseen supernatural power to create it, is absolutely ludicrous. To believe that these kinds of miracles could be created on their own, takes more faith, than it does to believe in a creator God.
Doctors and many other people from time to time see medical miracles. The body being able to heal itself is a tremendous miracle. The body knowing how to produce anti bodies and direct them to attack sickness or other foreign intruders is nothing short of a miracle. But if this healing process is accelerated in time, then we call it a divine miracle. Both are miracles, but the one that we think we understand, we do not classify as a miracle at all, but natural.
The spirit or spiritual intelligence and force within us maintains the functions and balance in our bodies, that keeps us healthy and fit. When sickness or disease invades our body, it is because our inner spirits are trying to convey a message to us and we are not responding. Sickness will get our attention and we then may be willing to recognize the need to change and be willing to make that change.
If we are unwilling to make change, the disease or sickness may be life threatening. If we are unwilling to change, than we stop our growth, and there is no further reason for us to remain in physical embodiment. We will then be taken out of embodiment and given another opportunity for embodiment in a different circumstance or situation that might be more in line with our development.
When the healing process is speeded up to maybe months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds, then we classify it as a miracle. If the healing takes place in years, months or weeks we would call it natural. If the healing takes place in days, hours or minutes we would then classify it as a miracle. The truth is that God can choose and make it happen in any time frame he chooses, but it is all absolutely miraculous.
The fire element is a miracle in action, and it is a wonder to observe and it is both spiritual and natural at the same time. We heat, with stoves or fireplaces in many of our homes, and at one time it was the only heat source for cooking. We can stare at fire for hours sometimes and we never get tired of it. All we need to make it happen is the right tools to start with, fuel and ignition. Under the right conditions it is always there and a consistent miracle and is reliable and happens every time certain conditions are met. These are the spiritual laws that govern the presence and perimeters of fire.
The laws of the elements of fire, air, water and earth are all regulated by heavenly elementals that live in, what we would call continual miracles. They maintain the balance and ensure that the elements consistently operate in their designated universal laws. These are actual living beings called, the forces of the elements. These are miracles in action continuously, but we do not see them physically, so humans are not usually aware of their existence.
The bible says that there is fire before the throne of God that burns continuously, however this is spiritual fire, not physical and does not have to be fed with fuel, but is an unfed flame and burns eternally. Our spirits have this unfed flame within us and this is what keeps us alive and maintains our body temperatures and brings in energy for us to function in this world.
The energy level within us has to be stepped down from the spirit world or we would literally burn up. This does happen from time to time when the energy is too high, but it is very rare. We only receive as much energy as we are able to handle. As we progress on the spiritual path, more energy is given to us. If we do well with what we have, we will be given more.
Even physical fire is spiritual and has power when given the right circumstances. In the bible an angel disappears into a flame of fire. Fire is a connection between both worlds, spiritual and physical. The spirit power behind fire, we cannot see, but we can observe the transforming process of the fuel it burns. Fire is consistent and has it’s own set of rules and laws that it observes. As other gifts from God, it can be used for good and evil in the hands of man. God designed fire to be used for good purposes in life.
The miracle of the elements, fire, air, water and earth are all in an incredible balance and they are all maintained and kept stable. However these, as all things are, affected by the mass consciousness of human beings, either positively or negatively. It is all more difficult for the forces of God to maintain, if the mass consciousness of humans or self-aware beings, is negative. The more negative vibrations that are sent out by humans into the atmosphere, the harder it is to maintain the balance of nature.
We have come to accept astounding miracles as a natural phenomenon just because of familiarity and repetition of the miracles. We walk on grass regularly and sometimes do not consider the miracle of grass and the life giving spirit within it. Grass is just as much alive as we are only grass is at a lower level, without self awareness.
The grass is actually alive and in the seed is the knowledge of what color it will become, the size, the shape, texture and even how fast it will grow. With all of mans discovered technology, we still cannot create even one blade of grass or anything else in creation. We can regulate it, we can change it, but we can't create it. This will not be possible until we understand spiritual laws, rather than just, what we know as physical laws.
Trees are standing miracles testifying of God the creator. The seed of the tree has the knowledge of the height, the color, the width, the character, the density, the type and the growing time. We determine that if the tree grows to maturity in thirty years, that would not be a miracle. If the tree grows to maturity in 30 months, that would be a miracle? If the tree matures in 30 weeks or 30 days, or 30 minutes, that would be an astounding miracle.
The truth is that God could have made the trees to mature in whatever time frame that He chose, but He elected these fixed times to properly survive and exist in the balance of nature. Regardless of how fast it grows, it is still an outstanding miracle of life, with a life giving spirit within it that came from God, is a part of God, and will return to God when it dies.
God could have and can direct creation in whatever time period He chooses. He chooses the present time periods of creation or growth for the sake of balance. Growth is just a present manifestation of previous intent, design and creation. The past manifestation of creation is beginnings. If He chooses to accelerate the creation process of something that we can see, we call it a miracle. To God it is all creation in time and place of His choosing.
The Birds fly south for the winter. They instantly seem to know when it is time to leave that part of the country and fly to another. Let's get real for a moment. A bird dose not even know, that it is a bird, has very low consciousness, and has a brain the size of a pea. I would challenge any notion of these birds knowing the difference between hot and cold, water and ice, the seasons or knowing when it is going to freeze or snow or even knowing what time is, much less shaping their life and movements around time and seasons.
Yet we see birds fly south and within a few days it snows or freezes. What an astounding miracle. The unseen heavenly forces direct these birds on when and where to fly. The angels know when it is going to freeze or snow and direct the birds accordingly. This time period changes from year to year and is directed and monitored by heavenly beings at all times. These are nature spirits and have been see on occasions and are sometimes the source of tales and old stories from the past. This is the only process that is reasonable for anyone to believe. Anything else would be impossible to believe.
Bees will build their nest higher off the ground if the coming winter will bring heavy or deep snow, otherwise they would be wiped out. Now the bees have a brain the size of a pin-head and no one can tell me that these bees know how much snow is coming the following winter. They do not know what a bee is and don't know what a house is but they build according to divine direction and programming.
They are obviously directed by a higher intelligence than ourselves, as we do not know, and in our lower state of existence, neither can we predict the depth of snowfall in the coming winter. Supernatural unseen forces of God do know these kinds of things and direct the wildlife and all of nature on a continuous basis or these creatures would have destroyed them selves long ago.
The birth of animals and the new spirit life that it produces is a miracle wonder. The creation process that takes place in the womb of the mother is marvelous and matched by no other miracle. God provides the spirit for life and the genetic process is designed to construct the physical mind, and physical body. If the spirit of life is not provided, by God at birth, the baby is born dead or only survives for a short period of time.
The body cannot survive very long without the spirit of life to keep it alive. We can produce bodies through reproduction but it is God who gives the life spirit or energy source to live, survive and function as a human being for a designated period of time on earth. This is all carefully regulated and balanced by the divine or spirit realm.
Watching a baby being born was one of the greatest miracles I have ever seen and experienced. The miracle actually already happened inside the womb but the birth is the first time you could see the miracle physically. New life is a meeting of the physical with the spiritual or supernatural realm directly, producing a miracle.
The mothers body is designed to feed, nourish, sustain and grow new life with all of the balance of nutrients, vitamins and all the other essential things for the body, the mind and for life. Amazing miracles take place inside a pregnant mother to bring forth a healthy child. If just one small thing is not complete, the child may be born with defects. This sometimes happens with people who have come to planet earth to balance some particular karma, created in past lives.
Miracles happen around us every day of our lives, we look at them, feel them, smell them, walk on them and experience them continuously and become accustomed to absolutely astounding miracles every day. When we become accustomed to miracles, they are no longer considered miracles, but become classified as natural phenomenon. In truth, there are no natural phenomena; it is all supernatural, created by and with the energy of God.
If carrots in the garden took 50 years to grow they would not be very plentiful and certainly would not be classified as a miracle. They would not be very useful for food. Yet regardless of the growing time, they are miracles of creation that were created originally from nothing, then to a seed and after that, into a full-grown vegetable. If carrots grew to maturity in one day, that would be classified as a miracle.
It is a very small thing for God to heal someone of cancer or some other, what we call incurable diseases, as He is the creator of all and it is a very easy thing for the creator of all things to repair His creation when the conditions are correct and He is asked to do so. There is no such thing as incurable diseases. Anything that is out of natural balance like sickness, can always be restored. Quite often when it is restored slowly it is considered natural, when it is cured quickly, it is classified as a miracle.
God would rather us change our belief systems, our thinking, our feelings and our psychology and heal ourselves from within. If we are divinely healed of sickness or disease from the outside, which can occur through gifted healers, it will not be permanent, unless we change the original inner cause of the aliment. We will need to change the dis-eased thinking and feeling within us. Disease is taken from dis-ease and dis-ease with our inner selves creates disease within our bodies. Dis-ease with our thoughts and emotions, creates dis-ease in our bodies. Miracles can and will occur but the permanent cure lies within our ability to change, grow and expand our level of consciousness.
Sometimes miracle healings occur when someone reaches the end of their karma that they are working out from other lifetimes. When the planned karma reaches it’s fulfillment, the person makes the necessary changes within themselves, then there is no more need to go on with the impairment. Healing can and will happen in these cases to restore perfection.
When Jesus healed people in His earthly embodiment two thousand years ago, He said that “He only does what the Father tells Him or directs Him to do. He had developed a secret inner way of knowing when the Father was leading him to do a miracle of healing. This would be when someone’s karma was completed or they had made the required changes in their consciousness and lives. Jesus never healed anyone, unless they came to Him in humility and surrender, and it was their time to be healed. He healed certain individuals, but many more remained in their self created hells, as they were not ready for change. We must be willing to change on the inside, before we will see change on the outside.
Sometimes people that are diagnosed with what we call fatal diseases are out of inner balance. The shock of finding out the news and the thought of dying causes them to make drastic changes in their lives. These changes sometimes brings them back into balance, and the disease goes into remission. This is the term medical science uses when they can’t explain why a sickness suddenly regresses and becomes eliminated as a direct threat to some ones health. These truly are not unexplainable accidents, but they are genuine miracles of God. They just happen sometimes slow enough to be considered natural.
Divine healing can also be accessed directly by a person in need, by praying and asking God to help them and then receiving healing by exercising their faith and believing that they are healed. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. With faith seeing is not believing, with faith believing comes before we can see the miracle or the results. An even higher place than that, is knowing, then we no longer need faith.
Divine healing can also be accessed through a person that is gifted as a healer and has a gift of helping people to develop and exercise their own faith for healing. The gifted healer puts their faith together with the person in need and a miracle of healing takes place within the person. Spiritual timing is always a factor in miracle healing. No one ever heals everyone, all of the time, as there is always other spiritual factors affecting the situation.
In the majority of cases, people who are sick, impaired or injured, are balancing some karma or actions from this life or another life by carrying the sickness, disease or injury. However the forgiveness, mercy and grace of God can still override the situation and anyone can be potentially healed from, and of, these negative situations. God always has the last say in any situation.
Karma or past life mistakes can be transmuted and healed through forgiveness, and making better decisions in the present. The violet flame can assist in eliminating past life karma, explained later in this book. Love, acceptance and forgiveness is at the forefront of all healing miracles.
The bible talks about different gifts that are given to people in order to help one another in our lives here on earth. The word of wisdom and the word of knowledge are gifts of God to men in order to bring a direct word of wisdom or knowledge from the kingdom of God to an individual person to improve their lives or their circumstances in life. The right word, at the right time can spark the miracle of divine healing.
Other gifts given to people are the gift of faith and gifts of healing for the benefit of people to assist one another in our journey here on earth. Another gift is, the working of miracles, which could be creative miracles or miracles of timing for a particular situation or circumstance. A miracle is power from God, that makes something or someone complete, that is incomplete.
Another gift is the gift of prophecy to predict the future in people’s lives. But we need to remember that people and their decisions can play a definite part in changing the future, from some result that may have taken place without the particular change, to a different result. Our free wills play a role in everything that happens to us and around us in life.
The discerning of spirits is another gift to help people to know what is causing them problems and to know the direct cause in order to be free from negative spirits and to know when spirits are of God, or not of God. These dark forces can be sometimes very deceptive and we need God's light on the situation, which is discernment.
In addition there are gifts of tongues and interpretation of tongues again to transfer information from the supernatural realm to the natural realm for the benefit of people who are made in the image of God. These situations can reveal valuable information for an individual life stream or human being. Or it might be supernaturally revealed information for a situation or circumstance in life.
Miracles then fall into two major categories, the first is miracles that we live with daily, but are accepted as natural phenomenon and the second is miracles that we classify as miracles because they are beyond our scope of comprehension but might also become accepted as natural occurrences if they happen frequently enough in the future. Eventually we will all learn to walk in all of the miracle power of God, or we will self destruct in negativity and darkness, it is always our choice.
Our belief systems and points of reference or viewing points, all play a very important role in what we receive from God and his kingdom and when. This could be in many different types of miracles in our lives and circumstances. Miracles are for correcting or balancing anything in life that is out of line with the divine kingdom of God and His universal laws. God always forgives us all unconditionally, and is always ready and set to restore us and our world, but not without our cooperation.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. The Lords prayer teaches us to pray that God’s will should be done on earth the same way it is done in heaven and we as humans all play a role for this to happen or not to happen. Our level of consciousness plays a vital role in what we are able to believe and what we are able to understand and what we are able to accomplish in this world. We need to be constantly growing in consciousness.
It all depends on the cooperation of human beings on earth, with raising their consciousness, by desire and the act of their own wills. We, as humans will decide how long this process will take. Our decisions will eventually become our future in this world of form and will either lead us back to God or further away from God, it is always our choice.
God has plenty of time, and He will wait for us to invite Him into our lives.
Miracles of God will always be available to human beings. Will we be willing to allow God to raise our present state of consciousness and attract miracles, or allow ourselves to fall further into lower nature consciousness, and cut off our ability to access miracles.
The future is ours, and our free wills, will decide our present and future.
Chapter 23
Religion or organized Christianity is unmistakably mans miserable attempt to understand, connect with and please God, while man is on this earth. Religions view us as sinners, trapped in earthy bodies, attempting to become spiritual. In actual fact, we are spiritual beings, using earth as a school room, to ascend back to our original source, where we came from. People in general have a God spirit part within them, that is always in direct contact with God. Our inner divine spirits assist our souls to be connected back with God their source.
Religions were started by individual people, like you and I, that humbly tapped into the inner truth and reality of God, grew and matured into whole and complete beings and began to teach others how to do the same. In the beginning most religions were pure and built on truth. They were assisted by God to awaken people to the real world of spirit. In most of the beginnings the religions or organizations fulfilled their spiritual aspirations.
The problem is that when that particular person dies or persons dies, other people step in to run things, the carnal mind, the ego and the lower consciousness takes over and the original purity, truth and reality get lost in the ego generated power struggles and competition that follows. The ego likes to control and manipulate people for it‘s own selfish purposes. The ego thrives on competition because it puts people on different levels.
Religions then become led by the ego's of people and dark spirits, and they like to put themselves as the mediator between God and man. They like to convince people that they need the religions to contact or understand God or understand what spiritual truths are about. Otherwise the religions would be obsolete or unnecessary for people’s salvation. This keeps the religions financially wealthy and in control. Religions do not like to lose control over people. They will do what ever it takes to hold on to the people.
Religions have enough of the truth to fool people, but not the real understanding of truth or a high enough consciousness to comprehend the truth of God in the freedom of God. They miss the real important understanding that sets people free. They miss the inner teachings of Jesus and other teachers and replace it with bondage and control. They teach people that God is somewhere on the outside of us, rather than on the inside of us.
With God on the outside, people create a graven image of God in their minds, and worship it. That is not what God desires for us. Religions then attempt to give human or natural qualities to God, pitch God as an angry judge, desiring to punish everyone. They forget the base of all spiritual understanding, and that is God is love, not just love but unconditional love. This must be the base for all truth.
Jesus said that the Kingdom of God was within us. This is the knowledge that will set us free and allow us to contact God directly. We then cannot create a graven image, but we worship Him in spirit and in truth. The power to change us comes from God on the inside of us. As long as we are looking on the outside, we will not be fully aware of what is happening on the inside of us. Inside of us, is all of the love, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, answers, power and everything we have need of in this life. We can access it all through prayer and meditation.
Therefore our salvation or spiritual welfare is a personal thing between ourselves and God and we do not need a religion or institution to receive or understand salvation. It is also available to everyone, not just a small elite, who may claim to have the only true spiritual interpretations. These religions are now houses for their egos and dark spirits to deceive the children of God into going in directions that will imprison them rather than to free them.
We as people are very fascinated with God's all consuming knowledge, abilities and power. We as humans are fascinated and intrigued with the unknown. We thirst for knowledge and understanding of the unknown, unexplained or unexplored. We are fascinated with UFO's, ghosts, bigfoot, loch ness monsters, miracles, new discoveries or anything that is a mystery to us.
Our capabilities however do not go beyond what we know and understand. Quite often some people try to go beyond their own capabilities, but it usually ends in disaster, which is ok, this is how we learn and grow. It is our inner spirit that is the power of God within us that can give us unlimited potential. When we cooperate and allow our inner God spirits to lead us, we will find truth, freedom and peace. If we do not have peace or freedom, we do not have God, they are one and the same.
Religion is man attempting to bring Gods mind, word and direction to mankind. The basic concepts of what religion teaches are good for the most part but ego’s and dark spirits interfere with much of the teaching and instructions and the results are not always good for all. People in general do not have enough of their own confidence to follow God on their own, and religions capitalize on that fact. Reaching God on our own is certainly there for us if we go after it.
Jesus said in the bible, when addressing the teaching of the religious community," do what they say, but do not do, what they do". The religious were saying the right things to the people but they were not practicing their own teachings, they were hypocrites. Religions of today are very similar to the time of Jesus. They wouldn’t give up their present power for anyone, not even Jesus himself, they proved that when they crucified Him.
Religious systems are set up so tight and restrictive that Jesus himself couldn’t get in. If Jesus was here in person today, he would not be allowed to speak in a church, without going through all of their training and rituals or marry anyone without training or do any other function in the religions of today. They would not recognize him in person, they would probably label him as a cult or some kind of devil worshiper as they did when He came 2ooo years ago. They certainly wouldn’t believe that He was Jesus, because he still would not come in religions prescribed format.
In the bible, religious leaders bring Jesus, a woman that was caught in adultery, and said according to the law of Moses, the woman should be stoned to death. Jesus said, that the person without sin, should cast the first stone. All of the people left and the woman was alone and Jesus said to her, go, neither do I condemn you. Jesus was showing the forgiveness, mercy and grace of God and the new testament of the bible. Jesus was attempting to show us who God really was, not a mean, angry judgmental God that they perceived Him to be, but a loving, forgiving and accepting God with more love, mercy and grace than we could ever comprehend here.
Often religious leaders teach us forgiveness, but become the first ones to judge when someone fails, falls short, or makes an error in judgment or at least was viewed to have done these things, which is not always true. Religion always casts the first stone. Only if they were without sin would they have the right, but even then, mercy and grace should prevail. Love does not condemn but it accepts and sets free.
Religions use the bible as we know it, and make their own interpretations that suit their own beliefs or what they happen to believe at the time, which always tends to change like the wind. They use the bible as a club, to beat everybody over the head with, but fail to fulfill any spiritual gains themselves. They have lost the keys of knowledge to the Kingdom of God, cannot enter, and prevent others from entering as well.
Many valuable books were left out of the bible, by Christian fathers, who decided that they did not fit their doctrines of that time. One of those books was entirely on the concept of reincarnation. Of course, if people believe in reincarnation, than they are responsible for their own lives before God and would not need the church for salvation. That would not be good for religions to maintain their control and domination. They want people to need them.
The bible was written by people, and it is no secret that people in this world are imperfect, therefore the result will also be imperfect. Some people think that God could channel his perfect message through imperfect vessels, with out the imperfection coming through. That is not reasonable or rational thinking, knowing the imperfections of this world and people. Do we think that dark spirits can spoil anything, but the bible. In truth, they attempt to contaminate everything in this world of form, including the bible. Without discernment from the spiritual, on the inside of us, we will be deceived and held back from real truth.
The bible carries what people perceived was Gods word, written many thousands of years ago, by many different authors, dissected and compiled by self proclaimed religious people with many parts and books purposely left right out and we seem to be satisfied in the religious community with the results. The results haven’t produced much so far in religions, isn't it time to question this man made institution. Religion has fallen far short of what was intended by God. It has produced nothing but infighting, judging, divisions, dishonesty, sexual perversions and murder, which still continues today.
Religious people believe that through it all God maintained His perfect word in perfect condition and balanced, in the bible. They believe that the imperfections of people were somehow eliminated and the bible came out perfect. The bible has a lot of sound truth and good basic concepts. However darks spirits have very slyly and with subtlety slipped in interpretations and words to alter interpretations that would help to keep people in the religious organizations in bondage, and keep them from discovering the real truth that will set them really free.
Yet every apostle, King, prophet and called individual in and throughout the bible all failed, all made mistakes and errors that were exposed and dealt with in various ways. They made mistakes because they were all human, even though their callings were supernatural, they all had to content with their own egos, their carnal minds and their lower natures. This is far short of the perfection of God and so is the bible.
If the greatest biblical patriarchs and prime examples for us were imperfect, what makes us think that their writings would be perfect. There was evil in the world then just as there is now, they had to contend with it and so do we. They weren’t perfect and neither are we and that is why it is necessary for everyone to question everything and work out our own salvation with fear and trembling as the bible says. This means that salvation is a working out process in our lives and it is not instant, like Christian religions would have us all believe. It can be easy to say, but another thing to prove in reality.
Salvation is not an instant answer for us, religions teach people to pray a prayer and never have to be concerned again. Once saved always saved mentality, that takes out the need to change and transform into spiritual beings. This type of salvation believes in an instant answer to the problem of sin and a final coming of Jesus with force. Jesus is coming to his people for a second time right now, will we receive him. The second coming of Christ is in us, if we will choose to cooperate with this process. When we look at the world, we can easily see that it hasn't happened yet.
Religion can also be Satan’s tool to pervert Gods true intentions for man-kind. Religion perverts Gods Love, purity, truth and simplicity. Religion seeks to make a mockery of God’s Kingdom by displaying God as a mean judge of mankind. They represent Him as a heartless judge, waiting to attack someone that makes a mistake. No wonder people are running away from God. Any sensible person would run away from a God that religion presents. All they do is foster the fear of God and not His Love.
The truth is that God judges no one, but we will eventually judge ourselves. The truth is that God does not judge anyone, any time, or for any reason. God is a loving God above all else and full of mercy and grace. Love always looks for a way out for someone, not a reason to accuse and condemn. Love is patient and kind and looks to excuse rather than accuse. Love does not seek to control, but to set free.
Religion attempts to keep God out there somewhere out of touch for us and misleads us from the simplicity of reaching God from inside of us, which is the true reality. Jesus in the bible say’s that the kingdom of God is within us. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God will not come with observation. That is very clear, you will not be able to observe His coming. It is like the wind, you don't know where it is coming from or where it is going. You will only know your part in it if you seek it out, without the negative influence of religion.
Religion sets Jesus up as a superstar, which makes it impossible for us to be like him or attain what he accomplished. This concept was set in motion by dark forces. Jesus said he was our older brother and was showing us what we could do also. Jesus wanted us to follow Him, not worship Him as a superstar. He has need of nothing, He does not need our worship. Worship and praise is only used to help people become more God conscious and God aware, it is not for God, but for people. Once an individual person has reached a certain level it will not longer be necessary.
The powers of darkness use the mistakes that we make as reasons to attack us and to cause us harm. They use the avenue of guilt and shame to paralyze us spiritually. They make us feel bad, so we think that we cannot contact God. They justify the attacks with legalism or law and coldness. We as humans unknowingly accept these attacks because we judge and condemn ourselves, experience inferiority, guilt, shame and we think that we deserve the evil that is happening to us. We are sometimes our own worst enemy. In truth we deserve grace and mercy and not judgment and hatred.
We need to love and accept ourselves and treat ourselves with mercy and grace, the same way that God treats us with mercy and grace. Pure and undefiled religion will teach this and bring people freedom rather than bondage. It is only the truth that can set us free. If religions gave the truth, the whole world would have been redeemed a long time ago. Religion does not work and it is about time that people woke up and became aware of this fact.
There is an actual religious spirit that is not of God, but born of Satan’s fallen kingdom, controlled by fallen angels, and is focused on mocking God and His people. These religious and dark entities run a very deceptive but affective campaign to deceive God’s people and hold them in bondage to a belief that God is very distant, strict and stern and easy to anger, which could not be any further from the truth. They want to keep people trapped in believing that God is outside of them, rather than inside where change can take place.
God is in fact very loving, very kind and fully operating in love, mercy and grace. If this were not true, none of us would still be alive, here on planet earth. God would have wiped us out a long time ago. God loves us all unconditionally and desires for us all to return home to him. Many people talk about unconditional love but very few ever find it. That would mean that we would have to be willing to love, accept and forgive everyone, regardless of what they have done, what they are doing now and what they will do in the future. That is real unconditional love. We would then refuse to see the errors in people and choose to see them perfect, the way that they will become. This is faith in action. This is viewing in the immaculate concept as God does.
People who are trapped by the religious entities do not realize it. Religion has deceived them and blinded their spiritual eye’s to the truth. They are in constant fear of doing wrong and of judgment, believe that they have to be good and work their way to heaven and have no real freedom. They think that they need a religion to approach God. They lack the confidence to contact and receive from God personally.
They doubt God, themselves, and others. They put themselves above other people. They think that they are always right and they don‘t make mistakes. They think that it is their duty to straighten others out. They make judgments on other people and think God is happy with them, so did the religious leaders of Jesus day. They think that they need to control rather than work in harmony. They think that they are doing God’s work when they offend and hurt others. They put down other people who do not think and believe the way they do. They put on the greatest ego bred humility that they can fake.
They are actors and actresses, pretending to have it all together, faking wholeness and perfection and disguising their real inner feelings, that are contrary to what they are displaying or doing. They are not sincere and genuine with their inner thoughts and feelings. They stay in self denial and put on the show for the many people that are impressed with their outward display. While inwardly they are ravening wolves.
The real victory is not in outward display, but is in inward change, that then can become true outward accomplishments. To love is the willingness to be exposed, and healed of all imperfections in humility and surrender. Salvation comes from the inside out, not from the outside in. salvation is just merely spiritual enlightenment and revealing of the truth.
Our freedom and liberty, by following in Jesus footsteps, is what the cross was about and why Jesus chose to allow himself to be mistreated, tortured and crucified. These religious people need the love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding of others to help them see the bondage that they are under. Eventually they may come to see the deception that is in defiled religion. Like Nicodemus, the religious leader in the bible, maybe some might come to the real Jesus, under cover of darkness, in exchange for the real truth.
Jesus is giving that truth, the same today, as he was two thousand years ago. Are you listening and hearing, from your inner spirit, the words of truth, that are given to you? Do you have the confidence to set out on your own quest for truth, will you persevere until you have it? Don’t take my word for it, go to the source yourself. Jesus has not died, he is here still, always speaking to those who will hear him and are willing to put it in practice. Hear him through direct revelation, there is no other way possible. Jesus is the way, not religion or Christianity. Find out what Jesus is really saying. Find out about the inner teachings that Jesus only shared with His disciples, but was not released into the world at that time.
Religion is cruel and harsh and does not follow mercy and grace, but always takes the side of judgment accusation and condemnation. Religion seeks to control and manipulate and take away basic freedom from people's lives. Religion always forces or applies pressure to adhere to it’s particular beliefs, doctrines or ways. Religion always rejects you, if you do not comply with their interpretations of scripture.
Defiled Religion tries to take away people’s freedom.
Defiled Religion wants people to develop a relationship with itself and not truly with God himself.
Defiled Religion is organized by the fallen will of man.
Defiled Religion thrives on wealth and beautiful buildings.
These buildings are usually built primarily from the offerings of the poor.
Defiled Religion always wants credit for apparent good deeds that it has done or for good things that happen to people within their authority.
Defiled Religion exalts itself above people and even God himself.
Defiled Religion puts people down rather than lifting them up.
Defiled Religion makes people smaller instead of making God bigger.
Defiled Religion develops strict rules and regulations and manipulates people by the use of guilt and fear.
This defiled religion scares people with hell or tries to bribe them with Heaven or usually a combination of both.
Priests, preachers or pastors in churches quite often control the people, and control or manipulation is a form of satanic witchcraft, which takes away the freedom of the people and attempts to direct and manipulate them into submission. They do this by condemnation, guilt and fear, while citing love and humility as the goal. This is an abomination to God.
Defiled religion demonstrated itself clearly in the dark ages when it had control of the government and held the highest of power on earth. Religion was cruel and ruthless to people who did not bow to or accept it’s display of power and authority. Shameful things were done to people in the name of God but in fact God had no part in it. God has no part in the cruelty of religion today, the same as in the earthly life of Jesus. Religion rejects people, God does not reject anyone, but accepts all in unconditional love.
In the bible when Jesus was alive in human form, He addressed religion as it truly was. In addressing religion, it was the only time Jesus actually was angry and overturned the tables of the religious money-changers. Jesus called the religious people of that day walking graves, the blind leading the blind. He called them hypocrites. He said “ you lay burdens on people, that no one, even you yourselves could not and would not bare.”
He said “you pray in front of people just for the recognition and attention.” “You close up the Kingdom of Heaven to men and you do not enter in yourselves either.” “You devour widows homes and then make nice long prayers before men, therefore you shall have the greater damnation.” “You make people into even greater sons of hell than yourselves.” “ When it comes to rules and regulations, you strain out the lice and when it comes to the larger matters like justice, mercy and faith, you swallow camels.” “ You hypocrites who are full of extortion and excess.”
“You outwardly appear to be righteous before men but inwardly you are full of death, hypocrisy, iniquity and filthy dirty.” “You serpents and generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation to come.” Religions are no different today. They are the abomination of desolation, standing in the place that it should not be in, or the antichrist.
Jesus was saying these things to the religious church of that day, not to known sinners of that day. To the general people of the street, or the common people of that day, he was very loving and forgiving and healed them in the street on many occasions and preached love, acceptance and forgiveness to them openly. He turned everyone's world upside down, because it was needed.
Religions actually extort money from people the same way as gangsters and the mafia do, by extortion, which is the use of fear and terror to extort money from people. Religions and gangsters use the same strategy and tactics. They use intimidation and fear of bodily harm or even death.
Gangsters threaten the violence by their own hands and religion threatens it by God’s hand. Gangsters are in a better position than religion in this matter as at least they are up front and honest with their intentions and approach. Religion is more deceptive in it’s intentions and approach, to accomplish the same thing. Religions come to us as angels of light, but representing Darkness.
There is a pure and undefiled religion that is from God and it is quite evident by the fruit that it produces. This religion began with Jesus and is pure and sincere and does not judge or condemn others. They were originally called “Christians”, by others, because of their likeness to Jesus Christ. Unlike religions today, they were actually acting like Jesus, but it was no act, it genuinely flowed from deep inside of them.
This pure and undefiled religion does not elevate itself above others but treats others as equals. It does not seek it’s own, but the welfare of others. It is kind and gentle and lifts people up rather that putting them down. This religion is positive in approach and uplifting in content. This religion is organized in the Spirit of God and not organized by the will of man. In this religion, someone found the truth and is teaching it. The Kingdom of God is within you.
This religion is interested in growth, character and freedom rather than rules and regulations. This religion is not about buildings, but about people. It is about genuine love and caring and the real stuff in life. This religion is not out to bind people but to set them free. This religion removes guilt and fear and believes in love and forgiveness. This religion is initiated by God and is available to anyone who chooses it. It is built around a relationship with god and not a relationship with a church or religion. This religion is spiritual and not physical. It is led by the unseen forces of heaven and not by the seen authorities set up by man.
The bible says that God knows those who are His. This Kingdom is not seen in the physical, but only in the spiritual realm. The real Kingdom of God is not made with hands, but made of God and existing in spirit and organized by Gods spiritual kingdom. Come up higher to the place of spirit where Jesus dwells. There are no walls or divisions and everyone is welcome and I mean everyone, regardless of what they believe or who they are.
All human beings on planet earth are beautiful branches of God and deserve our love, our acceptance and our forgiveness, forever. If we learn to see in the spiritual realm, all people have beautiful colors around them. Their orra's or energy fields around them are very beautiful, all of them. They are all made in God's image and have a right to be here. They all deserve our love and acceptance, regardless of where they are in life. You don't know their stories, but God does. If you experienced what they did, you would probably be in the same condition.
When men try to organize God’s Kingdom into a religion it always goes into the ditch. Over time all of the good and powerful things that were happening, when the religion began, then begin to drop off until it becomes dry, boring and powerless. Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power to change. The bible says that Satan comes as an angel of light, that is religions and churches exalting themselves even above God.
In this state when God does do the odd miracle for someone which would take place because of the individual person, the religion wants to take credit for the miracle and help to prove to everyone that they are on the right track and help to increase their numbers, power and financial security. This is nothing but ego based illusions that will not survive the test of time.
Man cannot identify this unseen church of God, and should never try. We were never commissioned to identify God's true church and there is a very good reason for that. We do not have the spiritual insight or the ability to properly recognize or identify this church. We can only decide if we want to be a part of that real church, without walls or divisions, where there is true freedom.
This born again term that is adopted by Christian religions, is mysteriously infrequently mentioned in the bible, and it was directed to a religious leader of that day. This religious leader needed to discard all of the religious erroneous beliefs that he had been taught all of his life and start over like a baby being born again in understanding. It is only the religious that need to be born again. Other people can just simply decide to start their spiritual path in life. Then they can just learn rather than having to unlearn first.
Religions and churches like to apply this to everyone as some great term for conversion. The thing about conversion is that we must be careful as to being converted from what and to what? Is it a conversion from sin, negative thinking, evil doing, certain ideas or concepts, attitudes, dispositions, beliefs or doctrine. Is it a conversion of spirit or a conversion of thoughts or ideas or a conversion of state of being or state of mind. And is it a conversion to a particular thinking process or set of ideas or rules and regulations or a religious doctrine.
The only conversion that people need to make is from separation or alienation from God to a relationship with god, if it is necessary and they haven’t already done so. This can be a very confusing area for some people but it is actually very simple. The bible says you will know them by their fruits. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. A kingdom divided against itself will fall.
There is a true pure and undefiled Religion in the spiritual realm. The counterfeit, the satanic spirit of religion, that is so present and dominant all over in religious circles, raises itself up, against God and tries to make a mockery out of the religious or Christian experience. People allow this because they do not see it, or they think they cannot do any thing about it anyway. The lower ego of individual people play a major role in defiled religion.
The easy identification of the counterfeit religious spirit is, exalting itself above others, judging others and having an influence or form of control or manipulation. Of course exalting ones self is the great sin of ego and pride and judging others also helps people to elevate themselves by putting people down, and control or manipulation is another form of elevation and actually an indication of the spirit of witchcraft. A lot of Churches and pastors operate in these areas, without knowing it.
We should be sure that we do not move and operate in those controlling spirits but be able to maintain a humility, sincerity and purity in freedom. If humility is present the Spirit of God moves, heals and restores, but if it is not present the power of God does not move, or He moves to the degree that humility is present and then only among the humble and sincere of heart. You can fool everyone except God and His Kingdom.
It is tempting to want to please religious people and groups and have given them what they want, rather than giving the Spirit of God fully what He wants. There are always pressures to become a man pleaser, especially in religious groups, churches and spiritual settings. We need to decide weather we want to please God or to please man, we cannot do both, we must choose.
We should take a stand for the truth, for freedom and for the simplicity of the Gospel of truth, without opposing other people and groups that we might not fully understand. Support people and forget about religious organizations. My people perish for lack of knowledge, says the bible. People are perishing daily, because they do not know, they have never been taught correctly and are suffering the ill effects of this ignorance.
I think of the simplicity of Thumper in the cartoon Bambie, when he said “ if you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all. I believe that this is the simplicity of love and what love and kindness would do, which is the true word of God. Love wants the best for everyone, everything and all life. Negativity and deception should be recognized, and eliminated, and the perfection of God and his people supported.
The bible admonishes us to love our enemies, not attack them, even though attack is very popular, it produces negative results for everyone. It’s real simple, 1st Corinthians 13, in the bible is the love chapter. God is building a house of love; he is now coming to his people, not to denominations or religions, but to His dear hearts that are ready to follow the inner spiritual path to life.
The Kingdom of God has this seal; God knows those who are His. He is again, coming to the stable, moving through unrecognized people, people of low stature, people of no reputation and no credentials to do His work and to lead in establishing His Kingdom on Earth. Jesus will be rejected again, by well meaning individuals who cannot recognize the truth of God among the many deceptions in the world, that are offered.
God does not see and never has seen denominations or religions or and other divisions that people might invent, for they only exist in the minds of people, not in the true Kingdom of God. It’s real simple; God only sees “His” people and he always will. He will always look through the eyes of unconditional love, grace and mercy. If you are going to be cruel and harsh, you have left him behind. Just reconnect and move forward, you are already forgiven.
In the bible the prophet of God, Elijah, thought that he was the only one left in Israel serving God, and he was reminded, by God, that in fact there were seven thousand more. These people were serving God but not recognized. They were quiet and behind the scenes, but never-the-less just as committed, and loving the true God, just as Elijah was, only not out front. The people really serving God are very often inconspicuous and unassuming and in humble positions in life.
The religions as we know them have failed miserably in bringing Gods Kingdom to the world, in the truth or true revelation and light. This is all necessary and it needs to be, for that which is not, has to be there in order to show that which is true. Religions in general have acquired a bad name among people of the world.
The truth is that the religious community or the Church of today is not much different from the one that opposed Jesus when He came to the world two thousand years ago. Jesus said “ they serve me with their mouth, but not with their heart, their hearts are far from me”. God is interested in the people that are doing His will, not just talking about it. Some people are talking and not doing. Some people are doing and not talking. Talking and doing is the very best of what we can accomplish here on earth.
God’s dear hearts, that are truly following God from a sincere and humble heart, are salted in amongst conventional religions, organizations, Churches and what the religions would classify as the world or heathen or the rest of the world. However there is another part of the Lord’s people that are close to Him, that love him and maintain a very healthy relationship with Him but are alone or isolated from other people that are within the conventional religious institutions.
This part of His bride has become discouraged by religion and the conventional Church, they have been attacked and hurt by the dark spirit of religion in other people and have gone off on their own and refused to become involved with groups again, until they are sure it is the real thing and that is admirable. These people can be found almost anywhere in the world. They don't know where to go from where they are at in spirituality. The answers are within them, search the answers out, God is waiting for you in love.
Really there are more of God’s true believers and followers outside the conventional Religions and Church’s than there is inside the religious system or religious community. These people are unrecognized and sometimes looked down upon and judged by conventional religion but God knows those who are his. Many of these people do not even recognize themselves as being one of God’s own dear hearts.
When these people are equipped and released into their gifts and ministries we will see a massive move of the spirit of God outside the religious community. There is a sector of people out there, that are the Lords own heart, that have been hurt by religion and or a Church, have been discouraged by religious organizations or the Church and have withdrawn unto themselves. They have maintained a true relationship with God or the Lord Jesus, are growing, but are isolated and separate from the other people like themselves.
During the great reformation, under Martin Luther, in church history, they were teaching that the just should live by faith. They taught that works by themselves are not good enough, but that we need a relationship with God, that works by faith and prayer. It is this faith and prayer that connects us with God and saves us from unnecessary harm or protects us from sin, sickness and spiritual death. This faith can help people to work out their salvation in the process of life.
The new reformation is that the just shall live by knowing, which is much better than faith. Once you know something there is no longer any need for faith. Knowing is the substance and that is at the end of faith. When we arrive at knowing, it will all be settled, established and certain. There will then be no variations or temptations to quit, but only straight and steady progress.
It is plain that the Christian Church or religious community is in need of this new revelation. Most live by, “the just shall live by works”. Jesus said, “When I come back, will I find faith on the earth”. This seemed to be a very important question that Jesus was concerned about. He was concerned with the possibility of all of the people on planet earth falling away from a God consciousness, doing their own thing, living their own lives and creating their own form of religion unto themselves. This condition would of coarse be inspired by the dark entities on this planet.
The games are over, there is no more time for winking and turning away, but true change is the only thing that will prevail. The sheep will be separated from the goats and Jesus will come to His true bride, without spot or wrinkle, walking in Christ consciousness, love, acceptance and forgiveness without judgment or criticism. Satan is the only accuser or judge of people on this planet. God is not judging anyone, but we will judge ourselves.
The bible says that we cannot serve both God and money or the things of this world. Religion is mainly fashioned around money, wealth, and power. The very same thing that wars are started over, or is the real motivation for starting wars in the beginning. If you serve the religious power structure, than you cannot serve God at the same time, you will serve one and reject the other. You may think you are serving God, but missing the real key to salvation and wholeness or holiness.
The facts are that the thing that we serve, we concentrate on the most, we consider the most when making decisions and we give the most time to in our lives. If our motivation is money, wealth or power we are serving these things and we are not serving God who made all of these things possible. Serve the creator rather than the creation. Serve God in spirit, rather than the pleasures of the natural world.
If you deny yourself and take a stand for freedom and the true Spirit of God, first recognizing God and then committing to an on going relationship with him, you will see an outpouring of wisdom, knowledge and revelation opening the door to true power of God to restore and heal his people. If you are willing too lose this worlds or our ego’s sense of identity for the Christ consciousness or Christ mind and continue on that path to eternal life, you will be part of God’s river of life to this world.
It is all very simple, in order to see the New Testament power of God in our country or in the world today, to the magnitude and power that it was in the early church, we will need to be operating in the same principles that they did in the book of Acts in the bible. These principles are within the universal laws of God. The disciples had inner teachings from Jesus and were tapped into their inner God spirit and displayed the power of that inner connection to God and the people saw the results before there eyes, in the form of miracles and healings, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
We will need to put away Pride, ego, arrogance, greed and selfishness and we will need to be walking in true love, esteeming others greater than ourselves. Faith works by love, acceptance and forgiveness. You will see the real thing in real power, when you have attained the real Christ consciousness, not the counterfeit one, presented by religions and Christian churches.
Some people would sooner be right than to love, they would sooner judge than to set free and to be free. Some people would sooner bad-mouth someone else than to talk positively about others. Some people would sooner tear down than to build up. Some people would rather raise themselves up than to raise up others. Some people would rather be in control than to humble them selves and esteem others as their equal. Some people would rather focus on negatives than to focus on positives. None of it makes any sense or is beneficial for either parties, but some people would rather. If they knew better, they would do better.
We all make our own choices in the scheme of things and we are all responsible for our own choices and we all have to live with our own choices in life. Negative choices produce negative results and positive choices produce positive results. God's real wisdom is to see through the deceptions and to know the real difference between, the real positive and the real negative. We need to learn how to choose life, in a world of death.
If you lived at the time of Jesus, seen Him chase out the money changers from the church in anger, you might have judged Him like they did back then. You might have said, well that certainly is not Godly qualities, He must not be of God, He must be a devil in disguise. A real son of God would not get angry, right. Learning what the world is really about and what God is about and being able to discern the real from the unreal, that is the key of wisdom that leads to true knowledge.
It is exiting to be alive, we are privileged to be selected to experience this life and to learn from it and to grow by it, and become stronger and more balanced people for the future kingdom of heaven and for the future of all of us. Let's do the best job we can do while we are here and accomplish our predetermined goals and objectives in this life according to our divine plans.
The church and religion will have to be willing to give up control and recognize the true five-fold ministry, which is laid out in the bible as ministries of the Apostle, the prophet, the teacher, the evangelist and the pastor, and the pastor is listed last and not first. The authority structure is in the same order as the listing.
The religions and churches have the authority structure backwards and they wonder why things do not work properly and wonder why the power of God is not moving in the power and glory that it should. Religions and churches need to allow the five fold ministries to function in true freedom, without any control from any pastor or board of directors. It sounds scary to many, but what is even scarier is what we have right now, a weak and anemic church, without the true power, displaying a form of godliness but denying the power to manifest, to change lives, or even being open to change.
Pastors in the book of Acts, were managers or organizers, who gathered people together so that the Apostles could travel from group to group in ministry and send out other preachers and teachers and various gifted prophets for the perfecting of the saints. The evangelist of course operated outside the church or religion, reaching people who had lost their way in life and needed guidance the get back to their inner divine plans for this life.
In the conventional church or religions, the board is at the head and the pastor is in the individual power position and the rest of the five-fold ministry, are under this authority. How do we ever expect this to work? I feel sorry for these pastors, as they were never intended to carry this kind of load. The only time we see this kind of situation work at all, is when the individual actually has the calling of an Apostle, prophet, evangelist or teacher and they are attempting to operate in the pastoral position. There is much confusion in these areas. People do not even understand their own individual gifts or their unique ministry gifts.
As in the New Testament church, everything would have to become common, as this is the only way of love and the only possibility of true unity of people. This means that all wealth and finances would be distributed amongst all people according to their needs, no one would horde and everyone would have enough. This is the only workable group method of keeping selfishness and greed out of the spiritual process. Ownership or owning things in this world is burying our talents in the ground. In this condition God's river of life cannot flow freely and freedom is compromised.
Can you see, that having all things common, happening today, in religions or churches. They are normally so far from this and in such a lower state of consciousness that “ all things common “ would be impossible, they love personal wealth too much. Even if they could accomplish the first step, they would spend all of their time fighting about where the wealth would be distributed. Either way it would be a human disaster.
As long as some people have more than others and some have less than others, it will remain as children fighting over toys and all of them want the best toys for themselves. The competition induces them to remain separate and divided into small groups or just divided individuals. People will continue to compete for the best in life of power, control, jobs, positions, mates, status, recognition, wealth, sports and anything else in life that can be a prize to win. The best prize in life, that you can win, is Christ consciousness or the Christ mind.
Competition is a product of our egos, supported by dark beings, and it is for the purpose of raising some people above others. For someone to win, someone has to lose. The winner becomes a winner and the loser becomes a loser. There is no winners and losers in life, we are all winners if we choose God and choose to grow. Life is to experience and to grow and expand from that experience.
When Jesus was here and they asked him to teach them to pray, and part of the lords prayer is that it be on earth as it is in heaven, and this is a very common prayer today. Well, the truth is that in heaven all things are common and there is not one above another or one with more than the other but all things are common in heaven. Do we really want, what we pray for? When we pray for things, we need to be willing to accept them in truth.
Unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, and as a result, unity and sharing are the only thing that will truly break the power and control of money, of selfishness and greed. We are taught by society to think for ourselves, do for ourselves, take care of ourselves and become this role model in society. The focus is all on our selves rather than on others and on giving. We do need to take care of ourselves but we also need to consider others and esteem them as higher than our selves. If we do, we will not put ourselves above them.
We are taught to be separate from one another and have our own things, own our own stuff. We are taught to consume our lives in work, play, pleasure and fun. We are taught in society to take care of number one. We are basically taught ownership and greed. We are all taught to compete and to win in the natural world. While it is important to take care of ourselves, it is even more important to care for others. We will always experience more satisfaction in giving, than we will in hording things for ourselves.
The kingdom of God dose not promote selfishness, but to esteem others higher than ourselves, think of others, to be kind to others, do for others, take care of others, to be one with others, and to be concerned with others having the things that they need, rather than ourselves. In this process, if we do it with good intentions and a sincere heart, God in turn with take care of us in His river of life. But, in order for this principle to work, we cannot give with the objective of receiving, but of the motivation of true love and unselfish caring.
We all should dare to move in the freedom and directions that God has spoken to us about and see what He will do, see what will happen, see how God will gather His people, see what can be accomplished and realized in His name. If we would be willing to work together to establish His Kingdom on earth together and to live together in harmony and oneness, it will happen.
We all should dare to follow Jesus into Life, for He said if you believe in me, you shall have life and not die. What does that really mean and how can we attain it. Can we also resurrect as He did, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. We certainly can, Jesus would not show us a way that was not attainable. Jesus said he was our older brother, would an older brother do that to us. Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me. He said that he was the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to Him but through the Christ consciousness or the Christ mind.
We should dare to follow Jesus in the narrow way or the middle way or the balance of life, into Christ consciousness to real truth and freedom. He said that the truth, or the true path, would make us free. Only real truth will make us really free. Partial truth will make us only partially free. True freedom is an indication of truth.
We should dare to follow Jesus, also with the ability to follow God the Father Spirit within Him. We need to follow our Christ presence within us and we will find the road to freedom, fulfillment and wholeness or completeness and ascend into the light with the rest of the saints who attained Christ consciousness in the history of planet earth.
Religion, churches and Christianity is not the way, the inner Christ consciousness or the Christ mind within us, is the way to God and always will be. This will stimulate self-correction, better decisions and real life.
This narrow way, or the way to salvation, or the spiritual path, can only be experienced personally and cannot be taught in this natural world.
When you are willing, and search in sincerity, you will find the way!
Chapter 24
Deliverance, exorcism or the cleansing of dark spirits are all names that different religions, churches or organizations use to describe the process of binding and removing dark or negative spirits or entities from an individual person, by a certain other person who has the particular gift from God that is necessary to perform this deliverance process.
Everybody does not necessarily have a gift from God to deliver evil spirits from an individual person but everyone does have the capability of removing evil spirits and as a result the evil influence from their own lives. It would not be fair to have these dark spirit influences here with us on planet earth and not to provide a method of dealing with them or disposing of them from our lives if we do not want them and choose to know the truth about it.
It is very important to be willing to change our erroneous beliefs, about ourselves, God, others, and the world. We will not have much success in removing dark entities from within us or deliverance, unless we become willing to give up the erroneous belief systems and feelings that invited the dark entities, to come in, in the first place.
When we suspect dark influences as a cause of lack or suffering, we should ask God, what they are there for. We need to understand how they gained entry into our lives, what we need to change in our lives, to be free of their influence. This understanding can only come from our God spirits within us, that are committed to our growth and expansion in God. Sometimes this knowledge can come from the divine inner spirits of other individuals.
Deliverance is not a spooky or scary process like Hollywood would have you believe, but it is a very essential and vitally necessary spiritual process of removing dark spirits from an individual person. This then solves the problem or torment that these spirits caused in the individual persons life. Past life sins and karma are involved here, so it would be wise to know the right spiritual timing for this process. It is also important that the person, receiving deliverance, is willing to give up the beliefs and feelings that are out of alignment with Gods spiritual laws.
If you feel fear, anger or annoyance inside yourself as you read this, it is most likely the influence of an evil spirit or spirits. If you feel these things you are probably quite normal as we all have to deal with these dark spirits while we are here on earth. Some people have hundreds of these dark spirits or entities, some people have thousands of them but usually they only influence certain areas of our lives, of coarse to the degree that we allow in our lives.
We usually allow some dark influence, but then we have boundaries that we will not allow these dark thoughts and feelings to take us. If the dark entities get our cooperation in one area for long enough and often enough, they get a stronger influence until they eventually take us over. This then becomes evil spirit possession in which we lose control and think, say and do things that we can no longer stop, because our souls are damaged. This is where we need help from heavenly powers and other people. This assistance will be there as soon as we ask for it.
These dark spirits / demons / devils / human spirits or alien spirits are entities, not unlike ourselves, except that they do not have physical bodies, and therefore cannot express themselves in this physical world without intruding on and using our physical bodies. This is the only way they can express their negativity in this world of form.
We pick up these dark entities from many previous embodiments on this planet. When we are willing to first take on erroneous beliefs and feelings, it leads us to acting out or commit sin, which is anything outside of God’s laws and balance. Then because of our willingness to operate outside Gods protective laws, dark entities then have an opportunity to invade our being. We usually receive them because of our guilt and shame, and bed feelings that we accumulate from miss-qualifying Gods pure energy within us.
These dark entities project and express evil motives, intentions and actions, when they obtain entrance into our beings. They begin to express these evil intentions to us and through us, attempting to influence us into their evil way of thinking and processing things, thoughts, feelings, events or situations.
Their objective is to cause us problems and to cause others around us trouble and in general, influence us to be evil and to do evil. This is all a part of the real objective which is to keep us away from God, who will help us. That is why forgiveness is so vitally important. It allows us to start over at any time we choose. Dark entities will continue this evil influence, as we allow or continue to respond to their evil expressions, they will become a stronger influence in our lives.
If we as humans respond and cooperate enough and often, they will eventually gain full control in some areas and drive us to do wicked things, and we will become weaker and more unable to prevent their influence. This process is widely and commonly known as demon possession. This is when dark spirits become so powerful in someone’s life that when the dark spirits gain control, the individual person becomes powerless to stop them.
This is the process called demonic possession and in extreme cases this is the last stage of people who become excessively abusive, violent or displaying hatred to the point of being capable of murder. This usually will lead to violent acts that result in incarceration or death.
After their evil acts, you will quite often see that the people become very remorseful and in many cases, they do not even remember their evil deeds. This is due to the fact that the person’s own personality is submerged and the evil spirits are temporarily in complete control. This descending process can be turned around, any time, by reaching out for God to help us.
The dark entities have a very cunning and deceptive master plan and that is to prevent us from being aware of their existence and attempting to convince us that it is ourselves that are evil, and that the dark entities themselves do not even exist. The success of these dark entities depends directly on their ability to hide themselves within us, express their evil attitudes when they have the opportunities and then lay guilt and shame upon us, convincing us that we are the ones that have evil intentions, or are evil ourselves.
When we are born into this world as babies, dark spirits can and do enter into us even in the womb through and because of negative experiences, events, and especially through hereditary ties and conditions that were set forth by our pre-existing ancestors. They may also have previous rights because of past life karma in previous lives. We can also open the door for dark influence out of ignorance or just plainly not knowing in this lifetime.
We continually carry these dark spirits with us through life and are subject to the negative influence of these spirits throughout our lives or until these spirits are cast out of us by ourselves or an individual person who has this spiritual gift. This is assuming that the past life karma is fulfilled and healing and deliverance is in the right time. This time period will be set by your awareness and your willingness to cooperate with Gods Kingdom.
Dark spirits can also enter into us during accidents or any negative traumatic experiences that open us up and make us vulnerable to their entry and influence. Other areas of our lives that make us vulnerable to the entering of dark spirits are when we are under anesthesia, unconscious from a head injury or similar events, or under the extreme influence of drugs or alcohol, or other mind altering substances for long periods of time.
The main reason that these conditions open us up to influence by dark spirits, is that during these periods of time, our natural spiritual defense systems are weakened and thus we become more susceptible to dark influences entering our being through our spiritual force field, which normally protects us.
Our spirits, our minds and our bodies are naturally enclosed in a spiritual defense system, sometimes referred to as our aura or energy field, sometimes viewed partially as a halo. This defense system is spiritual in origin; it encloses our whole being, is bright like a light, and can only be viewed in the spiritual realm. Normally this energy field protects us from dark entities.
Dark spirits, under normal conditions have a very difficult time to penetrate our being and become a part of our nature and character. Our defense systems work whether we are religious, Christian or believe in God at all. The more faith and belief we have in God, and are maturing spiritually, the stronger our energy protective shields will become. If a person is health spiritually, their protective energy field will be very strong.
When these spirits are removed our characters change from negative characteristics to positive characteristics. We are no longer driven towards unhealthy characteristics and we find it easier to act in a loving and Godly manner. Without this influence, life becomes easier in the particular areas that the dark spirits occupied. If we are attached to our erroneous beliefs and feelings, deliverance can be a process of time, to wake us up to reality.
When dark spirits enter into us, our characters change from positive to negative. As a result of these dark spirits and their influence, our behavior in certain areas begins to change, to become conformed to speaking and acting in a negative manner. Negative actions are outward signs of inward problems.
The first stage that we need to come to deal with these evil spirits, in our own lives, is to believe that they exist. One of their most effective tools of deception is to convince people that they do not exist. What better way to remain hidden to do their dirty work with out any threat to them. This is effective enemy infiltration strategy.
The second stage is to call on God for help, believe in the love and power of God within you, that is capable of doing something about it. You have to believe in the existence of God and believe that God is capable of doing something about it. Then believing God is within you and acting upon it. The information that you need then, will be revealed to you.
The third stage is to believe that God has and will do something about it. The truth is that God has done all that He is going to do about it, because He has built into us His spirit, our inner divine spirit or sometimes referred to as the Holy Spirit. This God spirit within us has the power and ability to remove all of the dark influence in our lives. Our inner God spirit knows where these dark spirits are imbedded in us, what they are sent to do with us, and how to remove them. And what changes that we need to make in our lives to prevent any more future problems with these dark influences.
The fourth stage is to align our wills or our decision making process in favor of removing theses dark spirits from us, and bringing healing to us by restoring our missing soul parts that have previously been stolen from us by the dark forces or other people. This process can be done by angels, through our invitation and our request. Angels will return our missing soul parts after cleansing and healing.
We need to properly understand these concepts of deliverance, exorcism and cleansing of dark spirits, which are the same processes described in different ways by various religions , denominations or Christian churches , we must go to the Bible and or history of the world to see clearly how the deliverance process was executed by Jesus , priests , prophets and other ministers of God.
Jesus, because He was a son of God, attained Christ consciousness and became our greatest spiritual teacher, has given us the most information on this subject and has given us the most complete demonstration of how the deliverance ministry should operate, what it should accomplish, and the results.
Jesus did more deliverance in His three and a half year ministry on earth than any other prophet, teacher or minister of God in the Bible in that short period of time. He showed us the true value of deliverance in the process of removing evil actions caused by dark spirits and healing the spirit, soul, emotions mind, and body.
Healing of the mind, spirit and body sometimes can include deliverance in order for healing to be able to restore an individual person back to health. As a result, deliverance and healing go hand in hand for the complete recovery of an individual person from a particular problem or problems.
Another significant aspect of deliverance is that it cannot be performed on an individual person without the complete and total cooperation of that individual person. Jesus clearly shows this concept by the fact that He never went to an individual person to offer them deliverance. Jesus never attempted deliverance or healing on, or for any person, unless they first came to Him asking for help and obviously believing that He could help them.
There were many sick and demon-possessed people that Jesus passed by in the streets that He never delivered or healed as they never asked Him for help. Jesus knew that if they didn’t ask for help, than they did not believe in His ability to heal them and the healing would not happen, because of the lack of faith. It was only the ones who believed and expressed their faith that received from Jesus.
Jesus followed the path that God the Father led Him in and as a result brought healing and deliverance to those individuals who the Father led Him to, and that way He was sure that the timing was right and that they were the ones that were destined to receive healing or deliverance that day and that the persons will, was in favor of the healing and deliverance. And that there was no other factors or blockages, like previous life karma.
When demon-possessed people came to Him and begged Him for help Jesus would first speak to the spirits of darkness and command them to identify them selves and to give their names. He would then proceed to command the dark spirits to leave the individual person, restoring the person back to health in those particular areas where the dark entities were embedded.
The dark spirits would converse with Jesus, recognizing Him as a Son of God, recognize His authority and obey His voice and remove themselves from the individual person and the person became well again. The individual person had to agree with and consent to the deliverance that is taking place. Jesus, nor anyone else can remove dark spirits from someone without their full consent and cooperation.
We, as spirits of God on earth, are very powerful and we always get what we want. We just need to decide clearly on what we want. We can change our lives at any time. If we choose to return to God, we will get all of the support that we need to accomplish this. Heaven is waiting for us to be willing to cooperate.
Quite often when the dark spirits were commanded to come out of people, they would display themselves by causing the person great difficulty, pain and physically throwing them to the ground, making loud noises before they would actually come out. The person would then be at peace and in their right minds. This demonstrated the need to deliver people from dark spirits to get them healed of their infirmities.
The real truth, is that the difference between us acting like Jesus and acting the way we presently do, is the influence of these dark entities in our beings and lives, working through our egos. If we were walking through this world completely free from these evil spirits, we would be acting and operating the way Jesus did when He was here among us.
As human beings, because of what Jesus did for us at the cross, we can identify and cast out these evil spirits from us and be forever free from their influence in our lives. We have the right to cast them out ourselves, but if we do not have the faith or confidence, knowledge and ability, we can enlist help from someone who has this confidence, knowledge and ability.
Quite often our lack of knowledge and understanding of this subject makes us timid fearful and unwilling to explore it further. Once we understand these concepts, how they work and how to administer it we then develop the confidence that we need and all of our fears will vanish. Fear itself is caused by dark spirits of fear that have invaded our beings, and can be permanently removed from our lives. The bible says that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. If God did not give the spirit of fear to us then the powers of darkness surely has.
This whole subject of dark spirits, demonic influence and demon spirits can appear very complicated and scary but once it is understood it is very simple and basic in nature. As we are willing to deal with these dark entities in our lives, we will begin to drop these negative characteristics and become more balanced, confident and stable in our lives. This can happen over time with our individual cooperation.
The most effective earthly method of dealing with dark entities in our lives is to find out why they are there, how they gained entry and what changes we need to make to keep these dark entities out of our lives forever. If we pray for dark spirits and bless them, we will diminish their power, that is something they do not want you to know. We can then lovingly release them to the kingdom of light.
Remember that all dark or evil spirits were created in the image of God, just like we were. These dark spirits chose to oppose our creation, didn’t agree with God giving us free will, refused to serve us as angels on earth and chose to ignore and go against God’s universal laws. Just remember that God is a loving and forgiving God, and he would take them back into his kingdom in a flash if they decided to change their ways and come back home. He would restore them back to their original beauty and light. We can help this process by forgiving them and loving them.
Even Jesus, on the cross, prayed father forgive them, for they no not what they do. It was clearly dark and evil spirits, in men, that were crucifying Jesus, on the cross. Dark spirits wanted to stop his influence by taking him out of life on earth. But by killing an innocent man, they made Jesus the king of the earth and allowed him to block our returning previous life karma for two thousand years.
In addition as we learn to tap into our God spirit and holy Christ selves within us we will become more and more like God and Jesus, free of evil spirit influence and free to be who we really are.
We all need to raise our individual level of consciousness to the spiritual realm, be really free of all dark influences. God and the Kingdom of God will help us accomplish this over time. It will be worth every second of time that we put into it.
Store your treasures in heaven, where they cannot be damaged or destroyed. You will never ever regret it!
Chapter 25
People are worrying everywhere on the planet about our Eco System and what the negative effects will do to us and our children. Yet we have shown that we can unite and solve this world-wide problem together. We are now in the process of making this a reality and protecting the planet for the future benefit of all of us. This is fabulous and should be done.
However the real danger on our planet that is even more serious to our well being on earth is the “EGO” system that exists in the world today. The ego system is the most dangerous system in the world today because it’s danger is not so much in what it represents, even though that is a grave danger, it’s real danger is in it’s ability to hide and to be undetectable to what it represents.
The ego system in the world represents mans ability to exist and function outside of or separate from God. We move, exist and have our being in and with the energy of God, so being separate from him is only a figment of our imagination, however the ego is still effective in keeping with the illusion that we are separate from God, and separate from each other, if we choose to believe in it.
Separation from God brings all sorts of attachments to the things of this world. These attachments can keep us from entering the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven. Right now on earth, there are souls that have died, and they are wondering the planet, attached to someone or something and cannot leave earth until they are willing to release these attachments. God will not force us against our free wills.
Power, recognition, manipulation, control, greed and the love of money are all signs of the ego's presence and domination. Individual ownership is one of the ego illusions that is outside God or the river of life. Seeing that God has given us the whole world, why would we want to own only a piece of it. Owning a part of the earth solidifies our separation from God and each other and this is an ego illusion that is simply not true. We are in fact, not separate from God or each other. Ownership is what the bible calls, burying our talents in the ground, we rather need to expand and share our energy, not horde it.
The ego system goes on within the framework of the mass consciousness of human beings, everywhere on planet earth. It is the mass consciousness of people on the planet that originally created this ego system, just as they created their own egos. The ego system operates in people individually and within the mass consciousness of people as a whole. This ego system can be very deceiving and very hard for people to detect and identify.
People on earth have come to accept this ego system as being something that is put in place by God and God supported but could not be any further from the real truth. The ego system thinks that it can do anything, own anything and control everything on the planet and does not really care if God approves or not and for the most part is distant from what it thinks God wants. Or interprets what God wants as judgment, which keeps us all separate from God.
No person or government or corporation on earth is actually controlling or running things. It is only a concept that exists in peoples minds, but not in reality. Within the framework of the world, which is all made from Gods energy, God is always supreme and in perfect reality, and people are always and continually self-correcting.
The ego system, in fact, has been created by the mass consciousness of Human beings on planet earth. It has been created by the collective ego’s of human beings over many thousands of years of time. It all fell into a very low consciousness and has developed to a higher consciousness, but is still steeped in the original operation of our ego’s, which is separation from God.
The ego began in the Garden of Eden, after people chose to ignore God’s plea, to not eat from the knowledge of good and evil, which became the sin consciousness that still traps human beings today. There is no good and evil, there is only God and His Kingdom, that has no opposite. Gods spiritual fire consumes all that is unlike himself. How can anything outside of the will of God appose that. Dark entities can only fool human beings and even that is temporary.
However because of our lack of faith, insecurity and unbelief in the provision of God, we build systems to develop our own security without God. These are the ego systems that we as human beings have built and learn to trust in, rather than trusting in God. The bible says " take no thought for these things, for your Father in heaven knows you have need of them".
The ego can be operating individually or collectively in a mass consciousness of human beings. The ego desires to operate without God, apart from God, independent of God or not needing God. Or the ego desires to keep God as a cruel judge so that people will not want to be close to him. How can you love someone who is condemning and judging you, but on the other side, it’s rather easy to love someone who is loving you unconditionally.
The ego has taken on it’s own identity and knows these things and knows how to manipulate with these false perceptions. The ego wants to help us create our own security rather than relying on God’s security or God’s River of Life. The ego wants us to believe that God doesn’t care or maybe He doesn’t have time for us. This is not true, angels are all around us in a different dimension, very involved with the details of our lives on earth. We can see them if we learn to tune into their vibration.
When humans fell in the Garden of Eden, the consequence of actions or the curse was, that we would now, only be able to obtain, by the sweat of our brow, or in other words work. Before that time everything was easy. Jesus said in the bible " my yoke is easy and my burden is light". This was coming back to our original state with God, that we had forgotten.
The ego likes work because it makes us self-sufficient and we do not need God. After all, we have our job, our pay, our own sustenance, why would we need God, we rely on the creations of man. The ego also likes work because it keeps people busy with no time left in the day to think about spiritual things, which can become the egos death.
Jesus said, in the bible, think not about what you should eat or what you should wear, your Father knows you have need of these things and will provide them in His River of Life. It was never meant to be hard or of toil, especially not loveless toil, it was meant to be easy. Jesus also said, my burden is easy and my yoke is light. Does that sound like it would be something hard or difficult. Maybe we need to take another look at this man made system that we have all created.
Generally, the ego system is accepted by people as being fashioned by God and enforced by God. What an ego illusion that has been created. The ego system very clearly supports power, greed, manipulation and control, and this is viewed as the power and judgment of God, by those who create God in their own image. All government laws are seen as coming from God and being enforced by God. Money is seen as being distributed by God for whatever higher reasons that people normally don’t expect to understand.
The truth is that God has nothing to do with money, He doesn’t need it and neither do we, the need for money is only created in our minds, by people in low consciousness, that want to remain separated from each other and God. Usually money becomes an attachment to the earth and separates us from God. We create money ourselves, why would we need God. Needing money is a ploy of the ego and the ego system. Real wealth or the abundant life, is not about money.
This was demonstrated by the life of Jesus, and the Apostles, in the bible. They were in fact, all beggars and totally lived off of the land and free will gifts by other people. Jesus was showing people, that they could be happy, complete and content with little and that the world was made for all of us to enjoy. We do not need all of the things that we think we do.
Jesus never desired money, Jesus, never handled money, Jesus never talked about money much, except to address that it belonged to the Romans and that God had no part in it. He said " give to Cesar, what belongs to Cesar and give God, what belongs to God". He addressed money again when he paid Roman Taxes with their own money, or when he encouraged someone to give their money away and pursue heavenly treasures instead.
All money and wealth are acquired by people who understand the universal law of the spiritual power of attraction within them and sometimes they obtain quite often by devious means. This is taking heaven by force. Because you have the power to create money does not mean that you can put money in it’s right perspective. And does not mean that you have balance. Wealthy people can sometimes be an abuser of money and people, or they can balance it in the right perspective, it is all by choice.
The real important issue is not weather we have money or not, it is about being attached or addicted to it. You cannot serve both God and money, you will love one or the other, not both. Money also relates to any and all material things in this world of form.
Intellectually the masses believe that some people are better than others, that some people are superior to others and that it is ok for some to have control or power over others that are seen to be of less importance or value. All people are valued equally by God and should be valued the same by all of us as well.
All of these ego illusions are seen to be God ordained and supported. They don’t realize that God is far from this behavior, we choose to create it ourselves. The bible says that God is no respecter of persons or what he does for others, he will do for you. God sees us all as equal, with no divisions, but all as one.
Competition is another ploy of the ego and ego system. We were never meant to be better than anyone else, to raise ourselves up above others or to put others down and all of these things are present in competition and winning. In order for someone to win, someone has to lose, is the ego illusion. The truth is that we can all win as human beings and that we are already winners, in the image of God.
Winning does not matter, just enjoy doing things without the competition aspect and you will have real peace. Otherwise we are destined for stress and discomfort. The power struggles among people are ego based and is an open display of how people steal each others energy, forgetting how to receive energy directly from God freely.
Humanly the ego system is accepted as the vehicle to basic human rights and equality for all people. The power and the money should be able to find the answers for all human misery and suffering. Money and power is seen to be the vehicle to stop world hunger and human rights abuses.
The world power has had the means to stop human suffering and abuses for some time, but has chosen not to and people sit back and let it all happen. The power elite will not stop human abuses and suffering unless there is something in it for them, maybe more power, more control or more money. If these carrots are not there, they will leave the human abuses and suffering to continue indefinitely. These situations are seen by the power elite as population control for the planet. Let some, what is considered as unimportant people die, so that there will be more room and wealth for what is considered to be the important ones or the elite.
The ego system displays itself in Religions, churches, Christianity, organizations, Governments, Taxes, politics, policies and laws, military, civil servants, the banking system, scientific community, education systems, big business, sports organizations professional and amateur, wealth, Rock musicians, Actors, film industry, popularity, recognition or famous people.
Religion is one of the best disguises of the ego system. It manipulates, controls and defrauds people of their hard earned money. They do this by claiming to represent God and convincing people that they need them for their personal salvation or at least need the churches or religions view of personal salvation.
But people, just like sheep keep trusting in these lies and illusions, bleep out their complaints, once in a while, but just keep supporting these institutions who keep leading people down the garden path to destruction and make them pay for it as a bonus. These are what Jesus called wolves in sheep’s clothing. God, please save us from these rip off artists. God will help us, but not against our own wills. If we really are open to more truth, God will give it to us, but we will have to be willing to change, our thinking, feeling and our lives and be open to new things. Gods truth will not fit into our man made molds of world-views and our views of ourselves and others.
Jesus, in the bible compared people to sheep. Sheep will follow a shepherd anywhere, including danger that will cause it’s own destruction and death. You can see this principle in action when you view a long line of people, lined up in a bank, on a busy Friday afternoon, waiting for a chance to take out some of their own money. You can see them bleeping out their complaints, but they still do it, over and over again.
The ego system set up the cheque banking system to trap everyone into having to have a bank account to function in society and this created another multi-billion dollar business for the elite. The employers were used as the main tool in this scheme by paying employee's in cheques, which required the sheep to use the banks. We can’t cash your cheque unless you have an account in this bank, right.
However, what the banks really want even more, is your assets. They want you to borrow money by signing over your assets to the banks. The banks then fraudulently, without your knowledge or approval, borrow even more money, using your asset as collateral for their loan from the world-bank, which belittles your loan in comparison. This is totally without your knowledge, which makes it fraud. The need for houses, cars and more material things has helped to drive this ego vehicle into astronomical proportions. We are creating it daily by our obedient silence and willingness to be manipulated by the elite.
A very clear part of the giant EGO system is governments. They were originally created by people, for the people but have since lost that original purity that it started with. Like all other things in society, people tried to organize it and then control it and then abuse the people with the power that was created through that vehicle. Now it is all about wealth, money and power. Operating with the appearance of the best interest of the people, this government now is self fulfilling and abusive and only serves to increase it’s wealth, control and power.
Created illusion is one of government's favorite tools to maintain power, control and manipulation. It is like a magician, keep the focus on what isn’t actually happening to hide what is actually happening. Sheep are quite easy to fool as they are very trusting and really want to believe the best rather than the worst. They continually play the shell game and people can never guess which shell has the real nut in it.
Governments will want a certain law passed, they know that the people will not want it, so they put it out there, get the reaction, then put something out there that will get even a worse reaction. Through the smokescreen of the second proposal, they pass the first one, which is really the one they wanted in the first place.
It is like being stopped by the police in traffic. The cop says that he can give you three tickets totaling $150.00, but says he will be a nice guy and only give you one ticket for $ 50.00. Your so happy that you didn’t get the tickets for the higher amount, that you are happy and willing to pay the $50.00, without a challenge. This is psychology in action, the truth may be that if you challenged him in court, you might not have to pay any of the fines.
The EGO system finds more ways to rape the people and make it so called legal. Legal is only a term to say, we have the power, you gave it to us and we are not giving it back. It is illegal for you, the citizen, to do the same things that we do continually. We make the laws and we control the people and the people are stupid. People are not stupid, they just don’t think that they can do anything about it, caused by low self esteem and lack of confidence.
The civil servants tend to play even more politics than the politicians do. It is all games of illusion and trickery to get what they want at the expense of the people. The people always pay. The civil servants have an advantage over politicians, in that the civil servants are always in office, the politicians are only temporary.
Another large part of the EGO system is the Federal Government tax programs. Like most things they were started on the right foot and then became corrupt and now operate very similar to the mafia or mob. They threaten people, extort, abuse their power and have become a fear in the hearts of many people. In the beginning of federal tax, it was implemented for the worst reason of all, to fight a war. It was continued through fraud and continues to operate as if it was legal and acceptable. People could stop all of this, but they don’t. They say “ what can we do, it is government “ and the sheep go on serving the shepherd but the shepherd does not have the best interest of the sheep in mind, only the building of more wealth and power for itself and is absolutely self serving.
Many of the original government laws and regulations were created by Godly men, but administering the meaning of these laws also needs to be done by a Christed being, that has the mind of Christ, and operates with spiritual balance. The ego system has taken over and as a result we get perverted justice that is not based on equality of all. There is no justice for the poor. This causes anger in the people, which causes more lawlessness, which causes more severe punishment and there is no end to the madness. The negative wheel of conflict continues on both ends of the spectrum. This creates a negative vortex of energy that will continue until the people take a stand and turn it around and stop it.
If the government or system was operating on Godly principles, instead of legalism, fairness would prevail, but our government systems have lost the balance a long time ago, and has never got it back. If new government representatives are elected by the people, and have the ability to change the government and have high hopes and high ideals, the old government controllers get a hold of them, shake the ideals out of them and make them conform to their system or they will discredit them and have them thrown out very quickly. The government will not give up control and manipulation. The people gave it to them and they are not going to give it back, short of a revolution, which is not out of the question
The military ego system, is just another government arm, accept it is lethal. It is in place to protect, but usually is the catalyst to start wars, not to end them. The military owe their existence to wars and must, at all cost keep them going. World peace will eliminate the need for military and they will fight to survive. They cost money and lives and they do not have much for limitations when it comes to killing. Innocent lives are counted as part of the cost and they will not hesitate to kill civilians if it will help their advantage. They are really contract killers and most of them don’t realize it. Contract killers are paid to kill. The commandment, thou shall not kill, has never sunk into the minds of people who allow these military machines. If the money that is used to run these military machines were spent on peace efforts, where would we be today, probably in world peace.
The scientific community is another large ego system, responsible for mechanism, drug manufacturers and new adventures in technology. Science is a great thing if it were operated within the Christ mind and in spiritual balance. But unfortunately, like everything else, it becomes money driven and as a result becomes corrupt. The best interest of the people, no longer prevails, greed and self-interest takes over and the people become puppets to a self-destructive ego system that will inevitably take them down the road to destruction.
Our ego based education systems are doing a wonderful job teaching people, but then offer a bonus of pride, arrogance and manipulation to the mix and develop in people the ego based competition and lording it over other people, who are seen to be on a lower level, since they don’t have as much knowledge. Teachers become rigid, unfeeling and distant. They define themselves, others and life, by what you know. The truth is, knowledge without the wisdom to put it in right perspective is deadly and will lead to destruction. Humility and submission would be the order of the day, but few are those that find it. The best description is in the bible. It says that knowledge puffs up or can create a swollen head syndrome. This of cause obscures real truth, which is hidden from them. They are blinded by their own pride.
The ego system of big business is like the bully in the school yard. He pushes his way around by brute strength. Most of his outward appearance is a bluff if anyone will call it. But he usually stays in disguise and goes unrecognized as a deceiver. Big business is one of the largest abusers of people. They monopolize, they bully, they deceive, they steel and cheat to get what they want. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. They are ruthless killers of peace and freedom. Most people, without much money, have more integrity in one finger, than big business has in their whole organization. They control and manipulate and pitch themselves as good corporate citizens. More wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Wealth, popularity and recognition is a giant ego system created by the elite, for the elite. The people are the ones that pay the price, not only monetarily but in the ego based concepts and displays of their world views on families, sex, bodies, heroes, fads and multitudes of other divers ional goodies to tantalize the unsuspecting souls that are willing to pay for this privilege. The special relationships, the heroes, the standards, the bodies, all divert us from God, our source, and we wonder why we have so many problems in society. Money is seen to be a God, fame is seen to be a God, wealth is seen to be a God, and power is seen to be a God. All of the high ideals and standards just make people more dissatisfied with themselves and drives them down a deeper hole of self-hatred and destruction. The end of this is everything that is not the real God, further separates from God and leads to self-destruction. Wholesome and simple living has no more value and is ridiculed and apposed. People become dissatisfied and disillusioned. They cause their own destruction and then work to pay for the inevitable negative outcome at the end of their life.
Ego system of Rock musicians are primarily made up of people who have sold their souls that are valuable, for wealth, fame and power that are not worth anything in eternity. A lifetime is very short in the halls of eternity and at the end of the life, it all will be realized when it is too late. The people that will be damaged and destroyed by it during the lifetime will also experience self-destruction and most certain death. Rock appeals to the lower half of the body and is there to destroy true spirituality or any connection with the true God. This will of coarse lead to self-destruction in separation from God, our spiritual source of all good things. All negative things are caused by the absence of God in our lives
People who take part in Rock music become in tune with the lower vibrations of this music and self-destruction and negativity is the result. It is very easy to become aware of the difference between high and low vibratory music. The low vibratory music appeals to the body or flesh. It causes a quick emotional high and then leads to a depression or emotional low causing irritability and loneliness. The cost is great and it has no mercy for those who are trapped in the grips of this low energy. This low energy only leads to death.
The high vibrational energy music appeals to the mind, emotions and inner soul and generates higher feelings of well being and great joy. This kind of music takes you to a higher place and usually is inspirational. Listening to high energy vibrational music will bring peace and contentment and cause you to feel better about life and about yourself. In addition it has long-term lasting effects and can improve life.
Sports, games and competition is built on the ego that is willing to win at all cost. This system has the ability to see other people on a lower level than themselves. This type of entertainment promotes drinking, drugs and violence and helps to build op our lower natures. Competition causes stress and alcohol, violence or drugs are used to relieve it. It is of coarse associated with wealth and fame, the ego’s favorite playground. Competition was never necessary in the playing of sports or games, they could all be played for fun and enjoyment without caring who wins.
Competition brings big highs and big lows, depending on what happens in a game. This emotional roller coaster was not meant for human beings. Our well-being should be at a constant level to maintain peace and stability. Great joy on one end and depression on the other causes instability, strife and anxiety which causes us to feel bad..
People who become the elite, raise themselves up above other people and put other people on a lower level than themselves. They wouldn’t dare to say that publicly, but it is true. Money, power, manipulation and control becomes the order of the day. Once money is made, the fight begins to hold on to it. This becomes a never ending dark road of strife, fear, highs, lows and constantly doing things that are against our grain or better judgment. Down this road we become disillusioned and dissatisfied. We begin to isolate ourselves and become divided from others, accept those who are trapped in the same ego system as well. Like kind attracts like kind. God said in the Garden of Eden, "let kind reproduce after their own kind".
The ego system consistently produces more ego power and illusions. These ego illusions are the miss-qualifying of Gods pure energy, by human beings. Human beings will either change directions and begin to qualify more of Gods pure energy or they will choose to miss-qualify more and more of Gods pure energy until they self destruct in the process.
The choice is always ours!
Chapter 26
Wealth / Money / Finance
To understand money, it’s value, it’s purpose and it’s power, we first have to understand it’s source and who has the spiritual rights to it or who it belongs to or who created it or who it was created for and why it was created.
In addition, to truly understand money we need to view it from some different perspectives. We need to view it from a godly, spiritual, eternal, and natural or physical perspective, and the way God himself views money, or doesn’t view it at all.
Before there was money, we had a system of trade and barter. You’re a carpenter and I am a farmer. The carpenter builds a barn for the farmer and the farmer grows a field of crop for the carpenter. The results of the swap are plain to see and everybody is happy. This was a very simple method of helping each other out with things that some are not as good at as others or to share our God given gifts and abilities with others.
In the age that we live in, one person works and gives services to another person, the other person only gives him paper in return to compensate. If some people are fortunate to be born into money they do not have to give to others but can become takers and not givers. In these cases the money is not a blessing but a curse. It will create more karma in people’s lives, that they will have to balance at a later time.
Apart from this bartering and trading, everyone did their own particular work and created their own blessings to enjoy. Everyone shared what they had with others and everyone had enough. If someone had a bad crop that year, their neighbors would share some of their excess and all the needs were met. This method is the closest form of supply for all, to what it is like in heavenly realms.
Then money was introduced as a method of trade with one large difference. One person traded goods but the other person traded paper that was supposed to be an equivalent value as the goods were. As long as everyone accepted the value of that paper, it would work. Now, one person was trading something of value or giving to another while the other person was giving paper or money in return which had a projected value.
This was the method introduced by the power elite and banks to control the finances of the world. The banks could never control world finances on a trade and barter system of the past, as they would be eliminated from the process. When two people trade goods or services, no other party is involved not even the tax department. The governments or the banks and in particular the world bank had to have the world systems on a money basis in order to control or become involved at all and or benefit from all of it.
The bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. Take note, that it is the love of money and not the money itself that is the root of all evil. To state that the love of money it is the root or the source of “all” evil, is to say “ this is the big one “, this is where evil starts or this is where evil has it’s greatest success or power over people. Greed of the ego is a great destroyer of people and people’s lives, and this great battle is all about overcoming all of the temptations of life.
Money is classified as wealth, wealth is ownership or attachments, and attachments are early or worldly and work to keep us connected to the earth which acts to keep us separate from God. The choices are Godly or worldly, light or dark, free or attached, whole or fragmented, perfect or incomplete, peace or strife, found or lost. These choices are personal but will expand to the mass consciousness of human beings as a whole. The choices every soul on the planet, effects the mass consciousness of all human beings and the planet itself.
Every war has been about wealth, money, power, control, revenge and domination. It appears that human life is expendable for the sake of these things. There is no limit to the amount of killing, injury, human suffering that will be allowed for the sake of control, wealth, money and power. There is no place too low or unacceptable, as it appears that the end will always justify the means, with people who make God in their own image.
Sometimes the motivation for war can be disguised as protection and self- defense. Satan has a field day with what people will allow for the sake of power, control and wealth. Evil desires to wound God with what they can get people to do to one another for wrong motives and for the sake of wealth, greed and power. Even God was surprised to see the low state that some of His children would allow for the sake of power and greed and to raise themselves up above another child of God.
If we as people make a decision that we know will hurt someone else, but we will benefit financially or otherwise, then we experience being caught in the web of greed, wealth and power. No decisions should ever be made to harm others, even at the expense or sacrifice of our selves or our money. If we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others we demonstrate the true unadulterated love of God. Love will always choose to protect and to be kind and respectful to others in all situations and decisions in life.
The good news is that all can forgive and be forgiven, and we can start over fresh, at any point in time. If this was not true, we would never be able to self-correct in life. Forgiving ourselves is a very important part of the restoration process. We sometimes even need to forgive God, not for anything He actually did, but for things that we may have perceived that He did. It is our own perception that often deceives us. This caused by a low sense of identity that we might have developed.
The bible says that we are all made in God’s image and Satan has no greater pleasure than tempting the people of God or God’s image to hurt and destroy one another for the sake of wealth, power, revenge and greed which are totally unacceptable reasons and totally against the will of God. There is no acceptable reason to destroy another human being like ourselves, accept in the case of self-defense.
In the bible, the religious leaders, desired to trap Jesus into speaking against Cesar the ruler of the Roman Empire in order to have Jesus killed by the Romans. When Jesus was asked the question about paying tribute or taxes to Cesar, He answered in this way. “Give unto Cesar, what belongs to Cesar, and Give unto God what belongs to God.”
In making this statement Jesus was acknowledging that the money, of that day, belonged to Cesar and God chose no part in that. But love belonged to God and Cesar had the right to choose which one that he would be willing to serve, money or God, and as a person he cannot serve both. Bringing out Cesar’s ownership of the money, also signified Cesar’s rejection of God.
At another time, Jesus disciple, told Jesus that the people were watching to see if Jesus would pay taxes. Jesus said that it is not right that the Prince of the kingdom pay taxes. He was saying that it was not right that He, or anyone else, should pay taxes but He went on to say, so not to offend someone, cast your line in the water and bring up the first fish and He will have money in his mouth, give it for our taxes. Jesus did not want an issue about money to interfere with the love that He was sending out to the people.
The money was very clearly Roman in origin and obviously lost at see by a Roman ship. Jesus therefore paid taxes with their own money and therefore, even though it was viewed by men as paying taxes, He did not actually pay anything to the Roman Government, it was their own money given back to them, after being lost by them. The wisdom and knowledge of God is much greater than that of man. He paid taxes without paying taxes.
The bible says clearly that God allows men the power to rule, but God also does not necessarily endorse the actions of such. Cesar’s empire, for the most part, enforced laws of proper treatment towards one another and righteous judgment of evil doing, among men and his kingdom was supported and his power upheld for many years. However this did not last the test of time.
At the time this was not necessarily the best situation but it was the lesser of the evil's. Many things in this world are not necessarily right or wrong but maybe the best choice under the particular circumstances, to accomplish the purposes of God and the development and growth of people in this schoolhouse of earth. When the consciousness of people are low, they can only be taught slowly, they cannot be given, too much, too quick, or they may turn and go back the wrong way.
The down side of the Roman Empire was they used the wealth for the pleasures of sin, excess and abuse of power and authority. God was displeased with the mass murder of people to gain that power. Sometimes it is a trade off, it was the best that was available at the time. When there is something or someone better, the old will be ended and done away with.
It was the corruption of power, wealth, excess and sexual sin that finally and eventually brought down the Roman Empire to it’s knees. The same wealth that made Rome prosper and set up righteous laws to protect the innocent was the same wealth that took them into excess and abuse and orchestrated the fall of the empire and the raising up of the Roman Catholic church.
Our present Governments and big business are very corrupt, in many ways, but at the same time they serve a very useful purpose in the overall scheme of things. Greed and the love of money dominate and control in these institutions and the poor are for the most part ignored and allowed to continually suffer in the presence of the ability to solve the problem worldwide.
Big business on the other hand, provides employment and a standard of living for many people who need it and so serves as a positive economic blessing for many people who would be otherwise poor and needy. In this respect the greed that helped the business to succeed is now used to help the underprivileged in the community. The end does not justify the means, because there is always a better way, and there is always the way of choice.
Big business and government always did and will continue to prosper on the backs of the poor. The poor are the majority to buy products and services therefore will always be the mainstay for government and big business. The poor have always been raped through the years and will continue as long as people in power are willing to cooperate with dark forces and continue to lift themselves up and oppress the poor. Only the people of earth have the right to make changes on the earth, according to God’s universal laws. Some people need to wake up, to bring change for the better.
If big businesses were smart, they would create a safety net fund to assist the poor, especially service industries and utilities. If big business really took the time to assist the poor they would prosper even more than they are now. They oppress the poor and are short sighted when it comes to spiritual things, the only things they understand, are natural things. They miss the spiritual element to bring balance and harmony.
To oppress the poor is certainly not the will of God and never will be the will of God. God clearly states in the bible, that he desires us to prosper and all to have all of our needs met. God will assist the poor, through us, but we must lead the way, and he wants us to display the love and compassion and to help the poor when we have the opportunity to do so. It must come from the desire of people presently on the planet, then heaven will assist.
God wants us to solve our own problems through love, compassion and caring for one another. God has given the provision to accomplish this concept world wide as there is enough food, clothing and shelter available to supply the needs of every human being on planet earth. Why then do we still have hunger, starvation and deplorable conditions for some people world wide. When there is enough to go around why then is there so much suffering on the earth.
God has done His part to relieve world hunger and inhumane conditions of people. He has given planet earth enough provision to solve all of the world hunger and depraved conditions. Now God is waiting for us to rise to the challenge, to display the act of love and supply what is needed, for those who are underprivileged, living in unsatisfactory conditions. We do have enough, but are the people who have it going to share it with others who do not have it. Planet earth is capable of supporting twice the present number of people on this planet today. Why is there shortage? Because there is a shortage in people on the planet. If the people in power were whole, the whole planet would be whole. Unfortunately the people in power are fragmented and so is the earth.
The Greed of people, corporations and governments who hoard money, prevents the supplying of all of the needs of mankind. People, corporations and governments continually build up cash and assets that remains stagnant and does not do anyone any good until it is spent, circulated or they die and pass it on to others who will also hoard the money. All that they accomplish is to own more land and buildings which are only things that will one day pass away, just like the physical man himself. Only our treasures in heaven will remain when we die.
Love is eternal, what we give to others is eternal, and friends and people are eternal and live forever. These are the things that people of earth need to build on and thereby deposit in heavenly bank accounts for the future, which will definitely come. If your heavenly bank account is empty, when you need help, where will the help come from. You will be found wanting or without.
We are taught by our governments, and corporations to invest, store, and hoard money and personal assets in all types in investments, various funds, RRSP, bank accounts and property. We are taught to look after number one, we are taught to horde wealth for ourselves, this also helps the banking systems and governments as well as large corporations. Giving is not taxable, does not assist governments or large corporations, so they teach everyone to horde and berry their talents in the ground or stop the flow that would help others around us.
When we die and leave this world, we would be wise to have more to show to God than assets, property and fat bank accounts, when the financial suffering of mankind still continually comes up before Him. It is just a figment of our imagination, that we can own anything in this world. We have been made caretakers of planet earth. We are encouraged to receive from God’s spiritual river of life and give to the world and not take from the world. We came here to planet earth to be givers and not takers.
According to the bible Lucifer was a very large entity, who came from God and fell from grace because of his desire for power, wealth and control, springing from the great sin of pride. Lucifer chose to leave God and heaven, along with approximately 1/3 of the other followers that chose to leave with him. They were all individual entities that came from God and chose to leave heaven and were against the idea of creation and became committed to opposing creation. Evil is still attempting to prove that God made a mistake when he gave people free wills.
God intended that all individuals, through creation, living and growing through the human experience would become larger, stronger and more balanced through the avenue of creation and life experience. This was the purpose of creation itself. God believed in us and believed that we would be over comers and rise back to the level of God, rather than lower ourselves to the depths of dark forces. It would all have to be left to the free will of people on the planet. We will decide. Even to decide not to decide is a decision.
Lucifer however and the other followers did not want the other entities to grow as big as him and he knew that this would happen through the process of creation and life experience and thus he opposes it vigorously. He does not want us to fulfill our designated divine plans, while we are here on earth.
Lucifer or his earthly commander Satan only has the power that we as individuals choose to give him, by our cooperation with what he wants to do with us. If we reject him, he will flee from us or leave us alone. Pray for Lucifer, Satan and other dark spiritual forces and bless them and this will diminish their power. They do not want you to know this. They would sooner have you fight with them and increase their power. What you focus on you will create. The dark entities need the energy of God to function, as well as we do. They have cut off their direct supply and now have to steal our energy to function and operate their deceptions in this world.
In the bible Satan took Jesus up to the top of the mountain or the highest point, and showed Jesus “all” of the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. He said to Jesus “ all of these kingdoms of the world are mine and if you will bow down and worship me, I will give them all to you”.
Make no mistake, Satan has power and authority over all kingdoms of earth that have money, power and ability to manipulate and control. If you follow the life of Jesus on earth, you will see that he had very little to do with money, power or economic control as these are all tools of evil. Jesus never had money, never needed money and talked about it very little, only when addressing the Roman Empire or telling someone to give it away.
Money produces greed, power corrupts and control takes away freedom.
Jesus in answering Satan, did not deny that these kingdoms belonged to Satan, but only responded with quoting some old testament scripture “ it is written to worship the Lord God and Him only. Jesus was saying, that the best way is to worship God and not money, greed, power and control. Worshiping or respecting God is respecting people who are created in Gods image. Jesus said that if we do things unto the least of people, we actually are doing it unto Jesus.
The bible says that you cannot serve both God and money, or God and the world. Of coarse along with money comes power and control, you will love one and hate the other. God’s kingdom is not power and control over others, it is freedom, no one lords it over another, everyone lives in love and respect and everyone has enough of what they need and there is no competition.
In the bible, Satan is called the Prince of the Power of the Air and he works his evil within the earth’s atmosphere. The bible says that we wrestle, not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, powers, rulers and spiritual wickedness in high places of power. The borrower becomes the slave of the lender. Money will always own slaves, even in this day and age. In this time in history, slaves are called workers or laborers, but they are basically the same slaves with higher levels of pay to meet modern conditions.
Our country of Canada always had and still has enough resources to print our own money and to be completely debt free. But for the sake of power and control, our country was sold out to the world bank, by our forefathers for a pay off. Most people don’t realize that the world bank is made up of major wealthy families of the world, for the purpose of controlling the world economy, the resources and commodities. All countries have sold out to their control through the control of loans and debt and the printing of money.
Our country of Canada is now in financial ruin. With huge debt, we have a hard time paying the interest on the debt and no hope of paying off the actual debt itself. The world bank will make sure that we are always in debt and therefore always under control. This is how they have always controlled.
The USA situation has been much the same. Two powerful men in the history of the USA were determined to end the control and print their own money. The first was Abraham Lincoln and the second was John Kennedy. World finance will not give up their world control and domination and they have the support and backing of the ego system and dark forces. This is the domain of dark forces and they do have power in this domain as long as there is people to cooperate with them in what they want to do in the world, and their always seems to be somebody in embodiment willing.
Earthly Power, manipulation and control is to raise our self above other people, which is one form of abuse, as no one is above another, it is only a figment in peoples minds, it does not truly exist, it is an illusion of our ego‘s. Money and wealth makes power over others possible and manipulation and control is the result of power. This results in modern slavery.
Control takes away freedom and is the basis of witchcraft and on the same level as slavery. All the countries of the world are in slavery and most don’t realize it and this is what makes it so dangerous. To be infiltrated and invaded and not be aware of it, is a very dangerous thing. How do you stop an enemy that you are unaware of, from doing you harm. Knowledge is power and if people knew better, they would do better.
We need to win the war against hatred, rejection and judgment by using the weapons of love, acceptance and forgiveness. We need to win the war against power by respecting one to another in Gods love. We need to win the war against greed by becoming compassionate givers. We need to win the war against control by respecting one another’s space and freedom. We need to win the war against judgment by exercising grace and mercy. We need to win the war against rejection with acceptance and forgiveness.
This is where the real battle is. Wrong motives, attitudes and expressions will attempt to force itself upon us and we must reject the concept of evil and accept God in our lives to become successful and real true winners in this life time. True winners in this life don’t often have a lot of money, but they have a lot of love, grace, mercy, forgiveness. These are our treasures, laid up in heaven.
Jesus said “If you want to become the greatest among people, than become the servant of all” and you will have attained true success in this world. Loving, sharing, and giving, is of most importance while we are here on this planet called earth. It is a benevolent and a wonderful thing to desire wealth and finance for the purpose of giving to others and not to horde for ourselves. It is fear that makes us horde money, fear of not having enough, and this drives us to be selfish and horde money. When we come to understand God's river of life and how to live right in it, we will lose our fear of lack and drive to horde money and wealth.
Merv Griffin, the famous talk show host and multi billionaire, who had both fame and wealth, had a television interview in which he was asked “ what do you think true success is”. His answer might surprise most people as he answered, “ to be happy is true success”. I wish he would have gone a step further and said, to make other people happy is even greater success in this life. Whatever we need in our lives we should give to others and it will return to us multiplied, by heavenly forces.
Money can be a tremendous blessing if it is made in a proper manner, if it is viewed in the right light and if it is used and spent in the right way. We should control money and money should never control us. Balance always needs to be found where money is involved. To be able to deal with money properly, we need to raise our level of consciousness and not fear lack.
Money should never be loved, but people should always be loved. We should use money to bless others and we will be blessed ourselves.
The following poem will give a little understanding of the poor and the rich and how they view one another.
You don’t see me, you won’t see me, you can’t see me, I’m invisible! But I’m standing right here, wearing the same clothes you gave away last year. Got ‘em from the used clothing store, you hear.
I have a family tree; just a little different than you, don’t come from the money tree, it is really not a funny tree; in fact it’s kind of bitter, oh dear.
It’s the crab apple tree, in the back alley. The tree is laden plenty, the fruit should be free but wait, don’t touch, there is one small fee.
Hope I don’t set the alarm off or the dog will rip my arm off reaching for the apple where no one eats for free.
Juvenile Detention, a Hotel for the poor, here I’m not invisible to my brothers and my sisters. They all know me here, we are invisible to the tax-paying citizens that don’t see me, that won’t see me, that can’t see me, or the truth will be known that I’m not really a criminal, only the very desperate and hungry. If my needs would have been met, I wouldn’t be here.
Next, I Jacked John’s car, I stole it from the bar-where he sipped his drink. Now It’s grand theft auto, they say I’ll get the max, the real criminal here was going to drink and drive, thank God I took the car, someone is still alive.
I was going to see my sister in my new borrowed car. She was down on the strip, trying to get some money from her next rich trick. She’s not really sexy, just a little hungry, and her kids need. She is playing for some silver that fell from the money tree. She will do the time – where she is invisible from John’s wife and kids, after all he’s a respectable fine up-standing citizen.
She’s back on her back making money for the money tree to build the institutions. The Justice system lives off the avails of prostitution and crime. Look! He’s Hip to the Tips, She’s back in the system. The tricks paid the fees from her solicitor but we all know soliciting is not allowed.
Chapter 27
Salvation/Conversion/Born again Spiritual renewal/ Spiritual awakening/Seeing the light/Spiritual experience/Enlightenment/spiritual transformation/finding the path or narrow way/returning to God our source
All of these terms basically mean the same thing but are used by various groups organizations and religions
What is this all about
Do religions / religious organizations have it right or wrong?
Who really goes to heaven and who really goes to hell?
Do religions or religious people have the capability to determine an individual persons ultimate destination spiritual experience with God
Does any person on earth have the capability of assessing another persons spiritual experience or path with God
Do religions or any people on earth have the capability of determining an individual persons spiritual eternal destination?
Can people determine their own eternal destination?
Is there a destination that is permanent, eternal or final
To begin to answer these questions and to begin to bring out the truth in it’s proper light and balance we need to start with the basics.
Salvation/Conversion/Born again/ Spiritual renewal/ Spiritual awakening/Seeing the light/Spiritual experience/Enlightenment spiritual transformation, are all just terms used by various different religions and religious groups in attempting to describe the process of divine intervention in an individual persons life stream.
When an individual person turns to acknowledge God or focus on God, the result is that they have a supernatural or spiritual experience or divine transformation of their individual soul or person. Making a spiritual connection with God is an inner experience not an outer experience. This supernatural process can be very confusing for many people because it takes place in the spiritual realm and is not detectable in the physical realm by our physical senses.
The new attributes or characteristics and lifestyle of the new transformed being or life becomes visible for all to see in a complete change in the persons sense of identity, belief system, character inside and lifestyle on the outside. This process always was and always will be personal. A religion or organization cannot ever be the channel for people to reach God. They can only give people information and maybe some inspiration to find God on their own.
We cannot see (with our physical eyes) the spiritual process that takes place when someone is transformed by God supernaturally, but we can see, in the physical, the results of this supernatural transformation in changes in the individual person in their inner personality, character and as a result, outer actions and lifestyle. Connecting with God connects us with real love and causes real life changes.
The trials of life can sometimes bring an individual person to the point of desperation and need, that they know cannot be solved by worldly means and so they turn to God or the supernatural realm for help at the point of sincere humility, where the control of our ego is temporarily suspended. We all have tremendous spiritual power within us that we are not aware of, but can come forward at a low point in our life as humans in this world. This divine spirit within us can then bring forth powerful changes in our lives. There is never any shortage of power to transform, only shortage of our humility, surrender and cooperation.
This process of divine transformation usually starts with the sincerity, humility and desire of the individual person. The individual soul or person must intend or desire to be assisted by God or the supernatural world. The individual focuses on God from a position of humility , asks for help and God’s kingdom responds with His supernatural power and the individual person or soul is changed and transformed for the rest of their lives and forever.
The individual person or soul now finds themselves thinking differently, acting differently and displaying new and different characteristics and emotions. They have been given a new light or enlightenment, and as a result, a new or a changed heart. The new individual or souls will begin to act differently and talk differently, and think differently, obviously in a more positive, enlightened and acceptable manner.
This divine transformation is quite a simple process, that is described by different religious organizations, in different ways but they all basically mean the same thing. It is not the religious organizations or religious groups that cause this transformation to take place but is something that happens between an individual soul or person and God. Religious organizations often like to take credit for these transformations but it is really simply an event that takes place between God and an individual soul.
The Bible describes this transformation of a person or soul in a very simple or understandable fashion. Simply a soul becomes aware of God and becomes aware of itself as a spiritual being and reconnects with God it’s original source by becoming aware of the need to return to the creator that made it. We all came from God, we are God beings and will eventually return to the fullness of God and his kingdom if we desire to.
This process of enlightening is simple but can become complicated with misconceptions and exaggerations that religious groups most often specialize in. When Jesus talked to the crowd about religions, he said do what they say but do not do what they do. The religions were saying some of the right things, they were just not practicing their own council.
In the Bible in John chapter one, verse nine indicates that the True Light ( Christ consciousness) lights every man that comes into the world. This very clearly shows that an individual soul that is born into this world comes in already enlightened. Babies come into the world knowing God, having enlightenment, but sometimes are later taught out of it and taught how to function in ego illusions or separation from God.
This concept is also described in scripture when it talks about and describes the Lamb’s (Jesus Conscious) Book of Life. When we are born into this world, our names are already written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. From this point we can stay in the Lamb’s Book of Life and enter into heavenly rest, with God when we die, or we can, by our own choice, have our names removed from the book of life and choose to go, to be without God when we die.
Being without God doesn’t necessarily mean going to hell, it could mean wondering around the earth incomplete because of our ego attachments to the things of this world, that we cannot let go of, to go on to the next world. Separation from God after death could also be stuck in the psychic plain of existence, until they learn how to overcome their own ego attachments to erroneous belief systems and human sense of identity.
In the Bible in Hebrews chapter ten it says that in the New testament God has written his laws upon our hearts. This simply means that our hearts are enlightened and God’s will or intentions are enclosed within it and if we follow our inner hearts and our inner spirits, we will be automatically pleasing to God because it is the spirit of God that is within us.
In the Bible in second Timothy two nineteen it says that God knows those that are his. God can’t be fooled by religion or religious pretence, god deals only with individual people and does not see the divisions between people created by religious groups, churches or people. In God’s eyes, his people are all one, including the dark forces that rejected God long before we ever did. God desires to have us all back and restored to his kingdom. If we love and pray for dark spirits, we diminish their power.
In the Bible in John, chapter twelve, it makes clear that those who believe or have faith should not remain in darkness but have the Light of Life. God wants us all to have the light of life. If we allow ourselves to fall into lower density or vibrations, we will descend into more darkness.
The term used by many religious organizations and churches “Born Again” of which is only used a few times in the Bible has been overused and abused. It means the same as conversion, but is more directed at the religious community. Religious people need to unlearn before they can learn properly.
When born again is used in the Bible it relates to the process of spiritual enlightenment or supernatural transformation taking place in the life of a religious person (Nicodemus) who was born into and trained by the religious establishment of that day, two thousand years ago. This religious man, fully established in the doctrines of men, now needs to completely set aside all the religious dogma that they have learned and have been fully trained in, start anew like a baby and now begin to learn the actual truth of God through the holy spirit of God, and not by men.
Truth can also be learned through spiritual people who have established themselves on the truth of God rather than the bondage of religion. These free spirits are everywhere, but not usually in organized in groups. The bible tells us that we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free. That means we can personally know the truth.
In the bible and Jesus says “ seek first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added to you. “
What is class. I am sure we could all come up with many different and diversified meanings of what class means to us individually, and of what it represents or what it accomplishes or it’s purpose or objective in life.
We need to address the upsides to class, or the positive attributes, verses the downsides or negative aspects of class.
Do we even need class in our lives or in life. Does class or will class have any positive effects in our lives or will it produce negative effects in our lives.
Some positive aspects of class would be self-control, balance and maturity. Self-control will bring us balance and balance will bring us to maturity. This will create peace and well-being in our lives and will better enable us to help others in life.
A negative aspect would be the tendency to put other people beneath us and on a lower level or to treat others less fortunate or less developed people in a degrading and an unacceptable manner. Class can strengthen ego and arrogance to our lives and induce us to become heady and self focused, if we allow it to.
Not one of us in life are unloved or unaccepted by God and any other attitude other that full love and acceptance of one another is only a figment of our imagination, does not exist, and will eventually become fully known to all of us. However we are not all in the same stage of development, but we will all succeed in developing to where we need to be, if we have the will to do so.
If real love, acceptance and forgiveness is accompanied with the class, than a balance of understanding will help us to treat less fortunate people, in a very acceptable, respectful, up lifting, loving and gentle manner.
We all choose our own circumstances in life and situations could easily have been the other way around and we need to consider how we would like to be treated, if we ourselves were part of the less fortunate part of society. Do to others, what we would want them to do for us.
I am sure some of us would associate class with riches or wealth, thinking that if someone has wealth that it would induce self-control, balance and maturity. This concept however has very little support in actual life when we see wealthy people who are very unbecoming and consistently put other people down and are overtaken with pride, ego, arrogance, manipulation, control or power.
What then, maybe power or authority is a sign of class. Maybe class is something that is only attained if a person has power and authority. Maybe it is exclusive to wealthy leaders or government leaders or self-proclaimed leaders in society. But then why are these, the places that we find the most corruption, mistreatment and abuse of people who are on a lower level of development. True class is not associated with the mistreatment of others and or most definitely not associated with corruption or abuse.
Some people would consider class being associated with recognition or fame. Maybe movie stars, sports figures, or government leaders or recognized people in society are what class is, or maybe it comes with the territory. However we read and hear about recognized people having their share of life's problems and sometimes caught doing things, and being involved with things that we would not associate with true class.
Maybe class comes with education or training or maybe these things would provide a base for class, or stimulate the growth of class. We are however aware of many highly trained individuals that would not necessarily demonstrate true class and be very abusive towards others who are less fortunate.
Class is best described in three M’s
( Maturity ) ( Moderation ) ( Manners)
Maturity usually comes over time with experience, sometimes over many years. Maturity is attained usually after experiencing immaturity or the effects of immaturity and many difficulties in life, that result from impulsive or quick decisions or entering into things too fast, making wrong or destructive decisions or abusing life, people or things. We call it maturing when we learn to deal with people, things and situations or circumstances in a different manner that produces more positive results, is non confrontational, brings peace, cooperation, unity and harmony to all of our lives.
Maturity is associated with growth or the natural process of improving our capabilities and skills to communicate, mind stabilization, problem solving, and reason for our minds to perform various functions in life. All of these take experience, time, energy and effort to strengthen, expand and to balance.
Children do not naturally have this quality but need to be taught these things by mature adults. Maturity would respect other people’s opinions, their space and their freedom. Maturity would deal with life and people in an acceptable, positive and productive manner. Maturity is very pleasing to another human being. Dealing with mature people will be much more pleasing and rewarding than to deal with immature people who are generally more selfish and self- centered and self-motivated.
Mature people usually think more about the comfort and welfare of others before their own. Mature people will esteem others higher than themselves and not be threatened by others or their gifts, abilities or strengths. Mature people for the most part have learned to love, give to and respect others, and to listen to others and respect the wishes of others. Mature people think mature things, make mature decisions and do mature things in life. Mature people make excellent role models and leaders in society. Mature people help to bring the balance of life to the world for the benefit of all.
Moderation is a quality of balance that most people try to avoid. People generally like to think everything or nothing, say everything or nothing or be everything or nothing, or do everything or nothing, anything but balance or to do things in moderation.
We are quite often extremists in life until we learn moderation or balance. This moderation, when learned, will permeate into all areas of our lives. We will be more moderate in living, in dress and in work and in play and in time learn to be a well- rounded moderate person that will be more pleasing to ourselves and others. Moderation will help us to bring a balance to all that we do in life. Moderation can be learned in life through trial and error, making mistakes and learning from them. Moderation will help to make us into balanced people in life and establish a secure future with much less problems and difficulties to deal with and solve in life and existence here on planet earth.
Good manners are a very important and sometimes or quite often overlooked as an important part of life that directly affects everyone we are in contact with in a positive manner. Good manners are an outward display of an inward Godly influence coming from our inner God spirits.
Bad manners also affect everyone around us, in a negative way and in addition produces negative results. Bad manners are an insult to people that we are acquainted with or have to deal with in our lives. Bad manners carry and display a disrespect towards other people in our lives. Bad manners are born from selfishness.
However we, who have developed good manners in life need to walk in mercy, understanding and grace towards others who have not yet matured to that level of good manners. Good manners are an outward sign to others of our mature or seasoned level of achievement. Good manners help to show an outward expression of an inward accomplishment in life. Good manners are appreciated by everyone that we have contact with in life and promote peace, understanding, cooperation and unity of all people. Good manners carry a sense of respect, appreciation, love and care for others.
Bad manners are an outward sign to others that we have not yet achieved a higher level of spiritual consciousness and resultant behavior. We need to present ourselves to others in the same way we would want others to present themselves to us, when we make contact with them.
Maturity, moderation and manners are learned behaviors and we will be increasing in these attributes daily and life itself will ensure that we do not stagnate. We will either continually grow in these attributes or we will decrease, it is impossible to stay at the place where we are at presently, in life.
The bible says if the tree, relating to a person, does not produce fruit, why take up the soil, cut it down. As long as you are still here on planet earth, we know that you are still growing to produce more fruit. When this process stops, you will be gone from here and this life as you know it will be over forever, and you will be on to your new home in heaven looking for a new opportunity to come into embodiment again.
Hope is our ability to see the future in a positive light and to draw confidence from the positive light and bring the light into the present. Hope is an essential part of life and existence in this world that we live in for anyone to survive the trials, tribulations and perils of life that build our character and make us into better people.
Hope is an essential part of life and is as important to our existence as air, water and food. Hope is however more closely related to air, in that we will not live long without it. Water we can live without for a few days, and without food for 60 days, but without hope we have trouble even living another day.
People that have lost hope in life are candidates for self-destruction, suicide etc. Sometimes people tend to take out their self-destructive tendencies on other people rather than themselves or sometimes both. Lack of hope is despair and depression, which is simply, lack of God awareness.
We can realize this in situations where people that have lost hope in the future, begin to act violently towards others, in some cases take hostages and kill other people. At this point all hope for the future is lost and there is no reason left for them or others to survive in their minds. To disarm a situation like that would be to bring possible hope for the future to them. Hostage negotiators are trained in this area to affectively defuse these situations.
The bible says that hope differed makes hearts sick. We cannot function properly without hope. We have to be able to believe that things will improve or get better in the future to survive. This can only come from God consciousness and this will come from connecting with God in the supernatural God space within us.
If we believe that things or situations will not ever improve than there is no further reason to survive. The truth is that things or situations or circumstances will always improve and will always get better, that is progress and self-transcendence or transcending the density that we are in.
Hope will enable us to believe in the future and to prepare for better conditions and improved circumstances in the future. Hope for the future will bring us peace and assurance in the present to handle situations and circumstances as they arise. The present can be greatly affected by the future, if we are able to projectivly see the future in a positive light and enable to therefore see the present in a positive light as well.
Hope is a Spirit from God that we can receive into our lives but the foundation of humility and surrender must be laid first to enable us to receive hope. When adversity calls, and it most definitely will, we have a choice to respond in a humble fashion or in a proud-full, egotistical fashion.
If we respond in a gentle and humble fashion, we will pave the way for hope to find us but if we respond in a proud, haughty or arrogant fashion, hope will not be able to find us in the time of need. Genetics and education play a very significant role in the way we may respond to adversity. We do however have the power of choice and we have to live with the outcome of these choices.
To hope is a choice, God please let us all embrace it, we need it in our lives!
Chapter 30
The bible tells us that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. Next to knowing faith is the only and most powerful spirit or tool that God has given us to bring the future into the present. Do not take lightly or underestimate the power that you, as an individual have to create a present thing or situation by faith, imagining something in the future and bringing it into the present. This is God's spirit power of creation that we can all share in. This is how we all become strong co-creators with God. As God creates, so do we create our lives, our circumstances and our world around us. We can venture out as far as our present faith will take us or will allow us.
If you can conceive it, if you can believe it, you can receive it, and bring it into present existence. The future can only be reached, explored and designed by faith. The power of faith will retrieve hope from the future and move it into the present realm of existence. Hope transformed into faith brings the future into our present realm.
Faith, is believing in something before it happens to help make it happen. If you cannot believe it, you cannot retrieve it and you cannot receive it into the present realm of existence. If you cannot see the future in your imagination, you cannot believe in the future you cannot receive it into the present realm. You need to imagine it, see it, believe it and receive it in the present.
We have a great and powerful supernatural ability of conception, creation, planning, dreams, and visions, for the future that can and will be formed and manifested into the present time, by the spiritual voluntary demonstration and exercise of our faith.
The great Walt Disney was an Apostle of hope and faith to children. At the beginning of all of his shows was the song, when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, when you wish upon a star your dreams come true.
A star relates to the kingdom of light or an angel, supernatural being or relating to the supernatural or God and wishing or praying to God to make our dreams a reality in the present is a spiritual exercise of faith. Disney inspired us to dare to hope, dare to dream and dare to believe that you have them and that you deserve them.
Making no difference who you are, relates to their being no partiality with God and that everyone will be accepted without discrimination. The bible tells us that there is no partiality with God and that he treats us all the same, with love, acceptance, respect and fairness. What God has done for others, He will do for you.
Dreams coming true, is the completion of faith. Dreams are hope in the future and materialize in the present, and is the result of the spiritual power of faith working in our lives. Some people have developed this ability better than others. This can be used positively or negatively, it is always our choice.
Faith may also be, believing in God or believing in someone or having faith in them. Faith brings hope out of the future and into the present. We need to have faith in God, faith in others and faith in ourselves to be balanced.
Faith is a Spirit or a Spirit power that we can receive from God to accomplish things in the present while we are here on earth. Real faith changes things or makes real changes. Real faith creates something from nothing, makes something that did not exist in the present to become real and tangible in the present by retrieving it from the future.
Faith can and will change people, change circumstances and thus change the future and change the world we live in. Faith, when exercised in a positive direction will produce positive results in the world.
Faith can make hope a reality if it is exercised. Faith is the most powerful tool for making changes on planet earth. Hope, as long as it is in the future will be unable to do us much good in the present. When hope is brought into the present by the use of faith it now becomes tangible and useful to us in the present.
Faith can be exercised in a positive direction or a negative direction. If we exercise faith in a positive direction, we will obtain positive results. For example if we can believe in our ability to achieve something good in the future than we can make it happen in the present.
If we exercise faith in a negative direction, we will obtain negative results. For example, if we entertain doing something evil to someone else in the future, eventually it will become a reality in the present. Repeated intent or threats for negative actions in the future, eventually become realities in the present. Faith, is meant to be exercised in a positive direction to obtain positive results and create a positive world in the present, for the benefit of all.
If we accuse, judge and condemn others, these are negative actions and will bring negative results, to ourselves and others. We are all responsible for our own actions and with these negative actions we will create negative karma for ourselves to balance out later on.
Faith comes by hearing or instruction on what faith can accomplish or has done in the past and will help to escalate what can and will be done in the present. If other people accomplish something, than it is easier for us to imagine ourselves doing it as we can see it is possible. The bible says that all things are possible to those who believe. Nothing is out of the question, only maybe out of our present scope, faith range, and strength to believe.
New territory is more difficult to imagine or believe in and usually takes special types of visionaries to accomplish it first, and then others will follow. Great people of faith inspire us to follow in their footsteps and accomplish more for the over all benefit of mankind. Inspiration comes from the supernatural and from viewing the accomplishments of others and desiring to do the same or even more in life. All things are possible to those who believe.
Faith needs to be guided by wisdom, knowledge, revelation and understanding. Without wisdom Faith would be foolishness and recklessness and sometimes do more damage than good. Faith guided by wisdom is a powerful tool in our hands and can accomplish great and wonderful things.
Faith is like our human bodies that grow and become stronger as they are exercised and continually used. As we develop faith, it will become stronger and stronger and easier to exercise in our lives. We will always see the results of faith. Real faith always produces real results. If you say that you have faith but there isn't any results, you are only fooling yourself. You will identify the faith by the results.
If you have results, but say that you do not have faith, you are mistaken because true results are a by-product of true faith. In this case faith is not identified or recognized but in fact does truly exist and is truly exercised and clearly seen in life. Nothing is accomplished in this world without faith. You must believe in something that is unseen or does not exist before it will become seen or tangible and come into being.
Your future is effectively in your own hands. You can create a future that you can conceive in your mind by exercising your faith in that direction and becoming able to visualize that future and then work towards accomplishing and or creating that future, that does not presently exist. Faith is much easier to exercise over time than it is to exercise immediately.
In physics they teach us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Faith is an action and results are a reaction to that initial action. Faith will always produce and results will always come into being. You can individually choose to take part in faith and creation personally. Go and create everything that you can conceive and be a good student and an imitator of the great creator who is God, who made all things that exist in the natural world from things that do not exist in the supernatural world, by faith, the same way he is teaching us to do it. Nothing will be impossible to us if we will believe in faith and exercise it in the future to retrieve it into the present realm of existence.
There is something that is beyond faith and much better than faith, and that is knowing. When you know something, than it is absolute, and you do not have to have faith in it any longer, but you know that you know and that is the end of the story. You can get to the knowing in this world but it normally takes a long time and lots of patience. Faith will take you through until you can get to the knowing.
The process to knowing is moving towards God, letting God help us to raise our current level of consciousness, until we are in the knowing, and then we will be home in a supernatural identity, rather than a natural sense of identity.
We will then become more of a significant player in the raising of all people and the raising of our planet into the spiritual realm of God. Nothing will be impossible to us.
Chapter 31
Love is a Spirit and power from God that has many qualities and abilities to pass on to receptive and humble people that are willing to receive and are willing to desire to give to others unconditionally. Love is action and involves many different things.
There is really only two kinds of love. There is human love, that is conditional, and there is God's love that is unconditional. We, as humans, will decide which kind of love we will embrace. We start with God's unconditional love when we come into embodiment as babies, and then we are taught conditional love by adults. But it is still our individual choice.
Human or conditional love is dependant on our performance, and weather we meet the expectations of those around us. If we do not meet the expectations of others, that human love can now turn into hatred and rejection. Religion teaches that this is all justified and it is right for us to be involved in, and that it is ok to judge if someone does not meet our standards or expectations. Religion, for the most part, is all based on this kind of human love and it is all presented as being God's love, but in truth, they do not understand God's love. They need to be open to God, to receive more.
God's true unconditional love, has not expectations or demands, but does rejoice in spiritual gains. This love does not judge, but only sets free. This love respects the decisions of other people, weather we agree with them or if we don't. This love accepts all people even if they don't line up with our view of what they are saying or doing. Even if we don’t agree with others, we all have the choice to accept them a part from what we perceive that they should or should not be doing in life. This is understood by very few people in life or on the planet. Narrow is the road that leads to life and few are those who find it.
Unconditional love also brings with it, unconditional acceptance and unconditional forgiveness. They all work together to produce no expectations and no judgment. This is the only possible road to unity and oneness, that we are all headed in to accomplish. This is the real will of God for all of us. This is all based on the freedom and free will choices of all people on the planet. This is all based on the universal law of God. All beings in the Kingdom of God respect the free will of all people on the planet and will never go against it. Expectations and judgment would be contravening this universal law.
The love of God for us is unconditional love, and this means that God's love for us has no conditions on it. We cannot escape God's love, neither can we stop or prevent God's love. God has the same love towards us as He has for himself. We are a spirit light in His own image and therefore we are a part of God.
However we can allow our ego's and dark forces to temporarily block God's unconditional love, so that it would appear to us, not to be there. This is simply an illusion created by our ego and dark forces. This is all a trap to keep us in bondage and to keep us from true freedom.
Unconditional love is patient and kind; this love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails and never ends.
A test of unconditional love is patience that will wait and endure many things to see the desired results and to give opportunity to change. Anyone that truly loves will have the fruit of patience to guide others to the love storehouse that has plenty for everyone.
God's love views everyone in the light of what they can be, rather than in the light of what they presently are now. Love is visionary, looks into the future and sees everything and everyone better. This is called viewing in the immaculate concept. It is calling that which is not, as though it were. Love and faith work together to bring change.
Another sign of real or unconditional love is kindness towards others. Kindness is an expression of love that forgives and gives everyone the full benefit of any doubt and wishes and desires the best for others. Kindness is gentle and respects people and searches for ways to help. Kindness respects the feelings of others and sacrifices itself for the welfare and comfort of others. Kindness shines in the face of cruelty and thrives on the importance of the safe guarding of others.
Real unconditional love has no jealousy in it but rejoices in the advancement or success of others in all areas of life. Love will feel happy for the progress of others and will assist in the advancement of others to it’s own hurt or sometimes even destruction. Love will rejoice with others who may have abundance and go on to receive more. Love will be happy for the gain of others, even though it might have less itself. There is no competition to love, but love does rejoice in a level playing field.
There is no bragging or boasting in love as love does not want to raise itself above others but rather will rejoice with others who are viewed as equal with them and will be willing to serve them. Love does not need to blow it’s own horn because others will have praise for a loving person. Love is not focused on it self at all, but rather focused on the needs of others. Giving is love in action.
Love is not arrogant, as love is not focused on itself but on others. Love exercises force, but not for itself but for the welfare of others. Love has humility and is wise enough to understand that it is not better than anyone else, but that God, ourselves, time and chance lay out the playing field for us all, and we should be thankful and possess nothing that would raise us up above another. Love is very gracious in dealings with others.
There is no rudeness in love for love considers everyone before itself and esteems others better than itself. Love treats people the same way that it would like to be treated by others. Love is very considerate of the feelings of others and would refuse to hurt anyone for any reason. Love is courteous and uplifting toward others.
Love does not, or even consider it’s own way in things and on any matters that may even be of importance, but cannot take precedence over the consideration of others. Love would rather focus on the desires and wishes of others in all things. Love would rather suffer than dominate or control.
Love does not become irritable as it has the patience and grace necessary to deal with others even at the expense of itself. Irritability would be a form of judgment which love would have no part in. Love believes in the well being and freedom of others and may be amused but never irritable. Love is comfortable in it’s own skin and has no desire to attack others. Love is the same towards itself as it is with others.
There is no resentment in love. Resentment is only a lingering hatred in disguise, of which love has no part. Resentment is holding something against another but love forgives freely and would not comprehend holding anything against someone. Love exercises mercy and grace and finds a way out for others, not a way to condemn them. Love wants others to be free.
Love rejoices in what’s right and not in what’s wrong. Love sees the best in others and ignores the worst. Love exercises and strengthens the good character in others which helps to dissipate and eventually eliminate the weak or the unwanted parts. Love builds on the good and in so doing, tears out the foundation of the contrary.
Love bears all things because it is able. It bears the burdens of others bears the shortcomings of others. Love bears ridicule and abuse. Love bears mistreatment and abuse at the hands of evil and offers no complaint, revenge or retribution. Love bears all.
Love believes all things in wanting the best for everyone by giving everyone the benefit of doubt. Love is always more than fair and assumes that no one would be untruthful or purposely evil. Love would rather believe and be wrong rather than doubt and be right. Love always believes in others even at the cost of itself.
Love hopes all things. Love has a great inexhaustible supply of positive energy towards the eventual well being of all. The hope for the future is what love is about and where love is going the results that love will produce in the future will be evident. Hope is the futuristic part of love that never gives up but endures.
Love endures all things, including the test of time. Love endures wrong doing and what appears to be inexcusable suffering as well as unnecessary waste and thoughtless excess and shameful actions of selfishness. Love endures this for the benefit of all and the improvement of the present for the hope of the future.
Love never ends and never fails because it will not give up and it will not be discouraged even in the face of the contrary. Many things will fail and cease but love will not. Love is the most powerful thing we can take with us when we die. Unconditional love is and always will be eternal.
Without love it would be impossible for people to live together in homes, in towns or cities and countries. Love is the essential clue that bonds people together and keeps them strong and united. Without unconditional love, division and separation is inevitable. Division is caused by strife and strife comes from unforgiveness and lack of acceptance. Not to forgive is to live in the illusion of strife and negativity of many descriptions. When we learn to forgive we side with love.
Love has no opposite, but the evil appears to be an opposing force to love and of coarse hate or indifference and it’s accompanying resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness can appear to block God's love. Unforgiveness leads to judgment of others and judgment leads to manifestations like attacking, accusations, condemnation, finding fault and attempting to lay guilt are manifestations of judgments that are made in the heart of a person.
Even complaining is a judgment against circumstances or situations which in turn is against God, or against other people, and not being satisfied with something that is presently happening in our lives. We can learn to be content in all situations in life. This will allow peace to flow in our being.
The bible says that if we judge others, we judge ourselves. The bible tells us to judge not, less we be judged. We are encouraged not to lay judgment on others as judgment will come back on us for our failures and shortcomings. This is a spiritual law that cannot be broken and is built on universal law.
In the bible there are spiritual laws, just as there are physical laws in the so called natural world. It is far more important to follow the spiritual laws than to follow the physical laws of our universe. Laws of the physical world will keep us physically safe, but laws of the spiritual world will keep us spiritually safe, if we will choose to line up with these laws.
We would not think of ignoring the spiritual law of gravity and jump off a high place as we can certainly trust in knowing the result. Yet people break spiritual laws every day that are just as deadly and even more so in some cases. Unforgiveness over a period of time can cause all kinds of sickness and disease if it is not dealt with and resolved. Hatred, bitterness, resentment and many other negative emotions and resultant actions can do the same. Dis-ease in our minds and emotions will cause disease in our bodies.
Emotions are energy in motion and is very powerful in making things happen in circumstances and situations of life, ourselves and to others in this world. When we direct our emotions, through our minds, we co-create with God in our world. We co-create by either miss-qualifying or qualifying the pure energy of God flowing through us.
God wants us as His people to walk in love, acceptance and forgiveness one towards the other and to live in harmony and unity. We will need to learn and understand these things to live together with Him in heavenly places. There is no negativity in heaven, so we cannot bring it with us, it must be released and left behind. Any attachments or addictions to the earth will keep us from ascending to God and heaven.
Giving is an expression of generosity, which is and expression of love, one toward another. Love desires to give to others, especially those that have less than ourselves. The needs of others is a very dominant part of love and over powers other negative emotional influences like greed, selfishness, indifference, jealousy and envy that so often keep people from giving and are actions of our ego’s, when we give them too much power in our lives.
The bible says that God loves a cheerful giver and it says to give and it will in turn be given to us. Giving and sharing is what God is about and He would love us to be giving as well. We are Gods hand extended, here on earth, if we indeed choose to be. Giving is a part of living in God's eternal river of life and we can do this, right here on earth. This is called the abundant life but is not about money, it is the wealth of our souls.
Giving is from the heart and needs to be totally voluntary and not under force, expectation or guilt. Giving should spring from a desire to see someone else better off than they are or better off than we ourselves are, by us contributing to the need. Giving can involve the giving of time, effort, resources and money. It can involve spiritual, mental, emotional, physical or financial support and help in the time of need.
God loves everyone equally and does not love some people more than others, however some of his people can be more pleasing to Him than others. Some people learn more of what God is trying to teach them and therefore can be more pleasing to Him but He loves others just as much, even if their totally lost in selfishness.
In the bible Jesus talks about the two sons of a landowner and making the comparison to the relationship between God and ourselves. He said that the one son said that he would do work in the field, but later changes his mind and did not do it. The other son said that he would not work in the field, but later changed his mind and did work in the field. Jesus then asked the question, who was pleasing to the father and they answered, the one that actually did the work, and He said your right, go and do likewise.
It is not the people who are talking about pleasing God, that actually are pleasing Him, it is the ones that are not necessarily talking about pleasing Him, but in their actions actually are, whether they are conscious of it or not. Religion would hate this concept but there is no partiality with God, everyone obtains in the same way. Everyone needs to self correct and become whole. We as humans will decide how long this process will take.
The bible says that things are completely reverse of what we would think or assess in our estimation. It says that those who we think will be first, will in fact be last and those who we think will be last, will in fact be first with what they have attained. We cannot judge this process in others, we do not have the capability, but we can judge and self correct ourselves.
In essence, the plain truth is that the people in this world that are the most popular with people, will be the least the furthest away from God and those people that are the least popular with people are in fact, the most pleasing to God. The bible says that the greatest among us will be the servant of all or be the greatest giver and the least selfish among us. These people will not stand out in popularity or recognition, but will most likely be unnoticed by the ego system of this world. There is no display in these people, only humility, surrender and love. The greatest among us, in the eyes of God, are the least recognized, the least noticed and the least in the eyes of people on this planet.
If you want to be the greatest among us, then be the servant of all and the perfect reflection of Gods love in this world. You will not be popular here but you will be recognized and appreciated in heaven, this is where we need to store up our treasures, where they are safe, from those who try to take heaven by force through ownership and attachments.
Unconditional love will never fail, weather it is sent out by God or sent out by us. When we choose to send out unconditional love, we are true sons and daughters of our Father in heaven.
Ask God, He will help you to attain this unconditional love, that is the greatest of all.
Chapter 32
Every human being on planet earth has been made in God's image, has the spirit of God within them and in fact are all from the same God source. God made reproductions of himself and we are the resultant product of His creation. We are all spirit sparks, from the original God being of light.
We are all one, weather we like to accept it, weather we do accept it, or weather we would like to believe it at all. Not believing it will not change anything, it will just stunt our own personal growth and lower the affect that we can have on the planet and other people.
There are two most important spiritual concepts that dark entities do not want you to know. The first is, the kingdom of God is within you and the second is that we are all one. If dark beings can get us to believe that God is on the outside of us, it will diminish our power and effect. In addition they want to keep us divided and separate, this will keep the power of God within us, from igniting. If God is on the outside of us, we are viewing Him as an idol and we will be convinced that we cannot follow.
We are all connected in spirit, from inside of us, as well as being directly connected to God our source. Individually we all impact the mass consciousness of human beings on planet earth. The mass consciousness of human beings on earth is the collective consciousness of all humans on the planet. We are all connected in this process of God's energy, to either benefit the whole of creation or hinder the whole of creation, depending weather we choose to qualify or miss-qualify the pure energy of God that is given to us.
The great purpose for us to be here on Planet Earth is to learn to love one another, respect one another and to get along with one another and to live in positive unity or harmony. This is not a small task as we live with the influence of dark forces that we must continually overcome daily in our lives. We can do powerful things on earth when we are united as one in unity.
All hell will try to prevent this unity or harmony, knowing full well that that is one of God's greatest objectives for us to accomplish here on Earth. All the negative spirits of darkness are designed to prevent this positive unity among people. They use separation, division and strife to keep us from uniting.
To bring unity to this world, we would need to learn how to see other people, and ourselves, in the immaculate concept. This would enable us to look at other people, see past the negative-ego display and see the God spirit inside other people and ourselves, that is patiently waiting to come out and to be allowed to have dominion in our souls, our minds, our emotions, our bodies and our world. When this happens, unity of people will follow and become a natural result.
All people on this planet have been born as a baby, taught about people and life from beings of low consciousness, trained by beings short of full knowledge, raised up by beings that do not know why they are here on the planet or what they need to accomplish while they are here. Babies instinctively know how to give and share, they are then usually taught by adults to horde though ownership and look after number one, themselves.
However, deep inside of our being where our spirit is, the wisdom, knowledge and abilities to do all things is present and ready to act at our beckoning call and has the willingness to cooperate with the real truth of what life is about and why we are all here on planet earth.
There is negative or destructive unity of people such as mafia or street gangs and drug smugglers or any organized crime. This unity is designed to promote negative activity that is designed to destroy some people for the apparent benefit of other people. The love and unity can be a positive thing, but the result can be a negative thing, because the love is only amongst a few and it is conditional love rather than unconditional love that is the other key to unity. The love in these crime groups is conditional on performance or hate dominates and then they will even destroy their own. In these cases love is conditional and unity is also conditional. God's love is unconditional.
We are all connected in spirit, by the spirit of God as being part of his original creation, we are only pretending to be separate or acting like we are separate from other people. Separation is only an illusion of the mind created by our egos to keep us from the truth and unity.
Someone actually owning a piece of land or property, or anything is this world, is an illusion of the mind. People think it is theirs because they paid money for it, and it is recognized by other people. We do not own land on this earth in reality, it all belongs to God and we are caretakers of this land. Think about it, what does money mean to God and can you really impress God with your wealth and money when you meet him.
People sometimes feel that they only need to love and respect family and friends and that they do not need to love other people that they have not met or do not know well. This is just being short sited and not able to realize that we are all connected by the same father and are actually all brothers and sisters and all have originated from the same source or cut from the same cloth. You do not have to believe it, you have free will, but if you don't, you will not benefit by having the knowledge and internalizing it.
God is teaching us to love, accept and forgive one another as it is the only possible way to live in unity, of which we are destined to be able to attain, if we are to live together in eternal or heavenly dwellings forever. It is impossible to live together in peace without love and unity. Without love and unity we will all self-destruct along with planet earth.
Ideas, beliefs, concepts, doctrines, religions, denominations, churches, directions, organizations, governments can all be used to separate people one from another. Anything that separates God’s people one from another is not from Him. These separations are only created in people’s minds but do not truly exist. It is only perceived divisions and separations; they are not real and will ultimately not last.
Giving from a pure heart is a part of true unity and to learn to give, is one of the highest attributes that we can obtain in this life and can be one of the most difficult to attain. The bible says that we should give and it will in turn be given to us. What we send out in the universe, will in turn be returned to us by the universe, or the Kingdom of God.
When we were very young, giving is easy and very natural. At that young age we gave and shared with everyone liberally without hesitation. We learn giving and sharing in kinder garden when we start school. Giving and sharing is an easy thing and it feels good.
Then when we begin to get older, our egos kick in and one day we go to give and we realize that when we give something away, we are going to have less for ourselves. It becomes clear that when we give one of our 5 candies away we will only have 4 left for ourselves. This begins our first battle with selfishness and it will continue the rest of our lives on this planet. From that time on in our lives when we consider giving we will also consider our loss.
There is never any loss in giving, when we give to others we are giving to ourselves as we are all one body in God. When we help to strengthen one part of the body of God, we help strengthen the whole body. This is why Jesus said "when you do it unto the least of these, my brothers, you do it unto me". We could say the same thing as Jesus, "if we do it unto even the least of people, we do it unto ourselves."
Jesus told us to build up our treasures in Heaven, where they can not be lost, rather than building treasures on earth that are only temporary. True treasures are built in our heavenly bank accounts, not on earth. Ownership is an ego illusion, does not truly exist, only in the minds of people. We are only caretakers here, we cannot own it, and our money will not do us much good in heaven.
From a young age then our supernatural love, compassion and desire to help will then have to over power our perceived natural losses. Spiritual law say's, when we give freely we will receive freely from the universe, others and from life which will be a definite gain and not a loss. A gain spiritually can sometimes seem as a loss physically. The losses are only perceived in our minds anyway, as God or the universe will give us more when we are willing to love and share with others.
Dark beings will show us how to be as wise as a serpent, cunning and lie, deceive, cheat and steel from others as long as we are willing to be selfish and horde the wealth and not to give it away to others. They will help us go down the road to selfishness if we will choose it. They want us to self-destruct and are willing to help us get there. They are heading for self-destruction and they will take as many people with them, as they possibly can.
It has been said by experts that there is enough wealth, food, clothing and shelter etc, in the world to have every person on the planet supplied with enough of everything for their basic needs. Why hasn’t this taken place on earth. Why hasn't all of the needs of people on the planet been supplied. Why do people not share their wealth.
Greed and selfishness, hordes wealth, money or things and stores them up for themselves for the future. This is caused by the basic fear of lack or loss. When we die and leave this planet and are in the kingdom of heaven, having lots of money in the bank, savings or pension plans, property, toys etc, on earth will not mean much at that time. When we loved, were kind, gave to others freely and helped the human race to go up higher by helping an individual to climb higher will be important for unity and eternal purposes.
You won’t impress God with property or money because you didn’t own it in the first place, it was only in your mind. The God within you will be looking at love, relationships, kindness and what we have done to others or given to others, negative or positive. We all, in the end will judge ourselves on these matters, what we did and what we need to do to balance all things.
Be prepared to be your own judge and be prepared to watch your whole life here on planet earth appear to be viewed by you and other heavenly beings, but God will not judge you, you will be your own judge. You have two beautiful color cameras, two amazing ears to record everything in video and sound as well as thinking, motivation and intent.
The only things that will count then is the love that we have, the love that we gave to others that was expressed through the giving of time, money or needed things to others. Love that isn’t expressed, some how, is like having a car without wheels. It may look good but it will not go anywhere or do anyone any good. Love in action is the only real love that is able to change the world for the better.
We concentrate on families to make sure that our kids and if it were possible other relatives or even maybe friends all have enough of what they need in life, and we should. The thing we miss out on so often is that we are all relatives, in that we all have the same creator. We are our brothers keeper and we all have a responsibility to one another to ensure that everyone on this planet has enough of what they need. Governments can do more, but they cannot do it all, it takes everyone together to make it all possible. Governments need to be pushed by the people, to do the right thing.
We spend multi millions and billions on our countries defense systems while millions of people in our own country and worldwide are hungry, without proper clothing or shelter. It is said that on a world scale, if you make over $200 dollars a month you are classified as being wealthy on planet earth. Even people on social assistance in North American Countries are classified as wealthy, on a world measuring scale.
As free wealthy nations, we have responsibilities that come with that wealth. We have obviously lost our sense of responsibility, our love and compassion has gone cold and our senses have been dulled by prosperity to the point where we can actually ignore the cries and suffering of others. Are we mad, do we think there will be no reckoning or balancing, do we think that God cannot see, do we think we are alone and will answer to no one. But rather let us move into these situations with love and compassion and meet these needs of our brethren and be counted among the ones who were like the Good Samaritan in the bible, who gave of his substance to help relieve the suffering of another, perhaps a stranger. A stranger is just a friend that we haven't met yet.
To give to others makes us feel good inside and helps us to feel better about ourselves and helps improve our self-esteem and our worthiness and the immediate benefits are good but the future benefits are even better. The truth, in fact is, to give is not a loss at all, but a gain for ourselves, this life and the eternal, that will never be taken away, but will be recorded in the eternal archives forever.
The bible says to store up our treasures in heaven, where it will not rust or disintegrate like it does here on Earth. It will be deposited to our eternal heavenly bank accounts to draw on when we have needs in the future of our lives here and for all of eternity in heavenly realms. If we try to hold on to what we have we are in danger of losing it all. The bible says that if we try to hold on to “our” lives we will lose them, but if we give up our lives for God and exercise his principles towards others we will save our lives forever.
We will walk with Him in heavenly dwellings forever to be with the Lord. We will live with one another in love, harmony and unity forever. The bible says that eye’s have not seen, neither ears heard what God has in store for us. If we had one short glimpse of heavenly realms, we would not want to be here on earth, even one more day.
Chapter 33
The new revelation for planet earth
Planet earth, over many thousands of years has experienced many changes, developments, transformations and cycles of human existence. The earth had to grow large, has been in existence for a very long time, maybe millions and billions of years before the introduction of man. In this time period the earth was being prepared to support life. When this period was completed and all the balances were stable, only then was man introduced on the planet.
Before the bible recorded anything, the earth went through many years of preparation for the creation of life in the physical form. Since then souls volunteered to be sent here to inhabit the earth for the purpose of expanding Gods kingdom on earth and raising earth to the spiritual level, as heaven is today. People, in the beginning were connected to God directly and spiritually, did what was good or profitable in their own estimation or in their own level of consciousness. They could grow from their present state of consciousness to a higher one.
Evil spirits or dark forces destroyed or self destructed another planet and fled to earth. Their plan was to also self-destruct planet earth. To destroy people and the earth they would need to deceive and control the human beings on planet earth and entice people to develop destructive thinking, feeling and as a result actions. If dark forces could amass enough people and enticed them into their negative spiral, they could eventually cause the self-destruction of planet earth as well.
Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was symbolic to their turning away from their spiritual teacher and actually hiding from God and spiritual light. As a result people became separated from God and lost sight of their spirituality and forgot who they really were. They forgot that they were spiritual beings having an earthy experience rather than an earthly being possibly having the odd spiritual experience.
People then created their egos to replace God as they were becoming fearful and feeling inadequate, vulnerable and heading towards a low self image. The egos then provided self-image and direction in life but it was contrary to Gods divine plans for our lives. God gave people the freedom of choice or free will and he would not take it back. The earthy souls would have to make their way back home to spirituality on their own, by eventually overcoming this created ego and connecting back to God, their original source of spirituality and who they really were, as spiritual beings.
Following their egos now people began to think and do things that were destructive to themselves and others. The human race was then on a self- destructive coarse. As a result of many years of destructive behavior, the world became very wicked and people began to hate one another and were destroying one another, living in sin, sexual sin was out of control, strife and disunity was everywhere, murder and destruction were out of control. People on earth were generally on a downward spiral. People became lovers of pleasure or earthy things rather than lovers of God or spiritual things.
The kingdom of God could see that there was no possibility of restoring or changing the situation that man kind descending into, a lower state of consciousness, so He repented of making these souls or man and he allowed it to self destruct and destroy itself. The negativity and darkness of man, caused the earth to release a natural disaster in the form of a flood, that destroyed all of mankind.
To start over from the very beginning again would be a long painful process, but it was considered. There was however another possibility if God could find the right people for the task. God looked for spiritually inclined people, that were not caught in the pleasures of this physical world.
There was one family, the family of NOAH, who were righteous people and reverenced God and loved their fellow man and did what was profitable while living in a situation that was very wrong and out of control. But Noah and his family stayed true to God and to what was righteous and acceptable.
God decided to save NOAH and his family and use them to save the animal species that existed in that known region at that time and start over. God instructed NOAH and his family to build a great ship, for themselves, and the animals to take them to safety, when the flood came. God knew that the people would mock NOAH and his family, wouldn’t believe that the flood was coming and so the plan would work.
After the flood, NOAH and his family began to repopulate the earth and a new era began in the history of the earth. After the great flood, they started over, living in caves and repopulating the earth.
Later on God chose Abraham, because of his faith and commitment to God and spiritual life. He developed the Hebrew or Jewish nation from him and continually demonstrated His love for man but they continually rejected God and still most generally reject Jesus and his teaching today.
The Jewish nation accepted the old testament of the bible but generally refused to accept the new testament of the bible. The old testament was at a time in the history of the world that men were at a very low state of consciousness and assumed that God was the same way that they were, judgmental, revengeful, dealing out retribution for errors and mistakes of mankind.
They even thought that God was in favor or killing people, even woman and children as well as animals. These things were all fashioned around their low consciousness, they saw God as mean and judgmental when his laws were broken. In fact they were worshiping a false God that they had created in their own minds and not the real God. How could God be a loving, kind and compassionate God and still be in favor of these awful things, it doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t add up. It doesn’t make sense because it isn’t true. The false God that they worshiped was represented by their false image of God.
Jesus then came and showed the world who God really was, loving, compassionate, kind, forgiving, giving, non judgmental and not at all the ferocious, condemning and judgmental God that their forefathers represented that he was. Jesus said “ when you see me, you have seen the father”. God does not judge any of us, but we will eventually judge ourselves. Jesus refused to judge anyone for anything and rebuked His disciples when they desired to judge.
The only times that Jesus was accusing or condemning, was when he cursed the fig tree as a lesson in producing fruit in our lives, and when he confronted the religious community and their hypocrisy and their disregard for the pure truth. Evil had this religious community in their grasp and Jesus knew that their only hope in coming out of it, was to see it for what it really was in truth. If they refused to change they would bring their own judgment upon them.
The new-testament was then built on this new understanding of God, that Jesus represented, of who God really was, what he was really like and what he was really about. Many people, however were very reluctant to let go of their previous beliefs, they had become attached to their erroneous beliefs. Any proposed change made them angry and they eventually killed Jesus to silence the truth.
After the resurrection of Jesus, he won the right to release the holy spirit of God onto the earth to assist people with the new revealed Gospel of truth. Jesus released the new-testament holy spirit who came to the apostles in tongues of fire at Pentecost and they brought it to the world and this became the period known as the New Testament of the bible.
Jesus was not pleased with the progress of man kind since he came to earth 2000 years previous and showed people a better way. He did not want to be raised up as an icon of worship, knowing that this approach would make people feel more inadequate and unworthy and make it more difficult for people to follow him. Jesus said he was our older brother showing us a better way so that we could follow his leading into spiritual mastery, knowing that we had the same spirit of the father in us as he had within him when he was here. Evil wanted us to believe that Jesus was above us and out of our reach of attainment.
His sacrifice and death on the cross gave him the legal right (according to universal law) to carry our sins and to block the sins or karma that we have created since the beginning of our many lives on this planet right up to the year 2000. Now this karma is being released again to return to us and we will see the rise in this karma effect world-wide as it returns to the creators of it on earth, collectively as well as individually.
In the spring of 1999, in a meeting with some friends, two angels came through the wall in the house, appeared to me in the room, both angels standing there, looking at me with their arms folded and saying nothing. They had a very calm and pleasant look on their faces and saying nothing just stood in front of me.
I was a little confused, as to why they were there and as I was thinking to myself they sent thoughts to me telepathically, and I said oh you have a message for me, from God. The angels smiled, knotted their heads in agreement. Then just as quickly the message came, from them that said “from this time forward, begin to pray after this manner, “Lord your people need you, please come to your people". In addition I was admonished, by the angels, to teach people to pray in the same way.
My immediate thoughts were, this short prayer was pretty simple. There must be more to what the angels are telling me. I was searching for something profound or world changing in content, as I had that type of feeling or sense.
Suddenly, very quickly, and with a blast of power, the angels said very emphatically, “ do not take this lightly “ and then they took me back to the birth of Jesus and said the message that we gave to the shepherds in the field, was the birth of Jesus and also the message was “peace on earth and good will towards men”, or live in peace and love one another. The angels said that the Christmas message was also simple but it was profound and rang throughout the ages, and we still recognize and sing those words every Christmas.
The angels said again “do not take this lightly, this is the largest world changing news, since the birth of Christ, the Lord is releasing a new anointing on planet earth and it is vitally important at this time, that people on earth invite Him to empower their lives and to grow spiritually into this new age on planet earth. It is also vitally important that people pray for one another, that God will come and bless them. It is always more powerful to pray for someone else, than it is to pray for ourselves, but both are needed and very effective. Every prayer is always heard and answered.
About two weeks later I was in another meeting with some people in a meeting when these words began to come to me and I began to realize that it was a song. As the words came to me, I wrote them down on paper and later realized that it was a song. The chorus of the song contained the same message that the angels had delivered to me two weeks earlier.
The following is the actual song that was given to me.
Lord your people need you , please come to your people
Enough is enough the work is done, it’s time to gather everyone
( 1st verse)
Your people have been hurt , your people have been wounded
Your people have been separate and alone, they have been but a stone
(2nd verse)
Your people have been down trodden, your people have been used
Your people have been mistreated, your people have been abused
(3rd verse)
Your people have been deceived, your people have been grieved
Your people have been seasoned, your people have been destroyed
(4th verse)
You gather that which is yours, you are gathering your people
Your spirit is unifying your people, Lord the end of the age is near.
The chorus of the song is the revelation and message given by the angels to encourage people to pray for the release of God’s new anointing to His people everywhere and to His people on planet earth in general.
The Lord is encouraging His people everywhere to pray for the continual release of His new anointing, the violet flame, for them, for their families and friends and acquaintances and or all the people they come into contact with on planet earth and for the mass consciousness of the people of the world in general. All of us as people can become part of this great plan for the enlightenment and raising the consciousness of the people of planet earth.
We should begin to pray individually and in groups for this new anointing of the violet flame to be released. This anointing I later discovered was in the form of an actual violet colored flame, which is the highest vibration of all colors in the color spectrum. It was released to be used world wide in the year 2000 and is available to all who ask for it, in their lives and the lives of others on planet earth.
This age of the new-testament continued until the year 2000 when the world began a new dispensation of the violet flame. This violet flame, if we consciously call upon it for ourselves and others, can and will eliminate past karma, past sin or past negative actions and mistakes, whether we created it in this life or in other previous lives. It will also do the same for others.
We are entering a new dispensation of time, new higher levels of vibrational energy, wisdom, knowledge, revelation and power is being released to earth in a magnitude unparalleled in the history of the world. Even higher life intelligences in the universe are sending us higher levels of energy in the form of a higher intensity of colors from distant stars, we can see visibly at night, world wide. We are living in a time where it will be very easy to advance and mature spiritually as long as we are willing to acknowledge God and to acknowledge and believe in His spiritual kingdom on earth and that this kingdom of God is within us and that we are all one.
On earth we now have the privilege of advancing spiritually at an accelerated pace, that has never been given to any other generation in the history of the world. We as people should take this very seriously and capitalize on this tremendous gift and opportunity, that has been bestowed upon this present generation on the earth.
If we, the people of the world, take full advantage of this gift, the people of the world and the world itself will be changed dramatically forever. This positive change will be easy to witness in the lives of people and in our continually changing world as well as positive changes on the earth and in nature itself and lessen or eliminate earthly natural disasters.
Together as a mass we are capable of ascending into the spirit, helping our planet to ascend and stop all of the self-destruction in people and in our planet.
We are all God's, we are all connected, we are all one. God is exploring himself through us all. The same inner divine spirit, that keeps us all alive, keeps our hearts pumping, our brains working, gives energy to all of us to contact the physical realm, is in fact God created energy.
We all have a steady stream of pure energy coming into us to allow us to be a living being. As humans we are very unique, in that we all have self awareness, the same as God. Other life on the planet is very much alive, but do not have self awareness, only beings made in God's image, have self awareness. We all know that we are alive, and we were all given the awareness of God. We can deny this awareness, but only temporarily. The truth will eventually all come to the surface and be recognized.
Our sense of identity, will eventually develop into full God awareness, absolute truth, the concept of oneness or the Kingdom of God is within you, the concept of wholeness and the understanding of perfection.
We will all eventually discover who we really are, where we all came from, and where we are really going. We can take as long as we want, the choice is always ours in the universal law of free will.
We are one, amen!
The Violet Flame Decree
The following is a VIOLET FLAME DECREE that was given to me by revelation from God. I offer it here, at the end of the book, for anyone who would like to begin to change their world and the world around them, change people's lives and planet earth and even the universe. Giving this decree every day, or even better twice a day, for yourself and for others, will change your life and the lives of others around you. The VIOLET FLAME OR VIOLET FIRE is a very powerful tool for this GOLDEN AGE OF AQUARIOUS that started in the year 2000.
The violet flame is not new on the earth, people just have not understood it. In the bible it was Moses burning bush and pillar of fire, the Prophet Elijah used it on occasion, and it appeared as tongues of fire at Pentecost. Small groups and secret societies have had the violet flame for centuries. It is a powerful tool, and it is entrusted to us individually. In the wrong hands and used with the wrong motives, it can be self-destructive so it needs to be reverenced and appreciated by those who use it. It is spiritual recognition, understanding and power.
The violet fire has the ability to transform and transmute all negative energies and entities and all manner of dark beings. It is the fire of mercy, the fire of grace, the fire of freedom, the fire of forgiveness, the fire of restoring youth, dissipates sickness and disease, and it actually eliminates returning karma that we have created in previous lives on the planet. The flame will heal psychological problems, mental and emotional problems, as well as physical. It will transform the hold that dark energies have over us, blocking us from contacting God or receiving from God, or becoming aware of our purpose for being here, or becoming aware of who we really are and what we are really capable of doing. The flame will allow us to raise our energy vibrations and that of the planet. We can then function as true beings of light and love, without all of the negative influences.
This will not happen against our wills, but will happen as we are willing to give up negative or destructive thinking, feeling and actions and ask for and allow the violet flame to transform you into higher levels of consciousness or vibration. With our cooperation this flame will dissipate all of our negative thoughts and feelings like pride, ego, arrogance, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, jealousy, and all manner of violent behavior towards ourselves and others. The violet flame angels will bring any missing soul parts back to us, from people, places and hell itself. They will remove these soul parts from the manipulation of dark entities and return them to you after healing and cleansing.
With our willingness to make use of the violet flame, we can help hold off and even eliminate natural disasters, earth events of mass destruction, nuclear threats and battles between light and dark. We can bring global peace to each other and the earth. Obviously, the more people using the violet flame, the more effect it will have on the mass consciousness of planet earth.
When you give this decree, imagine the VIOLET FIRE going out to where you send it. When you see it in your minds eye, it will in fact be there doing what you sent it to do. Our imaginations are a very powerful tool that has been given us. Be careful not to minimize that. When you see it, it is there, when you see it working, it is working. It all happens according to your faith level or belief system.
See the violet fire going out to people, places and things, healing and restoring people and our planet. See it all around the earth raising the energy and consciousness of all people and the earth itself. Send the violet flame to family, friends and anyone that needs it, to heal them and any situations or circumstances that need to be changed into light.
Dare to put your confidence in this powerful spiritual tool designed for the Aquarian or golden Age, to set all people free to be.
The following is the decree given to me by divine revelation….
Oh Violet fire we send you forth
- To the south, east, west and north
- Disarming darkness in their plans
- Sweeping through the waiting lands
- Lifting people to their best
- Bringing souls to perfect rest
- Raise the earth to your real sight
- Sending all to pure delight
We love the people of the earth, with unconditional loving birth,
To see them pure in their true self, the immaculate concept will truly help,
To lift them to the heights unknown, returning back, the seeds they’ve sown,
Filling heaven’s bank account, with lovely treasures on the mount
Fulfilling every true desire, feeling pure divine inspire,
Taking all to safety’s home, above the clattering aimless roam.
- Oh Violet fire we send you forth
- To the south, east, west and north
- Disarming darkness in their plans
- Sweeping through the waiting lands
- Lifting people to their best
- Bringing souls to perfect rest
- Raise the earth to your real sight
- Sending all to pure delight
We love you, fire, earth, water and sky; we bless you for the selfless try-
To raise the conscious mind of all, and answer back the heavenly call -
To be the person up above, down here below just like a dove-
To lift our world into it’s place, in living beauty and abounding grace-
To roll ahead the loss of time, redeem perfection that is fine-
Restore all matter to the best, and set all things unto their rest-
- Oh Violet fire we send you forth
- To the south, east, west and north
- Disarming darkness in their plans
- Sweeping through the waiting lands
- Lifting people to their best
- Bringing souls to perfect rest
- Raise the earth to your real sight
- Sending all to pure delight
We love the universe, galaxies and stars, the suns and planets, even mars -
We bless them with our richest dreams, and send our love in shining beams -
We see them in their perfect state, in God’s world for all our sake
We send them all restoring power, to take advantage of the hour -
We see their glory in the night, we see them shining sparkly bright -
Displaying God’s abundant glory, telling all the Divine story-
- Oh Violet fire we send you forth
- To the south, east, west and north
- Disarming darkness in their plans
- Sweeping through the waiting lands
- Lifting people to their best
- Bringing souls to perfect rest
- Raise the earth to your real sight
- Sending all to pure delight
Other universes we love you too, we look forward to meeting you-
We’re sure your glory is just as fine, as you are fashioned in our kind-
We bless your progress on the path, we see you in the cosmic bath -
You all must be a wonderful being, when in the light your truly seeing-
The wonders of the truth unfold, the platinum, silver and the gold -
We will join when it is time, the bride will all begin to dine-
- Oh Violet fire we send you forth
- To the south, east, west and north
- Disarming darkness in their plans
- Sweeping through the waiting lands
- Lifting people to their best
- Bringing souls to perfect rest
- Raise the earth to your real sight
- Sending all to pure delight
Oh central sun, we love you most, for you are the essence and the host,
Where would we be, without your care, confusion would be everywhere?
Were glad your power is supreme, we´ve seen your goodness, in our dream,
Help us find our way through time, give us the clear, bright beacon sign,
For we surrender to your grace, help keep us, ever in our place,
Your will is forefront in our mind, save the people, who are blind,
Use us in the righteous way, were with you now, and here to stay,
Lets, work as one, your Kingdom Come, your perfect will, it will be done.
- Oh Violet fire we send you forth
- To the south, east, west and north
- Disarming darkness in their plans
- Sweeping through the waiting lands
- Lifting people to their best
- Bringing souls to perfect rest
- Raise the earth to your real sight
- Sending all to pure delight