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Monday, January 5, 2009



BLAINE LEFEBVRE                                 EMAIL 
PRESIDENT                            WEB SITE FOR CHARITY FOUNDATION -                 WWW.THECNP.ORG     




I began writing this book in 1995. I have been on my spiritual journey for 35 Years. In this time I have never seen or experienced any religion, church or organization, that had spiritual balance or was actually based on real truth. I could see that religions, that claimed to know the truth, never really knew the truth themselves. You cannot teach something you do not know. People in religions, churches etc. were not any better off than any other people, in fact they were mostly in worse condition, than the people they were attempting to help. In all religions and churches there is some truth, but rarely in the right balance. People in general seemed to be floundering in life.

I started writing this book as I searched for the real truth about God and His Kingdom and how it all relates to man and his present condition. This book is my journey into real spiritual truth, and not only truth, but truth in the proper balance. This truth is available to everyone who desires it and searches after it, without discrimination. I discovered that because of unconditional love, God wants all of us to know the real truth.

My intention was to first help myself to find real truth and then be in a place where I could help others. I wanted to know how the world really worked. I consistently seen people struggling in life, and I believed that if we, as people, knew the truth about the world, what was really happening, what the world was really about, why we were here, the real questions of life on earth, we could all do better and rise to a higher place in life.

This book was written to help people, who had no religious or spiritual training, those who had religious or spiritual training, but not in the right balance of truth, and for those who thought that they knew it all, but had missed the essence of what the spiritual path or journey is really about. And to help some people, who think that they do not want God in their life at all. This condition is based on misperceptions, as many decisions that people make, are based on the ignorance of not knowing.

I don't claim to have the whole truth, or know it all, just the ability to help people come up higher on the path of life. As people, or souls of God, we will never know it all, we will always be learning and expanding our level of consciousness forever. Even God himself, continually expands and transcends Himself continually, and so do we. The universe is expanding, not contracting.
I pray that this book will help people to see that there is always a better way and it is well worth the time to find out what life is really about and how we can transcend our present state of existence and become all that we can be in this precious thing called life on this planet. Life and free will are gifts from God, and His intention was that we would enjoy it to the fullest and truly have abundant life in this world of form. However, Gods abundant life, is not about money.
Obtaining material things in this world is nice, God truly wants us to have these things, but that is not what life is really about. We can become addicted and attached to this world of form, and this will keep us separated from God. Life is not so much about what we attain, as it is about what we are willing to give up. We have created these attachments to this world of form for many lifetimes, now we need to de-create them, and return to God. We came here to give to the world, not to take from it.

I pray that everyone on planet earth would find the highest way possible to fulfillment their divine plan for this life, find true happiness and fulfillment, and the highest spiritual attainment. This is Gods will for all human beings on earth.

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